《高中英语教学资料》m7u1 grammar周四.ppt

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1、动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式, 它能起名词、形容词和副词的作用,在 句子中作主语、宾语、定语、表语、宾 语补足语和状语。 其形式如下:(主动形式) 一般式 (not) to do 完成式 (not) to have done 进行式 (not) to be doing,概 述,舒硬臀悼涵嘿疵儿萎刀穴研纫推命啪劣戳古肺磊廉肇洼漳哦滥蹲优频湾鸦高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,1. It is good to help others. 2. It is my ambition to make sure that the disabled p

2、eople in our neighborhood have access to all public buildings. 3. My ambition is to work in the computer industry when I grow up.,Identify its function.,(主语),(主语),(表语),想一想,曲吨侯嗣诌汛舍扦楔卢两缨坑埋漾袜习劈怜楷吮虹迄沾幸肋汇壹波蜂撅泞高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,4. I dont have time to sit around feeling sorry for

3、 myself. 5. I am the only student in my class to have a pet snake. 6. A big company has decided to buy it from me. 7. My fellow students have begun to accept me for who I am.,(定语),(定语),(宾语),(宾语),寨捞蒂禽丝粮碑氖歉苯脓卡几月诌勿筛衅奈泊臻助黑壶歧惮隙买土遏烁耍高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,8. I have had to work hard t

4、o live a normal life. 9. Some days I am too tired to get out of bed. 10. We must call on local government to give financial assistance to disabled people.,(状语),(状语),(宾补),曝请极垣凤块乘锈坐系泡踩晰拾奖泥躇酷八人校怔砚渭盘鱼绿螟疟奥妈息高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,几点注意: 1.不定式作宾补 allow, cause, force, permit, get, forb

5、id, advise, persuade sb/sth. to do sth. 2. feel, hear, listen to, let, have, make, see, look at, watch, observe sth/sb. do 当改成被动时to 加回去 例: I heard my neighbour lock the door. My neighbour was heard to lock the door. I saw a plane fly over. A plane was seen to fly over.,庐九墒誓蜕屹艾馆狄碑售倒忱搏伍犀添剧撵忽姚蔫钞区钟浙怀凤艾冀

6、菊三高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,3. 下列结构主动表被动 The door is easy/hard_. A. to open B. be opened It is a difficult question _.(answer),笺睡铂擞纠啃太千仿闰豁杠潦讹粮爪棍僧摆溉温浆猖溉曲丢钓托氓誊竹船高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,4.几组词的区分 1)like doing 习惯性,一般性的动作 like to do 具体的一次性的 1)我想和你一块儿去。 I like to go

7、with you. 2)我喜欢阅读。 I like reading. 3)他答应过要帮助她。 He promised to help her. 4)我们喜欢看VCD。 We like watching VCD.,嚼弘檬沧党橱茅扑告刮丑绽翻庶载瞒勾五蜕寨载著许芭霉蓝熔蔡亏攘熄擞高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,2) remember, forget, regret +doing: 做过 +to do: 要做 I remember meeting him in the street. 我记得在街上见过他。 I remember to writ

8、e a letter to my parents. 我想起来要给我父母亲写信。,筒撕拣剃烯俏浴琶垂幂范价督巾沿卷陨奋电曹袍烈敝破糠挂牵狙应储啮执高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,3) “stop + doing”表示停止做某事, “stop + to do”表示停下来做某事。 请不要抽烟 。 Stop smoking, please. 咱们停下来休息一下吧。 Lets stop to have a rest.,丸仆絮孤否粗嘘曝硒镭撅刽赤围搔窜实匣专窍绑芥躁泰靡鹤妹阳培凯蛋铜高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u

9、1 grammar周四,4) mean to do 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着 I meant to catch up with the early bus. This means wasting a lot of money.,臀宰缀沁谨俏梦纸洲仟嫌导况涂怂攫荡笆迎闯肇怪厦骏泰段擒讲节辅藕尊高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,Practice I,1. She said she_ her uncle very much and hoped _him. A. missed, to hear from B. missed, to

10、 hear C. misses, hearing from D. misses, hearing,A,抄脑由伶酋钦棺轿喝莽瞻娩贤桓达陪且几亡袄所殿自叔贞浪械养赎稳挡社高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,2. _a living, she had to work from morning till night. A. To make B. made C. Making D. To have made 3. Mrs Brown regretted_ his son. A. beated B. beating C. beat D. beaten,

11、A,B,倔走邯瘟喇傀鞭痛姓季扩勇四曲蒂感寄锚曲蔑报贬扬浴敝侵揖焦鬃绑庙胳高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,4. I often hear him _about the great writer. A. to talk B. talk C. speaking D. to tell 5. Missing the last bus means_ home. A. to walk B. walking C. walked D. walk,B,B,阵宿遁闰惩焕渤鸟觅宰败绳钡待召降曳嘻陡哑咒闷啊胳钞旷盂霞贯鳃袍韵高中英语教学资料m7u1 gramma

12、r周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,6. Paul doesnt have to be made_ . He always works hard. A. study B. to study C. studied D. studying 7. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just _ a look at the sports starts. A. had B. having C. to have D. have,B,C,胆马猎潭窝然抖证敖屿干几了掏审依晓胡牌驹帘的

13、把耽讨斩同烩蔚峻逊囚高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,8. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _. A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not 9. -I didnt hear you come in last night. -Thats good. We tried _ noisy. A. not to B. to be not C. to be D. not to be,A,

14、D,屎冒郑蜜绽荆鉴棍尖唯哲揉讨房泵檀歉玩秉册簿黄喂款兹水眯眨熟缕驯亲高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,10. -I hear that you and Francis will spend your vacation in Nepal next spring. -Yes, we are planning _. A. to B. to be C. it D. to do it,A,莎隶感恿骚败酱允堵咀酥泰尖捕倪阴题钨辛韧瓶娜媒送樱雇小应亮托吝腰高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,10.

15、-I hear that you and Francis will spend your vacation in Nepal next spring. -Yes, we are planning _. A. to B. to be C. it D. to do it,A,歧交糜溜排洞蛔蘑拟荣或盒宇垂眨蔬攘挨艾票世粘矛予床起拭肉妙哭涟匝高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,1. _ is to lengthen life. (节约时间就是延长生命。) 2. She is easy _. (她很好相处。) 3. When I called him

16、, he happened _. (我给他打电话时, 他正在洗澡。),III. 根据汉语提示, 用不定式完成下列句子。,To save time,to get along with,to be taking a bath,臀曲仆酌词怔乍辫绽舵马胺途瞥眺拖辽漫砒粉凡痰吝稳宪泰鞍谗昧腹噪蚀高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,4. The book is said _ _. (据说这本书已经被翻译成好几种语言。) 5. The experience makes us realize that much of the world remains _

17、. (这次经历使我们意识到世界上有很多东西仍有待探索。) 6. The teacher asked us _. (老师叫我们不要如此吵闹。),to have been translated into several languages,to be explored,not to be so noisy,怂男趣哈队藕畴效怒卡份煤驹牟跳唐难狞倒需厘仗入厌暖剃孔唉指郸扭坏高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,7. The news reporter hurried to the airport, _ _. (这位新闻记者急匆匆赶到机场,结果被告知电

18、影明星已经走了。) 8. I dont think it possible _ _. (我认为一次记住100个英语单词是不可能的。),only to be told the film star had left,to remember 100 English words at a time,旬妥猴曰驾侍踏首填收各谤奶磅佃姑龄商备泪股妈栽诀窃解夸蚌奠察校嫡高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,9. Students are not allowed _. (学生不允许吸烟和饮酒。) 10. _, call (920) 746-3789. (若要了解更多信息,请拨打电话(920) 746-3789。),To find out more information,to smoke and drink,澜褒啦盘奎疥路丙椽钾烈租啼挤粉掖祸沮拍那膀记慷脉潍虽陶刁蓟横医婚高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四高中英语教学资料m7u1 grammar周四,


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