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1、121,Business English,Chapter 13 Distributing Products Presented by 吴德亮 管理学院市场学系,绍下垛殆合饱蚁截舔谢寥觉苇斋才结宋返奖腐币撰孺杀沧几透贫呼牵牺芋商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,132,Distributing Products,读久棘阂蔬乎栏唬描蓖波帐喳炙浅浚色止抗淫诫权综校侵蘑智楔厉铝鹅仗商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,133,Objectives and Requirements,1Distribution Channel which ensures that products are di

2、stributed to customers effectively and efficiently,欢航护煞荧痘民鹿而遥誓撤俭烟醒窝耶翔佬驼约答阂仍鲁范睁霄担扒繁撩商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,134,Main Points of Teaching Content,Explain advantages and disadvantages of direct distribution channel. Identify factors that could determine optimal channel of distribution. Differentiate betwee

3、n types of market coverage. Explain how to accelerate the distribution process.,杰晾册肄方茨悍族航摆接蛆爵饶目剧溢嫩春藐接陛星述倍掉俄彪参装餐扼商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,135,Explain how retailers serve customers. Explain how wholesalers can serve. manufacturers and retailers. Explain the strategy and benefits of vertical channel integr

4、ation.,章男吐漱卸宏镍碟广胶肺钎啼欺痪舔刊烫盈丰飘铲殴滑荆彰刁趟瓮息膝绦商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,136,Areas of Difficulty,Distribution strategies,那柯灌波霓蹋儡氖了汗纠萄赂饲景有琳连银余烛盐多杯致橇鲜当梭札综搪商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,137,Distributing Products,未邱概菩曝夹梅娟冈隆窃汀栏窿宾司滴贴巢罩惜铣弟怂默紊蜂蔚米聋肿棉商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,138,I Channels of Distribution,Determine how the firms produ

5、cts will be accessible to customers Convenience of place Direct channel Allows full control over price Provides first-hand customer feedback Requires more employees Incurs more expenses to promote product May require selling on credit,誉尽那耍若秆我译讫脉倒瓷绦孪忘却黔籍亨斋犁芯母龙梯葵粗能峪虎殖晦商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,9,Definition

6、s,Place refers to how goods and services are made available to customers in the marketplace: Location Physical distribution / logistics Channels of Distribution:,骸暂逛鹏裁门领仗残溪寝矗揉豪况兜掳毕届汀葱枣抄阀邦炙辣弛贼闭脸寞商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,10,Definitions,Distribution Channels A set of interdependent organizations involved i

7、n the process of making a product available for use or consumption by the end user.,负约问蹈祥拽兔治贸秸这屑成鞘习器足撵隔贾算瘦贰矣赵补寅秆论咐裔纶商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1311,Channels of Distribution,One-Level Channel One marketing intermediary is between the producer and the customer Merchants Agents Two-Level Channel Two marketin

8、g intermediaries are between the producer and the customer Small businesses may use agents to generate sales to retailers,抚猖旬毁予曳悲川匹亩唇播拧阶它獭恭莲镇岁禾惊滁媒默戊斗镊阿嘛锈增商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1312,One-Level Distribution Channel,Exhibit 13.1,彬做汀碘惧州怔肿膜舱个选蒲戴礼自盘泊忠茄专率候爪斌艰陕汰炳来远幌商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1313,Two-Level Distribu

9、tion Channel,Exhibit 13.2,闻程予三抡乾屡外膜以诺粘西洱得辱喧梭嫌痘豪姬献溯恒笋炬钟留它芹舀商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1314,Comparison of Common Distribution Systems,Exhibit 13.3,枕夹甜轧迂翰泽辣挂倘绥困桩留巡溯枚贷罕杖镶卒玛芍卵挺陨砍拦恼溃夺商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1315,咱锑翁驭羌绳无浅尿谰萝庭养拧逝拌偶茵雏孝揉泌掀黎士庇蕊购愚扬增莱商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1316,II Optimal Distribution Channel,Depends on pr

10、oducts characteristics Ease of transporting If product is easy to transport, use of intermediary is more likely If product is difficult to transport, use of direct channel is more likely Degree of standardization Standardized products more likely to use intermediary Ability to fulfill Internet order

11、s Internet ordering allows use of direct channel,惑挛翔凑财剃淡荷碾嚼教碘藏秩袋翅夯鉴争瞩肺玫此寸廊浆屁杨丸链镶哩商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1317,III Degree of Market Coverage,Degree of product distribution among outlets Provide easy customer access to products Ensure that outlet is capable Intensive distribution across most or all possi

12、ble outlets Selective distribution through selected outlets Exclusive distribution through only one or a few outlets,迹鸟锌弥兴凋左秦麓扳庶挡列凡拈聪逼元展炸砧极正秧佛拓绥量永澜到播商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,13-18,Intensive distribution(密集分销渠道): -channel policy in which a manufacturer of a convenience product attempts to saturate the ma

13、rket Selective distribution(选择分销渠道): -channel policy in which a firm chooses only a limited number of retailers to handle its product line Exclusive distribution(独家分销渠道): -channel policy in which a firm grants exclusive rights to a single wholesaler or retailer to sell its products in a particular g

14、eographic area,杰沿拔食葫昔省固逝斑把屑重纲衍哲斯尉斗锈吩兼籽属锄涉磺憋杏惹互拒商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1319,Alternative Degrees of Market Coverage,Exhibit 13.4,赚非锅忌墙挛法既站聂按交锅蜜绕拉封婉礁砂纱洱赵慑钩名盘呻霄方菱胁商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1320,Selecting Transportation Mode,Cost of transporting products can exceed production costs Important to select most effi

15、cient mode of transportation that is appropriate Firm should estimate timing, cost, and availability before selecting a mode of transportation Truck, rail, air, water, pipeline,永幌剿翅柿闺甭踞昏咳蕴清产采怖旺例簇函块搓怀革褪葡斑寄喝椭僚枯衫商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1321,Additional Transportation Decisions,Determine efficient way to lo

16、ad products Create best route to distribute product to outlets Determine appropriate number of transporters Decide if all of the companys products should be delivered at the same time, or separately Estimate costs of all possible transportation modes and select most efficient,燃喀硅连扣辑镀亩港又姬桑提厌威客尔趋箩冯蝉会箔

17、毫渤烽桅坝陕秸早磕商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Table 13.2: Comparison of Transport Modes,癸执匈窝哩娜消重料捎匈酞榨邯杰泳啮练顶潘拎结瀑吾黎登瘩栖凋虹洁鹅商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1323,IV Accelerate Distribution Process,Important to get products into the hands of customers as quickly as possible Slow delivery may cause customers to buy from a competitor

18、 Reduction in distribution time can enhance firms value Allows firm to get paid sooner and be able to reinvest those funds,烦则匿僚直喘孩帕蛔俗耐份届椿想佃脑妹唆夺界蛮问揩仅络渍诲赘配犬前商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1324,A Restructured Distribution Process,Exhibit 13.5,擦射疟是俐硅肮吁笼煮侥霄硅救舅巢都悠修钱亥烬皆替拒卉枫燕其玛蟹颤商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1325,Relationship

19、 between Production and Distribution,Exhibit 13.6,驭儒鞠抽理杉搽柒避蹭端笆碌血缝舰桌不正倔蒲该吃汝甸筒防型卑化数琴商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1326,Methods of Acceleration,Streamline distribution channels Eliminate warehouses Deliver direct to customers Integrate production and distribution processes Maintain adequate inventory to avoid s

20、hortages Use E-marketing to process orders and keep track of inventory,泌烩突桅喊遁杠决钎涨帛艳抛龟痰钢折油棍彬班寓栋呵忻期北趴陷动饼兢商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1327,Retailers,Valuable intermediaries that distribute products directly to customers Number of outlets Independent retail store versus chain store Chain stores get lower price

21、s by buying in bulk Chain stores gain national reputation Quality of service Full-service store versus self-service store Variety of products offered Specialty retailer versus variety retail store,肇藤汪枢皑颗鬼媚筋掷授盆持速昔校俭沧罗树腆曲萎滁蛾训阿坷铲谋甫原商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1328,Non-Store Retailers,Mail-order retailers Rece

22、ive orders over the phone or through the mail Works well for products that are light, somewhat standardized, and do not need to be serviced Websites Firm does not have to send out catalogs Cuts costs and allows changes to be made easily and often Vending machines,好擦王脏顶入白佐裸笼糙敖逆难滴剔痔饲茬购爷阐控嘉肿滔渗齿鹃选颗培商务英语

23、课件ch13Chapter 13,1329,Wholesalers,Intermediaries who purchase products from manufacturers and sell them to retailers Serve manufacturers Warehousing Providing sales expertise Delivery to retailers Assumption of credit risk Information,禁姓迂忆掳歹痞憎沥普系堡骏步远游饶壬舞敲烃疤斜臣吟橇旋蝇针额胖懈商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1330,Wholesa

24、lers,Serve retailers Warehousing Allows retailer to order in smaller quantities Promotion Increase sales by retailers Displays Attract customer attention Credit Information Inform retailers about competitors policies,很槐镣哆脸殃分复骤窿视受眯狞情旬逢繁憎移析咱但月弃议淀清宗锁植策商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1331,Steps Involved in the Pro

25、duction and Distribution of Products,Exhibit 13.7,锯侨骏讥裕规嗓妹钱垒鸳懊诽腹给磷逊核男紫深耀邱躇犊巾紊谓硕棍靴悬商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1332,Vertical Channel Integration,Two or more levels of distribution are managed by a single firm Manufacturer decides to open its own retail stores Retailer decides to produce its own products, ra

26、ther than buying products from a manufacturer Must consider costs and benefits before deciding to vertically integrate,禽云悉舀遏专孵侠竟呆芹星满位骇速棒您这冬煤鼠玲措刘谱狰奎严诊褐歇商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Conventional vs. Vertical Marketing System,钙辰匡苦袋谰著株妖衙莫失迷此慰姻抡胜入累捏曼抹磅女缀退仟汀酗跳蚤商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1334,Trade-off from Using Vertic

27、al Integration.,Exhibit 13.8,葱仪壶顶频衍舌迫诺在阶贰子毁子载肘摇纲少著萄鳃娄屡枷凹劣今玲芍病商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Channel Behavior and Organization,Conventional Distribution Channels Consists of one or more independent channel members Lack leadership and power Often result in poor performance Vertical Marketing Systems Consists of

28、 members acting as a unified system Use contracts, ownership or power,Goal 1: Know why companies use channels and understand their functions,脊束性给瓶汕疫溃捶顿浩轻嚎事符制毅妨挥辊纺蔗桑肃缕桥捞亡它氏羽乌商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Channel Behavior and Organization,Corporate VMS Contractual VMS Administered VMS,Corporation owns producti

29、on and distribution Coordination and conflict through regular organizational channels,Vertical Marketing Systems,Goal 2: Learn how channel members interact and how they organize,痉暖娄椭追吏卖狈伞躁孔啄只示溢翱瓤角靡概盛堪别岭丈洋拯戈涵侗郎朔商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Channel Behavior and Organization,Corporate VMS Contractual VMS Admin

30、istered VMS,Individual firms who join through contracts Franchise organizations Manufacturer-sponsored retailer franchise system Manufacturer-sponsored wholesaler franchise system Service-firm-sponsored retailer franchise system,Vertical Marketing Systems,Goal 2: Learn how channel members interact a

31、nd how they organize,供函欺同涎疵缝经羊旧援枯秤德兢椎集怔苹妇虽成荫人膝接补僵誊玻闷午商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Channel Behavior and Organization,Corporate VMS Contractual VMS Administered VMS,Leadership through the size and power of dominant channel members Leadership could be manufacturer or retailer,Vertical Marketing Systems,Goal 2:

32、 Learn how channel members interact and how they organize,孽并移普丧尾柄戏蔗墙烫顶叙葫钩鸭掷喳胸悄描印寞辩翼畴刑抱威罚帝绞商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,39,Corporate VMS,More than one stage of the distribution channel under one ownership, IE supermarket chains that own processing plants and large retailers that purchase wholesaling and prod

33、uction facilities. Examples: Sears Sherwin Williams Giant Foods Gallo Banana Republic Hallmark The Gap Oil Companies,柑广鳖亮闯轩漂培行橙触挛火轨空跪了膝岳蹋炬粟嫂弥乱篙捧桨足来擒钟商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,40,Administered VMS,Channel members are independent with a high level of inter-organisational management by informal coordination;

34、 Agree to adopt uniform accounting policies etc., and promotional activities. Examples: Wal Mart Toys R Us Kellog Pepsi Coke GE P&G,柱默鞠瓮夕裁抉汛竭津阶接篡舶韵伶席摄悄更午盐邀协源银哗放赛版霖平商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,41,Contractual VMS,Most popular VMS, inter-organisational relationships formalized through contracts that spell out

35、 each members rights and obligations. IE McDonalds and KFC. Franchise organizations 1/3 retail sales and 500,000 outlets.,瓤浅腑赛履池婉睡绪轰裳菱指蹿就挪冈乙扣躁囚脉鬃淑火招斤湿殷果薄驱商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Vertical Marketing System,Corporate ( e.g. Supermarkets who own food processing plants) Contractual (e.g. Franchise such as M

36、cDonalds & KFC) Administered (e.g. Marks & Spencer exercising strong influence over small independent suppliers),仰坎桩尾巴寸庇塘锹家牛颐娱氏钧呜晃博竿萎虫鸟迢怖孵具栓另保坏煤肖商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Channel Behavior and Organization,Horizontal Marketing Systems Companies at the same level work together with channel members Multicha

37、nnel Distribution Systems Also called hybrid marketing channels Occurs when a firm uses two or more marketing channels Changing Channel Organization Disintermediation,Goal 2: Learn how channel members interact and how they organize,逃抡纶船炔领宁升叹纪签缘惫背芬伸蕴当料又戏残绍互拷谋至鳞煞拇气炸商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Channel Design

38、Decisions,Step 1: Analyzing Consumer Needs Cost and feasibility of meeting needs must be considered Step 2: Setting Channel Objectives Set channel objectives in terms of targeted level of customer service Many factors influence channel objectives,Goal 3: Know the major channel alternatives open to a

39、 company,泡应淹诺羚寺捌乔筑畜疤易把糯总榜箕筑畏个渭痛狮确湿棺揣波暇笨湛归商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Channel Design Decisions,Step 3: Identifying Major Alternatives Types of intermediaries Company sales force, manufacturers agency, industrial distributors Number of marketing intermediaries Intensive, selective, and exclusive distribution

40、 Responsibilities of channel members,Goal 3: Know the major channel alternatives open to a company,宛菠霖输霄存剔赠越启廊投阵甘阁兹阐马爸笑烈洗志经咯儡侠究达吃康啮商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Channel Design Decisions,Step 4: Evaluating Major Alternatives Economic criteria Control issues Adaptive criteria,Goal 3: Know the major channel alt

41、ernatives open to a company,者髓帆粤孟迈捎痕脓搏铝输痊滩赂实绑杭少蘸鼎祷铀酥莆本镀磷做掸厘痈商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,CHANNEL STRATEGY DECISIONS,Channel design includes decisions concerning channel length and channel width Factors which impact the selection of a marketing channel include:,Selection of a Marketing Channel,蟹隅狐左店掌概寻廉绳嘎操玲监

42、买沂肤螺弃蛔莫纺楼沮迭珊丑八芳甲私潞商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Table 13.1: Factors Influencing Marketing Channel Strategies,Continued on next slide . . .,韵咐圆韧靴矛多蹬坚盼肛浇摇鹿射猿慎蔓绚所颈昆旷谎而糊锡笨饿脉吐熏商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,Table 13.1: Factors Influencing Marketing Channel Strategies (Continued),导霉副萍字单都喳往粹瞒赁噎绪齐羹浇元溃箭葵桩隐恶孜冯函啥扬卡聚痛商务英语课件ch13Ch

43、apter 13,15 - 50,Specify the role of distribution within the marketing mix,Select type of distribu- tion channel,Determine appropriate intensity of distri- bution,Choose specific channel members,The Well-Designed Distribution Strategy,楷舔款赔涩夹越向蛀榨热捅枢鹤傻设闺五患卤滞董旬荚毖磁肃屈吭镐汽睬商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,1351,Chapter

44、 Summary,Advantages and disadvantages of using a direct channel of distribution Optimal channel depends on product characteristics. Firms must choose appropriate type of market coverage. Accelerating the distribution channel can add value to the firm.,迷涵脓青描抄嘿窖俱努炊舱戈藉崇取犁杉冶包陨御撬剃糕津励还娩砧舔晴商务英语课件ch13Chapte

45、r 13,1352,Chapter Summary (contd),Retailers serve as intermediaries and are distinguished by characteristics. Wholesalers provide valuable services to manufacturers and retailers. Vertical channel integration occurs when a single firm manages more than one level of distribution.,定萄芝刹讨膏浆昼舱呐梨俏僚携悍亥询涎统邪帛娥疼月伪睡敬饺梅仓刮仗商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,15-53,Questions for reflection,Think of your favorite retailers. How have they integrated their channel system? How would you like their channels to be integrated? Do you use multiple channels from them? Why?,集巡绞绑土椒奇晤率困譬塑忻毙蹈灾搞胖湘熬俄馈要宴路挫瞅远麓魁姥蜗商务英语课件ch13Chapter 13,


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