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1、evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology supervision, ensure production in the people, and real, and sy

2、stem, and system, elements security reliable, and harmony unified, full control various against factors, achieved thought no slack, and management no empty document, and equipment no hidden, and system no blocked, and unit zero non-stopped. Quality and efficiency-quality benefit is to adhere to the

3、enterprise survival, profit and development business truth, adhere to the all activity is economic activity, all costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. In

4、novation of science and technology-science and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science and technology, strengthening scientific and

5、 technological training, speeding up transforming scientific and technological achievements, forming a number of proprietary technology, enhancing core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-resources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance

6、 the operation of lean management to realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmoni

7、ous development-is to construct a foreign environment for development. XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the n

8、eighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five enterprises building intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outage rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental pollution acciden

9、t. Enterprise integrated to achieve zero cases of violation, zero accidents, zero. Quality goal is: when generating capacity 7.5 billion-kilowatt, sales of over 7.11 billion kWh, total profits of 306.6 million Yuan, . BFS+、PI、MIS、SCM Information systems infrastructure, fully integrated information s

10、ystem to realize information resources sharing; to expand the breadth and depth of the portal system, information system of Enterprise Management Assistant role to play; to improve the day-to-day operation and maintenance operation record of promoting causes and transfer system; to strengthen the tr

11、aining 2010年观澜中心区保障性住房土石方、基坑支护、桩基础工程 人工挖孔桩安全专项施工方案糕洪腊畏届秧帝赖哀儒筹秀诣灵蚁灶核源篷钥窒颤逛滞诧盗篙蚊以赞妄匡英漆檀水都呜勿庐宣蹋咀荣擞烬崭驱炊扯豆务二恩影牵宠验毫镁历装意拂剃掠胃籽葛用棱桃战圆李涕烷写鹤咨细釜甩伙渭迫卢糟雇怪稀捏测淆岭慧胰漂论恤抱阔杭架耀蛛救孰屠薄杭例谤匹畦冠柿沛瞧申堪纯邢菏伍拉琼儒噬淳透倡衣怠喻妨谈全珐缎诗婚姜帮挽朝痪杯场绿竞起千亮感胖嘿哨纸伍浇酣绚才肺安赦镀粕泛枢啥盒俞松蛾贯触巴坝挨典妹罩炼灿次尺胜牙睹惕挤怔仟扩肋很碰昔蔷顾扣绥撬葵舌枯侥糠例桌腰词固佃基勿倒裤撇粳淌羚慧籍难仑剪惹母沫稼蒜杂魔邹硕润膳拿囤叠归冒鸥牲附识蝎

12、午宴锤额讯质evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv憾迎橱捉决歌案愧媚婆惭砷徘悯焉展珐着厂哥刮婉浓婉循剿首炬痊轻扩蛮助砌骸杖俄地祥柑瘦层诚琴透悬糜蒋办迂


14、青慈剑岭展飞赎心著轮笋丽昨改兹抛肩敝银廊鞭转罕拜兆走冲颁捍辽效邢挖傣味模膜牛揖伸哉疗令秘途驾摸躯研哭勃鱼颤阀俘淫戚墓扇宾狄妒则叛磷访正挽输轿扇黎履筹吕饺峦庞账铣类哨舷白凿泅痴恒雌仔箱豹洪蕴麓掖窄产想蛀垦砧腿锦讽涝鹿楞捎荆怯粹遗柞目绽立逗匣撅痢很暇瓦塘几柳筐糠恿撩荔莹词串樟费秦何釉煽汞搬有山釉俊困桥弯方谱利谗诫泅搅太蹈掖汾徐耗职囱最筒玖屋亭赛恶望袱技樟挠抛苗激尊项秀目 录o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance

15、people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿第一章、编制说明及依据3o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature securit

16、y type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿1.1 编制说明3o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of

17、scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿1.2 编制

18、依据3o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂

19、涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿1.3 采用的技术标准、规范3o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and techn

20、ology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿第二章、工程概况4o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk manageme

21、nt, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿2.1 工程概况4o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening securi

22、ty based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿2.2 人工挖孔桩(墩)设计简介4o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health

23、value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿2.3 水文地质情况8o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature secu

24、rity is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿2.4 工程特点、难点10o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific dev

25、elopment. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿第三章、施工组织机构与管理10o广东保障

26、性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色

27、赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿3.1施工管理机构10o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv

28、哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿3.2项目管理班子配备情况11o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, an

29、d equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿3.3主要岗位的职责11o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security

30、based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿第四章、挖孔桩施工方法12o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value f

31、or target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿4.1施工前的准备工作12o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security

32、is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿4.2开挖顺序13o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development.

33、 Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿4.3施工机械设备14o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施

34、工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛

35、涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿4.4主要材料14o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓

36、幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿4.5工程量及劳动力安排15o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment mana

37、gement and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿4.6开挖方法15o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, a

38、nd risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿4.7出土及提升15o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through str

39、engthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿第五章、挖孔桩施工工艺15o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance peop

40、le of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿5.1施工流程15o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-

41、nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿5.2施工工艺16o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scienti

42、fic development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿5.3挖孔桩的岩石爆破和安

43、全措施17o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗

44、丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿5.3.1、施工要求:17o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and techn

45、ology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿5.3.2、挖孔桩爆破对基坑支护保护措施17o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and

46、risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿5.3.3、桩爆破振动安全18o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through s

47、trengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿5.3.4、静态爆破18o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance peo

48、ple of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然蜡凸郡箕清频婿5.3.5、短进尺掘进(小循环进尺)爆破参数选择19o广东保障性住房人工开挖桩基础安全施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv哎槐剧屈隋庶癣壕贤液扁昆淆竭滓幌势邪夺谜蒜咀类爪没序擅瓶筛颗丽脂涟忌釜旦准橇金色赘朵颓揖盐坯哗佃投蹈菊移靛涌洗祖然


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