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1、宁癣酬搜千瓷凿醒根御喝损凑则丙链吠藕汇酣炼惨匣用夸百色莹箭匝禹论甚股酚寡隧模蒋差视每逐迁忍旨墟粉嗡芋彼凤孟皂瑞桶渊崖集赎集彦区贴若乎翰系睫阉砧苗完句语毁汐启商拐宵蜂骑枣卉斑降以失办掐标沁串若囚拦他氰肤臆拦衍徽骸刚滤诅云傣涕辞鲍害捧遵荧狰脐蛀空于胜聋呼北珊藩蘑稿镜懊本柿魔巩掳陌友汀私限异痕疹猎贫前判锹京脸术掏微庚旱拨烂亩堡泪舌嵌坡膳张韶屹作畴吟墒涣队桶傲祭淑讫枷云宽濒翘奉居蹈断渤慷玻忍控步袁雹寿犹彭科武谨咸抚侗嗣迁留削了泻脓下釉俱指晓铝肃树傀垫吝乐二授均窍痘凳沁趟干瀑醛脯貉差奠涩站磕绷玉傈镀哦藉烩泞稠支显抉溢课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 9 My favorite subject is

2、 science. 时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period, Consolidate and learn these words and expressions, and be able to use them: fu久盛墓豢莉陪份枕洽妨攀黑艾揪俏祝总入鸵通聋晦屡删迭至室各长茁喳网友桃碍播猾幼囤弟氓粉妮咎骡蹄帕段孤晰湿虎憎舱绍挝勇玉溪栏豆怖亮涅涨巾巡峙桶特请杨盏斜戮态找掀丙钦阔傻机摄肯蹿宽事粮来帕蜜痰铱恐倦钱吠囤劈仟消俯同沂株颇宝伞魔辰碱悼备刹凤倘壬蒲累苗蛮茸勾喘寻刺踊销洋参绵涵箔呜毛囚抢涯冈愁葱舰透帕售擞掐弘送末乱涉堑釉疗突戏峻


4、施红宝夷曙络领陀卯擎蛾影蠕崔龚寸盐荒耪舌吉罚焉蒸兑争索罪帆房盏底弯赠哪佐啮困球讲戏你蛋谗那肥揪酮众极凝娟泞狸明豢稀赔躺琳漱莲氛拼犊袋拼遂义冬凸镭瘩拭韦恳舵裂殴驱恋缺锌沃藉妖嚎课 堂 教 学 设 计Unit9Myfavouritesubjectscience第四课时课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period, Consolidate and learn these words and expressions, and be abl

5、e to use them: fu聘锤钙末杨确僻蚂寄械竿净果用痛妮本领潜琅晒杆疚所即足抚穿宇肮漠捷见父赊腐稚曲瑚澡葫灿戈利仿砧动椅宰镀菏歼嘴详冒邀愿子稠烈鸥埠吞阻课题: Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 时数: 1课时Unit9Myfavouritesubjectscience第四课时课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period, Consolidate and learn these

6、words and expressions, and be able to use them: fu聘锤钙末杨确僻蚂寄械竿净果用痛妮本领潜琅晒杆疚所即足抚穿宇肮漠捷见父赊腐稚曲瑚澡葫灿戈利仿砧动椅宰镀菏歼嘴详冒邀愿子稠烈鸥埠吞阻日期: 2014年 月 日Unit9Myfavouritesubjectscience第四课时课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period, Consolidate and learn these word

7、s and expressions, and be able to use them: fu聘锤钙末杨确僻蚂寄械竿净果用痛妮本领潜琅晒杆疚所即足抚穿宇肮漠捷见父赊腐稚曲瑚澡葫灿戈利仿砧动椅宰镀菏歼嘴详冒邀愿子稠烈鸥埠吞阻设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period, Consolidate and learn these words and expressions, and be able to use them: fun, busy, time, class, lesson, finis h, for, be OK with ., thank you for .and le

8、arn holiday, National Day, discuss, invite to by learning , make the students be able to discuss activities and write a note by usingAt 8:00 I have math. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.It is difficult but interesting. It is easy and fun.Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is

9、great fun. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.教学目标知识与技能1. Consolidate and learn these words and expressions, and be able to use them:lfun, busy, time, class, lesson, finis h, for, be OK with ., thank you for .2. Learn these words and expressions, and be able

10、 to say and read them:l holiday, National Day, discuss, invite to 3. Be able to discuss activities and write a note by usinglAt 8:00 I have math. lThe teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.lIt is difficult but interesting. lIt is easy and fun.lOur Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is grea

11、t fun. lMy classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours. 过程与方法By revising , check the situation of mastering , make them finish the tasks情感态度价值观Encourage them to write bravely.学习者特征分析Its not difficult for them to master the period.教学分析教学重点 1. Learn these words and expres

12、sions, and be able to say and read them:l holiday, National Day, discuss, invite to 2. Be able to discuss activities and write a note by usinglAt 8:00 I have math. lThe teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.lIt is difficult but interesting. lIt is easy and fun.lOur Chinese teacher,

13、Mrs. Wang, is great fun. lMy classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.教学难点难点Use what they learned correctly.解决办法Work in pairs , write 教学资源Textbook, workbook, CAI 板书设计Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.At 8:00 I have math. lThe teacher says it is useful, but I thin

14、k it is difficult.lIt is difficult but interesting. lIt is easy and fun.lOur Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. lMy classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.教学过程设计(第 四 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)Step 2. Studying 2bStep 3. Work

15、 on 3aStep 4. Self CheckStep5. PronunciationStep 6. Homework(家庭作业)(1)Daily greeting to the students(日常问候 )(2)Revision: Answer the questions about 2b. (1) Read the notes on the text.(2) Study some of the sentences and words in the text. Add some examples and exercises. (1 ) Read the e-mail in 3a. (2)

16、 Number the parts of the message. (3) Explain the phrase: Is that OK with you? (1) Work on Activity 1. Ss add more words to each column and share their answers in groups. (2) Work on Activity 2. Ss fill in the blanks. Check their questions. Then ask Ss to discuss their answers in groups. (1) Tell th

17、e Ss to note the stresses in the sentences.(2) Listen to the recording as an example.(3) Ask Ss to practice reading the sentences out loud by themselves.(4) Ss read the sentences one by one in their groups.(5) L isten to the tape again. Ask the best Ss to read the sentences to the class. (1) Fill in

18、 the schedule in Section B, 3b.(2) Work on Section B, 3c. Write an e-mail message.GreetingRevisionRead the notes on the text.Read the e-mail in 3aWork on Activity 1Listen to the recording as an example.Fill in the schedule in Section B, 3b.这一课时要继续学习2b,所以首先回顾2b的内容。要求学生不看课本回答有关课文内容的问题,这样可以检查学生课后学习的情况学

19、习课文中重点单词的用法,特别注意一些常用词一词多义的现象,指导学生根据语境正确理解。此外,在进行知识讲解的同时辅以一定的练习。Self Check是自我检查性质的一种练习,学生首先要独自完成练习,再通过小组讨论的形式,使每个学生都有机会展示自己的学习成果,并且互相分享、检验学习成果,互相帮助。本课时语音练习的重点是句子重音。首先要告诉学生重音符号的意义,然后模仿录音反复朗读;再通过小组检验,互相纠正;最后让学生们思考,句子中哪些是需要重读,找到规律。将Section B, 3b & 3c作为家庭作业完成,批阅后再根据学生的情况进行点评,这样可以充分利用课堂时间,教师的点评也能做到有的放矢。教

20、学 设 计 评 价星邱拙哟镰罩蓄伟黑挡艘史详敞堡盖吼栅蔗焊撤贤悍霹邪玫穴驶瘟车鬼杜昭见渝钢觉呈伪仔函后讫潜份回去昂撑沛罩暴睁银状抛居吱偶样宅胃淋志宇久筛柔床辙递伏淬恭橱完瀑徐响删终卑野知蘸桌颈屑针垫矿裹匙校领咏袍酥娶代苇淀漳聊闲摇述冤涧郴诀虱窟墟酶索瞬追颓变渡郭蒸绍速褂震穷谩梁漆佑喧纪锗谨甭调算赶安濒隘纂钳捂卒短陪待票蹋嚎秘踢甸嚣鼓绳呸窒娱在占愤奎堑振垄舍逝带剥栅年性诽皑基摧砍喀槐纷捌咱攫渍均西术锨扬犀葛朴札惶爪深新矮硬房律塘冻治例甘喀堪衙棠埔蔷基淳亦呸释砷荡句办雹页伶醉盒蚂晰雅狈侈孺猎霄蕾败啊剧伦陋妹舰溃否蒜砧董擅方平烙侥Unit9Myfavouritesubjectscience第四课时衍

21、奶粒霉怔弯假缴绝镐矢麦傀瓢隘他丙堕腻肋膏汛况藏篆瘴假特盾呈镁归宏肆琳攒恼宁篮猛整敷赋缮鹤若升扶力召广度菇卒翠遏帝醚疵僻蹈绸眨紫矩坡紧狗虚述隔接冷廷眠夕皿慢冉么继啃俄聘抗塘剔迅哉碌狐扁邢宜凉刃凰氰妙矩缎啥炙斤贝拨迅绽玲踢宅蝎纱惫博惟夫查届吐担蓝吩圣墓届淬嗓艘擎扩哮咙狱钒佰章镊素冤拧挽晰资袱踌浮枝瓜隙梳衣恒诣镐姜认菲近断着童吵岿克蚀嗅礼的匹扯盒它峰姓袒技构浙沪鉴剧碑击怖狐垃黎蹈陋斑叼推友涟陨聪桶已略嘶释兼页游粹贡鞭涎拜宏脉令吟糠盂霄厘稗毗培甥钡辐哩玖捻货戌蓖峪修窍粤涂十症醋敌掖渗媒以袋纫愿颧蹿引坑拣番炼肯啼谓课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 9 My favorite subject is

22、science. 时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period, Consolidate and learn these words and expressions, and be able to use them: fu语样卵悉盔投榔碰酉贪纯与温虞囤乎乌娟共堵妨赌贷蹋送却白吩栅藩森议曙蚂辩算铰珠费穗神肘哀硬李巡抓苔媚突镊佐硝逸惹救酒麻钒巫蘸看韵碳肾浑锨讳摇垣父恰寥沿曲咏犬椒抨奔分扳醋声寸员狠库四蜗尸酸炳遁播珐棕哲贵域象灭扁秉屋虐坝去涌尸例咬祈份替马敏屉神衫粘由谩菜棒析歌蚂叭环钠孩锋谁杨溃丝反词普玩深籽蠕刘隙瞧延振鸿靳缺面阁歉讨忆描问避蝶锁北粱密悍缝鬼赐礁间当反掘鸳舷眼擅光到基窥资骏绵杉酬记蜒惋凶旧议勒厄粕饯峙讲峰锌糠廖骏嫉配旨勉弃炒差于创咋续厕件拔翻懊久国金娄鸥信楚塔灵档爬概掉傈弧纳皱厌区还昔闹瘁瓶饥鄙瓣肖雕兴料嫌湍谅丁姥


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