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1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? 第二课时 Section A(2d3c),淳绦拴雷碉准坡售选卿向膘帐抨棉离怨躁膀拍或傍汗满笼铣呢垢祸聘欺诚八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 1 ,the work is easy but things may change. 2Can you get me tickets for the game? 3You can sit because they have the biggest seats. 4The air in th

2、e country is than in the city. 5Zhang Ziyi very well in the film The Horsemen.,So far,No problem,comfortably,fresher,acted,act,fresh,comfortable,no problem,so far,莱考卖赛玫励要凄肿叫叶豢拜锚蓟朽涡磨也迷款碳犊坎爵箕蛔沙鸳红啃食八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 6Mike did (badly) than John in the bike

3、riding. 7The water in the lake is becoming and (bad) 8I think Susan is the (careful) one of the three girls. 9Hangzhou is one of the (beautiful) cities in China. 10Which is the (far) city of all?,worse,worse,most careful,farthest,worse,most beautiful,梨堵切嘘畴搐凝垛航颓钻坎铱奠葬扼笛由钉锐诚韵沦锁宰篇喂缸禁霉峻移八上同步练习Unit4Whatst

4、hebestmovietheater第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 1The air in the countryside is very ,so I like living there. 2Please show me the Id like to order some food. 3Our math classes are interesting.Most of us like them. 4I first started in a play when I was 12. 5The food is delicious in the restaurant,but

5、the is not good.It doesnt have enough waiters.,fresh,menu,pretty,acting,service,煞誉冲诺唆较增秃沙永郸呆季炒屏茅裳叶提巡怖莉浙适勾缺从鹤逮岁煽柿八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 6David is the (outgoing) one of the three boys. 7Han Mei thinks English is the (easy) of all the subjects. 8Which language

6、do you think is the (important),English,Chinese or French? 9Im sure Tom can run (fast) than his brother. 10Who listens (carefully),Tom,Jack or Bill?,most outgoing,easiest,most important,faster,the most carefully,婪移残弃俱浑筛众兽至途砖汉翠唉佩甩骡压挎蔬衅禾振抱叠窘泉洪甸匡战八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山

7、课件http:/ 11Sanya is very famous.It has _ beaches in China. Abeautiful Bmore beautiful Cmost beautiful Dthe most beautiful 1297.9 FM is the best _It plays popular music every day. Afast food restaurant Bclothing store Cmusic store Dradio station 13Thanks for _ a good book for me. Achoose Bchoosing Ct

8、o choose Dchose 14_ Its a nice city. AWhere is Xingyi? BHow do you go to Xingyi? CHow far is it? DHow do you like Xingyi? 15Could you help me put up the maps on the wall? _ ANo problem BYes,I am CThats all right DThats a good idea,D,D,B,D,A,对簇虾闻憾甩呢央礁塌赵灸旅璃蹿筋托光玖查绘同仍沁月廉叠口锋瞪雁恨八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovi

9、etheater第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/ 16哪家电影院离你们学校最近? Which is the to your school? 17这家电影院里的座位是所有当中最舒服的。 The seats in the cinema are of all. 18哪家宾馆的服务更好? Which hotel has the ? 19目前为止,你觉得这个社区怎么样? How do you the neighborhood ? 20这名记者昨天在这里买了最新鲜的水果。 The bought fruit here yesterday.,movie theater,closest,the most comfortable,best service,like,so far,reporter,the freshest,芋浸井窿拂什懈熙伍佃冻随第内篙肇搂规纲奸允侄讲哮椎师菩冕坟溢深嫌八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第二课时SectionA(2d-3c)莲山课件http:/


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