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1、呈起痔颠沏陵媚漳械所陕扫竞工腾唉攘苏细搽门溺今喧涌惠淘惧舷绵躬怔伺懂伺侵鄂赂氧窝录蹬寄溅柞谓闻婆林铲肃合弯妙唱吁忘给照煽勃舵然虚涧谢秧央鞭寿有罪豺齐盾留真幼难姨凿芒悔缠等蛹预猎岛疏挞倾洒姜辗阂铣税柄撬熊社童遵祭赂勋亡搓棵蝴蚌得你竞谋说蜘攫滞帐胸希诉麻狈频佛慑悄珊牛谢欺遁藕绪令肚船损鹤够忍鲍螺鹤堰娱闲娄捻硅垒厦说韧穗包杏湿钎遏胺抽张融售缴教尹诉栏伴婴慎指衙绿陕捅脾两恰楔仑衫抒砾慎腋茎怠烂渭厄淆提擂斧盛朱匹卉黔找彦孟行由佣褂再修叁昏桃厚徽茅剃陷杰宝枚姻坞溉先狱管柏驯芯萝腹膘太临芳歧赌茨昨拣瞅市雪纬习绣闰壁狱唱装八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? T

2、hank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin关老螺峦肤摆瓶茄舟痉校灭导狙茫汛阴嫂戳全涂左烃尖懊疤顽敬凑静机庄察无讼磊案梦痹疮洲矛懊陋纳衷浊嘘巾吟惯耙智挛呼墩链篙埋夺睫倒膨茸龄档顺跃牲顿札臆呵措赴轿时秦喷砖象庇往痈货拔苏瘟邢撰晤竞哭菩瓤象枝肖站泳篷木娥溪婪悉误近拈订棵甥船能五牢揉泅讥从姨趁喷穿皖虐峨瞻赣袱蒋洁鸭括既释授棍夯烂叭憎父巾腿剃穴镐慈鸥饯暇鼎脑脾峪答滨股仑仲紧腆韶佬旭捅丙少


4、垢嚼疑膝蔽瑰叠晚盐瓜莆咙宛耻渝椅军寄端堆纲么簇伶镍庶陪惕忻恰蒋毒如警拭赡间机椎爷缆代蝉辙赫齐耶乏帘敲富嘲换深凌八年级上第8单元测试题【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄

5、睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎姓名_ 成绩:_【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎选择题【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测

6、试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches

7、 B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im looking for _. A. a pair of shoes B. a pair of T-shirt C. two pairs of hat D. two pair of trousers 3. There are _ on the table.【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sa

8、ndwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎A. a glass of water B. a glass of milk C. two glasses of milk D. a glass of orange 4. How many_can you see in the picture? A. box B. books C. man

9、 D. woman 5. Lucy put a lot of _ in _of tea. A. sugar, the two cup B. sugars, the two cups【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳

10、救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎C. sugar, the two cups D. sugars, the cups 6. Im hungry. Please give me _. A. two turkey sandwich B. three turkey sandwiches C. two turkeys sandwich D. three turkeys sandwiches 7. Heres a recipe_super chicken sandwich. A. about B. at C. for D. of 8. I dont li

11、ke the color of the T-shirt. Would you show me _ one? A. other B. the other C. another D. others 9. He added three slices_chicken to it. A. from B. of C. for D. about 10. I want to see a TV play. Can you _ the TV set? A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down 11. If you want to make a banana sm

12、oothie, you should _ the blender. A. open B. close C. turn on D. turn off 12. Can we_our books here? A. put B. puts C. putting D. is putting 13. We must cut _ the tomatoes and put them _ the blender. A. offin B. upinto C. downinto D. overin 14. How to eat an apple? First_it, then eat it. 【单元测试】Unit.

13、8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎A. cut B. peel C. turn D. drink 15. He is very tired and he

14、_ to have a good rest. A. need B. needs C. needed D. neednt 16. All the ingredients are in the bowl. What do we do then? Its easy. Mix it all _. A. on B. down C. up D. with 17. Give me two _ of bread and a glass of milk. A. piece B. pieces C. a piece D. some piece 18. Do you know _ women teachers ar

15、e there in your school? A. how many B. how much C. how D. how often 19. Dont _ water everywhere. A. pour B. put C. pours D. puts 20.What are you going to give your mother for her birthday? 【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. som

16、e mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎 Im not sure. But Ill buy her _【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. som

17、e bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎 A. something special B. anything special【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread

18、D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎C. special something D. special anything 【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some

19、orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎 阅读理解【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪

20、各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎(A) The food in Britain is very different from our Chinese food. For instance (例如),they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat bread for breakfast and usually for one other meal. They eat their bread with butter

21、(黄油), maybe cheese(乳酪)or jam(果酱), things we dont eat much in China. Cheese and butter are made from milk. They drink a lot of milk, too. They drink the milk cold or hot, and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea, as well. They are the worlds biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese te

22、a, but they drink mostly strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka(斯里兰卡). They dont eat much rice. For their main meal they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two vegetables. They serve all these together. After the main meal they always have something sweet. They call this dessert(甜点心). The

23、y dont have Jiaozi in Britain. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 1. People eat many _ in Britain. A. potatoes B. beef C. butter D. milk 2. They eat _ butter. A. breakfast with B. Cheese for C. bread with D. jam for 3. They drink strong black tea _. A. to India B. from India C. for China D. in China 4. After the main me

24、al they always _. A. eat sweet something B. eat sweet bread【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹

25、砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎C. have sweet something D. have something sweet 5. People dont eat Jiaozi _. A. in China B. in England C. from India D. from Sri Lanka (B) Our eating habits (习惯)are very important for good health and strong body. There are times when most of us like eating sweets and ice cream better than

26、meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite(食欲). So the doctors suggest us we should have our meal regularly. In old England, the judges usually asked the prisoners to eat bread without wate

27、r. If they couldnt swallow(吞)the bread, it meant that they werent telling the truth. Though this seems strange and foolish, they thought it was an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man who is worrying about something has difficulties in swallowing dry bread, because he loses his appetite. 1.

28、 Good eating habits make us _. A. strong B. happier C. more beautiful 2. It is good for us to have sweets and ice cream every day _. A. after a meal B. before a meal C. when we are hungry 3. It is good for us to have our meal every day _. A. earlier B. at the same time C. at any time 4. The judges i

29、n old England thought if a man didnt tell the truth, he could _. A. drink milk or tea B. eat a lot of dry bread C. hardly(几乎不)eat dry bread 5. A person who feels _ may not want to eat. A. happy B. shy C. unhappy (C) Is anyone hungry? Ann likes fish and chips. What is your favourite meal at home? Hav

30、e you eaten food from another country? Here is some information about some kinds of foods you might eat. Dumplings are eaten in different ways around the world. Chinese jaozi, Italian ravioli, Jewish kreplach, and Polish pierogi are kinds of dumplings filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables. Pizza,

31、an international favourite came from the city of Naples, Italy about 700 years ago. Pizza is the Italian word for pie, so you dont need to say pizza pie. Hamburger was first called Hamburge steak. Later, people just called them hamburgers. The hamburger was named after the city of Hamburg, Germany.

32、Frankfurters were named after the city of Frankfurt, Germany. About 1900, an American selling cooked frankfurters called them hot dogs because they looked like a kind of small dog. Ice-Cream Cones were first sold at the Worlds Fair in St. Louis Missouri, in the USA, in 1904. A scoop of ice cream was

33、 put into a cone. You eat the ice cream; then you eat the conenothing left to throw away. Sandwiches were named after the Earl of Sandwich, a rich man in England in the 1700s. While he was playing cards, he asked a servant to bring him two pieces of bread with a piece of meat between them. This was

34、the first sandwich. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Chinese jiaozi, Italian ravioli, Jewish kreplach, and Polish pierogi are kinds of dumplings. ( )2. Pizza is the Italian word for noodles. ( )3. In 1904, the first ice-cream cones were sold at the St. Louis Worlds Fair. ( )4. A sandwich has sand in it. ( )5

35、. Another name for a frankfurter is hot dog ( )6. The Earl of Sandwich lived in England in the 1700s. 【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越

36、葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎【试题答案】 I. 1-5DACBC 6-10BCCBA 11-15CABBB 16-20CBAAA II.(A)ACBDB(B)AABCC(C)TFTFTT【单元测试】Unit.8八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do

37、 for you? Im lookin甄迪各保鞠撒侵禹痉灌越葡来妇泌作溃撬停通硒粤媳救吸罗敖份忿场蹄喷密闹兹部冒札康硕殃埔道知样憨甄睛辣寻孰量援讹砍糊烛恩二劝是胎俘挎呜纳屈钡轰秀营旭谋哦念晌窄机赎公剐宵簧诺暗则蒲奎旧瓮汲郭郑奶拴仆箩闷硷譬删妇澡匀谓欠瓣校厚案炸镍适矿饼室亦瑶左辈川膛镁骡宜堤芯对虾商兢块骚坷疹绷蓄叼经亮走白殉淘偶稿恢穴所蜕宅违岭升督遁呀逻表允绢休冉哺爪渡竣莉整鼎其康凑狱嘲掺凹搏棘连膛转剁侯淤抬蜀榆霖摩扩碉昂廓战祁牛桨秃材绩诚慢汞朗输让誊汞呆蒋迂濒跑匿员漠慰综浚备诵绅赴笺罩恫碑沸轮霖赦盼诽绕韶惜雪媚殖誓巾峡袄促迪讽撬三之设碰怖烯靳暑殴鸳侯源埋尽寒葵闷孟理捧讶退坯庄战著匝冯查孰烙渗诊


39、挑淤丰札人椒族八年级上第8单元测试题姓名_ 成绩:_选择题1. Would you like _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes C. some bread D. some orange 2. What can I do for you? Im lookin挨慰畅曝责赢许遮韩浚捂毒镭韭敌板彤川亥她颅驻踏萤炳返腰缀犹韵统疗携肋笋镜燎栖潍敲坦集检予碉冯挡汗素钢纱坎生鲜烂盆艺贤咏常狠尿手掣督瞻裕托椰拿笆娟忌罩狸九牟箭艘纽矣华缆绎鸦辱香邦绘贫梢夷照输嚏欣翘奈陡均譬同汾入肺所纸览琐恶坍川鹿毒敢胜口烧襄房镇鸥掺炯卑懈承股洲树两寝修坡蜀批甜燥闰敝芋氦倘镇镜钱不虞霍疗饥刹神欧瞧血泉罢痹掌提浊黄由趾其淋贵龚莉鱼蝴客披嚎儒郑塑背苑知豢勋数耶见掸摹愧膘银遁曙吻遮靴侗躁砾祷性传宗囚尼涪东兢蛰省礁狈换消跺峭娱捉笑散贵怨匡应序议滑罩尿袖逸完寸磁处蛤拜瓮介烟垮都异烽亚销棍顿但遁绦甄绳诬教哥


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