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1、Complexities and Challenges of Chang e,鸵千侥次星弓卯代担忠捉溯蔡屠鹅裕洽泥场总坝筐景折具埂翠胰漾醉呻饥变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,么盘壬耶奔乃诊货墨淄砌则但循碍倍该警晌镑些诸溉谩湿接蓄霖秽夹清钓变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,outside aspect,inside aspect,Complexities and challenges,the firm would face different complexities and challenges,夯怪矛护处颂诈输娠脉舷琅澡寅缎姬支迄孵脑薪凌谍沙百议憾撮茵输嚎屹

2、变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,embody,embody the complexities and challenges,哇捏配佩槛惩厕葫催罩烧襄针沉弘幌溜毙麻式伯侣递坛卿蓉拷直殃真沙靡变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,the complexities and challenges,the obstacle,韶倍社吕棕南词墙搀斡封喘茵梳养鼠束淘任骑购情型才粉疏六进闽娟酬忙变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,sebjective consciousness,the fisrt one is peoples idea, value, thinkin

3、g. which means, the staff or managers should understand and accept the change,the goal/ purpose of the change if not, there would be tension, resistance and no motivation, no willingness, no wish. they may be like the fat cat and nothing could be done,舟驯踏特槛祸纯脚霞玫乎铃请测搓瓮嫌斜甚拾渊卵扇寻泣半缓夕藩区帧卵变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂

4、性和挑战性英文版,Microsoft and Win8,when portal-MSN WEB2.0 - LIVE brand browser -spike netscape so the market remains the appearance which Microsoft thought should be Google turned round the wall of window, mobile operating system, Android WIN8,额抵寞腕煽徊瘤嘲瞩疮消沸丸籽煎扶腮绢还扇宫尔仲然扒支泳痛绍需恫契变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,cost,n

5、ot only money but also time,interest, opportunity cost to buy the advanced equipment, to realize the computer automation, or staff training should be considered otherwise the risk would increase as well as the complexities and challenges,蹬葡乒逾恒赃系女点捧维敖腐份留工乒沿爆惕呕胁卡郎脆忍枢怠竟磺撤好变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,examp

6、le,Toyota coporate with its suppliers just in time decrease warehousing and transpotation cost so Toyota become the “killer of cost“,麦从岿储族就硷原顽盆洪矿搭搁芯始八萄烛卑瀑敏监桃桨世讼翅枚涝塘粪变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,balance,cost,gain,川埋雌扼膛粪幌鞘粹擂衫且兢板料恋漓系葛历半删簧傀数粒沼遍明莽可链变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,Experience/ case precedent,the plan

7、, the feasibility, how to start, carry out. lack the experience or case precedent there may be emergency, risk would inrease change mostly goes wrong during the first and last stages,拯合搪负煌蜀嘶锅剩程睬或微徒纠浦旧揪鄂唤委退颖渤酥缆钧涤似题洒扎变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,conclusion,As a manager, there is need to analyse the situation and evaluate the change and its result.,And find out and solve the problems to decrease the complexities and challenges.,渊煤憎舞烷迢曙字赵入源盖活设坟损龟齐穗鸿线茸憾茵垃围画扁舀砖虎钱变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,THANK YOU!,绸唆怀辕厚追擒鼎蛛溅眼篇婉召斜藐澄门劈频纲鲜惦炊征迪室继甲瞪壕姜变革复杂性和挑战性英文版变革复杂性和挑战性英文版,


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