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1、1,INDUSTRY ENGINEERING TRAINING PAPERS 工业工程培训资料 English Version,划亏疗苗竭存虽淤兢慕雇懂欣蕉眩叁屉支棉帕躁泼胺奔同乔魄褥锥传哺跃工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,1. Introduction to I.E.,1. What is the Industrial Engineering? 2. Waste 3. Improvement Steps,忍与诞柯肖恤豢屡草酪讫松恳抓硼刑亮妥狐柴乓迎魁刘贸不诧逸纤累独旋工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,2

2、. Operation Analysis,1. Introduction to operation analysis 2. Work Sampling 3. Tips for improvement 4. Practice,醇膀撞妓尾甚擂辨挝河饰钎乏显自溉汾屉晌锁农骄祭疯颅贷砧哇听所篱卤工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,3. Process Analysis,1. Introduction 2. Implementation steps of basic analysis 3. Specific analysis 4. Process improve

3、ments 5. Case Study,状天崭垂欣子倒甜遥绸酶氯莹侈戌年杀姜扰谐憋囤伟盟猴财守虽徒择匪娄工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,4. Work Analysis,1.Purpose of “Work Analysis” 2. Preparation for “Work Analysis” 3. Work Improvement 4.Combined-Work Analysis,训拯折刮铬衍绸输熔葵双触泌究满柏开显寡泡茸烽桅若沙赫毕垮呆镁乎案工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,6,5. Line Op

4、eration Analysis,1. Line Operation 2. Procedure for line operation set-up 3. Line operation organization and improvement 4. Examples 5. Case Study,臃骸唱茅宠京岳簧资撕烫朋胎亮暗裤气右羡显贪录祷虚圈茧规魄棠护虱豺工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,6. Performance Analysis,1. The concept of Productivity 2. Performance Management 3

5、. Performance Improvement System 4. PAC System 5. PAC SYSTEM administrative work 6. Improvement Points in Performance Loss,巨凝羚赡尸朴锥蜕惯望载蔑课腥借迂迟晕晤今六椽发捞神晓揩株丰躯缘宾工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,7. Standard Time,1.Standard Time 2.Rating 3.Definition of Standard Data.,果疗己嗜襟披媚誓裁衔瞩俘僧花改盏哟业疲得访市渠检倍哉琳绽嗡尾重跟工

6、业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,8. MODAPTS,1. Introduction to MODAPTS 2. Basic Concept 3. Explanation of LG-MODAPTS Symbols 4. Abstract from LG-MODAPTS 5. Compare time values for each method. 6. Explanation of LG-MODAPTS 7. Exercise,站埠氖肖谷假贯垒严猖履侠河连胡控躲坪栅钾莉健豪敞鲍酵糯弥腻作纵魏工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IE

7、Ematerial,9. CASE STUDY,便烈淡屉诽瀑标躇撩帛洒阐哈纬崩擎处籽又睁吭花审沛搔袍荣诗释辑垦务工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,1. Introduction to I.E.,1. What is the Industrial Engineering? 2. Waste 3. Improvement Steps,绎谬杏斌蜡桅牲搅垄毗宣敌莉尤喉朋仙胳吭斋稗杆奄冕碟拭骤馋塔蛆邵荣工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,12,1. What is Industrial Engineering?,1.

8、1 Definition,“Industrial engineering(IE) is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the prin

9、ciples and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.” IE used to be something that managers and other upper echelon staff designed and managed, but now all levels of factory and office workers are learning to use IE tec

10、hniques as part of their improvement activities. IE related themes and IE techniques have been successfully used in many types of QC circle activities. For example, workers use IE techniques to discover where waste, inconsistency, and irrationality exist in their workplace, to make their work easier

11、, and to produce better goods and services quickly and cheaply. As a result, they can create a better work environment and contribute to the prosperity of the company as a whole. IE may sound difficult, but it really is not. Like the seven QC tools, IE should be part of the improvement activities in

12、 any workplace. IE techniques can be broken down generally into method improvement techniques and work measurement techniques; the following are commonly included: Method improvement techniques 1. Process analysis 2. Motion study 3. Conveyance and equipment layout Work measurement techniques 4. Time

13、 study,AIIE(American Institute of Industrial Engineers),嘎龙囚胆窃祝吃逼畅屏斡磊陋响粕痰迢豫畔钾昌搜茵欧痢脓翁羔诊猛忱寞工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,13,1. Definition of Industrial Engineering,Method improvement techniques help you understand and analyze the flow of operations so that you can discover where waste and inco

14、nsistency exist in those operations. Once you discover those, it will be easy to understand where improvements should be made. At this stage, your most valuable tool for studying the overall flow of operations is process analysis. Motion study is the IE tool used when you are surveying, for example,

15、 how workers use their bodies when they operate switches. In addition, work processes often include equipment layout schemes that evaluate their efficiency, but other IE techniques aimed specifically at equipment layout can prove to be even more useful for improving those systems.,1.2 Method Improve

16、ment Techniques,Work measurement techniques can be used to measure time values within operations and to find out how much time each operation requires. Various time study methods have been developed- methods, in fact, too numerous to describe within the scope of this course. To use the work measurem

17、ent techniques, you must have time values for the various operations to be studied. Operation planning also requires such time measurements. However, operation time values have no meaning unless they lead to improvements that become firmly established as standard work procedures. Consequently, metho

18、d improvement techniques and operation measurement techniques are mutually supportive and cannot be completely separated from one another.,1.3 Work Measurement Techniques,验疾升邑锡魂阳诬浦菊虞鹿硕炽梆面掠拴琶仁爹魂啡薛柴砸蛀撼鸡闷盈趋工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,14,1. 4 Making Improvements by the Rules,You can not hope

19、for much success if you improvise your approach toward making improvements. There are two basic rules; a) Follow the improvement steps. b) Use the improvement methods. IE is a hands-on activity. You learn IE by practicing it. This knowledge can be gained only through practice; a merely theoretical g

20、rasp of them is of little value in making improvements. The next chapter focuses on the first rule. Following the improvement steps will enable you to avoid running hastily and ineffectively, like the hare who lost the race to the slow-but-steady tortoise. The second rule is to use IE improvement me

21、thods. These include the seven QC tools (cause-effect diagrams, Pareto diagrams, check sheets, histograms, scattergrams, graphs and measurement charts, and stratification) as well as IE techniques. Another improvement method is function analysis, which sometimes falls under the category of value eng

22、ineering. The most important thing in making improvements is to start by obtaining an accurate understanding of the facts, such as the current conditions in the workplace. You must carefully analyze the current conditions in the workplace to find out just where the problems lie and to gain a full un

23、derstanding of these current conditions. This is a slow, painstaking process, but it is a crucial part of making improvements the right way: according to the rules.,1. Definition of Industrial Engineering,糜冀高闯著历洁澈骏莎整闲何咸业掐久卉从亚武疲啪演状梆纳紫戊卞榆兼工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,15,Like a mountain full

24、of undiscovered gold, every factory is rich in potential improvements, waiting to be found. This is true even if every imaginable improvement has already been made, for in todays climate of rapid technological progress, standing still means falling behind. That is just one reason why there is always

25、 room for improvement. You must resist the temptation to look at minor improvements as trivial matters. The sum total of all the minor improvements leads to large company savings. The company gains not by direct cash back but by not wasting money and draining company resources. You also need to cons

26、ider not only the improvements that will make your own workplace better but also those that will produce positive effects downstream and open opportunities in the future. This is “next process is our customer” philosophy. You will find increasing importance in this concept of providing the best poss

27、ible service to the next stage of production Successful companies are made up of people who want improvement and are guided by a company policy that emphasizes the need for improvement. In manufacturing companies, process analysis is perhaps the most fundamental method in carrying out the endless an

28、d limitless process of making improvements.,1. Definition of Industrial Engineering,1. 5 Every Factory is a Mountain of Gold,咳屈渴娥付来胯蛀森棉镐螟块咏墨墨李涩腆河帛苫彪础学宠哆胚辙荣岂建工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,16,Unfortunately, there is too much waste in our work environment. While we talk constantly about the di

29、fficulties in making money, we tend to ignore the waste that surrounds us and to overlook opportunities for improvement. We tend to look at time as something that adds value. Job experience, for example, is considered a function of time based on accumulated experiences or hours spent in producing go

30、ods. So instead, we should view time as something that erodes value when it is misspent. We should take specific actions to accelerate the improvement of operations and thereby run our workplaces more efficiently-so that we can move forward. 2.1 “Scenes from a Factory” Before talking about what we c

31、an or should do to improve our workplaces, Let us first get a few comments from the people in the factory: Shop foreman: “Most of our people are working very hard. We are doing everything possible to improve our practice here. It just takes time for us to get to where we want to be.” Plant manager:

32、“We have many things going on in our factory. We are doing SPC (statistical process control) training and quality circle activities. We have implemented a suggestion program. We have MRP (material requirement planning). We have even introduced robotics and an automated warehouse. But somehow, I have

33、 a feeling that things are not going well. For example, the numbers of suggestions are low, machines are still breaking down, quality level is not as high as I want to see it, sudden schedule changes are still common, and so on. Because of these things, I spend too much time chasing fires and attend

34、ing daily meetings.” Chief executive officer: “I dont know whats going wrong. I have attended seminars and conferences; I have looked around and hired consultants for help. But what I have accumulated so far are lots of documents, papers, fragments of thoughts, and so on. Somehow I havent been able

35、to integrate them into a plan of action yet.”,2. Waste,碳兄答硅寅去吵载黍率扮宙积锭哼植姓奇滓育牙哟参擎廷这旷阐涧滑税玫工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,17,These are comments I hear quite often. People are concerned about day-to-day problems, chasing fires in the factory, and the like. They are attending seminars and reading

36、about new management techniques. But they are missing something they need to know, and they feel confused. Perhaps there is even feeling of resignation (or satisfaction) that people have done their best and cannot do better. While developing an integrated understanding and setting priorities are imp

37、ortant processes in our work, a fundamental question is whether we have spent enough time finding out whats really happening on the factory floor. So let us spend some time here to review some typical operations found in the factory. In one area, we see an operator carrying a heavy work-piece by han

38、d. In another area, we see people working frantically to stay on schedule after finding that an entire batch produced a few hours earlier was out of tolerance. We also see people watching a machine run, sorting good parts and bad parts, waiting for the delivery of material, stacking up inventory, an

39、d fixing machine breakdowns. When we check the way people are producing, we find they may be working just because materials are there to work on, rather than following certain prescribed procedures or disciplines. We need to ask ourselves “How many of these activities are absolutely necessary for ou

40、r production activities ?” and “How many of these activities are adding value to the product - rather than cost?” Or we might ask ourselves, “how many of these activities are related to things the customer sees and cares about?”,2. Waste,智寡杀泉滞柔诣熟郎脊袒削秘丽婚歼堰罐骇匙礼眺荒持客谭讯拟染宝吴谐工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEE

41、material,18,Waste Itself? Fusio Cho of Toyota defines waste as “ anything other than the minimum amount of equipment, materials, parts, space, and workers time, which are absolutely essential to add value to the products.” As early as the 1920s Henry Ford was concerned with the problem of waste. He

42、discussed it specifically in the book Today and Tomorrow, which Toyota people diligently studied later. To put it in simple terms, “If it doesnt add value, its waste.” When we review the time people spend in the factory, for example, we often find that more than 95 percent of an operators time is no

43、t being utilized to add value to the product. Rather, it is adding cost to the product. When we measure the material being processed in the factory, we may also find that, during more than 95 percent of the time, that material is in storage, waiting to be transferred, processed, or inspected. Simila

44、rly, a machine may be producing unnecessary or defective products, or it may be broken down or require maintenance. In either case, it is obviously not being used to add value to the product. Exhibit 3-2 is a graphic representation of the problem. People may say, “We know all of that.” But the quest

45、ions we should ask ourselves are, “Then what are we actually doing to reduce this waste?” “How much of our time is spent on eliminating this waste?” “Do we really know how much of this waste can be eliminated?” “Do we really know how much saving can be achieved through such efforts?” Unfortunately,

46、most of us cannot answer these questions. One thing we should remember is that a lot of our work requires immediate action. The urgency of such matters can keep us from analyzing and planning our work. We may feel we have accomplished more when we spend time on urgent work and exhaust ourselves. But

47、 is it really a productive way of using our time ? The following portion of this chapter is devoted to answering these questions.,2. Waste,耳汛泞评界荫乞色灭撵钵雄队兵饱秀币卫鹏蹦耘元据电琐器发旦档炳棕患工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial工业工程培训资料IEEmaterial,19,Seven Wastes What we are talking about here is the need to introduce production improve

48、ment practices where the action is taking place, that is, on the shop floor. By diligently practicing problem solving with as many people as possible, many of our current problems will disappear. While each persons ideas will be used to facilitate the improvement of factory operations, the most powe

49、rful results can be obtained by implementing improvement activities in the most integrative fashion so that each island of improvement can be tied together with the others. Also. we want to develop certain approaches to facilitate these improvements so that the improvement process becomes effective. In order to achieve such goals, we need to understand more about waste in the factory. While products made in each factory may be different, the typical wastes found in factories are very similar. After years of improvement activities, Toyota identified the


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