The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care.ppt

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1、The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Analytical Review prepared on behalf of NESSE by Helen Penn Cass School of Education, University of East London, UK,帚簇乍轨娥乎状彼万承畏蚤雨歹惫扭疤隧伦尧湖剑窿奥瑶街幌惧狭瘫掷熙The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhoo

2、d Education and Care,Social benefits?,嫉有糯桩专归怎紧舞长整窝殆鲍意馋干檀聪汹安浅官阳邦莱烘琢履蕾敷患The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Early childhood education and care: lessons from research for policy makers. EU Directorate for Education and Cultu

3、re/NESSE,在梯旅屋聪湾揉协帐砾俩奠爸赫聚全熏奉恃母与夷米克钎岩习愁悯弱创幌The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Early childhood education and care (ECEC) - A complex issue,Across Europe, overlapping and even contradictory rationales for ECEC, drawing on di

4、fferent sources of evidence, and arriving at different policy conclusions Problems about reconciling data on early education, primary school starting age and childcare across countries ECEC inextricably linked with other measures to reconcile family and work life, and with wider social conditions UN

5、CRC requires rethinking of nature of ECEC services and desirable outcomes,袄磐番虾仗辩恐盒喘触或氏铝湾车连约扶猜腆杯轨潭尊歹氓味篆甩帮喀峰The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Overlapping rationales and contradictory evidence,Early education is a good inv

6、estment in that it mitigates the expense of remedial action in primary and secondary schooling and results in adult productivity and in the relative absence of anti-social behaviour Research perspective economics especially human capital theory; draws on long term aggregated data sets and cost benef

7、it studies of early childhood interventions,蚌雪棵络炼隘瑞隙攫刹团具护哈津凝盅详眶逆铃仍革娘宏乱笼败票狭邓勒The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Policy and research debates,Policy implication -provide targeted services for the most vulnerable children BU

8、T questions about the reliability and parochiality of the evidence. Longitudinal cost benefit studies a dated methodology; cohort studies now offering more relevant data eg millennium cohort study, EU-SILC,瑚殊雅搞奎如祝五废菠斯瞎抹溃闰病崩破钟恐贱瑟僚洱赊聋叶件灯疯植囱The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe S

9、ocial Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Overlapping rationales and contradictory evidence,Early education and care is a good investment only if it is of high quality. Poor quality services may do more harm than good for the most vulnerable children Research perspective child development

10、 studies of outcomes of different types of ECEC,停帆病淹紧汀戊了呐驼奎泣漠复潮渠鸡胁汕喂政酚哈诣屠戌甜惰碌趋宪堪The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Policy and Research debates,research that suggests good child-staff ratios, staff training, good programm

11、es and leadership are essential aspects of quality BUT staff deployment, staff training, curricula and management vary considerably across Europe and in a European context very different approaches are also associated with high quality provision eg Reggio Emilia, emphasis on nature and physicality i

12、n Nordic curricula Auspices matter -quality more problematic in for-profit settings,于游谬虑寨草圭际缝志惜结甭介在掂穆皿唆重侨溶词擎潜叹裹填怀镰舍木The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Overlapping rationales and contradictory evidence,Early education ben

13、efits all young children and socializes them for starting school, especially children from poor or migrant families Research evidence child development studies of learning, language development and socialization, education outcomes,荤虽追蝎韧绕危脱惶描金晃应倘旭镁趣瓜籍瓮匿捣搁兹猫删钝兴鲁样牌昏The Social Benefits of Early Childho

14、od Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Policy and research debates,Universal or targeted services? targeting gives rise to boundary maintenance problems eg children in need. a service for the poor is a poor service stigmatization, less aspirational, poor staff

15、 in poor circumstances BUT universal services must be sensitive to special needs and circumstances eg position of muslim children in French system, immigrant children in Netherlands etc,澳掉荷图涯堂骡秦乌峰燥劣蛇窍令睁约儒尖炉燎埋估矩锐兢年辣召官迅摇The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Ea

16、rly Childhood Education and Care,Overlapping rationales and contradictory evidence,Education and life-long learning essential to a competitive knowledge economy; education promotes social mobility Research evidence education research and comparative education data from OECD and other transnational s

17、ources; demographic data,准湘隙樊獭管蹋韩埠斟赴二鸽爆碱宅滥瑚锥使酉犬勘褪珍液轮蓬店宁辅洋The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Policy and research debates,Social class a confounding factor. In unequal societies social mobility problematic. OECD figures su

18、ggests that education outcomes in some countries have a long tail good at the top, poor at the bottom How does childcare fit into the education system?,另卤拆户耽恍咀痪肌迂脉垃铀香埋疾铺朗冶拈萍游悯辛鉴伙竟乓懒慧必然The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,O

19、verlapping rationales and contradictory evidence,Women are essential contributors to a dynamic economy Research evidence economics, cost benefit studies of labour market participation, gender studies,勃咐侠搭揉唁脾去藏坟诌署讶洗袜岔叔郴制寿钎孰皖涵吠遮臃郧撩穆器厨The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social

20、Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Policy and research debates,Remove disincentives to womens participation by the provision of full-time childcare (Barcelona targets) BUT Not a direct relationship between womens workforce participation and availability of childcare costs and regulation

21、of childcare and tax and benefit levels affect participation What is the relationship between childcare and schooling?,骏门蹈便忽鼻对痹吭胸迎腺哉辰狰首凿映噎教夯郊苯茬壬庸侈谈乎米舵卫The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Overlapping rationales and contrad

22、ictory evidence,Working mothers contribute to tax revenues and lessen the need for social security payments; they make an important contribution to family income Research evidence welfare economics, social policy,龋差站侈罩昨最逮遁肮褪陨羞沿咏编宙躲紊夫炕丝埂雷貉扶语凡篡肮眯诬The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Ca

23、reThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Policy and research debates,Emphasis on workplace participation of single parents and other parents who would otherwise be dependent on state benefits Maternity, paternity and parental leave and work support schemes Low income employment -

24、does work pay?,太挣娥镰锚北镑绳伤坑莆屑怎币郁忘僳夏主吠茂胶姑奈碳渍辅痰晦赘婿黑The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Overlapping rationales and contradictory evidence,Mothers need to be involved with their children; parents are a childs first educators Re

25、search evidence child development research which stresses the importance of family environment and mother-child attachments,目指饲稿怜宜呜讽构侥喘汐毗券励眶摩绪卑羽煌络昼裂链暗杜呐硼题效佳The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Policy and research debates,H

26、ome visiting schemes, parenting classes, mothers as volunteers low-income mothers, vulnerable mothers Parental choice which should take precedent parental choice or childrens needs for continuity and security?,禾纳蜀烁噶劫形期美搜逼酶宗喳砷佳宁敝宪崇蛙茬棘陵襟筹惫获赘痢珍鞘The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareT

27、he Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Overlapping rationales and contradictory evidence,Low birth rates below level of replacement a societal problem Research evidence demography, population studies,锡这瞎唯肯耻剩峨譬痰圆汰湃砍虏钡儿作绣捅柳堰剪萄琐点京茸弘睹幼炔The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education a

28、nd CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Policy and research debates,Pro-natalist policies, child benefit, maternity and paternity leave, policies to make motherhood easier and more valued BUT No direct relationship between pro-natalist policies and birth rate.,表稠漫序郭吻芥泽腑砷送鹿吮且

29、俯校臂诵避嚼驳仟敏母秸徐愁妥筋椿阑十The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Overlapping rationales and contradictory evidence,Child poverty impacts severely on childrens educational performance, their sense of self-worth and their subsequent s

30、ocietal contribution Research evidence social welfare research on definitions of and consequences of poverty,买洛北诛居淆渐演舔谜部舀饺蹋坡获嫁干例靡战筋价沟忠剩肠淡芭扣蛮骸The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Policy and research debates,Inequality a key

31、 indicator for child well-being Redistribution of taxes and benefits and other social policies to mitigate child poverty labour market legislation such as minimum wage,垫惧鼻阎屑掏用戊世忿弧沾椰洞磨臻扑昼碾各谭诅春它步扫场椰席姻管辫The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Educ

32、ation and Care,Overlapping rationales and contradictory evidence,UNCRC: Children, including young children, are rights bearers and all children have a right to protection, provision and participation,均陨竣或春栅爱簇脸档鲤嗽丘致战栓贩涟竞匹拌诸差崔补盲蔑窖好颜缠灶The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social

33、Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Policy and research debates,Broad approach, including reduction of child poverty, health and welfare support; defining provision from childrens perspectives and perceived needs,邱谚贴汞嫂忿羽瞄探监熊敲增誉立专循沟致斋袄狼舍热缨宴雀苞晃异哺疼The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Educa

34、tion and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,Next Steps?,EU directorate of education and culture: basic competencies and skills professional/transferable qualifications for working with young children EU directorate of employment, social affairs, and equal opportunities: Auspices, regulation and quality in privatized early education and care markets,唱戌裙厦境饰贡偷惶疵犯沦导障铆查入加域雄惶可且酞无淖德琉傻染浇腋The Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and CareThe Social Benefits of Early Childhood Education and Care,


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