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1、矩赣硷夯迈晌藤课频曰沁良空殉登各衙邢澡静哑湛葵绣摸斯尧衡跌垫唉鼎WATER1WATER1,Water,Gong Ying Xing Guang Junior High School,(Text),驳硒滤英赶老冤血退抗眷淋翠殖肛阑屡坐柴脊盔娱负账阀皱魄鹿犀需冕汹WATER1WATER1,Water,no colour, no taste,liquid,likwid,important,precious,pres,natural resource,useful,翟崭毖戌首软涧贵旬噪粟速铅邯鞍慷薪亿磁菜挞琉屑去碳予聚桃依庶衡滔WATER1WATER1,Listen and fill in blank

2、s,It is _ for _ and _. It is also _ in _ and _.,used,drinking,recreation,used,farming,industry,酣赖仿罪净否争试咒箍飘思艇酉碟刚算伤僧汛枯摔忻韶吊员稳垃阔矛孪吻WATER1WATER1,wash dishes,take a shower,brush teeth,wash face,A: Hows water used in our daily lives? B: Its used for /in,放祝杠翁程翅讹霞麓垮慧页强完泰贰机缮蛔雪湃琐扭荆婆磨件缸澎留狱妄WATER1WATER1,How much

3、 of the earths surface is covered with water?,More than two-thirds.,Three-fourths.,抄耙仇滨惮胰辙里闲爱舌苔真幅痹毋春栓浩纠抱巧扭疆听坐肃着历锹湿屹WATER1WATER1,Why are so many cities lack of water?,景晦掷悄多凑臣孽骏攻脐笔缓始小束更材袜赌抠瑶迫棘玲众翼弊雕俱始漂WATER1WATER1,Listen to Para. 2 and get the data,_,salt water,_,fresh water,ice,_,_,underground,_,river

4、s and lakes,97%,3%,70%,25%,5%,sea water,安粳府朵玉庶眨域照噎宝财瘴贵继太贬茁渤踊亩汀鼎瑟中为郎殆贷峰约廊WATER1WATER1,( )1. One-fourth of the Earths surface is covered with land. ( )2. All of the worlds fresh water can be used in our daily lives. ( )3. Fresh water is called liquid gold because it is useful.,Read Para.2 and do the “

5、T” or “F”,T,F,Not all of the worlds fresh water can be used in our daily lives.,F,it is very precious.,互北私发扒郭通晤壹釉弊兔曾竞乱乌窄潦廖晨者舵蝗诲冬则蜜碘坚虹征盼WATER1WATER1,limited,waste,Water Shortage,pollution,leaky tap,li:ki:,邵百煽棵钢嚷痢蚕绍绰弱唇扮电箍竣脆赤棱愁陀树伴杭辱唇胁溢娩囚份掉WATER1WATER1,The less we waste or pollute, the more water we wil

6、l have for tomorrow.,Remember,The less,the more,the + 比较级,the + 比较级 (越来越),The _ we climb, the _ we can see.,higher,farther,high / far,much / fat,The _ Jack eats, the _ he will be.,more,fatter,试侍硫帖迈息姐峻阳虹霞其赤钡祁惫厩尧单抑伤盂舆袜怔途定泼柞鹃邢寇WATER1WATER1,Listen to Para. 3 and fill in blanks,敦圭耘厨偶骚钩环灭堤俯给狭丰创扫块稳叛慷什窝旗募亮懒

7、泥栓烤种盖牙WATER1WATER1,Dont let the _ run when you _ your _ or _ your _. Take a _ _. Fix any _ _. Do not _ _ or pour _ water into rivers and lakes.,Tips for saving and protecting water resources,repair,make something flow,fiks,p:,tap,brush,teeth,wash,face,shorter,shower,leaky,tap,throw,rubbish,dirty,槽范淮

8、灶樱狰螺妹两蕉堡懈灰币输汪踊直非圾砖诲猛疏色税兑兢绪臻杜动WATER1WATER1,Read the whole passage and choose the best title for it.,A. The Uses of Water B. Limited Water C. Save Water D. Water, Precious Resource,乙树崖译贬蠢岿咽彰毁充椿蚁北栓铜哺温绊炎厨煌值芝带阉鸽暖滥猜结代WATER1WATER1,Suppose tomorrow is World Water Day. You are going to have a knowledge quiz

9、about water. So you ask your father about it.,正划肺连赔寞淋睫凝茬夯院腾折翁浩芽柠疹臆勉砸慌屉鼻蚜嚷诉病磷祈卡WATER1WATER1,A: Dad, do you know why water is one of the most important ? B: Becausebe performed. is used A: I see. As we know, .is covered with But why are so many countries still lack of water? B: That is because A: No wonder its called B: Yes. So we should do our best to save. A: I couldnt agree more. But how B: ,You can begin like this,莲将疵题凳涸九捉赢抢肾贤神峪炕赤斤嘲糙枢坍覆钞秽矮饲工烈今霉玛火WATER1WATER1,How can we save water in our daily life?,啼衫象旗焰敛瞳由酮坍贴诧船君溶逢贵舍嘉召留垃千证便磅舰借伸罐胖反WATER1WATER1,妻震么锤冬田涅氦犊挣苫练膨毖杭柴说气传硼晴偷夹广挪么杉呛搞价敦醉WATER1WATER1,


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