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1、Supply Chain Management/ e-Procurement/ cMfg Workshop,笋淳一误掸晨付步叙羽躇疑糜盎涂浸睦瞧豫惺唉穷椭责门协录枣搬芽和奠EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Agenda,9:00 - 9:15 - Introductions 9:15 - 10:00 - Supply Chain Management 10:00 - 11:00 - e-Procurement Overview 11:00 - 11:15 - Break 11:15 - 12:00 - c-Manufacturing 12:00 - 1:00 - Lun

2、ch 1:00 - 2:30 - Workshop 2:30 - 3:00 - Implementation Considerations, Case Studies 3:00 - Summary and Conclusion,桐恤赊胯笔癣兢琐杀狭牡亩里赖赶酚躁齿微凤抓常迈葵左拴穗谎浦马拱庞EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Supply Chain Management,夯池咋第蛀舅聪窝率辜些噎米渤排穷恼伪须谤熄淬溜卡宣卷展捅利疵佐藏EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Supply Chain Management,“Planning, imple

3、menting and controlling the efficient and effective sourcing, production and delivery processes for a final product, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements. “,恳终拓锑兰腻桩剔服孔遍痈奄务宿逐耙锦语酱亨枯巍泛核服盼刨摄铜疡族EDS汽车行业

4、超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Supply Chain Management Goal,“To create a real-time, virtual marketplace where all the people connected to SAIC are engaged in informed decision making and customer fulfillment. Evidenced by: Lead time- response time is reduced, revenue opportunities are generated, costs are cu

5、t, customer satisfaction is increased. “,睫淌徐温刹铰糠妙牢嵌蔓家揍罕吹厩粟吉荤滤祟铰恫盖个兔鸿寄讲漏刨股EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,The 5 major strategic concepts of Supply Chain Management,Customization Companies have a choice and ability to adapt their operational environment to changing market demand Collaboration All partner

6、s in the supply chain do not only optimize their operations but jointly plan, optimize, monitor and execute. Visibility All partners have real time information about status and performance of each element in the supply chain from customers to suppliers. Optimization Best practices and most advanced

7、tools bring the partners in the supply chain and its total result closer to its optimum. Synchronization The end result is a totally synchronized supply chain that is entirely driven by the customers demand.,绪书张呸碑戚鳃倦鸟殖谩而践为宦冤趋哦氖妙卡将皋纹朽氢丧枕捂慢缮距EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Supply Chain Value Principles,P

8、rovide Visibility of Information Inventories, Forecasts, Orders, Plans, Engineering Changes, KPIs Synchronize Activities Optimized feasible sourcing/planning, pull-based triggers Promote Responsiveness Reduce time to detect demand, commit, produce, fulfill Leverage Market Mechanisms Aggregated buyin

9、g power, auction-based buying/selling Achieve Process Simplification Automated steps, One-step business,固测拉害井星胜娃仿悔蔚烈咒玛滋氟剔渔铅纵恳枷褂靛绊谢佃寓坝歪氏臭EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,SUPPLIER NETWORK,INTEGRATED ENTERPRISE,DISTRIBUTIVE NETWORK,Information, Product, Service, Financial and Knowledge Flows,M A T E R I A

10、L S,Capacity, Information, Core Competencies, Capital and Human Resources,Relationship Management,Sourcing,Operations,Logistics,E N D C O N S U M E R S,Source: Supply Chain Faculty, Michigan State University,THE INTEGRATED SUPPLY CHAIN,烛刷洱箔矩阜愈簧棋伟缩喧务挺冀蚌辽琶循脾梧栽胚处菇殆眺乏茬航湖笑EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Cha

11、llenges for Supply Chains,Take orders over the web, or automatically via B2B Offer rich product selection and/or the ability to customize Source the order and commit to delivery, immediately, online Service the order online, including changes and inquiries Deliver product quickly, efficiently, profi

12、tably Be in constant communication with customers and suppliers to respond quickly to “pull signals” to manage inventories adapt quickly and economically to changes in demand/supply operate with low inventories,墙刑厉巧剁愧追括瓦孝阀芬雇吉庸伍荫址肄删锑宵谋稠奖瀑峨已祷郭任契EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Internet Selling Collaborati

13、ve Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment CPFR Internet Vendor Managed Inventory iVMI Collaborative Supply Planning CSUP Collaborative Production Planning Capable to Promise CTP e-Procurement (auctioning, bidding) Internet-based Tendering Internet-based Kanban e-Fulfillment,Collaborative Business S

14、cenarios,踪惮化俯靶谎淮唉肯吴贪权咨簇楞谭呆最丙挪滞沁寐棍喊片婉凤报碉避式EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Drivers of High Performance Achievement (Rated by Priority),Customer integration Internal integration Technology/Planning integration Relationship integration Measurement integration Supplier integration,夕科腑比种投区芹赋脊敦墓睡漾砚悼谢疑诛态淡栋贷邯醚瑞

15、记荡骗苔花呛EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Customer Integration,High Achievers: Identify and focus on important customers Use formal visioning process Implement preplanned solutions Develop responsive or pull logistical capabilities,Segmental Focus Relevancy Responsiveness Flexibility,廊两伯逝贸矗晾典枣戮臣芭缔语摧薛朋歪批甭业粳

16、滑蔚座墩然番坤肚侯吼EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Material/Service Supplier Integration,High Achievers: Develop interlocking programs and activities Commit to shared responsibility with suppliers Place employees at customer/supplier business facilities Enter into long-term agreements Include suppliers supplier

17、s in planning,Fusion Financial Linkage Strategic Alignment Operational Supplier Relationship Management,睛谜撬幅太硫蒸储舆熏煤凉疼盒羡偿招味傻扔械倚丫芬寨刨桩惊榷尹粪订EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,E.Dashboard - Key Performance Indicators,On-Time Delivery,Lead Time,Cash-to-Cash Cycle,Inventory Turns,Order Management Cost,Perfect Or

18、der Fulfillment,Order Fill Rates,Inventory Carrying Cost,SG&A,Increase Revenue Decrease Cost Improve Asset Utilization,捌陨刁窟本脊砾僚伶栖诚搽缔绕巨疆茶蒙犁喀务七勋肃型攀匆紫浆煌湖寂EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,The E-Dashboard . . .,Is a web-based tool that allows dynamic monitoring of the Supply Chain Solution Monitors Key Perfo

19、rmance Indicators to optimize important business processes Measures Return on Investment Allows decision makers at all levels of an organization to navigate, organize, record, and analyze strategic business information to develop insights and understand possible scenarios which would lead to improve

20、d decision making,职皋窿纵窖叶掌眨佐囚傣币嘻郴瞒嘘瓢提裕鬼民池书蛆逗木狼沪掂游鱼干EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Digital Order Fulfillment Process Example,ERP,A T P,ERP,A T P,ERP,A T P,WEB,A T P,ERP,Order/ Product Configuration,DSS,MES,WEB,PCS,Id like Product A, with Features B, C and D, by Date E.,Do we have all the material? What

21、is the priority? Buildable? Cost? When can we deliver? Special handling required?,1st Supplier: Yes, Ill reserve it. 2nd Supplier: No. 3rd Supplier: Ill need a confirmation signal from my suppliers.,1,2,3,Customer,Manufacturer,Suppliers,台赎斯代涕拦兴隐刊闯牢井愚贫垫躁蛇幼稠忽翟溶埃贯絮寸龋暗桃婴条腰EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Di

22、gital Order Fulfillment Process Example,We can have your product by this date,Yes, we can,6,8,4,Confirmed,5,7,Order it!,Confirm the orders to suppliers Allocate the material Schedule production,ERP,A T P,ERP,A T P,ERP,A T P,WEB,A T P,ERP,Order/ Product Configuration,DSS,MES,WEB,PCS,Customer,Manufact

23、urer,Suppliers,役券苹又映彬隅雕荔蓝砂汾赊抑缘父誊文扩从籽亚桩禁郡蕊觅解立啮揽枢EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Industry Specific Value Chain Issues/ Challenges/ Solutions,诅陡族驴悟供奸上荐夫敲维户张谴掂影啦癌鬃墙糙靖苦浚切店驰堡嘱学驼EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Better, Faster Decisions Drive Velocity.,Receive Material Release Data,Process Orders,Plan Production &

24、 Make Intelligent Decisions,Send Material Release Data,AIAG Worst Case*,AIAG Benchmark*,Plant w/o i2,BR1: Plant w/ i2 Line Scheduling Decision Support,BR2: Plant w/ i2 Material & Capacity Planning Decision Support,Total,2 days,4 days,5.5 days,30 min,11.5 days,*Source: AIAG Manufacturing Assembly Pil

25、ot Project Final Report,10 min,1 hour,5 hours,30 min,6.5 hours,1 hour,1 hour,7 days,30 min,7.1 days,1 hour,1 hour,1 day,30 min,1.1 days,1 hour,1 hour,4 hours,30 min,6.5 hours,Time delays result in additional mix and volume buffering,比涉猫魏兹南潜苛肢烟厦者枯邓蓖泳哲胸媒冻磨吧袋乖屿零懂编慢金旨挂EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Legacy

26、 Automotive Communications,Complex, Costly, Ad Hoc, Inflexible,Design,Mfg,$,Customer #1,Customer #3,Customer #2,Supplier #3,Supplier #2,Supplier #1,拼弃眷演哲昼揭湃乐贫北峨痊囱志沟邢姻阑藩株我泛晋柳聊威门遍礁死僳EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,ANX Value: Network Consolidation,Simpler, Lower Cost, Managed, Adaptable,Customer #1,Custom

27、er #3,Customer #2,Supplier #3,ANX,挎振受艾刻还儡抢习常玉庙巴逸狰累抄邓酵混湛坠痰秩丁卵哼陀含巡温诽EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,“The Business Internet”,* Revised April 4 2001,ANX Stakeholders,ANX,边芳卯准一痴哟挫氖馒迈救抠返色爸狄弗贬裕爱牲瞥圣挨死痈桩昏怎贞疏EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Usable in any sector: Business, government, academic, non-profit,Based on In

28、ternet technologies: Standards-based, off-the-shelf products No proprietary solutions,Variety of connectivity, speed: Dial, DSL, ISDN, and 56 KB T3,Available globally: North America: Canada, Mexico, U.S. Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, South America,ANX Characteristics,阂缆抓晤氖钥浩巡寨焚棱梭浓位危扯麦胎谓阐候惺竭吁凿蛛千街延

29、婿晃毕EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,ANX Covisint Relationship,Similarities: Funded, endorsed, guided by Big 3 OEMs Spun-off as separate for-profit companies But different meanings of “exchange”,Complementary Roles: ANX network service infrastructure Covisint e-business processes, applications,Synergy: A

30、NX enables faster Covisint roll-out to 700+ TPs Covisint is an ANX customer, with 2 connections,踞遗遂儡撤秸臃朋否骏布善女付卯孰锌侈邢釜祭塘完速柞淌逮力彼以遣爹EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,E.Procurement,驼腐臼梅载患化庭烁滓溶弄踌尔掸涡蒲禹倍贱怕窃秒俭祸肛吵摘蔼舱灰答EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Common Terms,E Business- Buying, selling transacting or exchanging i

31、nformation via Internet with customers, suppliers, employees Reaches beyond advertising and marketing, includes core business processes of order entry, purchasing, supply chain, CRM E Commerce - Transaction-oriented Web based functions such as placing orders, order entry, payments E Procurement- Req

32、uesting, Approving, Ordering, Receiving, and Payment of goods and services via the Internet Trading Exchanges, Virtual Marketplaces, Portals - Vertical industry focused Web sites for buyers and sellers to make offers to buy and sell, conduct transactions. Dot Coms,俊翱乎郭士僵牌肤烷屡诉赌通具浆革挛拾虽呜怒窖砌代房温撒娩衍遣胖日EDS

33、汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Marketplace Trends,Electronic Commerce,Suppliers,Bombarded with info,Why companies are considering e-procurement,Buyers,Software vendors push their products Magazine and news coverage abounds,Costs too high,Volume not leveraged Significant accounts payable effort Users buyi

34、ng at retail,Processes are inefficient,Approvals take days or weeks Users are wasting time 85% of purchasing time spent managing orders Too much re-keying and errors,Not leveraging new technologies,Their competition is doing it Their intranet is under-utilized They have multiple home-grown systems E

35、RP implementations are winding down,Information unavailable,Dont know what they spend Users dont know about deals No audit trail,嘘完壶疤榨肮猖燃没硕冶谅脐嚣惰省哄豌庇嚷予剩夺保瞄场洋宗灸赶郸槐EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,The Business Challenge,The Procurement Process of Today Confusing and Slow: Multiple communication channels an

36、d processes, internal and external Time and Labor Intensive: Many suppliers, many different types of transactions to manage. Inaccurate: Information spread across many systems must leverage product spending, reduce costs, and drive profit to the bottom line.,次去停涪膀以睫蓄智隆掘拐佐讥醋阐拈困户副寸炬缠坎虚脯蹿贩恭岔贪由EDS汽车行业超级

37、供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Fragmented Spend Pattern,38,61,513,630,1021,2315,2659,3864,3381,3246,10M +,1M 10M,11M 5M,500K 1M,250K 500K,100K250K,50K 100K,25K 50K,15K 25K,10K 15K,4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0,$1.2 B $1 B $800 M $600 M $400 M $200 M $0,Number of Suppliers,Total $/Supplier Gro

38、up,Purchases,Number of suppliers,Total $ per supplier group,$3.8 billion with 17,700+ suppliers,恤闭硅捧讣于南莽骗沽绝姻潜械芭蛮吟瞻禹咋箍造特顽讫赫沼臭爆爪湛宇EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Lack of Enterprise Leverage,16,773 suppliers used only in 1 business unit. Only 1 supplier used by all.,16,773,704,148,54,31,9,5,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,

39、6,7,8,9,18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0,Number of Suppliers (Thousands),Business Units Crossed,Across business units,喧拓评舵繁搐哎俘璃嗓钓翱靴甸洋戴俩族循贩醒捐隶引铡润署琐杖我钙跃EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,E Procurement Practices,Traditional EDI, Electronic Catalog Ordering Systems, Internet Reverse Auctions, E RFQ/RFP.,Buyers Implem

40、entation and integration of end-to-end Web-based self-service procurement system Objective: Cost Reduction Suppliers Development and management of electronic catalog and system for order-taking Objective: Revenue Enhancement MarketMakers Creation and hosting of infrastructure that connects buyers an

41、d sellers in a vertical or horizontal marketplace Objectives: Cost Reduction + Revenue Enhancement,膊泅踩悼忧港鸥屿懂杨悍冠困讶哭比钎朔蔓砸壹赘颧锯批晶譬差正宁卿斩EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Internet Procurement,Internet offers a breakthrough communications channel, New software applications bring simple user interfaces, electron

42、ic catalogs, secure channel for collaboration to do vendor managed inventory and document exchange.,Catalogs Multiple items which are searchable by item number, description, category, or brand which can be ordered, acknowledged, tracked, invoiced and paid for on-line. Objective: Cost Reduction Aucti

43、ons Reverse or downward auction in which buyer invites qualified suppliers to beat the lowest price. Bidders see their bid in relation to lowest bid in real time Objective: Lowest possible price,快拔泡酱妇蛀过拙汰尤畸倚最煌柳窄捐宇斌掉犬腋旦汽装凰蜒杖昭绵津位EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Internet Reverse Auction,Compaq,HP,Dell,Sour

44、cing team,Auctioneer,IBM,Suppliers,Buying Organization,款任窗活座携促况剂煤晌伙烟右客喷恐医猫绎犹嘛剃祭底尽课甚砰瘦荤裂EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Category selection considerations Categories for Auction,Does the value per buy exceed $1.0 million,Event Auction Criteria,Is the same good or service routinely purchased Is the value

45、per buy above $30,000,Recurring Auction Criteria,General Criteria,Is the market competitive (i.e. more than 4 suppliers) Is the good or service fairly well defined Line items for a sub-category exceeding 25 can be put into a market basket Lack of supplier constraints (e.g. switching cost) Can suppli

46、ers access the Internet,“Dont Auction” Criteria,Categories involving joint process improvement with suppliers Highly strategic suppliers offering truly unique items,娄斡艇恋棉静疤单队快匆觉拯毋链飘柄哭伴颧动腻此缨哨面聚励蓑如间虾EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Steps in an Auction Process,Potential Steps in the Auction Cycle,Profile,C

47、ategory &,Supply,Market,Identify,Potential,Sourcing,Strategies,1st Round,Supplier,Qualification,Setup,Auction,Sourcing Strategy,Auction Event,Final Selection,Conduct,Auction,Report &,Analyze,Negotiate,with and,select,supplier(s),Customized auction environment,Supplier and buyer training,One time auc

48、tion environment setup,Auction event,Post-Auction reporting and analysis,Bid confirmation from suppliers,Event Auction Deliverables1,Recurring Auction,Recurring auction,Note: (1) Deliverables are the same for the event auction and 1st recurring auction,扯掸惩迸站生拜衔淬岔天锨攀之恶紊痉婶柬装篇啸咨榨倡寿庶萍骆泡聂辅EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料EDS汽车行业超级供应链资料,Internet Procurement,OBI Open Buying on the Internet. An industry standard that enables buyers to access product, pricing, and availability information directly from a suppliers Web site, providing increased control over the presentati


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