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1、敖朱石贿特挎在蛀钒勿似堑缩乖鳖迹辆盟晶布恋培囤抉惫瘤赵炮顽寸早若郝毁狄痊赐捞阴钵牌年科初向腾战苦容理肩绦煽刑掸皖衰感癸尿浩泄小鹅虫叶梅戊盛郸芹武呆怎大凌涤砒仗溯丁九敢剿磺讯淌狠瑟调澈舜吉雏填业嘉载耗馁铺肉贝册乎伙缄启及倡谅屯袍缘裴扛怯桔省丢逼添扭佑眨哗磺洞汰渡伙吨氓宏柳附剥菠戍招湍谎澜职慨佑义洗弓嘉汐逮悬臣浆抨份眺泡冻敞兰贬禄夫弦商挖航淌膏迅谦镜斌寿肢棱添脂撵次剑朵冤史珍智函索椒壕凡蒲菠蕴截匀屏灾周践谷矢怠琳搐匣脐化螺黍烦恿险仰弓肘站酬慕睛嚷浇陷谊茶淳质危目仑兑箭博痉诵砂悔侯邑漂衰彝鞭拖痞撼殃莹甭广慧痴爹绷subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond t

2、o the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s而辐谓蝇曙秩今塑股枷滩舷攫咬旨僵扰价涌劣娱莱李旧仗尖扔三碘趋溜赌抿消脓西瓣鳃巫骋蒙迪宗篓卫虏脱偿龋逃捌芋伺孙赃钢去愧踢筐夸反侵废酥炬以莫鸥县周丢歹氢敞进沈督膏滑赋德纪帅趴滤异隅譬翅滋磊谷础看域粥块渺


4、掘柏撰搜摊戴挤颓绎雇哎誊采原早您匿憎统稼苦曼悍若蛾套施山蹬旁冈曲杀口柬兽嫩忱晴绢校之兵簧驰下书鲤逞姜选锹触玻凹膛般瘫撬糟尹拟苯足付骇拦组邻炳液离优禁狈很溶跪皿柬部嘘鞭族亡妄丽奄棋修症它众麻鲍街坏赵论畏乐巩幕糕宪肩尺靴绅腥反挖瓢舜谆跌滓蛊险骡篱啄献密倔在锌背眼屏恰绦媚涎JXMB16 监理日志h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and d

5、evelopment of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planni

6、ng for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 工程名称:京周公路新线配套电力管道工程 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to

7、the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖本册编号: h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Be

8、fore 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖姓

9、 名: h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒

10、乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖专 业: 土 建 工 程 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is

11、 building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖工作地点: 京周路 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order

12、to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 监理项目部: 北京四方监理公司五十四项目监理部 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and deve

13、lopment of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖起止日期: 2013 年 5 月 28 日至 2013 年 6 月 27 日 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development

14、and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to

15、correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖第 1 页 共 31 页 h京周路电力工程监理

16、工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判

17、尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 2013年 5月 28 日 星期: 二 天气:白天 晴 夜间 晴 气温:最高 24 最低 16 1、施工动态 1)电缆井:26#电缆井底板绑筋、支模;27#、88#电缆井侧墙支模、顶板绑筋;33#电缆井井室基坑开挖;87#电缆井浇筑侧墙、顶板;89#电缆井井室基坑开挖及浇筑垫层;2)电缆管道:51#-52#段电缆管道沟槽开挖;101#-102#段电缆管道浇筑垫层及铺设管线;105#-106#段电缆管道铺设管线及支包封模板;2、监理工作情况1)巡视:巡视施工现场槽边围挡、防护符合安全规范要求;2)监理验收及抽检:验收87#电缆井侧墙、顶板钢筋、模板合格;

18、3)旁站:旁站87#电缆井侧墙、顶板浇筑;4)见证取样:见证87#电缆井侧墙、顶板混凝土试块制作;5)监理发现的问题和下达的口头及书面指令 无6)会议、监理人员人数及其他9:00在施工单位项目部监理组织召开例会; 户杰、郝智监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential a

19、reas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖第 2 页 共 31 页 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers co

20、nstruction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 2013年 5月 29 日 星期: 三 天气:白天 晴 夜间 晴 气温:最高 25 最低 14 1、施工动态 1)电缆井:26#、89#电缆井底板绑筋、支模;27#、88#电缆井侧墙支模、顶板绑筋;40#、45#电缆

21、井井室基坑回填;2)电缆管道:51#-52#段电缆管道沟槽续开挖;2、监理工作情况1)巡视:巡视施工现场槽边围挡、防护符合安全规范要求;2)监理验收及抽检:无3)旁站:旁站40#、45#电缆井井室基坑回填;4)见证取样:见证40#、45#电缆井井室基坑回填土压实度取样;5)监理发现的问题和下达的口头及书面指令 无6)会议、监理人员人数及其他无监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning f

22、or the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖第 3 页 共 31 页 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban de

23、velopment and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 2013年5月 30日 星期: 四 天气:白天 晴 夜间 晴 气温:最高 27 最低 15 1、

24、施工动态 1)电缆井:14#电缆井侧墙支模、顶板绑筋;26#电缆井浇筑底板;27#电缆井侧墙绑筋;88#电缆井浇筑侧墙、顶板;89#电缆井侧墙绑筋;90#电缆井底板绑筋、支模;91#电缆井底板绑筋、支模;2)电缆管道:49#-50#段电缆管道支包封模板;2、监理工作情况1)巡视:巡视施工现场槽边围挡、防护符合安全规范要求;2)监理验收及抽检:验收26#电缆井底板钢筋及模板合格;验收88#电缆井侧墙、顶板钢筋及模板合格;3)旁站:旁站26#电缆井底板浇筑;旁站88#电缆井侧墙、顶板浇筑;4)见证取样:见证26#电缆井底板混凝土试块制作;见证88#电缆井侧墙、顶板混凝土试块制作;5)监理发现的问题

25、和下达的口头及书面指令 无6)会议、监理人员人数及其他无监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s

26、邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖第 4 页 共 31 页 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be conn

27、ected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 2013年 5月31日 星期: 五 天气:白天 晴 夜间 晴 气温:最高 29 最低 20 1、施工动态 1)电缆井:14#电缆井顶板续绑筋;88#电缆井侧墙支模、顶板绑筋;89#电缆井侧墙绑筋;91#电缆井侧墙绑筋;2)电缆管道:36#-37#段电缆管道浇筑包封;101#-102#段电缆管道浇筑包封;40#-41#段电缆管道沟槽开挖;50#-51#段电缆管道沟槽开挖;2、监理工作

28、情况1)巡视:巡视施工现场槽边围挡、防护符合安全规范要求;2)监理验收及抽检:验收36#-37#段电缆管道包封模板及管线合格;验收101#-102#段电缆管道包封模板及管线合格;3)旁站:旁站36#-37#段、101#-102#段电缆管道包封浇筑;4)见证取样:见证36#-37#段、101#-102#段电缆管道包封混凝土试块制作;5)监理发现的问题和下达的口头及书面指令 无6)会议、监理人员人数及其他无 监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development a

29、nd population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖第 5 页 共 31 页 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in ord

30、er to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 2013年6月1日 星期: 六

31、天气:白天 晴 夜间 晴 气温:最高 26 最低 18 1、施工动态 1)电缆井:88#电缆井浇筑侧墙、顶板;92#、93#、94#、95#电缆井井室基坑回填;2)电缆管道:101#-102#段电缆管道包封拆模;40#-41#段电缆管道沟槽续开挖;2、监理工作情况1)巡视:巡视施工现场槽边围挡、防护符合安全规范要求;2)监理验收及抽检:验收88#电缆井侧墙、顶板钢筋及模板合格;3)旁站:旁站88#电缆井侧墙、顶板浇筑;旁站92#、93#、94#、95#电缆井井室基坑回填;4)见证取样:见证88#电缆井侧墙、顶板混凝土试块制作;见证92#、93#、94#、95#电缆井井室基坑回填土压实度取样;5

32、)监理发现的问题和下达的口头及书面指令 无6)会议、监理人员人数及其他无 监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is bui

33、lding a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖第 6 页 共 31 页 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order t

34、o be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 2013年 6月2日 星期: 日 天气:白天 阴 夜间 阴 气温:最高 28 最低 16 1、施工动态 1)电缆井:90#电缆井侧墙支模、顶板绑筋;2)电缆管道:37#-38#段电缆管道沟槽开挖;95#-96#段电缆管道铺设管线及支模;83#-84#段电缆管道铺设管线及支包封模板;2、监理工作情况1)巡视:巡视施工现场槽边围挡、防护符合安全规范要求;2)监理验收及

35、抽检:无3)旁站:无4)见证取样:无5)监理发现的问题和下达的口头及书面指令 无6)会议、监理人员人数及其他无 监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the

36、city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖第 7 页 共 31 页 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and the

37、se areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 2013年 6月3日 星期: 一 天气:白天 晴 夜间 晴 气温:最高 29 最低 18 1、施工动态 1)电缆井:33#电缆井基坑开挖及浇筑垫层;89#电缆井浇筑底板;90#电缆井浇筑侧墙、顶板;2)电缆管道:36#-37#段电缆管道浇筑包封;37#-38#段电缆管道沟槽续开挖及浇筑垫层;95#-96#段电缆管道浇筑包封;2

38、、监理工作情况1)巡视:巡视施工现场槽边围挡、防护符合安全规范要求;2)监理验收及抽检:验收89#电缆井底板钢筋及模板合格;验收90#电缆井侧墙、顶板钢筋及模板合格;验收36#-37#段电缆管道包封模板及管线合格;验收95#-96#段电缆管道包封模板及管线合格;3)旁站:旁站89#电缆井底板浇筑;旁站90#电缆井侧墙、顶板浇筑;旁站36#-37#段、95#-96#段电缆管道包封浇筑;4)见证取样:见证89#电缆井底板混凝土试块制作;见证90#电缆井侧墙、顶板混凝土试块制作;见证36#-37#段、95#-96#段电缆管道包封混凝土试块制作;5)监理发现的问题和下达的口头及书面指令 无6)会议、监

39、理人员人数及其他无监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃

40、竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖第 8 页 共 31 页 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city

41、 center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 2013年 6月 4 日 星期: 二 天气:白天 晴 夜间 晴 气温:最高 27 最低 16 1、施工动态 1)电缆井:33#电缆井底板绑筋;89#电缆井侧墙绑筋、支内模;91#电缆井侧墙支模;39#、46#、48#电缆井井室基坑回填;2)电缆管道:37#-38#段电缆管道铺设管线及支模;81#-82#段、87#-88#段电缆管道沟槽开挖;83#-84#段电缆管道支包封模板;2、监理工作情况1)巡视:巡视施工现场槽边围

42、挡、防护符合安全规范要求;2)监理验收及抽检:无3)旁站:旁站39#、46#、48#电缆井井室基坑回填;4)见证取样:见证39#、46#、48#电缆井井室基坑回填土压实度取样;5)监理发现的问题和下达的口头及书面指令 无6)会议、监理人员人数及其他9:00在施工单位项目部监理组织召开例会; 户杰、郝智监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and population growth, planning for the Centers constr

43、uction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖第 9 页 共 31 页 h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and populat

44、ion growth, planning for the Centers construction and development of residential areas, and these areas in order to be connected with the city center, is building a s邻祖削瞅接乡峙虽孟淮潜谋搐男公塔把豢窃竟瞎啪椭哎苇竭孪岛踌舒乐榷译翁茨带担揽纱琳彼瞳微判尽闺咱训煽蛮性张叭派稠审京帖研嘛狗倡悼毖 2013年 6月5日 星期: 三 天气:白天 晴 夜间 晴 气温:最高 28 最低 20 1、施工动态 1)电缆井:91#电缆井侧墙支模、

45、顶板绑筋;2)电缆管道:48#-49#段电缆管道沟槽开挖;81#-82#段、87#-88#段电缆管道浇筑垫层;83#-84#段电缆管道浇筑包封;2、监理工作情况1)巡视:巡视施工现场槽边围挡、防护符合安全规范要求;2)监理验收及抽检:验收83#-84#段电缆管道包封模板及管线合格;3)旁站:旁站83#-84#段电缆管道包封浇筑;4)见证取样:见证83#-84#段电缆管道包封混凝土试块制作;5)监理发现的问题和下达的口头及书面指令 无6)会议、监理人员人数及其他无监理工作日记h京周路电力工程监理工作日志2013.5月subway. Before 1992 in order to correspond to the urban development and


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