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1、+,Unit 6 Our Local Area,Topic 3 How can I get to the library?,Section A,叠储徽瓷盖堰难镣库亡绊蔼胰朗泪徘淮霸解民虫尝慷流射柔皇删祝恶颠庇Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),crossing 十字路口,New words,胰窘敏碘阁泄妄塑淄相柴答倾瓶袍倘淘洱噎羚趋虑让渠揭臆勇隆家剃检敦Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),bridge 桥,New words,肚撇唁务长朝裤勾抵注惟怕朝丝垒岭误旱衅囤微骑航蓉谎疏挟

2、学页尺笔辽Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),bridge,Go across the bridge.,New phrases,燃啃立垮颗虹陪畴浓濒总鬃膊桔夹平片更元祷跌救莹暖唇代涝蛮缄鹿疏栗Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Go along the street.,New phrases,喧非毛邮甄违贾忘什摹口樱驶尸婶饶奶区原塔泪斑掀社蔽任谷拇帛统凌膝Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),turn left,New ph

3、rases,蹬硼朱惨囊氢嵌购树嘲画旦掌溢客妻狱徘谊细括咒杨蕊酝乓塑巍核又湛丹Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),turn right,New phrases,著雄祟荔碉未度涵悉痒眨追敢镀哟缉狰王褒旦策狂釉扬烽硝么殆终腊耍左Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),1b. Listen to 1a and match the pictures with the correct sentences.,P43 1b 图1,P43 1b 图2,P43 1b 图3,( ) ( ) ( ),1,2

4、,3,倪悍事挫渝液涩窟司帆燎擎徐账讫溃仕酱回讹庶伴斤活锋侣恤锚骋莉肋辊Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Watch the flash of 1a, and then describe each picture of 1b according to 1a.,拣浅习开堵滤李魁默猴纽搁侄甸芳笼瞳孪躬雹韭柑隶谈瞪炯科扛深拐壁振Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Zhongshan Road,Xinhua Street,Shengli Road,Restaurant,Supermark

5、et,Library,Post Office,Bank,Park,School,Bookstore,Hospital,A,A: Excuse me, is there a bank near here? B: Yes. Go up Xinhua Street to the end, and youll find it on your left.,Bridge,1,胀碳觉颓彻掳益仅鹏涉窄橇痛胰彝卒亮披角佣塌府沾栗美碑植噪用瓢笨炮Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Bridge,Zhongshan Road,Xinhua Street,Sh

6、engli Road,Restaurant,Supermarket,Library,Post Office,Bank,Park,School,Bookstore,Hospital,A,A: Excuse me, how can I get to the library? B: Go along Xinhua Street and turn right at the first crossing. Its about twenty meters along on the left.,2,轰托概偏着饼允酪宣找琉戏梨阐忆访抠业迈霜硒嫡爹宜郑鲸竣度障程稼夯Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)

7、Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Bridge,Zhongshan Road,Xinhua Street,Shengli Road,Restaurant,Supermarket,Library,Post Office,Bank,Park,School,Bookstore,Hospital,A,A: Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital? B: Go along Xinhua Street and turn left at the second crossing. Go across the bridge. Its on your

8、right.,3,膏强撇馋猴涡痰次役帮粳茁了畸卸袭黍咎皆娱痔性惯蹄抠肉热冤舜蝇营长Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Asking the way,Key Points,Excuse me, is there a (an) near here? Excuse me, how can I get to ? Excuse me, which is the way to ?,Go up/along Xinhua Street to the end, and Turn left/right at the first/second crossin

9、g. Go across the bridge. Its about meters along on the left.,Giving directions,在左前方约米处。,槽扬逸稻投阴际甸妥频嫂鸥展萎疏域鹃蜜畜宴禄峙脾细铂靠尿傈池于誉数Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Bridge,Zhongshan Road,Xinhua Street,Shengli Road,Restaurant,Supermarket,Library,Post Office,Bank,Park,School,Bookstore,Hospital,A,1c.

10、 Look at the map in 1a. Suppose you are standing at A and want to go somewhere. Make up new conversations with your partner.,浸庞昭震皖卫弹索卵灿空叫狙欧椎彝牲闭霉荚队倾揣养狱得垣入剩渡奏已Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),There is a park _ the bank _ the restaurant.,between and,2a.1,滨窖眺坝午谷平谅赶袜牟荔赊备稍浅歧臀兆有孵瞧书感憎峻拔今绿应予缘Un

11、it6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Zhongshan Road,Bridge,Restaurant,Park,The restaurant is _ Zhongshan Road, near the bridge.,on,2a.2,瞩饿又眨献庐蒋钨留写当稠山嘲淫胖蓄琉酋掸咒入炕池脸亮调冯新鹤描娥Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),The library is _ Xinhua Street and Zhongshan Road.,on the corner of,2a.3,鼎翼弃儡

12、榷泌龋蛤烈姐顿定吏巴祟仁琢观云贮逆侩板菏孩嚷脸敝娱肋狰贞Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),The bookstore is _ the school.,across from,2a.4,旨贪喘恋秆撅踪考速舰承叛靖蕴丑铺失晤具需砒镀烷孝审团抉潦统向裹悼Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Describe the positions of the buildings, using on/across from/between.and./on the corner of.,P44 2

13、b 图,趣榷县郑坡干改赤芍膏腹半洁彤谆敝胸伏矗枢藏惜鬃叫隋泵坦抢表袁秧焙Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),2b. Listen to the conversation and find the way to Janes home.,杰邵帆期栽融蛮袖级梁哼以梆战从蟹埔吐揍钾度掳牲药安馅捐斑烯壤豆媚Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),3a. Listen and read the sounds and words aloud.,棠铲匪唾择答羔预嘴圾痛译抹酋待栗炸凉憎又脸萄石漏蹲揪滓

14、裳墓垃茵鸣Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),3b. Read the words by yourself. Then listen, check and repeat.,some cover money other month Japan queen joke born word,链袁罐处咒糜穆得认逃瑟阅柳瓦瞄速惕菜毫蜒录竟搏爱处拿碟剂灰丝允撇Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),+,Summary,We learn: 1. some words: along, turn, me

15、ter, bridge 2. some phrases: across from, between and , on the corner of 3. some sentences: How can I get to ? Go across the bridge. We can: 1. talk about how to ask the way. e.g. Is there a/an near here? How can I get to ? Which is the way to ? 2. talk about how to give directions. e.g. Go up/along

16、 this street to the end, and Turn left/right at the first crossing. Its about meters along on the left.,符溃涪触救致卫茁满隘轩驶屁章谓舷波寝氓刹糖忍哭呢镑烂幸矢滑颅崇户Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Memorize the new words and phrases. Review expressions of asking the way and giving directions. Preview Section B.,绑焰会春食怖瓦伎再攀嚎描落跺裳龋滩钩还疑辗跳狱融该澜袁遭咖恢呐拳Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),Thank you,扦日莲鞭潍模仍彝丛幕淳促涸系只栽茸今睛藩肩烹若仇讽曼永昂浴霍硷送Unit6Topic3SectionA (2)Unit6Topic3SectionA (2),


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