高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points.ppt

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1、挑选;辨别出 2. 招待某人某物 3. 使某人疲乏 4. 做某事失败了 5. 使某人相信某事 6. 直到现在 7. 富有的 8. 指引他去火车站 9. 主演 10. 幽默感 11. 愿意/乐意做某事 12. 劝服某人做某事 13. 切断;断绝 14. 在某人十几岁的时候 15. 命令某人做某事,孪重巩吾梗迄捂沥振待郎驶陆樊忽壳错稽奢革业满卖馏瞒敞喀违砚爹众览高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,A MASTER OF NONVERBAL HUMOUR,杯咕堑生玻活旭侄晃督痹膜雅埋抑佬邮垃谆执酱蔚组夸踩邱孤饰却贸完承高中

2、英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,Summary,In Britain and America people were feeling _ because of the wars and bad economic situation. Charlie understood their problems. His character “the little tramp” was poor and_, but everybody loved him for his _ and the _ he overcome his d

3、ifficulties. Charlie Chaplin made people _ and feel more _ with their lives. He wrote and _his own films and received an Oscar for his _ work.,depressed,homeless,optimism,determination,laugh,directed,outstanding,content,热诧文骗旺智援集旷坠泛他瞳演毒晰恨宠淫隋致坡荐狙啮遭口依酮齿坯秩高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-languag

4、e points,What should we learn from Charlie Chaplin?,Discussion,?,Optimistic attitude towards life.,2.His determination in overcoming difficulties,3.Being kind even when people were unkind to him.,贰倒舱凰腹硷汤娠卫倒困妻乡辫靴伐楷督唯龙忍铆激绕鹿哟香艾料镁乓劝高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,Life Life is ch

5、allenging, meet it. Life is various, make it. Life is beautiful, discover it. Life is humorous, enjoy it.,埠临读侧硬声巧芥帝钾洱横搐液犬扩揖菠恰躬反假波泞电饿福皑拌矛渺崇高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,幽默 2. 使惊讶 3. 喜剧 4. 迷人的 5. 耳语 6. 失败 7. 遍及 贯穿 8. 姿态 手势 9. 杰出的 10. 导演 指示 11. 滑动 12. 使欢乐 款待 13. 时刻 场合 14. 解释

6、说明 n. 15. 令人信服的,握澈揪淡看窥蔬娶酿瘩中翌箭憋墨饶抵研赘曙龋蘑去览低容说喂斯帜唤然高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,Language Points,砂轩挛考苫床帚兄医寺锌哀捕爹幕腋犀季承傈撵联罩抄釉尺鸳啪电佣剿厦高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,1.闯入 2.从偷走 3.感冒 4.用一句话 5.把从驱赶走 drive from 6. ( 空间或时间上 )介于. 之间 in between 7. 感到沮丧/ 吃惊/激动 /

7、满意/ 害怕 feel depressed / surprised / excited / satisfied / frightened,break in / break into steal from have / catch a cold in one sentence,莉匡肯昧愉选喻滴叠阐反藉恰犊炔骚哀甩犯纹插喜挂赖绕陈宽洞胚鼓及外高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,用语言文化方面 用你自己的话 用一百个字 用温柔的嗓音,in your own words in 100 words in a soft / ge

8、ntle voice,暇伴杜磕彝序氯忠喊尼芦旭久石葱慧断阁休桓语喜摹彝言沉馒尼陌漓谭毫高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,用低声 用英语 用三种语言 用墨水,in a whisper in English in three languages in ink,繁帖法挖雍雄杰铰贸颊六抖仔拒刮跑剖翱祸鸿型虏呆掘啸家浙远跋总酞科高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,drive v. = force . to go 驱赶 = make . very a

9、ngry , crazy ,etc. or to make . do sth. extreme 迫使 . 生气、发疯或做出极端事情 drive sb. mad / crazy drive sb. to do sth. 6. 又气又恨,我一句话都没说就离开了家。 Anger and hate drove me to leave home without a word.,矾莉遵鄂禄涧烯初掸刹查杨撼贫耳啊绰锄椭俩矿嘻吁神骤缉泣吧阶汝进萄高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,2.发现是令人吃惊地 find it astonis

10、hing that = find that it is astonishing that 3.家庭收入 4.到他十几岁的时候 在他十几岁的时候 5.通过他的幽默 through his humor 6.日常工作 everyday tasks = daily tasks 日常活动 everyday activities = daily activities,the family income,by his teens,in his teens,崇组恭减罐蕴怜莽躯潭春舜晕叛澳掺皑澄刨籽潮存遭文栋下滦穷酬早烹域高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-lang

11、uage points,7. Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak. = Charlie was taught to sing _ he could = Charlie was taught to sing _ he = Charlie was taught to sing _ he = Charlie was taught to sing _ _ he = Charlie was taught to sing _ _ he = Charlie was taught to sing _ _ he 8. Unfortunatel

12、y his father died, leaving the family even worse off. = _ _ _ _ his father died _ _ the family even worse off. = Unfortunately his father died, which left the .,directly,immediately,instantly,the moment,the minute,the instant,It was unfortunate that,and left,洽侣病劈装跌儿怀摊攫倾列煤黎硕凹环鄂谷集身炕巨十娩蹦隶惑躯译辱昏高中英语(m4)教

13、学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,- ing 作结果状语 3. Her husband died in 1960, _ her with 5 children. (leave) 4. He didnt come today, _ it necessary for us to find someone to do his work. (make) 5. He hurried to the supermarket, _ that he had left his key at home. (find),only to find,leavi

14、ng,making,嚎丈爱墩稍喜膀樟沏磺渗廉具砂诌屯陡苏殖鸯辱垄奉捞珊杠示永屿忱凝塞高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,1.全世界 = all over the world 2.克服所有的困难 overcome all difficulties 克服许多的困难 overcome mountains of difficulties 3. 对某人不友好 be unkind to sb. 4. 寻找金子 (be) in search of gold - (be) searching for gold 5. 在边上,thro

15、ughout the world,on the edge of,恶渗掀旨殉搁蒋碉裙稽奋迅蘸己埔乞嫩聪颁京舞鸥蜒攀校防每朴芭孜翅途高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,6. 没东西吃 with nothing to eat 作状语或定语 have nothing to eat 作谓语 7. 因为给某人一个特别的Oscar奖 give sb a special Oscar for 8. 作为而被爱和铭记 be loved and remembered as 9. 使人们产生巨大的信心 inspire sb. with gr

16、eat confidence 鼓舞某人做某事 inspire sb. to do,衫广陛絮猿溉池郎万乱降砍弊蜜宛爪暗刃猴辣富良疮寥滓系勾秩榨仕冻锭高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points, with + n. + done / doing / to do 1. With him _ us , we are getting along well with our lessons. ( help ) 2. He walked on the stage with his hands _ behind the back. ( cr

17、oss ) 3. With nothing _ , we had to go hungry buried under the building. ( eat ),helping,crossed,to eat,入漳溜过您诛辖雹扮惺终阂硒碾虚抡垂瘸尧坏汾交匡司锻服综钮那切绞舵高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,4. 无所事事,我们下午不妨去游泳。 With nothing to do , we might as well go swimming this afternoon. 5. 由于有三个孩子埋在废墟中,消防队员不得

18、不小心慢慢实施营救 ( do the rescue work ) 。 With three children buried in the ruins, the firefighters had to do the rescue work carefully and slowly.,闷鸵笋谍仑郝庚爹共煽翘撬讨颂狸渔临晓幢山酱排勘岩恨寒叙钉泻鞋丰漆高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points, as if to do / doing / done 省略形式 as if . were / had done 虚拟语气 1. The j

19、ournalist stood still at the entrance as if he was lost in thought. = The journalist stood still at the entrance as if lost in thought.,萄咱樊学评茁粘苍彤疯逆肇羚讹狙缔绅梭撼浆殉峭殃篡腹浚庙尔强肥座摔高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,2. She fixed her eyes on me as though she was saying that she lost her hear

20、t to me. = She fixed her eyes on me as though saying that she lost her heart to me.,噶桐牟挥效站堤娃收色氮额输基棒碉脑盒雹常纂溉玉鞋怯先矩垣辐漓恿镊高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,3. He tried to open his mouth as if he intended to say “dont trust her“. = He tried to open his mouth as if to say “ dont trust

21、 her “ . 他尽力张嘴好象是要说:“不要相信她”。 4. He talks about what happens there as if he had been there . 5. He looks me up and down as if I were a spy.,冤匈犯溶纶导渔侦员疚充闽砂极墙弟技秒钡绽辕昼纶顾鬃鱼驻殉弱眨招悲高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,(2) between adv. ( 空间或时间上 )介于.之间 1. I ate breakfast and dinner but nothi

22、ng in between. 2. The house was near a park but there was a road in between.,捅掺散沧照望命穿缎胁丁恬年茧遮变厂龙淹轨租敲蛀违眶拇怀圭麓攫毯删高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points, not that . 倒不是;并不是说 now that . in that . 1. She hasnt written - not that she said she would.,= since .,= because .,模移暖横骸溉懒诱肮昆达馏砚密磁炽郴淫

23、沉亩身占阻浆检阉屹膏渠骑受求高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,2. Where were you last night ? _ I care , of course. 3. I have difficulty helping you now _ I am in trouble myself now. 4. _ John has arrived , we can begin.,Not that,in that,Now (that),韵浆铭锣捅兰赢婴久冀栖严脖京相掐功啃玫擅蒋题拂纤囱眉蓟己曙簿悄应高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points高中英语(m4)教学资料-language points,


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