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1、1 Nervous system 阔 瞳 跃 郸 县 锗 则 罢 搅 喳 才 拱 偏 唱 啥 瘴 青 馈 碑 此 萄 佩 举 烙 础 苍 尿 孩 抑 澎 梗 涝 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 2 The nervous system and the endocrine 分泌 system coordinate and control the body. Together they regulate our responses to the environment and m

2、aintain homeostasis内环境稳 定. Whereas the endocrine system functions by means of hormones, the nervous system functions by means of electric impulses电脉冲. For study purposes, the nervous system may be divided into the central nervous system (CNS), consisting of the brain and spinal cord脊髓, and the perip

3、heral nervous system (PNS), consisting of all nervous tissue outside the brain and spinal cord. -stasis: 稳定,停止 适 撤 垄 牟 顾 赫 已 宵 擞 踪 杜 揍 榔 滴 冉 高 除 缠 牟 唱 皿 讥 蠕 读 沃 淬 查 竞 铝 学 樱 蛆 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 3 1. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) autonomic ne

4、rvous system自主神经系统: which controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands sympathetic nervous system交感神经系统 parasympathetic nervous system副交感神经系统 somatic nervous system躯体神经系统: control the skeletal muscle sensory nerve fibers感觉神经纤维 :sense internal and external changes and transmit these signals to

5、CNS motor nerve fibers运动神经纤维 : carry signals to skeletal muscles to produce action 关 麦 硫 孪 买 导 厨 粹 龟 踏 沸 瓤 褥 卤 劲 柑 宦 孝 夯 吁 篡 翰 扫 芬 弓 血 加 捂 赚 狠 炕 凳 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 4 The sympathetic nervous system motivates our response to stress, the so-cal

6、led “fight-or- flight” response. It increases heart rate and respiration rate, stimulates the adrenal gland, and delivers more blood to skeletal muscles骨骼肌. The parasympathetic system returns the body to a steady state and stimulates maintenance activities, such as digestion of food. Most organs are

7、 controlled by both systems and, in general, the two systems have opposite effects on a given organ. 檄 纠 儡 盒 孝 酌 谍 岗 姥 拓 咽 霞 耳 赞 逢 具 奏 头 群 锰 慢 县 盛 第 汗 马 庸 玖 溅 锻 腾 迹 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 5 2.Nervous tissue 树突 轴突 突触 舌 板 但 龙 屿 照 股 艘 声 斩 番 佃 圈 杯 案 娘

8、 庙 批 乘 垃 唆 秆 瘸 谜 伶 疤 仅 阂 欧 郸 辰 哲 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 6 neurons: transmit nerve messages 神经细胞,神经元 glial cells: surround neurons and serve as supportive, nutritive facilities 胶质细胞 3.Structure of a common neuron dendrites(树突): receive stimuli or m

9、essage from other cells, and transmit the message to the cell body cell body(细胞体): contains nucleus, mitochondria 线粒体 and other organelles axon(轴突):conduct message away from the cell body Synapse(突触)即轴突的末端:the connection between a nerve cell axon and target cells靶细胞, which may be other nerve cells,

10、muscle cells, or gland cells. At the synapse the axon releases neurotransmitter that relay the transmission of nerve impulse 缉 采 隅 卤 蓬 沤 攒 灯 仆 撕 攻 秘 脾 里 祭 逼 兆 秆 郸 梳 火 匝 窥 弱 冲 觅 绒 拦 俏 殷 桔 掖 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 7 3. Direction of nerve message tra

11、nsmission 士 壳 蝴 碍 焙 雕 沙 劝 薪 亏 荚 襄 灸 佑 储 勿 疏 樟 蠕 窘 豪 馅 敌 摊 痢 是 蛊 太 胚 搀 蔡 雹 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 8 4.Structure of synaptic cleft 突触囊泡 神经递质受体 突触间隙 Bind 结合 Stimulate 激活 幕 肤 汉 农 吱 庶 伪 锐 绥 唱 玖 群 鳖 轩 释 闺 奸 仇 柬 颖 抡 庐 顽 矫 泊 房 绝 时 树 焉 沦 廖 n e r v o u s s

12、y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 9 5. Receptor, agonist激动剂 (stimulator) and antagonist拮 抗剂 (blocker) Receptor is a molecule (usually a protein) that spans a cell membrane and “receive” extracellular signals and transmits them into the cell. Membrane-bound receptors have at

13、 least two or three domains 结构域: an extracellular domain 胞外结构域 that receives the signal; a membrane-spanning domain 跨膜结构域 that is hydrophobic 疏水的 in character and a cytoplasmic domain 胞质结构域 that transmit the signal into the cell. Agonist is a molecule that can bind with and stimulate the receptor, t

14、hus mimicking the function of naturally occurring neurotransmitter. Antagonist is a molecule that can bind with receptor but without stimulation, it can inhibit the function of naturally occurring neurotransmitter by competitive binding. 因 漱 宠 篷 银 伸 油 偶 檬 犹 忽 撩 傣 镀 资 恬 迭 或 陈 唤 世 率 火 徊 吭 症 帖 跟 良 影 黔

15、优 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 10 Important morphemes重要词素 n para= beside, alongside 旁边,副 n thyroid甲状腺 & parathyroid甲状旁腺 parathyroids are small endocrine glands in the neck that produce parathyroid hormone. Humans have four parathyroid glands, which are

16、usually located behind the thyroid gland 戈 述 粪 番 蹲 嚣 笼 补 三 吧 尼 蛋 瘟 漓 卢 逃 篓 秆 纺 扳 绢 噎 逗 乃 岗 刨 刺 右 尚 叼 浩 胜 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 11 n paracrine旁分泌: release hormones that can act on adjacent cells or surrounding tissues rather than into the bloodstr

17、eam血液循环 n endocrine:secrete regulatory substances that are released directly into the circulation n exocrine外分泌: secreting outwardly through a duct管道 to the surface of an organ or tissue 如:唾液腺salivary gland salivary gland 泪腺泪腺 汗汗 腺腺 n n autoautocrinecrine自分泌自分泌: secretes a hormone, or : secretes a h

18、ormone, or chemical messenger that affect on the same chemical messenger that affect on the same cell typecell type相同相同类型类型的细胞的细胞 夜 寐 握 撤 捉 册 小 跋 邀 邱 偏 俐 丰 余 拱 龙 讹 乎 习 诉 沤 呻 砍 誊 棉 凹 须 妈 盐 定 嗜 邦 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 12 nSomat/o= body microsomia侏儒

19、症:abnormal smallness of the whole body, as in dwarfism somatotropin人体生长激素: hormone that can promote body growth troph 营养 atroph 萎缩 tropin 激素 n neur/o=nerve neurotransmitter neuron neurocyte neurocytoma 神经细胞瘤 椰 凝 瞳 踢 圾 胶 密 取 追 蹲 弹 蹬 啃 布 摆 转 混 怨 虽 优 章 棒 虏 淮 盈 橙 股 虽 赚 榷 睬 枢 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神

20、经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 13 n syn= together, with synapse synthesis syndrome n auto= self, automatic automobile auto-analyser autoantibody自身抗体 & autoimmune disease自身免疫疾病: Antibodies are normally produced in response to a foreign protein or substance within the body, typically

21、a pathogen病原体 (infectious organism). Normally, the immune system is able to recognize and ignore the bodys own cells. Sometimes, however, the immune system ceases to recognize one or more of the bodys normal constituents as “self,“ leading to production of autoantibodies. These autoantibodies attack

22、 the bodys own cells, tissues, and/or organs, causing inflammation and damage 合成 自身的,自动的 综合症 突触 汽车 自动分析仪 斩 纵 塘 己 娟 呻 豆 圆 葛 鲤 闹 荫 党 辉 催 揭 死 辗 纲 糜 杨 蔡 萧 其 干 按 组 睹 粳 叛 查 垛 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 14 brain nCerebr/o : cerebrum 大脑 cerebral hemorrhage 脑出

23、血 cerebralgia (疼痛)头疼 cerebrovascular 脑血管的 n cran/o:cranium 头颅,头盖骨 epicranium 头皮 hemicrania 偏头痛,半无脑畸形 n phren/o: mind, intelligence 精神,智力 bradybradyphrenia(慢)智力迟钝 tachy tachyphrenia (快)精神亢进 oligooligophrenia ia(寡)弱智,智力发育不全 a aphrenia(without)痴呆 schizophrenia 大脑 nEncephal/o: brain encephalitis 脑炎 ence

24、phaloma 脑瘤 encephalorrhagia 脑出血 卢 错 坚 舟 爵 搬 那 卜 芍 洁 虱 膨 吨 要 阐 莽 拭 斑 乡 姥 屡 勋 型 寅 苯 游 牢 本 嵌 涉 畜 破 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 15 n myel/o: bone marrow, spinal cord髓质(骨 髓、脊髓) osteomyelitis 骨髓炎 poliopoliomyelitis (灰)脊髓灰质炎,小儿麻 痹症 历 碍 科 卖 讹 负 蝗 层 眺 茬 楚 刹 结 吃

25、 催 俗 咽 笋 骆 戚 选 钾 洪 鞍 儿 滨 鸯 既 硷 香 荐 闲 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 16 Mental disorder n schizoschizophrenia(分裂,分开)精神分裂症: a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. I

26、t most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations( 幻听), paranoid妄想, or disorganized speech and thinking n depression n mania躁狂症: a severe medical condition characterized by extremely elevated mood, energy, unusual thought patterns . 递 琉 痰 蝴 厩 渊 师 哉 述 堪 伸 危 祷 炮 振 践 鬼 鳞 奖 六 帅 湃 苑 头 远 比 内 永 尤 淌 瘦 毙

27、n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 17 n psych/o, ment/o, -phrenia = mind 精神 Psychology心理学: The science dealing with the study of mental processes and behavior Psychiatry精神病学: The medical science that deals with the origin, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment

28、 of mental disorders. Dementia(去除,脱去)痴呆 = Amentia Hebephrenia:青春期精神分裂症 雏 疡 燃 刮 率 谜 豪 呆 沤 算 絮 鳞 斋 枉 隆 亥 保 靳 眶 邵 霸 支 稻 苍 活 悦 志 瞬 哦 韵 凭 疤 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s 18 n -mania=excited state, obsession 狂、癖 Megalomania(巨大的)自大狂: exaggerated self-importance Necromania 恋尸狂:An abnormal attraction to dead bodies =necrophilism 渡 亩 氨 妮 失 坦 章 蜜 辈 容 出 冲 疆 蜡 篆 册 畔 遭 酗 努 己 唆 壬 贡 图 旅 伺 竞 诫 域 瘟 视 n e r v o u s s y s t e m 神 经 系 统 c a r d i o v a s c u l a r s y s t e m s


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