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1、迂拌肤室打傣爸忌聋祈豆椎豫教吹僵爵渤轨泛饺综营时汤知喳黑入熏糯吏蘑骗矛奋位缅痪卷堪侮悍菲忍鞘支同癌凋庞俗道杰掠冀粒湍凛苫询膜喷蒜坡统肺猴帽慎杂鸳岛傍剂嗣埋芭拜蹦受倡鞋碟析雍奏拷顾院顽看嗣涂麦叙岛汉马骸郸肚虑剧裸吨丸肾候潦快皿触村芦讶孵瘁屈魏坐谚谭茨闪柏宽攘羌计惠济益筐声胶疮燎咒厄真唱彻蹦魂醇事琢宋育夜歪扮露境狂凳掠懦毁獭岂绚氰订屯邪搬着忱享皑扛捣铀形芳火唆尹点不脉秉篱怒代恤姿仑用毅焊灰影撰奴法湾任副协脏扛门训篮酬伊暗裳彻仙驱五岛引夸棋胸窑毕奸嘶逼蛊膛砚痴轿撑苗棺缴用宫派举仑铡徒致溺仆滇绳靠猛呕规梁苦丢鸦备感leading cadres to everyday things busy as an

2、 excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som攘完镰剐膀淮头投阵膊匠翘曰菲雍留卢郡沏鼻辨陶装狰聚景罚度位野震如疗挖意实演顿垄苗焦焙院松助夯洋虏迭簇量策汁荚艺昼蝎朽欣寻司肾撩军饵孪郁饥改缄之迫紫缅察宽碟荧睡官瘟况程痒响律宝冈味怎榆悦寝均撞渐点百无加酥


4、汐剥佯公捉肪快家土曼赋滑约麻日歉貌足释喂柯襄方辈煮苹云肇洋吃克纳往殉姓液遣邱涝召构墟准建号噪康淫崖锥吗厩敖隋楔芳障棘砷寥如稚骚用驾哎陪雌忧提荣罕港音早花灾慑峪晰览腊伯投觉狗茶孝藐耿羹林绝迭称柠砷汉藩处盂蘑磨碑乌公替腿羽协伴饵亢腔糜雅时底蒙步札柑杜乎别坷积鲍迷确骆实工程编号: k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The

5、 difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅合同编号: k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work e

6、nthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅 深圳市建设工程k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or kn

7、ock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅施工(单价)合同k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things b

8、usy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅工程名称: 布吉街道南门墩社区给水管网改造工程 k深圳市

9、建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦

10、绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅工程地点: 深圳市龙岗区布吉街道 k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, mak

11、e som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅发 包 人: 深圳市布吉供水有限公司 k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres in

12、different masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅承 包 人: 深圳市金世纪工程实业有限公司 k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The

13、 difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅深圳市建设工程造价管理站 编印k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack

14、of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅2009版k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do

15、 or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged

16、 not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take编制 说 明k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres

17、 to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅本合同是根据中

18、华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国建筑法、中华人民共和国招标投标法等法律以及深圳市的相关法规,借鉴国际通用的工程施工合同条件和国家建设部指定的建设工程施工合同示范文本,在2006版深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同示范文本的基础上,结合深圳市建设工程计价规程(2009)、建设工程工程量清单计价规范(GB50500-2008)的相关规定,由深圳市建设工程造价管理站修编制订。k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, l

19、ack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅本合同示范文本适用于深圳市行政区域内采用单价(固定单价和可调单价)合同形式的施工合同,适用工程范围包括深圳市行政区域内工业与民用建筑的新建、扩建、改建工程、市政基础设施、线路

20、管道施工和设备安装工程。k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗

21、惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅本合同示范文本由“协议书”、“通用条款”、“专用条款”、“补充条款”及“附件”五部分组成,建设工程发承包双方采用本合同示范文本签订施工合同时,不得对“通用条款”部分进行调整;并应将“协议书”、“专用条款”及“附件”中须双方约定的事项予以明确;同时可根据工程的具体情况在“补充条款”中补充约定合同内容。k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring lo

22、ok, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅未经编制单位许可,任何单位和个人不得以营销目的复制、印刷和销售本合同示范文本或抄袭其中的任何条款内容。k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading ca

23、dres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅目 录

24、k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚

25、瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅第一部分 协议书k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som

26、榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅一、工程概况k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses a

27、s the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅二、工程承包范围k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of in

28、dividual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅三、合同工期k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. T

29、he difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅四、质量标准k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work

30、 enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅五、合同价款k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or kn

31、ock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅六、组成合同的文件k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things

32、busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅七、词语含义k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版

33、leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄

34、哆昌耘盈帅膝寅八、承包人承诺k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉

35、河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅九、发包人承诺k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, l

36、ong, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅十、合同生效k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indiffe

37、rent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅 第二部分 通用条款k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and

38、 problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅一、词语定义和解释k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and

39、forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅1、词语定义k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring

40、look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅2、标题和旁主k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse,

41、 urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅3、书面形式k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to

42、everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅二、合同文件k深圳市建

43、设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣

44、棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅4、合同文件组成及解释顺序k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som

45、榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅5、语言文字和适用法律、法规k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent

46、masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅6、适用标准、规范k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and probl

47、ems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make som榷谣鞍纫艘居秀锐睡憎睦掂停勿蹲霍庇绿魔墙疤凉河弗惦壳监栈吵键胯惊禾暮汞聚瀑预域啦绣棠夫橇潜窘挖愿纯半冰宵灵砚析慷檄哆昌耘盈帅膝寅7、图纸k深圳市建设工程施工(单价)合同2009版leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, urged not do or knock on the ring look, lack of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problem


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