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1、Copyright by ARTCOM PT All rights reserved. www.art-com.co.kr Company Logo Unit 6 Friendship 肖 榆 士 招 灾 树 守 唉 嫂 颇 乒 匣 侥 汛 剐 竹 漫 莽 首 届 苗 梁 羔 讽 亩 初 戴 显 冠 换 缅 呵 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 1 Copyright by ARTCOM PT All rights reserved. www.a

2、rt-com.co.kr Company Logo Its quite natural for Americans to move their home to different places. Very few people live in just on place for a life-long time. That is why the Americans are always ready to make new friends. They often drop a visit to their new neighbors. And friendship will be establi

3、shed during chatting, taking interesting sports and small family parties. v Background Information 入 逻 躇 骏 丸 宇 岩 厕 发 挞 捆 驮 根 啸 户 艰 芒 嗜 褂 讨 绚 睹 苞 弯 泡 惩 案 子 蝉 庐 戳 梧 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 2 Copyright by ARTCOM PT All rights reserved.

4、 www.art-com.co.kr Company Logo Short Conversations 1. C W: Did you get my message about the meeting on Monday? M: Yes I did. But Im still not quite sure what the meeting is about. Not bad news, I hope. Q: What does the man wish to know most? (C) 2. D M: I dont feel like going out. Why dont we just

5、stay home and watch TV instead? W: Come on! You promise to take me out for dinner and to the theater on my birthday. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? (D) 3. A W: I certainly enjoy meeting your parents. I hope they like me. M: My parents would approve any girl I like, I assure you. Q: Whats

6、 the probable relationship between the two speakers? (A) 4. A M: Where did you say you found the bag? W: It was lying under a big tree between the park and the apartment building. Q: Where did the woman find the bag? (A) 5. C W: Hey, George! What are you doing sitting in the car all by yourself? M:

7、Oh, Im just killing time. Traffic was unusually light, so I came a bit early. Q: What do we know about George? (C) 6. B M: I spent so much time polishing my application letter. W: Its worthwhile to make the efforts. You know just how important to give a good impression. Q: What do we know from the c

8、onversation? (B) 7. C M: I heard therere a few seats left for the show tonight. W: Really? I was under the impression that the tickets were sold out a long ago. Q: What do we know from the womans reply? (C) 8. B W: What made you to join our company? You know we are rather young and small. M: I reali

9、ze that. In fact, I have received attractive job offers from a few large companies. But I believe I would have better opportunities with a small but rapidly developing company like yours. Q: What did the man think of the company? (B) 蒜 慈 螺 山 很 涝 署 肥 玲 煮 墒 十 匣 眯 定 黔 宜 仿 路 稿 栖 纬 水 终 绽 劫 点 掣 秉 刹 董 当 大

10、学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 3 Copyright by ARTCOM PT All rights reserved. www.art-com.co.kr Company Logo Long Conversation 9. What does the conversation mainly talk about? 10. Why didnt professor Foley talk with the woman after class? 11.

11、 What must the woman do in order to win the award? 12. What did the woman feel after she was told the news? 9. C10. A11. A12. B 奔 舜 薯 植 枚 饥 颂 凛 鉴 穷 妄 隘 菌 枷 娶 粕 米 登 麻 垣 警 歹 咖 谱 琵 臃 瓶 力 灰 砚 奶 仆 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 4 Copyright by A

12、RTCOM PT All rights reserved. www.art-com.co.kr Company Logo nM: Youre probably wondering why I asked you to come to see me. nW: Yes, I am. I have been a little worried about it all morning. nM: Oh, I should have told you more when I saw you after class, 10.but there were so many students waiting to

13、 ask questions. Jean, I wanted to tell you that I have recommended you for the outstanding student award. nW: Really? nM: You are clearly the best student in my class, and, as I know, in the rest of your classes as well. I have talked with your other professors. You see, in order to be chosen for th

14、e award, you need to have three professors sign the recommendation. Dr Jones, Dr Harvey, and Dr Small would be glad to do so. nW: 12.That is such a surprise. I can hardly believe it. nM: Well, I think you have a very good chance to win it. nW: Dr Foley, the fact that you think highly enough of me to

15、 make the recommendation is already an honor for me. Im really happy just to be recommended. nM: You deserve it. 11.The selection committee will be calling you to have an interview. Call me when they do, and Ill meet with you to give you some suggestions on how to prepare. If you get the award, youl

16、l receive five hundred dollars along with the certificate of honor. nW: Thank you very much, Dr Foley, Im really honored. 黍 奴 激 酚 巴 轮 营 谓 挎 舟 悼 盈 旦 殆 沾 弱 禽 挂 潘 何 辛 俯 殷 凡 斡 奸 鸣 嚼 酌 状 苑 软 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 5 Copyright by ARTCOM

17、PT All rights reserved. www.art-com.co.kr Company Logo He Was Hurt 1. D2. B3. A 艺 椎 叶 哮 挛 须 措 桓 赠 放 语 垒 减 女 楼 浦 推 妇 愈 家 闻 虎 涤 覆 村 箭 驳 眨 读 渣 塑 氯 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 6 Copyright by ARTCOM PT All rights reserved. www.art-com.co.kr

18、Company Logo He Was Hurt nSteve and Yaser first met in their chemistry class at an American university. Yaser was an international student from Jordan. 1. He was excited to get to know an American. He wanted to learn more about American culture. Yaser hoped that he and Steve would become good friend

19、s. n At first, Steve seemed very friendly. He always greeted Yaser warmly before class. Sometimes he offered to study with Yaser. He even invited Yaser to have lunch with him. But after the term was over, Steve seemed more distant. The two former classmates didnt see each other very much at school.

20、One day Yaser decided to call Steve. 2.Steve didnt seem very interested in talking to him. Yaser was hurt by Steves change of attitude. n Yaser is a little confused. He is an outsider to American culture. He doesnt understand the way Americans view friendship. Americans use the word “friend” in a ve

21、ry general way. They may call both casual acquaintance and close companions “friend”. Americans have school friends, work friends and neighborhood friends. These friendships are based on common interests. When the shared activity ends, the friendship may fade. Now Steve and Yaser are no longer class

22、mates. Their friendship has changed. nIn some culture, friendship means a strong life-long bond between two people. In these cultures friendships develop slowly, since they are built to last. 3.American society is one of rapid changes. Studies show that one out of five American families moves every

23、year. American friendships develop quickly, and they may change just as quickly as American families. 愿 层 汽 钧 奢 上 排 拈 柿 辨 拓 难 鲁 对 袄 循 阵 大 眯 券 纠 厩 鞘 描 携 剂 茹 丝 驮 鼓 享 占 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 7 Copyright by ARTCOM PT All rights reserv

24、ed. www.art-com.co.kr Company Logo Do Men Have More Friendships than Women? 1. B2. B3. A4. B 行 胚 惠 话 汪 酒 躬 眨 唐 腕 毕 欧 烽 跌 悍 菊 喀 签 禹 貌 噎 蠕 交 耻 鹊 逝 厂 壕 捉 醚 妹 游 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 8 n Do Men Have More Friendships than Women? n Rese

25、arching friendship, psychologists spent two years interviewing more than two hundred women and men. 4.No matter what their age, their job, their sex, the results were completely clear: women have more friendships than men, and the difference in content and the quality of those friendships is “marked

26、 and unmistakable.” n More than two-thirds of the single men psychologists interviewed could not name a best friend. Those who could were likely to name a woman. Yet three quarters of the single women had no problem naming a best friend, and almost always it was a woman. 2.More married men than wome

27、n named their wife or husband as a best friend, most trusted person, or the one they would turn to in time of emotional distress. 1.“Most women,” says one psychologist, “identified at least one, usually more, trust friend whom they could turn to in a troubled moment, and they spoke openly about the

28、importance of these relationships in their lives.” nThe results show that in general, womens friendships with each other rest on shared emotions and support, but mens relationships are marked by shared activity. Interactions between men are emotionally controlled. Even when a man is said to be a bes

29、t friend, the two share little about their innermost feelings. 3.Whereas a womans closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage, it wasnt unusual to hear a man say he didnt know this friends marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he c

30、ould sleep on the sofa. 彭 氨 酿 钓 沼 磅 屿 增 搜 讥 躯 驴 谢 粗 禁 讼 宫 费 瑚 佃 虫 略 裁 涟 乐 腰 别 诱 洁 镜 椭 躯 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 9 Copyright by ARTCOM PT All rights reserved. www.art-com.co.kr Company Logo Compound Dictation nrush nbreakfast nprepar

31、ed nbattle nends narrangements nneighbour/ neighbor nactivities nmake an effort to spend quality time with their children n it is good for children to learn to be independent ntheir parents try to respect their opinions 乙 疏 扰 设 空 醉 镍 皇 淫 惰 点 疗 管 顿 砌 毖 缎 艘 踢 疲 咋 俏 窑 踩 盔 倦 理 挟 彻 琵 袱 肝 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 大 学 应 用 型 综 合 教 程 3 _ _ _ p p t _ _ u n i t 6 10


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