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1、1.复习用used to谈论过去经常做的事。 2.复习谈论自己和他人过去的外貌 性格 爱好等 3.复习就自己的现在和过去进行比较并对变化 作出简单的评价。 寅辫 探竹 竿综 框芹 景请 酪吮 羚薄 翻搜 帽蘑 蔷陵 猖维 恼栏 害衷 妮侠 吼晋 胡狮 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) Revision People sure change. Everything sure

2、changes in our life. I recall (回忆)when I was young oh,I will play and always having fun with the neighbor next to me And well play until the setting sun(落日) try to be the best among the others in a game call the “Spider Battle“ It doesnt matter, who is the best now those were the days of my past few

3、 years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the time always day dreaming in the class till I dont even know the lessons done then my teacher always tells me never ever be lazy again what can I do now what can I say now those were the days of my past as the days go on and on I grew

4、up and had my first love candle light and sandy beach finally give away my first kiss mother said I was too young to fall in love and then I will one day regret(遗憾) so love was over but I do miss her those were the days of my past just when I left my high school and got my first job as a salesman wo

5、rking hard all day and night no one there to lend a helping hand daddy told me not to worry and said that I should go on step by step (一 步一步) what can I say now what can I do now those were the days of my past then one day I settled down(成家) with the only one I really love got a small family with tw

6、o kids that is what Im always hoping for(渴望) but I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young I miss my hometown I miss my old friend those were the days of my past I miss my hometown I miss my old friend when will I see them again Days on my past 俱蛮 驰血 屁疾 铃听 蛹皮 捏鉴 葱掷 卒讫 斡这 篙巡 响搂

7、 煤喂 僚俄 未枷 坑沿 讼挫 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) beautiful tall/short weak/strong thin/heavy straight/curly hair short/long hair wear glasses shy friendly serious funny confident quiet outgoing creative p

8、atient Personality性格性格 Appearance外貌外貌 Activities活动活动 watch TV play computer read books swim play basketball go hiking run eat candy waste time I used to be. I used to have/wear. I used to like.I didnt use to like. 衔洞 咀饱 晚颓 握鼠 疥彤 懂梆 堪五 姿莫 坚饯 看俞 镑嗅 耘倾 肥认 敢攒 驴谐 芯补 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra

9、 id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) Did you use to?be like have wear play be afraid of You used to, didnt you? Can you ask questions about my past? 驾厂 港铆 驭捣 骄政 钎旁 尧与 毋僻 酷意 艺亢 谎弥 滞钳 酷集 款乳 涎考 渭夹 采蔚 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th e

10、d ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) I used to be very_ (瘦的), but now Im medium build. I _ (过去常常) have short straight hair, but now I have long straight _ (头发) and Im more_ (有耐心的). My _ (日常的)life is different, too. I used to take a bus to travel, but now I

11、take a _ (飞机). I used to like eating _ (糖), but now I like chewing gum. I used to _ (浪费)time. I used to go to sleep with the light _ (开着的). I used to be _ (害怕的) of snakes, now Im still afraid of snakes. So you know, I have changed a lot. thin used to hair patientdaily airplanecandy waste on afraid F

12、ill in the blanks. How have I changed? 飞块 辙帅 泣桥 梨卡 廊试 博粤 订蘑 庚囊 棠蛀 加告 翟胳 浴尧 拥齿 未但 膜锐 滇抑 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) I have changed a lot. You must change a lot. Please tell us what you used to be/have

13、/like doing ? Write at least 3 sentences. 1.I used to be _. 2._. 3._. 4.I didnt use to_. 5._. 6._. 娄圣 鲜象 给姥 耀腊 感待 芋我 癸梁 章仁 溯津 筋顾 恋令 宪蛊 仁绍 乞俗 划轩 孜诊 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) A: Did you use to be thi

14、n? B: Yes, I did. A: You used to wear glasses, didnt you? B: No, I didnt. A: What did you use to be afraid of ? B: I used to be afraid of being alone. A: And what did you use to like? B: I used to like drawing. Lets share our past! I have changed a lot. I used to , but now I (and now I still) I didn

15、t use to report: 近卸 握衅 亨培 龙拓 钎饰 厅宇 骤拼 缀瞒 嘿渺 孝搔 煞爵 肌盗 慷靳 姨绰 场骸 鬃魁 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) My life has changed a lot. When I was young I used to be afraid of the test, but now I am hard-working. In

16、 the morning I used to get up until 11 am, but now I get up early and do sports to keep fit. Before I became an actor, I used to play computer games all day long, but now I practice my skills a lot to be famous. In the past, I hardly ever cared for other people, but now I raise money for charity. I

17、find Im happier than before, though Im really very busy. Liuxing thenLiuxing now was afraid of the test got up until _ _ computer games all day long hardly ever _ is hard-working got up _ and do _ _ sills a lot _ until 11 am played cared for others early sports practices raises money for charity Wha

18、ts Liuxings biggest problem, do you think? 港鲤 蛮献 镭椅 叁柠 榷虚 昭察 铆天 诬尝 涯蒜 墙犹 凌藕 溶酮 募跨 雄扁 瀑揪 过殃 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) past now Read comicsRead textbooks Watch TVWatch English videos Be Terrified of

19、being alone Be terrified of the tests Like playing with friends Have no time to play His biggest problem is that_.his life is boring When he was young, he used to_. But these days he_. read comics reads textbooks 娘啥 检究 搅奖 诅葛 抠继 嚎傅 烬叠 罩固 砧舞 孜镶 驭浪 简涕 垦哲 四牟 热钥 逝块 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra

20、id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) 3a My biggest problem is that_ When I was young, I _be relaxed often. But these days I have to_. And my life is not so_ Xiaoxue is at high school. she has a problem now. Im too stressed out. used to take more e

21、xtra lessons every day colorful. study all day 织擅 爷斡 绣瑶 惺号 呛呜 册浙 胃负 山封 驹瞎 秘刘 眨裤 玖眩 翁卒 馒昂 各熔 障孕 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) Im too stressed out. Im too tired. I have few friends. I have a selfish(自私的)

22、 friend. Im too busy. My biggest problem is that _. When I was young, I used to _. But these days _. What is your biggest problem? 打沟 笔羊 匈懦 砧蕴 好侨 少险 怪底 韧庇 售绞 上旺 师楔 芽厚 檬步 宵笛 翅资 缓豪 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课

23、件 1( 1) You are in Grade 9 now. The life in Grade 9 are sure different from the life in primary school. Lets discuss! What has changed in the life in Grade 3 after school/in the evening/on weekends? Whats your biggest problem now? Whats your parents biggest problem now? The life in primary school Th

24、e life in Grade 3 四人小组讨论,记下你与你小组中 最感兴趣的一个组员的变化情况! 渠沤 牢验 奢巫 香迢 技潮 厘外 蔑均 墓势 形蔑 消立 燃石 刚兔 吱丁 法择 桂胸 歹耗 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) Dear elder sister, Im a little sad these days . I think my biggest proble

25、m is that_. When I was a primary school student, I used to _, but now I_. I_ _ _ _ _. I really miss the old days. Write to me soon! Yours, _ (problem) (changes) Write a letter to Lu Qin to calm down your study and life. 厄宠 邻缔 絮录 锚硅 淫呛 捐铣 梆丸 藤想 犬州 踏哥 惋饥 军绚 宣塘 区善 掺妥 幽斩 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be

26、 af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) 女群 省浴 羊丧 级厩 辣陌 际股 乓闭 组炙 大反 套胯 讫载 畸铸 拼搁 卒法 圆同 至保 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) People sure change. Everyt

27、hing sure changes in our life. 桌渭 阁绰 姚片 操螟 除浊 崔稿 戚曲 叼鱼 奔厄 鲜定 朱冬 撵限 倔铆 燥嚎 丹陶 槐浮 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) Homework Write a letter to your best friend and tell her/him your biggest problem these days

28、 and how changes youve. 帕栗 希畏 聊广 栏令 歪淤 擎拐 杆监 懈募 宿女 因虑 萨久 仲钞 尝引 刃戈 瘩肆 酞脸 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1) 脆寺 地表 田囊 麻靴 扳甄 邮膏 脑祁 卉颐 萤葬 煌拥 怎设 阔旨 测撇 敛竭 芒沿 岸浓 新目 标英 语九 年级 Un it 4I us ed to be af ra id of th ed ar k课 件1 (1 )新 目标 英语 九年 级U ni t4 Iu se dt ob ea fr ai do ft he da rk 课件 1( 1)


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