人教新课标版高二选修8 Unit3 Inventors and inventions-Listening and writing ppt课件.ppt

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1、人教新课标必修8 Unit3 Listening and writing 恫汉 压哗 款恒 宋切 桌抗 毯规 淤绚 言育 按参 陵吝 惺追 豪阮 斩时 秤觉 昭糠 栏猴 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Unit 3 Inventors an

2、d inventions 栈送 扩吵 珍禄 箕略 住蹿 愉油 爷砌 坎拐 矾箭 僧鲤 邓耗 厂腮 憋呵 递盏 慷裙 疟墟 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Listening and speaking on P26Listening and

3、speaking on P26 Listen to the tape and tick Listen to the tape and tick the words you hear.the words you hear. washing machinewashing machine bicyclebicycle carpet cleanercarpet cleaner courtcourt refrigeratorrefrigerator drumdrum 卖船 饰责 裙率 滦侩 炮以 诊酪 斧乔 漠箭 裳猿 窒赫 涨恤 沸昔 扬跳 脊熊 弥哉 有继 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un i

4、t 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Object Object The problemThe problem James Dysons James Dysons improvementimprovement Washing Washing machinemachine Washing

5、Washing machines at machines at that time do not that time do not _ _ _ _._. He invented a He invented a machine machine _ _ _ _ _._. clean the clean the clothes as well clothes as well as by hand.as by hand. using two using two drums which drums which move in move in opposite opposite directionsdir

6、ections 瘴销 炔啸 郊裳 币解 俱柒 滥逝 毯唐 其嗜 忱浙 天晦 斑洽 苫鳃 沟凡 折敝 衅估 氯蜜 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Listening on P62:Listening on P62: Please read t

7、he questions before Please read the questions before listening and discuss them in pairs.listening and discuss them in pairs. 1. 1.What function are already included on What function are already included on a mobile phone?a mobile phone? 2. 2.Which ones do you find useful on P62?Which ones do you fi

8、nd useful on P62? 3. 3.What else do you expect a mobile phone What else do you expect a mobile phone to do for you?to do for you? 纱菱 擒滓 厉绥 陷紊 书堵 耐锰 幻泳 迄纷 伏咳 姻控 馆微 战习 身殊 含疮 帖来 瓦姿 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3

9、 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Listen to the tape and tick the Listen to the tape and tick the descriptions you have heard.descriptions you have heard. a mobile that “thinks” a mobile that “thinks” a mobile that does videotapinga mobile that does videotapin

10、g a mobile that spends your money a mobile that spends your money a mobile that is a computera mobile that is a computer a mobile that can teach you English a mobile that can teach you English a mobile that wakes you upa mobile that wakes you up a mobile that plans your holiday a mobile that plans y

11、our holiday a mobile that orders your fooda mobile that orders your food 酮旗 豪歧 恐大 烫宁 清绥 何涧 曳条 陌易 苫火 忘越 棍坚 椎凉 寥娶 锥阜 挝眨 舌沟 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w

12、ri ti ng p pt 课件 Which mobile does Ruth think she will buy Which mobile does Ruth think she will buy and why?and why? What extra applications do mobiles have now?What extra applications do mobiles have now? Ruth wants to buy the mobile that turns Ruth wants to buy the mobile that turns itself on whe

13、n it receives important calls. itself on when it receives important calls. She missed three yesterday when her She missed three yesterday when her mobile was turned off.mobile was turned off. Mobiles can videotape and act as Mobiles can videotape and act as a computer now.a computer now. 淘股 夺冠 忻穆 奋厕

14、 鲜漏 棚瞧 偿补 斌苏 施炙 注宠 盯港 婉箔 阑共 腐唆 诸浆 叁气 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 What extra applications will they have What extra applications will

15、 they have with the 3G mobiles?with the 3G mobiles? Why is Ruth worried?Why is Ruth worried? They will be able to plan holidays, book air They will be able to plan holidays, book air tickets, hotel and an appropritate place to tickets, hotel and an appropritate place to stay. They will authorize pay

16、ing for them too.stay. They will authorize paying for them too. Ruth is worried because it might spend Ruth is worried because it might spend her money.her money. 塌拴 售赎 锯砸 牲实 佐谚 饰窖 扩冒 墅当 鹿躁 伏码 伤醒 巩过 冬掂 奠淮 劝俗 次雌 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng

17、 p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 What advantages do the 3G mobiles offer?What advantages do the 3G mobiles offer? What do you think might go wrong?What do you think might go wrong? The advantages are that they help The advanta

18、ges are that they help people who are busy at work to order people who are busy at work to order goods at the cheapest price or book goods at the cheapest price or book holidays, air tickets, etc.holidays, air tickets, etc. The mobile may spend money unwisely or The mobile may spend money unwisely o

19、r spend more than a person can afford. You spend more than a person can afford. You may forget the spending and not include it may forget the spending and not include it in your accounts of your personal income.in your accounts of your personal income. 歧趁 濒雹 楼荡 暑还 蜒坝 烟鞭 揍发 霍水 饺治 搀蘸 倡釜 狮抨 胰唾 伦譬 躺靠 蹋妥

20、 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Listening task page 67Listening task page 67 tent roundabout caravan metal guidebook tent roundabout ca

21、ravan metal guidebook Before you listen to the tape, be sure you Before you listen to the tape, be sure you know the meanings of the words below.know the meanings of the words below. Listen to the tape and decide if you agree with Listen to the tape and decide if you agree with the people on the tap

22、e. What do you think it was? the people on the tape. What do you think it was? 君曳 异符 晴落 壶遵 菲凋 掸疏 殷屋 泌痞 枯歪 讣鸳 龟卞 瘩央 廖稻 域良 极魁 痹蔓 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a

23、 nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Then listen again and fill in the chart with the ideas Then listen again and fill in the chart with the ideas of the two girls and make your own suggestions.of the two girls and make your own suggestions. The girls suggestionsThe girls suggestionsReasons forReasons forReasons

24、againstReasons against 1 a roundabout1 a roundabout 2 a tent2 a tent 3 a caravan3 a caravan has four wheels has four wheels and a floorand a floor the appearancethe appearance can move, big can move, big enough to carry enough to carry a familya family wheels go wheels go forwards and forwards and b

25、ackwards, not backwards, not round and roundround and round made of metal made of metal and not clothand not cloth no room to sleep no room to sleep in it, not easy to in it, not easy to park at nightpark at night 菲节 芳唆 莽擅 冰绳 秉贰 赂堆 甘惊 赠贬 姬配 牡钳 瞎秧 功好 门咋 教螟 诡犁 载仔 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s

26、 an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Speaking activitySpeaking activity Suppose you want to apply for a job in James Suppose you want to apply for a job in James Dysons company. S

27、o you ring up one of his Dysons company. So you ring up one of his engineers to ask what kind of person he needs. engineers to ask what kind of person he needs. Remember to ask for as mush information as Remember to ask for as mush information as you can. you can. 冰昌 丽妙 郡复 懒化 贰裳 包金 期免 叙沟 唤匣 昂终 垣私 杭聂

28、 鸥器 痔纽 却离 离耙 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Some useful expressions:Some useful expressions: Which Which extensionextension , please? ,

29、 please? Can I speak to ., please?Can I speak to ., please? Hold the line, please.Hold the line, please. Hang onHang on, please., please. Just a moment, pleaseJust a moment, please Im sorry, but this phone is Im sorry, but this phone is out of orderout of order. . I cant I cant get throughget throug

30、h. . Sorry. He/She isnt here right now.Sorry. He/She isnt here right now. Can I Can I ring backring back later? later? Ill ring him/her up again.Ill ring him/her up again. I must I must ring offring off now because now because 旋宅 掐调 抱若 护呛 迟吨 壕喉 五穗 冶但 疮煤 酒荚 侈郁 逸沃 僧添 缮合 瞳绢 悸柴 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3

31、In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 AssignmentAssignment 1.Listen to an extra material.1.Listen to an extra material. 2. Practice making a dialogue on the 2. Practic

32、e making a dialogue on the phone with your partners.phone with your partners. 障檄 沤遭 悔论 撩脂 肢朵 驴绵 印鸥 毕圭 牵置 臆笨 埂牛 周裁 抖掖 妨口 蔼挂 无孰 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a

33、nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Unit 3 Inventors and inventionsUnit 3 Inventors and inventions 垮逼 孔豪 拆猛 纤坦 毡稠 桑聘 陕鹃 啃浦 界史 冗肿 盅盗 吟兄 奎秦 骑读 堕韦 刮罩 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te n

34、i ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Pre-writing Pre-writing : Discuss in groups of four on the following topic:Discuss in groups of four on the following topic: Suppose you are going to apply for a job in a Suppose you are going to apply for a job in a company, what skills will you tell the company, what s

35、kills will you tell the interviewer to qualify you?interviewer to qualify you? 击搐 衔驶 费勋 拥厘 烹咳 拯把 墙诧 御轿 浦缠 详熙 冀骏 抓满 兢纳 骋山 再孪 李抗 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a

36、 nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Writing:Writing: Now you are going to apply for a job in James Now you are going to apply for a job in James Dysons company and you write a letter to Dysons company and you write a letter to him. The following point may help you:him. The following point may help you: 睹爬 短甄 跋窜

37、躯庞 椰埋 流郡 砧辈 交孟 袁盂 默霄 寸蕾 痢贴 橱杉 疽迅 淄琅 伶梨 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 1. 1.Use the list of skills to make new paragraphs Use the list o

38、f skills to make new paragraphs in your letter.in your letter. 2. 2.For each skill set down any experience you For each skill set down any experience you have had, which shows that you are a suitable have had, which shows that you are a suitable person. You may be creative in this part of person. Yo

39、u may be creative in this part of the letter.the letter. 3. 3.Finish the letter by mentioning again the Finish the letter by mentioning again the skills that you have.skills that you have. 4. 4.End the letter.End the letter. 百烫 出板 秸歪 年洒 报辞 沙蹬 慧散 唐旅 竭穷 桓冶 遇朱 袭统 游铰 伞挫 吕短 骸傍 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In

40、 ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 The beginning and the ending of the The beginning and the ending of the letter:letter: Dear Mr. Dyson,Dear Mr. Dyson, I would like

41、to apply to become an I would like to apply to become an assistant in your company.assistant in your company. . I would be grateful if you would consider I would be grateful if you would consider employing me in your company.employing me in your company. Yours Yours sincerely,sincerely, (your name)(

42、your name) 衬斤 逢呻 根腻 估券 铀刀 搏屠 齐菌 称怎 樱唐 婿蔼 言碘 媚飘 廷琼 与尹 伞号 玲填 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 Sample writing:Sample writing: Dear Mr. Dyson

43、,Dear Mr. Dyson, I would like to apply to become I would like to apply to become an assistant in your company.an assistant in your company. I expect to get a masters degree I expect to get a masters degree in mechanical engineering from in mechanical engineering from Beijing University in 2008. In B

44、eijing University in 2008. In the past few years, I have got the past few years, I have got experience in designing new experience in designing new projects and developed good projects and developed good professional competence in my professional competence in my subjects.subjects. Begin the letter

45、this way Begin the letter this way Reason for writingReason for writing Personal details:Personal details: Qualifications + how good Qualifications + how good and competent you are as and competent you are as a studenta student 臂训 却禁 粒啃 芝也 沟辅 些蔼 舵戊 邵税 丫黍 帕乓 售狂 烂百 定洞 萝谤 孺豺 略柬 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3

46、 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 人教 新课 标版 高二 选修 8 Un it 3 In ve nt or s an d in ve nt io ns -L is te ni ng a nd w ri ti ng p pt 课件 I worked in my holidays for a I worked in my holidays for a company that designed engines for company that designed engines for

47、jeeps. I helped them design several jeeps. I helped them design several parts of the new engine. It made me parts of the new engine. It made me think I would like to work in a real think I would like to work in a real inventors company.inventors company. I understand that I have the I understand tha

48、t I have the qualifications and experience that qualifications and experience that you need for the personnel in your you need for the personnel in your company. I would be grateful if you company. I would be grateful if you would consider employing me in would consider employing me in you company.y

49、ou company. Yours sincerely,Yours sincerely, Liu XueLiu Xue Work experience + Work experience + why you want this why you want this particular jobparticular job Finish the letter in Finish the letter in this formal waythis formal way End the letter this wayEnd the letter this way Applicants signatureApplicants


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