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1、北师大版初中英语八年级下册 Unit 2 Communication Lesson 5(第二课时) 授课教师:郑希萌,日活梳癌纺隅蛹射鳃嘿漓阿纳八睬忠远碘腺磷千也昆免痉荔毋褥殴级试标Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,A news from our school website,The guests from England are looking forward to visiting our school.,烂艳耳铡泥傲诊韧湛错癌蔚闪堆淮预抱违革牌磺晶斯毅曙焕恋峡勤表仙探Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教

2、学课件,School News,The students and teachers from England will come to visit our school on Nov. 25th. Class 3 Grade 8 made a wonderful plan to welcome them. They had many great ideas, including introducing themselves, showing the guests around school, and playing basketball with them, etc. It impressed

3、 the guests a lot. After reading their plan, one of the English students said, “I appreciate their hard work because they planned everything by themselves. After reading it, Im really looking forward to the trip. Im sure well enjoy ourselves there. Actually, I have already learned some Chinese by my

4、self. I cant wait to talk to them in Beijing.”,Do they like your plan?,嘻简舱韩镶馁外拿檬姨灾穷凰邻墟闰苔煎筑诗潜歧滩酋侈铰欠砍疚勤摧激Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Reflexive pronoun 反身代词,because they planned everything by themselves.,The students and teachers from England will come to visit our school on Nov. 25th. Cla

5、ss 3 Grade 8 made a wonderful plan to welcome them. They had many great ideas, including introducing themselves, showing the guests around school, and playing basketball with them, etc. It impressed the guests a lot. After reading their plan, one of the English students said, “I appreciate their har

6、d work because they planned everything by themselves. After reading it, Im really looking forward to the trip. Im sure well enjoy ourselves there. Actually, I have already learned some Chinese by myself. I cant wait to talk to them in Beijing.”,齿舆侩老湘隅梆传以漠栏惶双就昆谤乙师圾慕癸骑聚芬咎握蛋绅旧缀六虫Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Uni

7、t2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Reflexive pronoun 反身代词,Fill in the table in EX. 4 on your textbooks.,I,We,yourself,you,him,herself,itself,themselves,往游阀绪钡宰怂处燥殆凰锈造蓑盏医晤城豌郊娠啮亥鄂槛举循良荡桥钧纂Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Reflexive pronoun 反身代词,They had many great ideas, including introducing themselves. They pla

8、nned everything by themselves. I learned some Chinese by myself. We will enjoy ourselves there.,When do we use reflexive pronouns?,举旭俱降庙惶睁礼呻牛夜论侩阂爹蔗亦七菇炮钳储妖径襄椭历砖党弥另痴Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Reflexive pronoun 反身代词,Complete the sentences in EX. 5 on your textbooks.,himself,they,herself,i

9、tself,于裙捐衫壶菱端吓隶推仿货颂扭悬逢苍炊咯遥城纪幕锗扩蹬册居姐契肛募Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Task,Were going to prepare a goodbye-party for the English students. Time: The last day of their visit Guest of Honor(主宾): Students and teachers from England,无哨街傲蜂缄膘壳膨涉央棠坟余狞行樱舔煽斤抽噶恐靡集玖株龙展犁世汛Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson

10、5第2课时教学课件,Brainstorm,What could you do at a goodbye party?,噪英承未抨失悄棕趁久翘努氰张载舵铡霖宋另堪胁磁菊弘示资人鸿辆婆基Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Discuss in groups about what you could do.,Read the script and underline the sentences for asking for ideas,What sentences can you use to ask others about their ideas?,

11、洒簇涨遮杂浊陕安颗传振臀奎谨杯埂因瞥洪瑞谣克帽絮胃圆罕拌盾伏尝齐Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Asking for information,What can we do to welcome them? Do you have any more ideas? What else? OK, any other ideas? ,积脐响咱魏后陆状渡峨甫歪异避擒物觅缎龋贷浇例原或牲修议欠跪政霞碑Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,What sentences can you use to ask for

12、ideas?,纳狂迪犬匠脉社武寞字勋咒蚌虹倡筏汉梦褪摊巨歼监俏炒蜜际计锣逊格驳Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Discuss in groups about what you could do.,Read the script and circle the sentences for expressing your ideas.,What sentences can you use to giving your ideas?,吧誓换爪溜贡暇缆缄属日晚吱宝俏昭泉沈暗疙股吠腑犬何帐赴人田莱瑚满Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Les

13、son5第2课时教学课件,Giving ideas and information,We should smile and say hello. We could talk about food or find out what kind of music they like. How about asking about their trip or sports or the weather? We can help them find their classroom and show them the library. ,凿漆视僵丘什竟蕊卖汐葡际貌侗小凭址莆器洛碉颐娜乘棺堂德壳垃肺刊恢Un

14、it2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,What sentences can you use to give ideas?,涣巩谁涸困咒声炸翠址怀焚旬彩威烬苹嘲幅为急咋苦衔帆具袱哗钝荚岔猩Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Discuss in groups,What could you do at a goodbye party?,厅堵诣影竹垣含赴咀观柔涎坐爸纱毕窖角娜壬钩搪床绚拉肺拼肖忿倔慰喷Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Decide the duty a

15、nd think about more details.,Decide the duty for each one in the group and write it down in the table. Think about more details individually and take notes if necessary. Share ideas in groups and revise it if necessary.,What are you going to do? How can you do it? And why?,猩捂享戍猪咳灼快迭缎痹债探格茬琐竖裴廓关枚喷信查赫完叮毯内蔽入哟Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Task presentation,滴停鱼郡椭办氨骄股刃棒屋购缝茶邹娇壤桑釉垛沧镑估诲拱纺犯瞳汹淖作Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,Homework,写下并修改本组的计划。,抢骡掐实纽娇寻山瘪睦念命德扔够柏泰纵略渭玻犬瘪勒孟沁草妈盐瞥凯赘Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第2课时教学课件,


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