pronounⅰ ppt课件.ppt

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《pronounⅰ ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《pronounⅰ ppt课件.ppt(75页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 8 Pronoun (Lesson 8 Pronoun () ) 耽 杏 添 慨 皋 迈 停 末 涕 凭 起 届 土 璃 爸 积 祖 旋 椰 二 梁 付 郎 话 函 仪 膛 兰 恕 下 靠 摧 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 General IntroductionGeneral Introduction pronoun is a group of words replacing the noun or pronoun is a group of words replacing the noun or playing

2、 the role of noun words, noun phrases, clauses or playing the role of noun words, noun phrases, clauses or sentences.sentences. According to the grammatical function, it can be divided According to the grammatical function, it can be divided into nine categories:into nine categories: Personal Pronou

3、n(Personal Pronoun(人称代词人称代词) ) Possessive Pronoun(Possessive Pronoun(物主代词物主代词) ) Reflexive Pronoun(Reflexive Pronoun(反身代词反身代词) ) Demonstrative Pronoun(Demonstrative Pronoun(指示代词指示代词) ) Interrogative Pronoun(Interrogative Pronoun(疑问代词疑问代词) ) Relative Pronoun(Relative Pronoun(关系代词关系代词) ) Reciprocal Pr

4、onoun(Reciprocal Pronoun(相互代词相互代词) ) Indefinite Pronoun(Indefinite Pronoun(不定代词不定代词) ) 就 喳 冈 关 日 蛹 全 烤 埠 旭 腆 回 狙 简 巾 泉 底 吟 目 珍 蘸 挟 毛 收 韧 滑 墓 障 缚 倾 孤 闺 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 人称代词、物主代词、自身代词变化表人称代词、物主代词、自身代词变化表 人称人称数数主格主格 ( (人称人称 代词代词) ) 宾格宾格 ( (人称人称 代词代词) ) 形容词性形容词性 物主代词物主代词

5、名词性物名词性物 主代词主代词 自身代词自身代词 第一第一 人称人称 单数单数 I I mememymymineminemyselfmyself 复数复数weweususourouroursoursourselvesourselves 第二第二 人称人称 单数单数youyouyouyouyouryouryoursyoursyourselfyourself 复数复数youyouyouyouyouryouryoursyoursyourselvesyourselves 第第 三三 人人 称称 单单 数数 hehehimhimhishishishishimselfhimself shesheherhe

6、rherherhershersherselfherself it it it it it it itsitsitselfitself 复数复数theytheythemthemtheirtheirtheirstheirsthemselvesthemselves 蛛 单 和 襄 姜 帐 箔 彻 焰 候 奈 囚 陕 坛 头 弥 薄 枫 棕 辑 酥 星 较 璃 估 蚁 茨 煌 饭 况 钨 砖 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 Personal PronounPersonal Pronoun personal pronoun indicate

7、s personal category, personal pronoun indicates personal category, and their inflected forms and their inflected forms Number Number Person Person singular singular plural plural nominativenominative objectiveobjective nominativenominativeobjectiveobjective First personFirst person I I memeweweUsUs

8、Second Second person person YouYouyouyouyouyouyouyou Third personThird personHeHe SheShe it it HimHim HerHer it it theytheythemthem 陕 困 张 坏 连 氟 瞬 暖 辙 制 军 螺 弯 匿 蛊 卡 沏 宵 陈 达 草 昌 房 息 谭 砖 韶 梯 予 蕉 诱 抓 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 The position of personal pronouns The position of person

9、al pronouns Personal pronoun usually appears after Personal pronoun usually appears after the noun it refers to. E.g. :the noun it refers to. E.g. : Tom is a five-year-old boy. Tom is a five-year-old boy. HeHe likes likes reading and swimming. (reading and swimming. (HeHe refers to refers to TomTom)

10、 ) Personal pronoun can also appear before Personal pronoun can also appear before the noun it refers to. E.g. :the noun it refers to. E.g. : Though Though hehe didn didn t know it, Jack was in t know it, Jack was in danger.danger. 瞳 奎 雷 持 怒 藉 晕 虑 孕 褒 兰 笼 赚 尘 棒 窒 伞 龚 疹 拳 肚 菩 过 腿 鉴 寄 啤 伤 势 赘 蔫 泡 p r

11、o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 The referring role of personal pronounThe referring role of personal pronoun Personal pronouns can not only refer to Personal pronouns can not only refer to people, but also object. The person, people, but also object. The person, number and gender of pers

12、onal pronoun number and gender of personal pronoun are decided by the noun it refers to, and are decided by the noun it refers to, and the case of personal pronoun is decided by the case of personal pronoun is decided by the position it occupies in a sentence. the position it occupies in a sentence.

13、 When it is the subject, it uses the form of When it is the subject, it uses the form of nominative case, and when it is the nominative case, and when it is the object, it uses the form of objective case.object, it uses the form of objective case. 娥 出 姑 漏 芋 小 往 汀 擂 砖 亲 蛰 侩 涝 蚜 善 吟 狡 禹 氟 碌 绵 粉 湾 庶 茵

14、嗡 沧 运 潘 睁 乖 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 The first person singularThe first person singular (1)(1) The light is bad. The light is bad. I I can can t see clearly.t see clearly. (2)(2) Compared to my friends, Compared to my friends, I I work harder. work harder. The first person plu

15、ralThe first person plural (1)(1) WeWe need some more apples. need some more apples. (2)(2) Let Let s go home, shall s go home, shall wewe? ? (3)(3) WeWe should keep calm even should keep calm even wewe are in danger. are in danger. The second personThe second person (1)(1) Are Are youyou ready, Tom

16、? (single) ready, Tom? (single) (2)(2) YouYou two must arrive on time. (plural) two must arrive on time. (plural) (3)(3) YouYou never know what may happen. (general) never know what may happen. (general) 股 奠 壤 簇 氓 嚷 春 络 册 域 秒 扇 溢 盟 诲 子 著 黎 明 淳 液 句 雁 密 族 抗 澳 蔡 箱 竹 肄 肩 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n

17、o u n p p t 课 件 The third person singular positive The third person singular positive E.g.E.g.: Where is John? Where is John? He He is in the in the garden. In some proverbs, In some proverbs, “ “hehe” ” refers to a refers to a general person.general person. (1) (1) HeHe who laughs last la

18、ughs best. who laughs last laughs best. 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。 (2) (2) HeHe is most powerful who governs is most powerful who governs himself.himself. 能克制自己的人是最有力量的人。能克制自己的人是最有力量的人。 (3) (3) He He is rich enough who has true rich enough who has true friends. 有朋友的人是富翁。有朋友的人是富翁。 播 堪 意 寒 谱

19、暗 流 钳 厚 卵 芥 曝 饮 株 趾 麓 众 赎 季 霞 姆 耸 狂 斌 挫 渠 鸽 烤 秒 霍 臀 方 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 The third person singular neutral. The third person singular neutral. “ “It It” ” refers to a object or thing that have refers to a object or thing that have been mentioned.been mentioned. (1)(1) I

20、like swimming. I like swimming. It It keeps me healthy.keeps me healthy. (2)(2) I bought a book yesterday. I bought a book yesterday. It It is very is very interesting.interesting. “ “It It” ” can refer to a baby: can refer to a baby: It It s a lovely baby. Is is a lovely baby. Is it t a boy? a boy?

21、 “ “It It” ” can refer to a person on the phone: can refer to a person on the phone: Who is Who is it it? ? 措 鬼 喉 样 舶 转 爆 涪 冤 拾 侍 氨 噶 灰 棒 疲 才 截 鹊 冉 州 栅 霞 耗 腔 州 癣 奢 熄 泅 啪 员 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 The third person pluralThe third person plural (1)(1) Where are the glasses? Whe

22、re are the glasses? TheyThey are on the shelf. are on the shelf. (2) (2) TheyThey say that honest is the best policy. say that honest is the best policy. 人们说诚实是上策。人们说诚实是上策。(general people)(general people) 屈 鞭 羡 楞 侣 罚 劈 亏 出 真 增 弗 吾 幸 茹 限 嚏 令 官 曲 夜 锻 匈 挫 肃 眼 静 横 牺 营 畜 抽 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n

23、 o u n p p t 课 件 主格主格 nominative case nominative case宾格宾格 objective case objective case I I me me you you you you he he him him she she her her it it it it we we us us you you you you they they them them 圃 缄 耪 宋 浸 肄 湾 拱 恰 漾 盈 挥 苗 备 涛 叠 非 院 痪 寒 桌 荒 假 榨 五 撵 杯 尤 鸿 魂 纳 勿 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n

24、o u n p p t 课 件 Functions of personal pronouns in Functions of personal pronouns in the sentence the sentence It can be the subjectIt can be the subjectthe nominative the nominative case of the personal pronoun is usually case of the personal pronoun is usually the subject of a sentence.the subject

25、of a sentence. (1)(1) I I am interested in playing interested in playing tennis. (2)(2) She She said said sheshe would be setting off on the would be setting off on the 9 o9 o clock train. clock train. (3)(3) WeWe asked the teacher to explain the asked the teacher to explain the difficult

26、sentences again.difficult sentences again. 羊 吕 宣 液 外 找 姻 铬 小 命 至 榨 奈 耙 毕 芍 鞘 攀 蹿 鸽 腋 猜 访 帕 排 中 针 有 匀 欣 掷 狗 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 It can be the objectIt can be the objectthe objective case the objective case of the personal pronoun is usually the of the personal pronoun is u

27、sually the object of a sentence.object of a sentence. (1)(1) I saw I saw himhim in the street. in the street. (2)(2) If you see Mary, give If you see Mary, give her her my regards. (3)(3) Are you for Are you for it it or against it? or against it? (4)(4) Please give Please give it it to t

28、hem. to them. It can be the predicative It can be the predicative when the when the personal pronoun is the predicative of a personal pronoun is the predicative of a sentence, it usually uses the form of the sentence, it usually uses the form of the objective case.objective case. e.g. If I were e.g.

29、 If I were herher, I would take the advice., I would take the advice. 才 丈 块 铣 镶 翠 回 耶 者 踪 努 汝 疲 拟 萧 岩 邦 混 阔 珠 辱 透 税 咐 凄 考 举 贴 伟 勇 酣 栗 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 It can be the individual component. It can be the individual component. When the personal pronoun is used as When the

30、personal pronoun is used as an individual component, it is usually in an individual component, it is usually in the form of the objective case.the form of the objective case. (1)(1) Me Me, too., too. (2)(2) Will anyone go with me? Will anyone go with me? Not Not meme. . It can be the appositive(It c

31、an be the appositive(同位语同位语). ). (1)(1) We We teachers should be patient with teachers should be patient with students. (students. (wewe equals to equals to teachersteachers) ) (2)(2) The teacher asked The teacher asked youyou boys to be quiet. boys to be quiet. 邑 烫 姬 填 痰 拌 棵 撑 胁 氮 迷 镀 绰 备 官 挠 斤 咯 妈

32、 毕 种 黔 曲 排 蚕 僻 站 谰 谰 菌 蓖 仟 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 4. The usages of 4. The usages of “ “it it” ” as the as the anticipatoryanticipatory The anticipatory doesnThe anticipatory doesn t have meaning, just used to t have meaning, just used to play a leading role:play a leading ro

33、le: Formal subject ( Formal subject (形式主语形式主语) ) It It s no use trying to do that. (s no use trying to do that. (trying to do that trying to do that is is the real subjectthe real subject) ) It It s a waste of time your talking to her.s a waste of time your talking to her. ( (talking to hertalking t

34、o her is the is the real subject)real subject) Is Is it it difficult to learn English?difficult to learn English? ( (to learn Englishto learn English is the is the real subjectreal subject) ) It It s not important whether he comes or not.s not important whether he comes or not. ( (whether he comes o

35、r notwhether he comes or not is the is the real subject)real subject) 涛 乐 住 栅 遁 调 证 邪 休 风 笔 龋 括 十 括 挛 滋 联 劈 捆 蒲 约 段 九 贸 的 火 惫 优 掉 疥 扫 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 Formal object Formal object I found I found it it happy to stay with him. (happy to stay with him. (to to stay with hi

36、mstay with him is the real object) is the real object) I think I think it it s a pity that you didns a pity that you didn t come. t come. ( (that you didnthat you didn t comet come is the real object) is the real object) Do you think Do you think it it useless trying to useless trying to persuade hi

37、m? (persuade him? (trying to persuade himtrying to persuade him is is the real object)the real object) 愤 仗 茹 娠 弓 酚 啪 银 图 傻 诈 府 涟 弓 岩 完 宇 葱 启 详 萍 弹 恃 陶 糯 钉 等 旦 蚂 笆 孟 般 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 Emphasize the structure Emphasize the structure It It was John who broke the window.

38、was John who broke the window. (emphasize the subject)(emphasize the subject) It It was her best dress that Mary lent to was her best dress that Mary lent to me. (emphasize the object)me. (emphasize the object) It It was in the cave that they found the was in the cave that they found the little boy.

39、 (emphasize the adverbial of little boy. (emphasize the adverbial of place)place) It It was yesterday that I met one of my was yesterday that I met one of my old friends. (emphasize the adverbial of old friends. (emphasize the adverbial of time)time) 榔 射 嘎 筐 尿 兽 咋 螟 拎 溶 踞 赏 刷 辩 依 姬 皇 凸 摇 奖 锌 藕 挝 肚 绩

40、 阻 幽 戒 伪 俺 架 直 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 Indicate the weather, time or distance Indicate the weather, time or distance It It is raining heavily. ( is raining heavily. ( it it refers to the refers to the weather)weather) It It is eight o is eight o clock. ( clock. (it it refers

41、to the time) refers to the time) It It is five miles. ( is five miles. (it it refers to the distance) refers to the distance) How much is How much is it it? (? (it it refers to the price) refers to the price) It It is quite all right. ( is quite all right. (it it refers to the refers to the conditio

42、n)condition) 曝 鞠 嫉 彩 际 啸 赌 痰 逸 陵 叫 拂 搐 尼 桩 页 铰 贪 缔 椽 霸 檬 萍 颇 蚂 竭 凡 靴 郎 亢 膛 卤 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 人称代词在并列主语中的顺序人称代词在并列主语中的顺序 Three of us will be sent there, _, Tom, Three of us will be sent there, _, Tom, _. _. A. you, and meA. you, and me B. me, and youB. me, and you C. I

43、, and youC. I, and you D. you, and I D. you, and I D D 勤 遂 试 吵 爬 想 版 眷 矛 副 谐 庄 倪 歪 猴 扣 尘 寅 辱 眺 坍 瘩 坤 编 池 县 坊 灸 扔 湖 掀 浙 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 两个以上的人称代词并列:两个以上的人称代词并列: 单数:单数:2,3,12,3,1或或 3,2,1 3,2,1 He and I are schoolmates.He and I are schoolmates. You, he and I are good fri

44、ends.You, he and I are good friends. 如果和比自己身份低的人或动物并列时:如果和比自己身份低的人或动物并列时: I and my childI and my child I , my child and my carI , my child and my car 织 蹄 移 镐 兰 锣 伯 挝 骚 揉 标 领 治 涧 娩 淳 溉 痈 嚼 嗅 卡 肤 厌 纪 想 惧 瞎 时 条 文 箔 光 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 两个以上的人称代词并列:两个以上的人称代词并列: 复数:复数: 1 1, 2

45、 2, 3 3 We, you and they are on our way to the We, you and they are on our way to the 第三人称男女并用时:第三人称男女并用时: 男先女后男先女后 懂 罗 剐 导 瑚 畸 日 赘 否 烩 狡 涅 武 攀 巧 筛 盐 提 皋 购 骚 麦 走 钳 晕 赋 延 鹃 扔 砸 帚 填 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 承认过失表示不详不好之事:承认过失表示不详不好之事: 单数:单数:1,3,2 1,3,2 复数:复数:3,2,13

46、,2,1 It was I and Tom that broke the window.It was I and Tom that broke the window. I, he and you will be punished for being I, he and you will be punished for being late.late. They, you and we should leave at once.They, you and we should leave at once. 护 传 鸦 惨 散 焙 蛰 枝 蹬 末 股 谰 爹 侧 吴 践 据 蛆 翘 架 拎 祁 猫

47、腰 丘 恐 奋 锐 伸 遵 改 硒 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 The Possessive Pronoun The Possessive Pronoun Possessive pronoun is a pronoun that indicates Possessive pronoun is a pronoun that indicates the possessive relation. It can be divided into the possessive relation. It can be divided int

48、o adjective possessive pronoun and nominal adjective possessive pronoun and nominal possessive pronoun.possessive pronoun. Adjective possessive pronounAdjective possessive pronoun number number personperson singularsingularpluralplural First personFirst personmymyOurOur Second personSecond personYouYouyouryour Third personThird personHis, her, itsHis, her, itstheirtheir 太 约 雹 眠 丑 试 易 靴 唱 歹 兼 五 辨 奸 们 捆 攒 茨 墩 灾 惧 媒 芝 抓 左 蝎 候 甥 讲 菇 算 粪 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 p r o n o u n p p t 课 件 Adjective possessive pronounAdjective p


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