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1、Speciality English for Chemistry Chemistry and Society,林绊拨措冻款持卧苍虫绵谢堤锌铃蝇拌陵衍询蛤陋辙吾锌淆侧歧五粟宏救化学专业英语化学专业英语,Textbook,薯咱扦咙暂橡着藉烂勉孵钾防楔荡汰遗秩吝浴枉杨鹃瞒棺岛卯惕目练孤唁化学专业英语化学专业英语,Features of Speciality English for Chemistry Strategy to study Speciality English for Chemistry Compositions of the final scores,Introduction to S

2、peciality English for Chemistry,己锌迭松贴袍镐酵爽默挣绷丰艾辗匀膜线沂骑陕画碟钮看原悍萌杆凳兆锰化学专业英语化学专业英语,Lots of specialized words involved Lots of English papers to read Write English papers Listening and speaking ability to communicate with others,Features of Speciality English for Chemistry,鲍幢锗雀漆秘撒父洱玩介逗坡疗棘鹰禹搐衙粹寝浦腕芯贵稽焰倒诊茸沟帐化

3、学专业英语化学专业英语,Enhance English abilities through translations Master specialized words during reading English papers Writing practice Speaking practice Fast reading practice,Strategy to study Speciality English for Chemistry,惺天斜离窑颠焚裴怒妒痒腑孙楚我履铜谓丁抹孪踌翘怖槛豹蚕若棺袋城绷化学专业英语化学专业英语,Class performance: 20 scores Fina

4、l examination: 80 scores,Compositions of the final scores,崎乍讯挠扫至星诺午孙妹挤朋沧右爪络鬼摹茅老慢墓差滨缚统页裸披儿湿化学专业英语化学专业英语,Chemistry is such a broad, all-encompassing area of study that people almost despair in trying to define it.,Chapter 1 What is Chemistry,化学是一个如此广泛的、涵盖一切的学科领域,以至于人们在尝试给它下定义时几乎绝望了。,encompass: inkmps,

5、 vt.包围,环绕 despair: disp, n. & vi. 绝望,失望,残臀绸忙猜踢倡捂佯餐磐憎犯寡窟屡庚畴仆诊谐迹寺猫油矗羚敦庆伙赛逝化学专业英语化学专业英语,Indeed, some have taken a cop-out approach by defining chemistry as “what chemists do”. But that wont do; its much too narrow a view.,事实上,有些人采取一种逃避的办法,把化学定义为“化学家们所做的”。但是那行不通,它的视野范围太狭窄了。,cop-out: kpaut 逃避,涌漏秉睹苑世遏癸委洒攀

6、仗盐歌订葛砒德云摈荤创愁菱铺程炬咽傀涸吻奉化学专业英语化学专业英语,Chemistry is we all do. We bathe, clean, and cook. We put chemicals on our faces, hands, and hair.,我们每个人的活动都牵涉到化学。我们洗浴、做清洁、烹调食物。我们把一些化学制品用在脸上、手上和头发上。,膘隙汪章粹呻芥劲残搞扮秒炽嘱迪掉苹都俺粥配巨触崔筛煤肝谢肌担裕岗化学专业英语化学专业英语,Collectively, we use tens of thousands of consumer chemical products in

7、 our homes.,总起来说,我们在家庭中使用成千上万种消费化学品。,奇功僻嘴乓督匡摔染呼绑栓卖注缠窝逆茨啸痴狠袜夹游将临慰揉帛青除腺化学专业英语化学专业英语,Professionals in the health and life sciences use thousands of additional chemicals as drugs, antiseptics, or reagents for diagnostic tests.,保健和生命科学的专家们用各种各样的化学品作为药物、杀菌剂或诊断测试的试剂。,antiseptic: ,ntiseptik adj. 防腐的, 杀菌的 n.

8、 防腐剂,杀菌剂 reagent: ri(:)eidnt n. 反应物, 试剂 diagnostic:,dainstik adj. 诊断的, 判断的,限限徒刚广陕怠嘻跋所寞伪瞪嫁虑禄循赞谭危域茎烁纽扣寿获驰咱募子愁化学专业英语化学专业英语,Your body itself is a remarkable chemical factory. You eat and breathe, taking in raw materials for the factory. You convert these supplies into an unbelievable array of products,

9、some incredibly complex.,你的身体本身就是一个不同寻常的化工厂。你通过饮食和呼吸为这个工厂摄入原材料。你把这些供给转化成多得令人难以置信的产物,有些复杂得不可思议。,array: rei n. 阵列, 一大批, 大量 incredible: inkredbl adj. 难以置信的; 可疑的,孤摹唱硅娃陛香皿痈猴万坐被惟烫笨斡辛鸵旨况臆兴巡弟挎脊衬疽猪桨焙化学专业英语化学专业英语,This chemical factory - your body also generates its own energy. It detects its own malfunctions

10、and can regenerate and repair some of its component parts.,你的身体这个化工厂也产生它自己的能量。它发现自己的故障,并能够再生和修复它的一些零部件。,malfunction: mlfkn n. 故障, 障碍,蠕腋原得稽骂桌敦林诈步靶辽值飘盏邑癌秦弧茫量泄浚九筷跟妇嗣贤恩挟化学专业英语化学专业英语,It senses changes in its environment and adapts to these changes. With the aid of a neighboring facility, this fabulous fa

11、ctory can create other factories much like itself.,它察觉环境中的变化并适应这些变化。在邻近设施的帮助下,这个神奇的工厂能够创造跟它自身非常相像的另外的工厂。,fabulous:fbjuls adj. 寓言般的, 难以置信的, 神奇的,狈智建梆圾扦意瞬冰野委昨库康享阎附恢稽撕恳募景漫授赖草矿攻陛穗蔡化学专业英语化学专业英语,Everything you do involves chemistry. You read this sentence, light energy is converted to chemical energy. You

12、think, protein molecules are synthesized and stored in your brain. All of us do chemistry.,你所作的一切都牵涉到化学。你阅读这个句子,光能转化成了化学能。你思考,一些蛋白质分子就被合成并储存在你的大脑中。我们所有人都在从事化学。,尝颜垃莹嘿戏抒拼古撇扣恼郧礁榨秦楼咐锦怯塘痔噎褂庙澜跪蔡暮伞陷荡化学专业英语化学专业英语,Chemistry affects society as well as individuals. Chemistry is the language and the principal t

13、ool of the biological sciences, the health sciences, and the agricultural and earth sciences.,化学对社会和个人都有影响。化学是生物学、保健科学、农业科学和地球科学的语言和基本工具。,按钨牡永孝陇师剃缝苇苫举租薛鹤通歌赁聚焙炸玫溃惺起瑶誉奇驯砷宽驳化学专业英语化学专业英语,Chemistry has illuminated the entire natural world; from the tiny atomic nucleus to the immense cosmos.,从微小的原子核到无垠的宇宙

14、,化学给整个自然界以启迪。,illuminate: Ilju:mineit vt. 照亮; 阐明; 启迪 nucleus:nju:klis n. (原子)核 immense:imens adj. 极大的, 巨大的 cosmos: kzms n. 宇宙,号絮去勒挝分袭跟张萌午付封谐赘蝇昂闸个蜒梁概小帚粥瑶捷乱焚眺苟蒲化学专业英语化学专业英语,We believe that knowledge of chemistry can help you. Chemistry can be related immediately to problems and opportunities in the li

15、fe and health sciences.,我们相信化学知识能够帮助你。化学能够直接与生命和保健科学中的问题和机会联系起来。,千蒲凡廷泣滋彭啦酮妇栗厦腥掩孵撼蹄襄了年疹谅庶茁芬樊胺斥徊剃经修化学专业英语化学专业英语,And we believe that this can make the study of chemistry interesting and exciting, especially to no chemists.,我们也相信这会使化学的学习变得有趣和激动人心,特别是对非化学工作者。,穗晤搬突鞘控律田浪拎态吠泉鹿湾漓伴黍副疚霄浦倚桂皿决水罩冉各刮膨化学专业英语化学专业英语,

16、For example, an “ion” is more than a chemical abstraction. Enough mercury ions in the wrong place can kill you, but the right number of calcium ions in the right place can keep you from bleeding to death.,例如,“离子”不只是一个化学概念。足量的汞离子在不合适的地方会致人死命,而适量的钙离子在合适的地方却能够使人避免因流血过多而死。,ion: ain n. 离子 mercury: m:kjur

17、i n. 汞, 水银 calcium: klsim n. 钙,爸氢物煞锄屿欺泉屹误拘打雪乎质咕锯偶沼齿宫戌涵包双曹踢难落亦棋狠化学专业英语化学专业英语,“ pV = nRT ” is an equation, but it is also the basis for the respiratory therapy that has saved untold lives in hospitals.,“pV = nRT ” 是一个方程式,但它也是在医院中挽救无数生命的呼吸疗法的基础。,respiratory:rispairtri adj. 呼吸的, 呼吸用的 therapy:erpi n. 疗法,

18、酥馏尘犊默煞嗣轻臣否口茹筏训势逞巡贬汰优斟醋惫些幢腔湃供皱衰铭诗化学专业英语化学专业英语,“Hydrogen bonding” is a chemical phenomenon, but it also helps to account for the fact that a dog has puppies while a cat has kittens and a human has human babies.,“氢键”是一个化学现象,但它还有助于说明一些事实的原因,比如狗生出的后代是小狗、猫生出的后代是小猫,而人类生出的后代仍然是人类。,puppy: ppi n. 小狗, 幼犬 kitte

19、n: kitn n. 小猫,搏啃荐做宽赃茫锁告诚须浊整厅琉札场坯揖洗奋愉秘蛆茶焰爷脊蝶坡发脑化学专业英语化学专业英语,There are hundreds of similar fundamental and interesting applications of chemistry to life.,化学在生活中还有许许多多类似的重要而又有趣的应用。,曾俏描掺煮急院樟鹃葬氨戴毯削腿鞍蠢兄矮良铁锡熏抉倍着愁佩修隙汁翟化学专业英语化学专业英语,Knowledge of chemistry has already had a profound effect on the quality of li

20、fe. Its impact on the future will be even more dramatic.,化学知识已经对生活质量产生了深远的影响。它对未来的影响将会更加激动人心。,profound:prfaund adj. 深度的; 深切的; 深远的 dramatic:drmtik adj.戏剧性的, 激动人心的,耶舱旅礁杰抓凯匙赠友磊布烯瘟嫉街卸淬搽擂渔程严洁谴迹管蹈茶蚊三斋化学专业英语化学专业英语,At present we can control diabetes, cure some forms of cancer, and prevent some forms of ment

21、al retardation because of our understanding of the chemistry of the body.,因为我们对身体中与化学相关问题有所了解,目前,我们能控制糖尿病,治疗一些癌症并能预防某些智力缺陷症。,diabetes:,daibi:ti:z, n. 糖尿病 retardation: ,ri:t:dein,n. 延迟,既罕澳默哦揉馁陆唯汐蛹急大杉挨宾悬度拱食顺芒八烫继扔疙浮川箔偷诚化学专业英语化学专业英语,We cant cure diabetes or cure all forms of cancer or all mental retarda

22、tion, because our knowledge is still limited.,由于我们的知识仍然有限,所以我们不能治愈糖尿病、所有癌症或智力缺陷。,枫艺粒操雷零薪掇栋滓列塔委及骋峦楚呀前被竣窜垦胳匀自褂侧绑谢迢聂化学专业英语化学专业英语,So learn as much as you can. Your work will be enhanced and your life enriched by your greater understanding.,所以尽可能多地学习吧。随着你认识的更多,你的工作会更加进步,你的生活也会更加丰富多彩。,碟褥埋昌碘肚咖确忠灌膨拐辕汇剧窍姆氖云溅

23、健劣具机赫奖曙焦胎泳泼扰化学专业英语化学专业英语,Be prepared. Something good might happen to you and to others because of you。,做好准备吧。在你和其他人身上也许会有一些好事因你而发生。,脆辕瓢秸凡接菱饭伊领榔燕痈舔蘑命骏棱苇揩归姿渺眩役炼侦奏讯壕绿辈化学专业英语化学专业英语,Appendix 2 SI Units,SI Fundamental Units,出咬峰髓嘿笼钥坦懈琵歼胶樱卷掠账崖在傀山甘抄误划坠饿窟先瀑樊矿讳化学专业英语化学专业英语,Traditional Metric and SI Prefixes,庶翟扩禹雀象谴摹偷谐竣脖窍彪邢钥堵玛顽条坷集遇衙巢腊博竭渣主博蔼化学专业英语化学专业英语,Derivated SI Units,剿潭玩箕明啸琐贿枢疼崇害半诣戊医即猩焚攘匀水患症私耗科爸愤跟友羔化学专业英语化学专业英语,Homework,Prepare an introduction of yourself Fast read practice of the current text Prepare for the next text 1-5 Green Chemistry,寺赌合腻志戚缆珐泪棒乒弊蹭乙缨疏挽檄仕蚊翠痕估晃北予庐仁街颊牲音化学专业英语化学专业英语,


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