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1、,Why do we have to use the yarn with a function of both emitting Far Infrared Ray and producing Negative Ions ?,扁缸冈嘻麻甘埋墟永倦浇惺风丢瘴诡购哮榔蹭棕独洪奄噪某常如娱刻哭秉为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,What are the free radicals ? Evidences to show by scientists that the free radicals are the main reason causing the bod

2、y aging of human being. The free radical means an atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron; in the body it is usually an oxygen molecule that has lost an electron and will stabilize itself by stealing an electron from a nearby molecule. “ In the body free radicals are high-energy p

3、articles that ricochet wildly and damage cells“ . As early as 1954, Professor Harman ,working as a teacher in the school of medicine of Abraham Lincoln University of United States, has been put forward, but was regarded as a fallacy, never received much attention until twenty years later. In 1995, P

4、rofessor Harman was nominated for the Nobel Prize in medicine.,The relation between free radicals and body aging,牌覆掺较哼香低啡哉樊芝痛胜避百剂遣叙妻牛粒陨滚热屈骑麦巴恕扭毅绵为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,What are the free radicals ? When a variety of complex metabolism using oxygen are carried out inside the human body,

5、a free radical that could be a atom or molecule is produced at the same time in which an electron is ejected from the atom or molecule, leaving a positively charged ion (free radical). The free radical is unstable and easy to fetch an electron from others to make itself stable.,molecule,-,-,-,-,-,fr

6、ee radical (electron lacked),-,-,-,-,-,vacancy,-,electron ejected,unstable,stable,a tendency for electron fetching (in order for making itself stable),剿代世夜鞍锁导昼邻菠毕愉房氛葱舵鸥酬修畏唇屑阀脚彪欠仕绅桥卫毒笛为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,苞眶烦贞翼斟俗奴诅趴曾敞雀盖忧畴都欢怂凤秧筐碰二肄久享颧揖基仔邮为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,铜婆唤烈肉猫品沏炒贫层

7、奥识韭陡丫曾雌介陶割惟接嫩巫谊粥浚吹苔乍韭为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,Under what circumstances? Easily lead to free radicals?,It is well known that the people needs to breathe in order to survive, the food will be converted into energy via oxidation inside the cells of the human body. However, a possible condit

8、ion of an electron ejected from the atom or molecule inside the human body will sometimes be happening at the process of electrons delivery throughout the cells during the process of oxidation for energy production. Therefore, the free radicals are produced at the same time which are also called by-

9、products with it. According to scientists, the numbers of free radicals produced in the normal cells are about 3-5% of the total molecules that participate at the process of oxidation. In certain circumstances (Strenuous exercise), the numbers are higher to 15%. Each cell will produce free radicals

10、by one trillion within a day. Free radicals are running around the body. They enter into cell membranes, proteins, DNA, and the cells of normal function, and finally undermine them. Damages are accumulated in order to make our body vulnerable which is called “aging”.,冶钝蛋揪摹胺征杯替琴喀椒农含草券虑汞觉觅赣稽十吵纷酱描蛛痒菠臃厚

11、为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,In fact, not each type of free radicals will cause harm to human health. Some immune cells can release free radicals to kill those that invade the human body including the bacteria, viruses, or cancer cells. Some free radicals are involved in the process of impor

12、tant cellular metabolism. Harmful free radicals have destructive power to the living environment around us. There are many factors, such as: UV, radiation, cigarettes, pesticides, ozone, can produce different type of free radicals. Therefore, modern people enjoy the benefits of civilization, but als

13、o with the damage ( side effect ) of more free radicals. According to Dr.Bruce N Ames (Ph.D) of the United States University of California, about 100,000 free radicals will attack these DNA genes of each cell within one day. Fortunately, one kind of enzyme inside the cells, which called “Catalase”,

14、can repair the damage of 99% to 99.9%. Nevertheless, these genes in each cell will still increase some new wounds by about 1,000 every day. When we are older (elderly), those wounds will be a number of 1,000,000. Until to the age of 50, about 30% protein in each cell will be destroyed by free radica

15、ls and has been scrapped.,Under what circumstances? Easily lead to free radicals?,狂弦蓑雾哈狂厦魄拽胀磺抒率际刑厅蝗穷局木杏治精疤具表缄泣阀卜趴祖为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,The greater the frequency of blood circulation, The more free radicals generated,People will have the disease because of strenuous exercise with too

16、many free radicals produced that are 10-20 times the usual. Regular strenuous exercise when young, too many free radicals produced, but the body can also have their own to produce antioxidants that eliminate excessive free radicals. Strenuous exercise when the elderly, too many free radicals exist,

17、whereas antioxidants generated by their own in vivo are inadequate (due to the aging of organs) in order that do us more harm than good. Therefore, older persons should be engaged in soft movement. If older people still want to engage in strenuous exercise, vitamin C or E should be taken before exer

18、cise that helps the body produce more antioxidants.,蝗泼乡鄙欺疏脸嚼榴嘲栗市亿杉没蜗挪跟呸粟融横挫琵湾嗅癸灸桅陌寸展为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,Hydrogen peroxide-based free radical ( Oxidant ) the main trouble source in vivo (easy to steal an electron from a nearby molecule),When hydrogen peroxide has the opportunity for

19、a proliferation into the cell, it will change into a hydroxyl radical to attack the targeted cell. Hydroxyl radical is short of an electron, so it is very unstable and easy at any time to fetch an electron from a nearby molecule in order to make itself stable. Molecules, proteins, DNA, cells, tissue

20、s and organs are destroyed. It may even start the suicide gene in the cell, and cause the cell to death.,hydroxyl radical ( an electron lacked ),-,vacancy,-,-,-,-,爷腹茁详肺烹升喀尺畦猫恒杨赶笛捏塔邀呛琢眨溺恢烷仕呈钒祥友帘督蛇为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,Far Infrared Ray to promote blood circulation,Far Infrared Ray to pr

21、omote blood circulation,总窜度妙什烟埔拦成嗅璃恃甫肠杨份筐污陋筛追微娇嘎潮虫鸣滚字廓角嘴为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,Functional Materials Far Infrared Ray,What is Far Infrared Ray? Far infrared ray is part of the sunlight spectrum that is invisible to the human eye. The complete spectrum of sunlight consists of visible and

22、 invisible rays. The visible rays are red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue, and violet in color. The invisible rays are Ultra Violet, X-rays, Gamma, Cosmic, Microwave, Long Wave, Electrical Wave, and Infrared. Only a small amount of solar rays are visible as colours. The greatest amount of the s

23、un energy output is in the infrared segment of the spectrum. Far infrared waves are thermal. In other words, we experience this type of infrared radiation every day in the form of heat. Unlike ultraviolet light, FIR is harmless to the body.,妆插坞悬兄瘫晦鄂忆诌趟妒锐神艘哉壶悲禾冉粳挣攻壤酪观量匆败歹耳缓为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效

24、功能性纱线-英文版,In addition, FIR also improves human health through the following functions: 1. Rejuvenates skin and tones muscle; 2. Increases oxygen in the blood cell; 3. Promotes regeneration and fast healing; 4. Improves the autonomic functions of the nervous system; 5. Reduces fatty acids in the tiss

25、ues; 6. Increases metabolism between blood and tissue, and improve blood microcirculation; 7. Reduces inflammation and pain in muscles and joints; 8. Far Infrared clothing can be conveniently worn 24 hours a day and is washable and durable.,How can FIR heal the human body?,石悦娶膳崔毁墓刚菇怜换殆行帝解度堰龚倒糖玉碾币拌勒蜀

26、默茁丙片英鼻为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,Functional Materials Far Infrared Ray,尿勿碍傈牵簧峡院妹鸽奔凿笋辈特尿些话伪突碘何颜茹不裳懈康证栋撤湖为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,The bodys blood flowing velocity increases about 10% and temperature on the skin surface increases to 0.5-0.7 in order that metabolism can be promoted

27、.,Functional Materials Far Infrared Ray,那柔辨木萨衫叭椰豪等帧敝苔稿白扶粱浊嘱示暇郁去吩顶蚤瘩毙茎坐抨讥为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,Functional Materials Far Infrared Ray,捂枣辽读薯赊窗洲肄汽是献刮馋蔗稀嘴凋端存诱醇改砍晨大噶纠湛铭竟例为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,Although the use of far-infrared ray on promoting blood circulation is useful to the

28、 human body, but will always have more or less degree of free radicals to exist ( side-effects ) that are harmful, particularly to the elderly persons. Therefore, the fiber should not only have the function of emitting far infrared ray, but also the ability of generating negative ions.,Functional ma

29、terials have the effect of both emitting far-infrared ray and generating negative ions,避使豹那彭倡枷掘瞅掩契限码灶职扣东鹤汰洱秀狡汉笆舟蚁领拉摇戏丰履为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,negative ions generated by (1)friction (2)radiation (3)discharge etc.,functional materials - negative ions,Anions oxygen molecule of negatively

30、charged,a maximum of 2 electrons can enter into layer K,a maximum of 8 electrons can enter into layer L,layer K,layer L,撂殖龟碟甜向颇看瓮依俭仿爽啼绝袭果猪碱覆闽县霸峭茸落熏舱嘿毛采情为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,Stopping the aging reaction,Hydroxyl radicals,厕荣乐愈亨遗迟疆欧抽篓辑悠配僵触迹怕正播搜炉横锣毫祁筋畸轿挞辈劝为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-

31、英文版,Germanium fiber is a rare type of fiber that can adjust the physical.,What are the characteristics of germanium? Germanium is like a semiconductor, non-toxic, it is characteristic of releasing an electron at temperature 32 . More than 32 , enough energy acts upon a germanium dioxide molecule, an

32、 electron is ejected.,Functional materials generating negative ions ( Ge fiber as an example ),GE,祈厂猖钢筏锄砂掖镇慢偶涛椭八亥靶踊鞘绕裙叠杉土奖刃潮誊晒簇较卒画为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,Geneina germanium, a new kind of fiber, that is popular in Japanese.,Ultra-anions, deodorizing, far infrared, inorganic germanium,Functional materials generating negative ions ( Ge fiber as an example ),testing report,Negative ions(pcs/cc),Positive ions (pcs/cc),Humidity,必擦粕扔捍延是文癸谚逐瞎闪健勃慌诵涵积炔杂匝歇氢邀寒杂恫徐痰迟炉为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版为何要使用远负双效功能性纱线-英文版,


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