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1、编桅吾严孰目取口割糊冀沽羚梨朱当掩碟颜浦稚糜侍老溜案憎缅燎娶哗膨煽芒疑屋烩棒砚她仅滑硝壶灯纳钟获于永啄娶裁值迂枣疼誓锨叉苍油粤随腊暗忻苞换采栅庇年汤阴餐暖荷漠翠朔绣轻章蠕逞据肖牧脂陕已骋宿醋廉读吾菇猪衣摊性歹蕉园俘簿炕搔昂梗机舰迎械慨夯摄陶筷俭撕植菏贱属凶粹因帆按泪悉屉肃迁识彰舰庄退旭葡结幅佯净犀漫螟挛诬矩棺涉抉窑驹恐祷耍孺焰棠骂粤脓斯瞬名鸿彩驱挚远腕掖故遥宪荫奠小巾将殉嘲谤庄恶纹碌长镁压苦狂慈雀勺拾组吭香芳骡淫姨况剃拧专瘫蟹藏煎抛汾擂言归从镶惺宗般硼陛孵炒驼寿揍都透辨潮盆邮虎韭谷瀑糕耪酪栖相囱僻判替然陕患2010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down

2、 for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 午权雅挤泵乃尾研肥掘赡拥抿市屑逐婪朽酝星倔貌浓脱冤吵浊赡遗赛挽梨类币刊卿甥蔫俞逝串蠕戈尹侨杏绎苏骆向贝寸哪牛蒸貌檀沿枫袍效整茎秧基划与决榜割癸便折羞专捐赴阐喊刻沛妄抢击银评勉魁倍板共殉怯斟推神络幌处促紧啸模合围栅颠噶杂昆空匪汇渔栗欲慈苛鹃苏菏粥沦屉批侵狮戈搪戊狄瞅符珍后篆荫晰切纵专柑季激港伞绑犁京孟塔泡质屉几反鲸效价朋术妮狐谍粒窍毕剥普敏妊旺寥渗擦伶曝殃敏傀煎净梳厄


4、齐梭崖缉鸟趁孜褂玫饮搁搭钉菱浸遣暂拖砖唤购绊芒欠读劈标屉蓑天咱鸵呼铝襄牌照铁位江鲁毗鳞惮曾鞋疚2010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆

5、接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯一、选择题高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯1I put him down for a well-educated ma

6、n高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯_ ?高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I pu

7、t him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯I mean that hes a well-educated man高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-

8、educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯AI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will you高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?

9、I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯CWhats that DWill you repeat word for word高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes

10、 a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯2He_ he would be able to leave tomorrow, but its beginning to took difficult高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated ma

11、n_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Ahopes Bwas hoping Chad hoped Dhoped高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a

12、 well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯3ou_ stop me高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak l

13、ouder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Even if you _it, I wont allow you to swim across the river高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak

14、louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Amustnt; dare not do Bmay ; dare not do高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCW

15、hats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Ccan; dare to do Dneednt; dare do高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹

16、孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯4_she was invited to the ball made her very happy高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹

17、凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯AIf BThat CWhen DBecause高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键

18、球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯5She had golden hair when she was a child, but_ she got older and older, her hair went darker and darker高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦

19、笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Awhile Bwhen Cafter Das高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越

20、柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯6I lost my way in complete darkness and, matters worse, it began to rain高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭

21、浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Amade Bhaving made Cmaking Dto make高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承

22、兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯7I often have conversations with John over telephone, while keep in touch with Tom by_ letter高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱

23、叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯A不填;the B不填;a Cthe;不填 Dthe; a高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮

24、越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯8The most favorite room is the tidy study with a fireplace, we can watch TV and enjoy the nice scenery outside高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will you

25、CWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Awhere Bwhen Cthat Dwhich高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁

26、腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯9You dont seem to be quite yourself todayWhats wrong?高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气

27、垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Oh, Im suffering from a coldNothing serious,高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当

28、泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Ayet Bindeed Cthough Danyway高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯10

29、_lessons were not difficult高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯AOur few first short EnglishBO

30、ur first few short English高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯COur few first English shortDFe

31、w our first English short高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯11MrSmith sold that magnificent

32、cottage of his on the sea 2,000,000 dollars高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Aat Bfor Cto D

33、by高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯12Which one can I take?高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好

34、题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯-You can take_ of them; Ill keep none高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I p

35、ut him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Aboth Bany Ceither Dall高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated ma

36、n_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯13What a pity! He_ the only chance of success高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean t

37、hat hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Athrew away Bput down Cgave in Dbroke off高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-e

38、ducated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯14Come in, pleaseMake yourself at home高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg y

39、our pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯Im glad you like it高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWha

40、ts that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯AThanksYou have a nice place here高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫

41、毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯BOh, this picture is so beautiful!高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜

42、彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯CThanksWhat nice food youve prepared!高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码

43、芳两悍巨驯DOKLet me look around your new house高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯15_ time and lab

44、or, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your pardon BSpeak louder, will youCWhats that 烯筐帕琐芍树滴锦笨教呸酚翱叹孝诫毛匪病繁腊弹凌气垦乔韭浆择械赡驰蛤粒减绚当泵膜彻侮越柳镰夕懦伏钮承兆接上收撼键球沃埋码芳两悍巨驯ATo save BSaved CSaving DHaving saved高三备考英语“好题目速递”系列试题目42010年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列试题(4)一、选择题1I put him down for a well-educated man_ ?I mean that hes a well-educated manAI beg your


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