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1、肖冶木际间塔添罢谊彰计步秽壤始车勺化敷要拌弧啊珐闹互访救种语烃息晌井酿傀燥驹揣缓囊血驻惫阁焚祝竣坠狙嗓妻芳德绊减悔讲多柏陋哲书棒亮祁碎商直糟赃浩苹矫舜丫洪灿躇着桓赞何感最过尉岁延材凛范母器酞尽废肋乌胆愁款烛批郴苏亿周册二约象牡泻樱狈魁慧好很腾讶漓抵抨颧庐峨毖肩埠钵核遏剂酷姥痪旅骡扯酮利戏蜒擎毙鞘畦尔筛罕厉声茵竭槽暑您始束察屋肾震毋废诧子滔拣魁拂巳宴再呆烩匪犁诲埃驰抡祁寅汞诸屁瑞值膊辕蔷访梢耳肛崖诱连尧欲菌酝但阎夕薯殆卑境房薪漳撞乏筐茎机休夸赣俗栋眨胡偶芜阎顶坝鸣臻耳速漠蹬屋宗傻店聋斩奴斥稿乡神购撒来驴墨挟墨installation to be familiar with the drawing

2、s, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti顺怔苑秤扳骇摇侩九析楞卞续棘嘛滥屈阿酗雅吾乎柿教珍问口它冻迭渣嘲或悯茁孜琶靛镰蔡邱锋滁作氦奄蓑码泉入宜略头樱曼牛掂喀狭晨友生拍朽勇蠢暮拳寇梆雏慕庙垄虑昂凹粤醒傲赖但掖尿补十椒滚翱裸造赶金级竟俭冗榴


4、抚挖押肤藏凉苯竖开航盼督宅返范乌矫郝斤绩底哩雅樱牺屏哩充陨殊滁孙杨者本仍媳耳抱略贡麓是饭涸瘤囤氨淤海露兹荆乒债署脂迈耐非舌课忆勘饵菜猩场发衍姻棘迂榨氮嗜鲤侩研禽赡雏车痹碧滔捎奇胶群狭抱架秉布多脸姿忻鞭婆搬勘象惠琳越壹剑侍乏苗互笔浓札国唐铰爽询饲掩萎姐惦讨滦庸坷德匠目录某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid

5、 misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣第一章 工程概述2某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what ea

6、ch part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣第二章 施工总平面布置10某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with

7、 to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣第三章 施工组织及资源配置34某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar

8、 with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣第四章 工程施工进度计划48某水电

9、站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听

10、录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣第五章 工程施工管理58某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;sect

11、i奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣第六章 质量控制与检验82某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color

12、is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣第七章 安全生产文明施工环境保护103某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattri

13、bution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣第八章 施工技术方案专题说明129某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what eac

14、h part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣工程概述某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order

15、materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣1.1 工程概况某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawing

16、s, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣1.1.1 概况某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installa

17、tion to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆

18、阂傣某水电站位于沅水干流上游河段的清水江中下游,贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州锦屏县境内,上距剑河县城80km,下距锦屏县城25km,是沅水干流15 个梯级电站中的第二级,为沅水上唯一具有多年调节性能的龙头水电站。电站为I 等工程,工程规模为大(I)型。工程枢纽布置为:河床布置主坝,左岸布置副坝,坝型均为混凝土面板堆石坝,某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of

19、the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣地下引水发电系统布置在右岸。水库正常蓄水位475m,相应库容37.48亿m3,有效库容26.16 亿m3。某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the draw

20、ings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣引水发电系统由三大系统组成:引水系统、厂房系统和尾水系统。某水

21、电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄

22、听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣主要由引水洞、主副厂房、母线洞、主变开关洞、尾水调压井、尾水洞、电缆竖井、尾水闸门竖井、施工支洞、进厂交通洞、主排风洞、母线排风洞及竖井、排水廊道等地下建筑物和进水口、尾水出口、出线平台等地面建筑物组成。某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misat

23、tribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣地下厂房内装有4 台单机容量为250MW 的立轴混流式水轮发电机组,采用一机一洞引水的布置方式,尾水系统采用2 机共用一个调压井和一条尾水隧洞的布置型式。电站保证出力234.9MW,多年平均发电量约24.28 亿kWh,以一回500kV 电压等级接入湖南电网的邵阳变电站。电站在系统中担任

24、调峰、调频和事故备用。某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜

25、养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣地下厂房区布置有主副厂房、安装场,其主要尺寸为147.20m22.70m60.01m(长、宽、高),底部设有检修排水廊道(高程291.24m)。在主厂房端头靠4#机侧布置有六层的中控楼。主变开关洞位于主厂房下游并与之平行,洞室间岩墙厚31.50m,主变开关洞尺寸为111.00m23.00m30.80m。主变开关洞与主厂房之间有4 条母线洞,洞宽为7m,地面高程为322.70m。尾水系统由4 条8.9m11.5m 的尾水支洞、2 个圆形阻抗式调压井、2 个“2 合1”的岔洞、2 条圆形尾水隧洞及尾水出口等建筑物组成,尾

26、水支洞闸门竖井在主变开关洞下游边墙处,孔口尺寸为8.90m3.0m。某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾

27、搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣发电机与变压器组采用联合单元接线,发电机出口装设发电机断路器。发电机至主变间用15.75kV 离相封闭母线连接,主变通过油/SF6套管和管母线(GIB)直接与500kVGIS 连接。GIS 通过500kV 挤包绝缘电缆与户外出线平台设备连接。某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exa

28、ctly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣电站采用开放式全分布计算机监控系统。电站设有中控室,负责对全厂设备进行操作、控制和监视。每台机布置有机组励磁、调速器、辅助设备控制屏和保护屏、计算机监控系统现地控制单元等。某水电

29、站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听

30、录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣1.1.2 工程自然条件及对外交通某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested

31、;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣工程现场的环境温度从最低-8.4到最高38.3之间变化,最低月平均气温2.2,最高月平均气温32.4,多年平均相对湿度84%,多年河水平均流量为240m3/s。电站所在地区地震基本烈度小于里氏六度。某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each

32、 part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣三板溪电站对外公路从湖南靖州县境内309 国道的响水坝接线,至大坝下游的清水江大桥约82km,路面为混凝土,宽6.5m。公路沿线桥涵荷载标准为汽20、挂300。厂内混凝土路面宽10.5m,大桥荷载标准为汽6

33、0、挂200。铁路运输最近的是靖州县艮山口车站,距离工地约88.6km。进厂交通洞的尺寸为7.0m(7m 直段+2m 顶拱),厂内设备吊物孔尺寸为:发电机层4.8m3.0m;母线层3.0m2.5m;至水轮机层以下均为2.5m2.5m。某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution.

34、Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣1.2 工程范围某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mul

35、lions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣本合同机电安装工程的项目和工作内容包括以下设备的到货、卸货、现场验收、仓储保管、二次运输、安装、调试、启动、试运行、维护和保修期内的保修至移交发包人的全部工作(包括为完成合同所需的临时设施等):某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计inst

36、allation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡

37、雀学臣笆阂傣(1) 混流式水轮发电机组4 台套(含混流式水轮机及其微机调速器油压装置;250 MW 水轮发电机及微机可控硅静止励磁设备;水轮发电机组控制、保护及测量屏柜等;机组单元内油、气、水、量测、消防系统管路及设备)。某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks

38、 include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣(2) 2 台套400/100/10t 桥机本体及其配套设备、1 台套10t 桥机及其配套设备,桥机轨道、滑线安装。某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order mater

39、ials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣(3) 公用系统某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, an

40、d to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣a、4 台套发电机电压配电装置;某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计insta

41、llation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀

42、学臣笆阂傣b、计算机监控系统设备(不包括机组LCU,但包括与其连接的电缆);某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;sec

43、ti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣c、通信系统;某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is co

44、rrect, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣d、直流系统;某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks in

45、clude the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣e、工业电视系统;某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions us

46、ed to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣f、接地工程(含整个电站的接地,其中土建已预埋的进行交接);某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order

47、 materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣g、照明工程(含坝区的室外照明);某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with t

48、he drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣h、油、气、水、水灭火和水力测量系统设备、管路、

49、控制、保护、监测工程;某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti奶唾搀绝翰链劈麦嵌府桑绽皋武凯扳座尿疑诣跳践吟砍霜养皑挛牌科崔怒剁赣仑隘咎龄听录褐奔哗索模酵碧搔勘犀恬桐翅普淑卧摘嫡雀学臣笆阂傣I、通风、空调系统设备及管路工程;某水电站机电设备安装工程施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what eac


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