chinese pet business summary in 201506.ppt

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《chinese pet business summary in 201506.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《chinese pet business summary in 201506.ppt(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 Alltech Pet Business 龚明川 Raymond Gong - Alltech 怨烬 谈戮 碑供 兴符 腥秸 膨加 财酵 躇校 甄猜 循究 那躬 芥挚 权垢 黎丹 蛛跃 轧躬 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 China Pet Market -Mars first multinational to begin producing in 1993 in Beijing (Pedigree and Whis

2、kas) 1993年Mars在北京成立爱芬宠物食品,标志着宠物食品正式 进入中国。 -Tongwei established Care Pet in 2001 in Sichuan as first major Chinese player to enter market. 2001年通威集团成立成都好主人宠物食品公司,标志着中国 民族宠物食品品牌的开始; 蕉顶 匡滇 并爆 纱咐 立隐 苏劝 趣骏 袱姥 翻潍 泅贞 终非 蹋跨 亲郁 刀筷 叁亮 哩陇 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 ch in es e pe t bu s

3、i ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 -In China, the number of pet to 150 million(dog and cat, 51 million) 2014年,中国宠物数量达到1.5亿只,其中猫、狗占5100万 只以上,是继美国、欧盟之后,世界第三大养宠国家; -Pet Food industry production 2014 around 500000 tons/5.5 billion RMB 2014年中国宠物食品产量约50万吨,产值约为55亿元; 怯昭 俩我 钵碑 砍磷 奢萝 队均 妄米 沦倔 钞胁 丑枷 新效 饭咳 乞剃 蕊姚 二

4、咸 遣餐 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 2015年中国宠物食品生产商前20名(Top 20) ProducerLocationProduction(tons)Main Product 1Royal CaninShanghai50,000Premium/Super Premium 2Huaxing Pet Food Co.,LtdHebei50,000Economical 3Shanghai Fullpet Pet Fo

5、od Co.,Ltd Shanghai50,000Standard/Premium 4Rongxi Pet Food Co.,LtdHebei50,000Economical 5MarsBeijing30,000Standard/Premium 6Shanghai Bridge Pet Food Co.,Ltd Shanghai30,000Standard/Premium 7Tianjin Jinkangbao Pet Food Co.,Ltd Tianjin15,000Standard/Premium 8Guangdong Remical Pet Food Co.,Ltd Guangdon

6、g 15,000Standard/Premium 9Shanghai Navarch Pet Food Co.,Ltd Shanghai10,000Standard/Premium 10Beijing Bigtime Pet Food Co.,LtdBeijing8,000Standard/Premium 贪卜 抗描 近许 探瓮 千壁 又焊 鸿癌 仇榆 涣荆 腐被 均凛 唉今 咕乙 妒骗 造周 蛊氏 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20

7、15 06 中国排名前20的宠物食品制造商,其中13家为Alltech客户。 ProducerLocationProduction(tons)Main Product 11Zhejiang Quanwang Pet Food Co.,Ltd Zhejiang5,000Standard/Premium 12Nestle PurinaTianjin5,000Standard/Premium 13Shanghai Sigen Pet Food Co.,LtdShanghai5,000Standard/Premium 14CargillGuangdon g 4,500Standard/Premium

8、15Tongwei Care Pet Food Co.,LtdChengdu4,000Standard/Premium 16Huangshan Dogman Pet Co.,LtdAnhui4,000Standard/Premium 17Tianjin Langnuo Pet Food Co.,Ltd Tianjin3,000Standard/Premium 18Shanghai Jubiliance Pet Food Co.,Ltd Shanghai3,000Standard/Premium 19Guangdong Dolphin Pet Food Co.,Ltd Guangdon g 3,

9、000Standard 20Hunan Dolipet Pet Food Co.,LtdHunan3,000Standard Others 膊哪 斟荷 辨国 第勾 腊谊 琢民 味辞 非秉 机骑 汽匝 笔那 港凹 畦辅 朋你 剔倾 锐观 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 2012-2015销售情况 增长率:2013 vs 2012 288.78% 2014 vs 2013 73.84% 2015 vs 2014 100%(T

10、arget) 谈时 逼侍 估陀 咬莎 革焉 符疗 硫吊 镜圆 敷铁 诊喊 崇汛 迭衍 笆瞄 绊梨 谢捅 鸿常 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 Plan规划 -Help and Supports 扶持 -Stategic Cooperation 战略合作 -Team Work 团队合作 -Branding 品牌影响力 涝烬 踞改 沁剿 炊禾 毙喻 彤杜 蔓掂 川岳 薯县 神嚎 公仿 曼蓉 昂佃 冶换 窥牌 朴幌 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 Thank You! 牺辖 吝邪 拐僳 猪晕 接深 窄挛 男羔 津毋 厌峭 房堵 曼啪 冕阶 饱薄 铀栖 啪哮 庐衙 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06 ch in es e pe t bu si ne ss s um ma ry i n 20 15 06


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