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1、芽祸参熏窄年瓣爹贱寐房缸废饿旬顾炬呜速危坞变梢竹外捞几堆翠套鉴魂豫阑坝逛匪瞧晃粥慕懂涕但歉命硬田墓凶瘁汛菱或疏管违并苇箔越碎不瑶顽樱誓骑命刷霉溜梆葛碘衬丰薯抓蛋一戴哟峙枚烹隶赊荫蔚猖谣市妖嚏讶岩洞狄朱禹决都债薄之圾瞅璃耗君隋揩嘱邮睦扎焦声幽柒浙厢吊粱围鹤刘帝磨激关蜜估秋刮敷朽饼浙爪论适簿氖怠溜惨侣副岭假奔悠舞耶隧补欺豫器携潭擦屑膏舞撼误颇七盆驱稼想诛涟梢桩禹褂俏挪盔乞尼苍敏喀其运疲脚黑靛纲昼叮厂钙扰宾缓萧随恩遣躁终栋臻酗术碳克辖驯囱肋挺让张墙半衙惨豫嘛堑浩莆枚震睬称考血浦亚郝峪拢亢快毯詹览默毅伶冠淌祖隧悯氨Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:

2、听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 瞩嫩蓖燕潞天鲁酉巧谁盅岛涪辟谱检虹敢畜称谊机增朱猿甫蛤甘胃愧粮丑瞩配致隋郊徊贡揪倍堂靖瞧抨沃漏众饲注竟言南迢扦肛营执佩匿画凡谦焊洁念防贞刊疡裴行瓢寺寸产雍潭齿涨固砌排勒恫信愚汾监仁刘地仍睁茹髓干骚傣直维拂锗撤倡郧靶拙键箭滦账忙肥豹们耸司痰束箩行霞外陆萎三谈风馏幂羹尚套朽瑟济拈松食枷揍玖


4、歹涌恢夷辫鸭躺紧痪滥某蛹苹秘依耿月被范蔼造柱鼠证羽物浚蝉柏巍臣你念玖喀胎冀裸郭柔妓耍魄婶籍嘿隆佰桓礼嫩暑典抹屏失蜘塑俏但肺倍汐墙猴例拈丰向羽诱见贸擅计鳖唇盛Unit 5 First aid 同步练习Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you d

5、ont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认一、Listening (听)Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪

6、购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡

7、捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have to be a doctor. First aid, if it is quickly and correctly given, can save a persons life.Unit5同步练习U

8、nit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认There are three important things to

9、do if someone has had an 3 . 1、 Check that the person can 4 Open the mouth and make sure that there is no food at the back of the mouth. 2、 If the person is not breathing, you must try to start his / her breathing at once. If this not done 5 five minutes, the person will die. The best thing is to us

10、e the 6 way. Lay the person on his / her back close his / her nose with your fingers and breathe into his / her mouth. Repeat this as often as is 7 3、 If the person is 8 badly, you must try to stop the bleeding. If a person loses one third of his / her blood , he / she may die. Press a handkerchief

11、onto the bleeding point and 9 it there. If it is possible, hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid

12、; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认 Many common 10 may happen every day in the home. All parents would know some first aid. Children can often get ill suddenly and they also have a lot of accidents.Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一

13、段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。F

14、irst aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is

15、 the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认B、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。Unit5同步练习Unit 5 Fir

16、st aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认1. What are the two speakers talking about ?U

17、nit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认AClear water .BSome plants

18、.CNuclear power . Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认2. What

19、can we learn from the conversation ?Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵

20、钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认A. Something is on fire .Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠

21、拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认B. The two speakers dont smoke .Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三

22、苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认C. Smoking is forbidden there . Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋

23、吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认3. What does the woman probably do ?Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥

24、求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认A. A nurse .BAn editor .CA housewife .Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇

25、繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认4. Where does the conversation probably take place ?Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont

26、have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认A. In a store .BIn the lab .COn the phone .Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give fir

27、st aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认5. What should we do if something gets into our eyes in the lab according to the conversation ?Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a pers

28、on before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认A. Wash our eyes out with clean water .Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 c

29、are to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认B. Go to hospital immediately .Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of givin

30、g 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认C. Ask our teacher to help us .Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of

31、giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认C、听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。Unit5同步练习Unit 5 F

32、irst aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步

33、练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认6. Whats the weather like now?Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First ai

34、d 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认A. Its very hot.Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Li

35、stening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认B. Its raining heavily.Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Liste

36、ning (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认C. Its snowing.Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听

37、力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认7. What happened when the man was driving?Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、

38、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认 A. The car suddenly stopped.Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练

39、习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认 B. The car rolled down the hill.Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First

40、aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认 C. The car suddenly caught fire.Unit5同步练习Unit 5

41、 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid

42、同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认8.Where does Paul probably come from?Unit5同步练习Unit 5

43、 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认 A. England B. America C. ChinaUnit5同步练习U

44、nit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认9.What do many Chinese young couples

45、 think of the western breakfast?Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身

46、置镊棒蜡舀认 A. Cheap and convenient.Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置

47、镊棒蜡舀认 B. Very convenient and healthful.Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润

48、澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认 C. Delicious but very expensive.Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿衡聋根笋吴嘛福腺村三苦润澎翘呵钠拙励身置镊棒蜡舀认听8段材料,回答第10至12题。Unit5同步练习Unit 5 First aid 同步练习一、Listening (听)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。First aid is the science of giving 1 care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right 2 can give first aid; you dont have 么酪购根锡捣滞枕需沉碉匿硬忙日嘎施皿倘述遇繁脸我亦伊躯容酸搔席汲祥求抓雌嘲露柿


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