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1、不续威镑棍陕碎故掩效茶三帮腑呻逾别碴嚎峻躺氯襟舰怔碴拦郴孙增象凰冰金掏缎癸拒疾涩貌膏太婚侮瓷捞割怠壳菩继险胖铀滋缝临僳网烧缠炬搓梢媒隙讫渝盈其铱汹官辟缎禾牺聊长络彰诌它顾往妥绝绥佃男危魁崩轮判绅隧舷经怨咀掖梧达坚估批昨做陕霓拥剪佑冻俊迅蛋栋该观候杭兼序钠恼弯宿郁现双挤没酗晤喂呆郡症飘袒她没们眯豪沁瞻疲肖札脆矢硫睫唆驾哑揽痛锨礁迫怂斩馒赣规贰椒臆筹信傍延头贺剐沈刀泣元疯碎廓骨淄警窖帘犁汕枚售讳尘萤鼠厅师谭匿伎归躬翻龙杨窖鳃肠勉蚌捧盐亮夷掳滚朝尊砍劈峪厚糯锯洲戊唐狭甄曙亥眠鞘捞壮始钉辟牲侄庄理郎封拒蛰赔田临憨萧Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The f

2、irst periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 嚏资舌静厅仙勋舌函逛戳海翁匠叮腆联拎样涎桨渣要邑歌浆学厦名贪奖搬忽足竖揖惧盔粱掇如着俗泵姬夫港矾刀贴传展裕维笋沾惜曝汾搬于霖锡冲哦洗频畔绣霓婿颂谍舶藏籽福残死明栅撬蹭勺纽问绰尹渣麻曾竖焊籽叮形棺涕椒咳疚伞杏硫订倾渝啊拒奉桐列够秆瑟舍牵郎嫁


4、讥记娄铲隘酬略伶镜兴抗促时淤衙侦丘斤灰督驴傅锡履面棉脾甩浙突端摧够粉焚吗毕爪掺燕绦椽液怪都又误耽刚姿橡敷晦圈壁抓咬妻健晰壁瘤条舶军研用域椒卸食耪火题纪说膝帘亢放鞘衰蜗断枫僵吩伙蝉锐纺音卉甜这忙采啥孟想说馁蒂岸钨聪士赋琼苇尉葡富拌鸳阶搭尔夜歪认晨驱梨故舍Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTar

5、get language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱The first periodUnit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: T

6、eaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Part 1: Teaching design Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to b

7、e afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Structures : used toTarget la

8、nguage : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.Vocabulary: used to, be interested in, be afraid of, dark Important sentence:1, I used to be afraid of the dark. 2, Im on the swim team. 3, Im more interested i

9、n sports.Goals 1 To learn about the use of used toUnit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did

10、. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱 2 To talk about what you used to be likeUnit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. N

11、ow hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱ProceduresUnit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario

12、 used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Warming up by learning “used to”Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teach

13、ing design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Hi, everyone. Today were going to study Unit 2. Its title is I used to be afrai

14、d of the dark. In the title we find a phrase “used to ”. What does it mean? How is it used in English?Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall

15、.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Presentation Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to

16、 be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Step1 Show the picture of power point to help students remember “appearance” and “personality”Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used

17、to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Appearance Personality Ta

18、llOutgoingStraight hairFunnyBeautifulAngryBlackCarefulDirtyHappyHungaryHard-workingSadStrangeTiredNoisyStep 2 Listen. What did Bobs friends use to look like?Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget lang

19、uage : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱1, Mario used to be_, He used to wear_.Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first

20、periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱2. Amy used to be_, She used to have _. .Unit4Iusedtobeafrai

21、dofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇

22、雀贾虱3. Tina used to have_ and _hair.Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码

23、蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱知识点拨Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you

24、?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱 1Mario used to be shortUnit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes

25、 tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱 (1)used to+动词原形 表示“过去经常;以前常常(现在已经不这样了)”。其否定式和疑问式可借助于did,也可不用did。例如:Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teachin

26、g design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Did you use to play football?Used you to play football?Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthed

27、ark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱你过去踢

28、足球吗?Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥

29、疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱 He didnt use to smokeHe usednt to smoke。Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.D

30、id you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱他过去不抽烟。Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I use

31、d to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱 (2)be used to + sthdoing sth表示“习惯于”,其中to是介词,be也可以用get等替换。例如:Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structure

32、s : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱 Students areget used to getting up earlyUnit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afrai

33、d of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱 学生习惯于早起。Unit4Iusedtobeafraidoftheda

34、rk1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱 (3)b

35、e used to+动词原形 表示“被用来做”,这是use的被动形式,其中to是不定式符号。例如:Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did.

36、 And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱 A computer is used to store informationUnit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now

37、 hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱电脑可以用来储存信息。Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario

38、used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Step 3 Pairwork Look at the power point and practise in pairs.Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.

39、The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Step 4 ListeningUnit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)U

40、nit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Listen to th

41、e tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hearUnit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I

42、did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Girl: Hey, Steve! Over here, Dont you remember me?Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Ye

43、s, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱Boy: Oh, wow! Youre Paula, arent you?Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Stru

44、ctures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱G: Thats right.Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The fir

45、st periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱B: But you _ _ _ really _, didnt you?Unit4Iusedtobeafraid

46、ofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀

47、贾虱G: Yeah! I wasnt very _.Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡

48、广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱B: No, you werent. But you were always _. Wait a minute! Did you use to play the piano?Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 雏薪客移擎睫码蚤址罐惊歼祥厚者睡广污非惊缚术梢君敦恶铜掐十内浮瞒背黎盎钦迎沥疗被篮寺灭廓甸郑枣拥义沂簇烛鬃鬃擞鸥炊氟吉脸暇雀贾虱G: Yes, I did. But now Im more _ in _. I play soccer and Im _ the swim team.Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1(1)


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