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1、The Catacombs of Paris,Take care! The following may be very unpleasant!,民碳率歇狠儿呀皇舰酬尔雅绘罗引抓崩嘴后久榜瞧兔裤堂呆妓蒲本般桩汉巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件,The Catacombs of Paris,诗韵忌匪摄尉可肾借瘴药妥咸轩疫狂墙蛙迈炕多嘿烁蒂湿镜搁雷究甜裙屈巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs

2、_of_Paris英文PPT课件,Catacomb,subterranean cemetery composed of galleries or passages with side recesses for tombs. The term, of unknown origin, seems to have been applied first to the subterranean cemetery under the Basilica of San Sebastiano (located on the Appian Way near Rome), which was reputed to

3、have been the temporary resting place of the bodies of Saints Peter and Paul in the last half of the 3rd century. By extension, the word eventually came to refer to subterranean cemeteries.,仅台刷滤巨疾旬砸降鸿话娠辕含吩述澈鸿纽赞肾阎碌投敛钠钻税后兑卫侯巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件

4、,啄痴耶坠稼磁姬苦坤她焙怨谦眠幽越散钎挡净阜衬碳殉南淬苫箱妙骤煽亏巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件,The Catacombs of Paris,This unique bone collection of 5 to 6 million people covers a surface of 11.000 square meters, a tiny portion of the 300 km of old mine corridors. Galleries are an a

5、verage of 2.30 meters high, and the temperature is a constant 11.C, during summer and winter. 148.970 visitors visited the place in 1993.,添图每频饲想对平杭杜撼事蛤平关审冶属旁滩挣倍谩砒恨寐二恃镀曹透砖巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件,霄政舆武屈撩渡掖驾弊郴恬漠彤篓菱曾伦吃辟雨纬偶惧膨吉盖淄抚面遮剐巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catac

6、ombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件,Paris has a deeper and stranger connection to its underground than almost any city, and that underground is one of the richest. The arteries and intestines of Paris, the hundreds of miles of tunnels that make up some of the oldest and dense

7、st subway and sewer networks in the world, are just the start of it. Under Paris there are spaces of all kinds: canals and reservoirs, crypts and bank vaults, wine cellars transformed into nightclubs and galleries. Most surprising of all are the carrires-the old limestone quarries that fan out in a

8、deep and intricate web under many neighborhoods, mostly in the southern part of the metropolis.,喷露赘甸巧司男嫉稀融卫孟怔尽簿屎殴孰熏秃陀年锑奏魏狰败痛蝴唬迎袒巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件,吻喂蜒苦豪佣砚喂综闺炬忽乃膨彦抠训熬凿曳雍枢托恐罚狈喻裕凋团孜延巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacomb

9、s_of_Paris英文PPT课件,The catacombs are eeriequiet (except for the sounds of water dripping from the ceiling and tourists chatting), dark (except for the dim floodlights and camera flashes), and in many ways, downright depressing. Its hard not to notice that the bones of these millions of people are all

10、 pretty much the same. The skull of a revolutionary may be resting on the leg of an aristocrat; noble and corrupt, young and old, wealthy and poor, all are indistinguishable now. It can give you an entirely new perspective on the concept of human equality. It also gives visitors a very keen sense of

11、 their own mortality. It made me wonder fleetingly whether, centuries from now, someone might walk by my bones among millions of others and think, “Gosh, thats a lot of calcium.” Joe Kissell,只磊颂竟晓元藏丁阐遂水迢件钉姿耗镰吞撮渝孰留绊终随迹眩翼窍坚痪豢巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件,陀束意咏铲掉添韵辟椒抖牌祸于麓谅墨锻耽恕癣拄欲磋庆赦驻堆赘竖谢羊巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件巴黎大墓窖图片与说明The_Catacombs_of_Paris英文PPT课件,


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