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1、Section B,斗拓冬彦索沦釜姐划斥勿袖搜莱井捧蓑痒供胜蕉谐霍曹醛射艘量愧赞疼菊Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,按要求写出下列单词或句子。,grandfather (口语) _ 2. father (口语) _ 3. grandmother (口语) _ 4. mother (口语) _ 5. friend (复数) _ 6. aunt (对应词) _,Revision,grandpa,grandma,friends,mom,dad,uncle,恐粤喝么氓揭臂岭码腔念赴裂牡贰戒腋袖走境热馆扶混谦拂

2、抱敝炬枣愿蔽Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,This_ my sister. That_ his brother. She_ his aunt. He_ my uncle . These _ her parents. Those _ her friends. They _my family.,is, are ?,is,are,is,is,is,are,are,起篇现渺氛放琵膜菠寡厌促澳北灰杂赁炔踢超奉苦霖镇酥尝儿矿望橙趴霓Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_Thi

3、s_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,1. 这是我的朋友简。 _ _ my friend Jane. 2. 那是我的爷爷。 _ my grandfather. 3. 这是我的兄弟们。 _ _ my brothers.,Fill in the blanks.,Grammar Focus,This is,Thats,These are,誊呻袖需滥湿钦紫光骚星熟父椒宪宦跨赵何最蝗绵砾阻纹玫塞式逐钦咀祖Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,4. 那是我的父母亲。 _ _ my parents. 5. 她是谁

4、?_ she? 6. 她是我的妹妹。 Shes my _. 7. 他是谁?_ he? 8. 他是我的弟弟。 _ my brother.,Those are,Whos,sister,Whos,Hes,辰甜缮鸿惕闻浴亢涸门郸蜕驰乔由匿龄篇弓犊靛鸟泛窥辆豁匙嗓苹巍佯液Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,1. picture (同义词) _ 2. son (对应词) _ 3. 这就是。_ 4. 我的两张家庭照片 _ 5. 在第一/下张照片中 _ 6. 狗的名字 _,photo,daughter,Here is/a

5、re,two photos of my family,in the first /next photo,the name of the dog,害粘良杯堪呵朋轨馆种滇沈灿披景没曳拳匠暖话流挤冕柄铣蛹抵括掉唯蔚Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,二、根据首字母及图片提示,写出单词。 1. Look! This a p_ of my brothers? 2. This is my a_, Mary. Shes my fathers s_. 3. Is Bob your u_? Yes. Hes my moms

6、 b_. 4. Jenny is my sister. Shes my dads d_. 5. Is that boy your brother? No. Hes my c_.,icture/hoto,unt,ister,ncle,aughter,rother,ousin,它沤滑盲错稽广蓬柴杖考勒搐谈草看赖沽瞬丽苗厂隘间啪氧盗雅讫犯蓝滞Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,三、根据汉语提示,完成句子。 1. 这里有一张我的家庭照片。 Here _ a photo _ my _. 2. 这些是我的舅舅和舅母。

7、 _ are my _ and _. 3. 那两名女孩子是我的表妹。 _ two _ are my _.,is,of,family,Here,uncle,aunt,Those,girls,cousins,括疲鲁凋立哲咐弃烃嚏邢拨狂香庄酶钨束墙毫符颅看贩练湃牡树把哨廊蛹Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,4. 咪咪是你的猫的名字吗?不是。 Is Mimi the _ _ your cat? No, _ isnt. 5. 你的祖父母亲在下一张照片中吗? 是的。 _ your _ in the _ pictur

8、e? Yes, _ _.,name of,it,Are,parents,next,they are,拟亿售厩兔起兵什视荤颧驼甄鸳受砧嘲肉秸旗噎水深莹阉阵淡适纸索碳酮Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,二、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空,1. Who _ (be) these girls? 2. _ (those) is my cup. 3. What _ (be) these? 4. This is Harrys pen and _ (this) are Lilys books. 5. Are _ (

9、it) pens?,are,That,are,these,they,绍阵究计斋浸簧度涟缅瘤鞠哄凌凄求兼膘骚寐衡拨绕蔷线茁殃稿核容釉压Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,1)My fathers mother is my _. 2) My fathers _ is my grandfather. 3) My fathers sisters are my _. 4) My fathers _are my uncles. 5) My uncles children are my _. 6) My parents

10、 _ is my sister. 7) I am a boy. Im my parents _.,grandmother,father,aunts,brothers,cousins,daughter,son,潘苏棵下尸骆呀域淡瞩顺庇木挪吗勉翼虐挞杖盂蹄纪欲擎溺区评喇抱沿宇Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,2. Complete the conversation.,Bill: Heres a photo of my family. Dale: _ he? Bill: _ my uncle. Dale: _

11、 is this girl? Bill: _ my cousin. Dale: _ your parents? Bill: Yes, _ are. And these _ my grandparents.,Hes,Whos,Who,Shes,Are these,they,are,社樱箱冬冈哀美袱林蠕藉跌钩椭竹墙汪仓球夫悄扭韵雪铡晒装闽鳃献重读Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,根据句意,用适当的代词填空。 1. What color is your pen? _ is blue. 2. Who is th

12、e boy? _ is Alan. 3. Whats the girls name? _ name is Cindy. 4. The girl isnt Alice. _ is Anna.,It,He,Her,She,帚劫狠林跨迭藩扮具甥妇荚喇周迟誉钩驳斗屑僻臃毙萄郑菇植缔侩番隧藐Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,5. Whats Jacks last name? _ last name is Smith. 6. Is that _ key? No, it isnt. My key is here. 7

13、. Are _ OK? Yes, I am.,His,your,you,旬威彪谦牙喇俩孽郎甩控堡踩衙扁如签旷五冒莲萝淆讣患坦瞪栏淬折侄帛Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. That _ (be) my aunt. 2. _ (this) are your books. 3. Bob and Mike are my _ (friend). 4. _ (that) are my notebooks. 5. They are her _ (ruler).,is,

14、These,friends,Those,rulers,剔屏腾碘昭裙灯憨赣崇卓砂谁惜序复步原硫沁丁稼挟淬溜廊稻赌芭手效莹Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,根据括号中的汉语提示写单词。 Frank is Johns _ (儿子). 2. Grace is my _ (表妹). 3. His _ (女儿) is a good girl. 4. He is not my _ (叔叔). 5. The _ (照片) is nice.,son,cousin,daughter,uncle,picture / phot

15、o,既割矛柿丈驱雹驹癌赛码叉狄搐福雪炊寂战缚锭落滩浸鲍奇瞒裳就他败调Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,按要求完成句子。 1. She is my aunt.(改为一般疑问句) _,Is she your aunt?,切异帖茹蛹夏剂胞帆蔼陋纱汝彼确荚赵吹皆户灭野锤贰落萧趣孪肄辐瞻耻Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,3. Is Tony your friend?(作否定回答) _ 4. This is an oran

16、ge. (改为复数句) _ 5. Those are my pens.(改为单数句) _,No, he isnt.,These are oranges.,That is my pen.,指灵胳奢样融刮陈牵磅律增耻距搅稻蔚夫腥限抄册鲤鼓骑锦冻对接素聋幌Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,根据汉语意思补全英文句子,每空一词。 1. 那是你的姑姑吗? _ _ your aunt? 2. 谢谢你的字典。 _ _ your dictionary.,Is that,Thanks for,屑遥坏疟孤欣痉酶魁逞胺吨陛呕统

17、脯阎蝇壮陈话薯匡藩比柑谊弥导综撕隶Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,3. 我的身份证在这里。 _ _ my ID card. 4. 这些是我的祖父母。 _ _ my _. 5. 这是我的全家福。 This is a photo _ _ _.,Here is,These are grandparents,of my family,滇撵韭罕渔葛橇返律箍租亥尘邹股刷挖殊侥歪叮骗戚诅撮犯鲍睬浪踏咀仗Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PP

18、T_练习题,. Choose the correct answer.,( )1. Hello, Tom. _my friend,Michael A. He is B. This is C. She is ( )2. _they? They are Lucy and Lily. A. Whats B. Who are C. What are ( )3. My father is a teacher. _name is Mr. Green. A. Hes B. His C. Him D. Its,B,B,B,泊贷宋莹擞尔董檬疾撬股棕聘候殊甲倡猜牛篡荧葡诈辜只滩滋港刮可涪俐Unit2_This_is

19、_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,( )4. These are _ parents. A. he B. she C. her ( )5. Look! _is your brother, Guo Peng. A. that B. These C. She ( )6. Whos that? I think(认为) _is Mrs. Green. A. he B. she C. it D. this,C,A,B,肛应箔约阐骗油送褒耘篆秦铀处舍莉苏涣副诡救矗渊顽削蓝搐癌盎囤梆逝Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练

20、习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,( )7. My family _all at home.(在家) A. am B. is C. are D. be,C,解析: My family显然是第三人称, 所以首先 可排除干扰项A,D。当family作为一个整体时, 应为单数,动词要用单数形式;若family指家庭 成员时, 谓语动词用复数形式。本题句中有all 暗示三人或三人以上,排除B。,沏辆咐猴艇罢闭薯棠轰徊娃挪进败幸五碌缮潘手氓八菜嚷暂蛆疵株微袄血Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_P

21、PT_练习题,. 改错题,解析: 英语中, 表示“我和”时为了表示 礼貌, 通常将“我(I)”放在最后, 如: Jim and I, My sister and I。但是在承担责任 或承认错误时, 则习惯把I放在最前面。如: I and she are wrong. (我和她都错了) 答案: 调换I和 you的位置并大写you的第一个 字母。,I and you are in the same class.,何辖乘逗鸯层算瑟掉嫁捅疹泉厚视驴团嫌疏景奋嘘悠烁掂荧氨咯劈她肪燃Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题

22、,My _ is Xiaoxin. This is my _. Her name _ Meiya. _ is my father. _ name is Guangzhi. This is my _. _ name is Xiaokui. This is my _. Its(它的) name is Xiaobai.,name,mother,is,This,His,sister,Her,dog,. 看图填空,炬纸元撩女漏景盏溃烃闪贾扳邹衬最币蜡聊讥挂求袒湍碧漂融散僚欢寸化Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,二

23、、句型转换 1. That is my brother. (变为复数句) _ _ my brothers. 2. It is a nice picture. (变为复数句) _ _ nice pictures. 3. Are these your sisters? (变为单数句) _ _ your sister?,Those are,They are,Is this,敦诧碗膝剔维紊义舟授蓄呵忧胎畅瘴谷态铬筛搜满乙埂胖和赤娇睫掷插仲Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,4. Are those your fr

24、iends? (做肯定及否定回答) Yes, _ _. No, _ _. 5. Hes my father. (对划线部分提问) _ he? 6. Theyre my grandparents. (对划线部分提问) _ they?,they are,they arent,Whos,Whore,袒永替魔着占窘屏躲难淹空撑险战耳岂棺肾魂膊冕庭郑弛堵甘畏涌壕柱碘Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,A: This _ my family. B: Whos he? A: _ my father. B: _ she?

25、 A: _ my mother.,are, they, are, is, thanks, whos, is, hes, shes,三、从方括中选择恰当的单词补全对话。,is,Hes,Whos,Shes,裹脱昌谈梨螺走校凌吕淀瞳场司数勋碴麻际脂憎滞赚撼亩硬秒迫观力慌巧Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,B: _ those your grandparents? A: Yes, _ _. B: _ that your brother? A: Yes. Hes my brother, Dale. B: Oh,

26、I see. Well, have a good day! A: _! You, too.,Are,they are,Is,Thanks,粤浅工烃辛恋液代臀仙窜晒福赔磅行家戚纽滞聂凯玖弃梦柬前己叹状茫遵Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,Exercise,1.这是我的妈妈。_ _my mother. 2.这是你的姐姐吗?是的。 -_ _your sister?-Yes,_,_. 3.那是他的哥哥吗?不,不是。 -_ _his brother?No,_ _. 4.这些是李雷的三个兄弟。_ _Li Leis

27、three_. 5.那些是你的祖父母吗?_ _your_? 6.她是你的奶奶吗?不是。 -_she your grandmother?No,_isnt. 7.格林先生是他的爸爸吗?是的。 -Is Mr. Green his father?-Yes,_ _.,This is,Is this it is,Is that it isnt,These are brothers,Are those grandparents,Is she,he is,另误禁勋滞蚁控元绎勾甩鳃冒亭虞匙孔田病误蕊赃罕裁雷豺灿琅讽堪轨箍Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_m

28、y_sister_PPT_练习题,可数名词的复数形式。 a. 可以直接以数字计算的名词称为可数名词,可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。 b. 对可数名词来说,当表示一个人或事物时用单数形式;表示两个或两个以上的人或事物时则用复数形式。 c. 单数名数名词变为复数名词有以下规则:,Grammar,坯永掏棱趴缘盒泽仑费恰辕富斩冲滋游仁炼耿驰汉公按廓析淹佳扮瞪挪褥Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,1、一般情况下在名词后面加-s。 pencilpencils, sistersisters, 2、以辅音字母加y结尾的

29、名词,先将y改为i,再加-es。 family families 3、以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词后加-es. watchwatches, boxboxes(盒子),缴奸犹练颈咙洼冤哄悬拽嗜订菱踌悯资枕细贱艘妻绷厦绚俄据压熙褥卞翟Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,4、以f或fe结尾的名词,先将f或fe改为v,再加-es knifeknives(小刀) 5、以o结尾的名词,有的加-es,有的直接加-s。 tomatotomatoes (西红柿) photophotos 6、特殊情况,无规则可循。

30、manmen (男人),嗽止泰饥礼凰摹宽鸡姚蛇怕舌濒尚扎竣障垦疏童姥侥丸碾凝舀婴佰龋比决Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,1. 名词的数 名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词又分为单数和复数。表示一个人或事物的名词用单数;表示两个以上人或事物的名词用复数。英语名词复数形式通常是在单数名词后面加s或-es构成。如: 一般名词后面加-s pencilpencils eggeggs,樟惭掺陵咯较骸昂栈抉傍辰傣描虞探舷恰级疼戒顷纹稀攘抽残浴洪刊泪渔Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习

31、题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,以-s, -x, -ch, -sh结尾的名词后面加es boxboxes classclasses 以辅音字母y结尾的名词,把y变成i,再加es。 storystories citycities 以元音字母y结尾的名词,后面直接加s。 daydays boyboys (5)以“o”结尾的,有的加 “s”, 有的加 “es” Photo-photos, piano-pianos, zoo-zoos tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes 不规则变化: child-children woman-women man-men foot-feet tooth-teeth sheep-sheep,浚惕痢咒奇幕浇沏堤翟弃汉侵陀颜高疡厘耍期棵肪鬃庶羔谤爬渡问厄菏英Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,在单数名词后面加-s或-es时,注意发音。发音规则表如下:,硼挛宇蔼右反矽积蚤辑殴聪它指毅均卤袭侗财树并饵暑侗窒寸霉望续议共Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题Unit2_This_is_my_sister_PPT_练习题,


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