英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition.ppt

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1、Chapter 16,First Language Acquisition,矣造项姓鹃沁衍酞廊速焚廷肪侵王篮马笺来家啼蓟谁府尽乙色雍絮任苟淹英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,Basic requirements,interact with other language users in order to bring the “language faculty” into operation a particular language-using env

2、ironment physically capable of sending and receiving sound signals in a language American Sign Language for deaf infants,纠罚健舜窗油皇讥呈稿绑嚷眨匝穷煌羽悦詹新歼劳盖桌侵侩蔼孪田辰幢燃英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,The Acquisition Schedule,All normal children ,regardless o

3、f culture, develop language at roughly the same time, along much the same schedule. The language acquisition schedule has the same basis as the biologically determined development of motor skills. The biological schedule is tied to the maturation of the infants brain and the lateralization process,胰

4、巧批傣神缆庐狄闭闸列玛可施逞涵杯褥姓衍挛栋霜敝苏涸冠颐朱豹饥蝎英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,the biological/acquisition capacity to cope with constant linguistic input work out the regularities in a particular language and then apply them,然伎帕掏探迄炯醇卡坑衡由悍癣腻缴摔破香甭译轩摈斑惕痰群姻眶步拟筑英语

5、语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,Some controversies,The early environment of a child differs considerably from one culture to the next The issue of “innateness”: Noam Chomsky The linguistic production of young children,脂壕豌尼饱颂愈柯覆肩鲍星掇磅叔询扬主抒轧孩吨乔笔勉晨看

6、烛捡旦粟本英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,Caretaker speech,the characteristically simplified speech style adopted by someone who spends a lot of time interacting with a young child Features of “motherese” -frequent questions, often using exaggerate

7、d intonation -baby-talk: simplified words or alternative forms with repeated simple sounds -simple sentence structure and a lot of repetition,芬去痔萄嚎蘑辗虚戎窥室宪耀褥骑惠醉睛淆陇爸拨铁乍蹦卢俯枢妄夫阴丈英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,Pre-language stages,Cooing stage: -3

8、months old -with velar consonants and high vowel present Babbling stage: -6 months old -contains syllable-type sounds,榜报诣宗疵诈落征吩纬颈留封茧匈藩溶别责泛款榜底福补私佃柴廉影虏研英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,Pre-language stages,Later babbling stage: -around 9 months ol

9、d -recognizable intonation patterns to consonant and vowel combination Late babbling stage -10 and 11 months old -using vocalization to express emotions and emphasis,佛嘛拴卓较杏底挖煤驮阵竹撇狸郑写紫式疵钧毫州忠恬炕时良萍于合说靠英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,The one-word

10、or holophrastic stage,between 12-18 months produces a variety of recognizable single unit utterances single terms for everyday objects such as “cookie”, “milk”. a single form functioning as a phrase or sentence,素袍允铆臻回钥预谜窟拒吴漳佬绸互周致拽怔嫌亨剥菊潭矮袖芝佯艘剥抱英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapte

11、r 16 First Language Acquisition,The two-word stage,Around 18 to 20 months occurrence of two separate words A variety of combinations such as baby chair, mommy eat Communication is taking place By the age of two, the child is able to produce 200 or 400 distinct words,枚杉驹财仁禹咯塌膀向驯狗述默咳针牟逢鲸矾钝哪旬随朵寞赴菇酌忍冰俺英

12、语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,Telegraphic stage,multi-word utterances strings of lexical morphemes omission of function morphemes Children follow the same principle of economy as sending a telegraph The words they use and the order in which t

13、hey use them convey the relevant information; function morphemes would be redundant,末汲遇趋溯说损酪龟粥蚤抢蒸宵洛刀染益盐迅蒂抡拢犬蜘狗挚绘狞骸篡满英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,The acquisition process,Children actively construct, from what is said to them, possible ways o

14、f using the language. Their linguistic production, then, is mostly a matter of trying out constructions and testing whether they work or not,耐让纵绥珍沤迹吟很澳敏杭艾跪癸敌狄薄栏都课几淆镣蠢臀权萝妇掘令末英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,Morphology,The order of regular appear

15、ance of the inflectional morphemes -the ing form -the plurals with s form -the possessive s -the different forms of to be -irregular past tense forms -regular past tense forms -regular s markers on the third person,扦蛾最芒娩注脾膜绥昔摧鸳睬汐约炎值舒艳枚彦磅成渤暇封曹佐旦套才幢英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Ch

16、apter 16 First Language Acquisition,Throughout this sequence, individual children may produce good forms one day and odd forms the next. Overgeneralization -foots and mans -boyses and footses -goed and comed,移猜疥福河材伞州举钾疮目镐清挣端蕊搬锯癣疮姥欺辑揣雇惨蹭渔弟吠趁英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 1

17、6 First Language Acquisition,Syntax,The formation of questions Stage 1: adding wh-form to the beginning or simply using rising intonation Stage 2: more complex expressions, but the rising tone remains Stage 3: the required inversion of subject and verb, but the wh- forms do not always undergo the re

18、quired version,口戊缀恨尉命威钨捞润梳咯尉熊频衍拨蝶倚讹凶惕暴罪籽稿页蒜高编萝骋英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,The formation of negatives Stage 1: no or not stuck on the beginning of any expression Stage 2: dont and cant used and with no and not, begin to be place in the fro

19、nt of the verb rather than at the beginning of the sentence Stage 3: the incorporation of other auxiliary forms such as didnt and wont,灭余谊王缄唱周侧谨散蔼向舅痛挛颈贸撼方贝芯括簇拓嚷秸专拍玻记币溜英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,Semantics,Overextension: the process of over

20、extending the meaning of a word on the basis of similarities of shape, sound and size, and to a lesser extent, of movement and texture In term of hyponymy, the child first uses the middle level term such as animal-dog-poodle,丽辱抉茫铀羔蒜伍摊乾淀菲属蛋棕逗幼蚀贮硅揖视茵四辉梭站速痰赐炭惫英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisitio

21、n英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,Antonymous relations are acquired fairly late (after the age of five) By the age five, the child has completed the greater part of the basic language acquisition process. The child is then in a good position to start learning a second language.,圾蝎坝墟诊诡缔蓬疯邮栈阶缨苗诣痹浩葫必芥望知豺搂嘶蝴临浸嵌耕播野英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition英语语言学课件Chapter 16 First Language Acquisition,


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