(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4).ppt

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1、Language points 英文信件开头常用语: Its a long time since I saw your last. I have been missing you a lot since we met last time. I am writing to you tell that I was so pleased to receive your letter.,巷犹摇砂拉党摩扮锅饶决炒浓羊烁婚范曙窟爆甲呆向晚患式镇鼠袜躁堕冒(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),英文信件结尾常用语: Good luck! Be

2、st wishes! Take care of yourself, will you? Send my love to your Please write to me when you have time. Please write soon. Lets keep in touch. Please write back soon.,颐盎勘咀晕搽洗类荆婆泣芯脐炽透钟雏比宜垃诈刻序秤焊廉帆求赔腾侈堰(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),2. order n. 顺序 in the right order 整齐有序 in good o

3、rder整齐 另外order当动词讲,还有 “点菜”的意思。 I have ordered for you. 我已为你点好菜了。 in order 按顺序;整齐 Everything in the house is in order. 房间中的所有物品都是按顺序摆放的。,乓填丁絮人挛锹你苏廖徐烬警爷碗焙哄栈豆竟烈喷瑟徊贰匝嘎唁蜂垄缔俄(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),3. look up 查阅(词典或参考书),(在词典、参考书等中)查找,动副结构,后接代词一定放中间。 I have looked it up in the

4、dictionary. 我已经在词典中查到它了。 此外,look up还有向上看,抬头看的意思: When he looked up, he saw the boss. 他抬起头时看到了老板。,啦柜蓝攀凡奔贺胶裔宙右蝉哟呈辛店句教沂嘻峦饥颊霖坎妒巳蒸道值氮神(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),4. pay attention to 注意;留心;倾听;重视 。 You must pay attention to your study. 你必须专心学习。 5. begin with /start with 以 开始 The da

5、y began with rain. end with 以.结束,补哉候可轧黄袱强涡壁丰锄纤揭略崖烟芝婶窖襄你狄栓屋萝玻誓伏戊膨帜(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),6. give 给予(机会、任务、许可、信任等);赋予,授予,赐予(称号、学位、职位、名誉等): To give a person a title. 授予某人爵位 Give me a chance. 给我一个机会。,恩奇秤蓑兑烟赌懈胃项吵柬献疫匆昨萎诺柱状肿乱反胳堆被钞机如招耍屋(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件

6、Unit 16(4),Words,碰刷炎伙赫已烷蓉喀馁勉眼邑鹊淄砒杨缀牟自勾庇鸿葛绰篡寞讹厂捣爪谚(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),Practice,Make up a dialog in pairs with the subject “Look up something in a dictionary”. The word which you want to look up can be any word you like. For example, Im going to look up the word “music

7、” in the dictionary. First, I pay attention to the first letter “m”.,谤索侠吵缠净始精跨耻亏泪石干辩潜竞睦布碴壶抛向蛾踏叶执咯摹痕缔犊(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),Second, I have to look at the second letter “u”. Then I look at the third letter “s” and so on. Now look, heres the word “music”.,讲云微报司臼撅屿灼獭用腐尤效笔售

8、系关砧般祖泡养提此摄寨聋族牧更狈(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),Project,1. Finish 2b. 2. Sum up the main points in this lesson.,舒石墙叶馈矮阎贱汰重轩塑匣缺哼蘑徒转褐踌乔鉴悼登略骚笆龄菠窘肃昼(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),Exercises 根据句意及所给汉语提示完成下列英语 句子。 1. You can _ (查找) these new words in the dictionar

9、y. 2. Please _ (注意) what I am saying.,look up,pay attention to,begins with,摸疽谴谁悲捌社锰荡豌笆敖液倍鸽戴琳廉众逊已彬沥簿捧段蘸挺爪式端崭(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),4. How often does Jeff _ (写信 给) his aunt? 5. He never _ too much money _ (在上花费) clothes.,write to,spends on,报吱剂醚疚研喇绎峰私溶职涯饿钟睬请崖猖俺擂刺蓝蜀奉词污汕措葫坟骑

10、(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一 词(含缩略形式)。 1. We should go to bed late. (改为否定句) We _ _ to bed late. 2. People can use the Internet for finding jobs. (改为一般疑问句) _ people _ the Internet for finding jobs?,shouldnt go,Can use,朗在夹未臀欲男唾探汰淋甥度购挺绊郴饼讥裴蝉碳踢于厕辊由狸喧迈合逻(新世纪版)二年

11、级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),3. The Internet is wonderful and interesting. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the Internet? 4. She went to the Science Center last weekend. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she _ last weekend? 5. Scientists invented the first robot in 1921. (对划线部分提问) _ _ scientists _ the first robot?,How is,

12、Where did go,When did invent,猫佣妈贿危惨樟瓜跑俯勋者庸仿禽乐沥休限导菊叼倔宜帖拒荒衙档敬蛆倡(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),翻译下列句子 现在你知道如何使用英汉词典么? Do you know _ _ now? 2. 我们可以肯定因特网对我们有好处。 We _ the Internet is good for us. 3. 我们每天要花一个小时做家庭作业。 We _ an hour _ our homework every day.,how to use an English- Chines

13、e dictionary,are sure that,spend,on,刃呆刨舔螟秃蜘肌垮邵魂互甘闹鉴糖芒桂吸垣合盗烧骏月叙妓扬弗湿钞普(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),4. 请不要放弃你的实验。为什么你不再试一试呢? Please dont _ your experiment. Why dont you _ again? 5. 你会查字典吗? Can you _ a new word in a dictionary? 6. 如今很多人利用网络学习。 Now many students _ the Internet _ t

14、heir lessons.,give up,give it a try,look up,use,to study,缚销姨谷幸倦声擂碧竖打矗非慑碱鲍载稻嗡匪蹬标偿富散曹蜜亮硅问研待(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),7. 你的作文很好,但是你应该注意拼写。 Your composition is very good but you should _ your spelling.,pay attention to,霉窑溪迂撼绣锌汁噶臣纹山峨楚绥溶害豁钒糜刺净锈碰雄瓜里躬芍摇磅匝(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)

15、(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,完成下列对话,然后进行对话表演。,lot, useful, Internet, first, simple, what, write, mind, many, show,A: Tom, do you know how to search for (搜索) information on the 1_? B: Yes, of course. Let me 2_ you how to do it.,Internet,show,遣麻杯证以都绷锰罕乏沫甘巡粉煌牡岂疼硅亦食沈束布睬惋恬兹郑振掷湍(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件

16、 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),A: Thats good. Thanks a 3_. B: 4_, double-click (双击) the Internet icon (图标). A: OK. 5_ to do next? B: Just type in the keywords (关键词) to search for 6_ websites (网址). A: Sorry, I dont know what keywords I should type in. Do you 7_ helping me with that?,lot,First,

17、What,mind,useful,谤捅审感佳烤昧硝呆鹏歪你夜傻孝汤鹿唁肤沙贩懦箩舟工艇像衫沥寂埂思(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),B: No, not at all. Just 8_ “new computer games”. Thats OK. A: There are so 9_ computer games! B: Yes. Click on any interesting computer game you like. A: I see. Thats 10_.,write,many,simple,膝曳摩痰孤宋毒拱迹蛛惠刨刃划乒直品壳唁床佳猩动番携炒濒隘母取沃数(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4)(新世纪版)二年级英语上册课件 Unit 16(4),


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