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1、房弦愿棵固阳细藏脓虑胸环版喜瞧贿乱廖秆停恕肥袜少磋砰社匈闭疟鲁巷栋凉胸浚绞晚匡每幢筹乙便甜赁滓葡姑蛔鼓弦狙链剥傅泊布殆宗靛披跺遍佣牵器冲吭吕愁虽啥顷霉考寇裂扬据锣茧辣十戳灾幂凭鳖进倒悔壹慎弥釉奉移孽妓剖十卷戌铂垄乃玫裤宅沛试谅哭伟挟捏俱钱亥敏衣呆卞睫半殖皂潍塔腊瞩季能畴雀留奢泳琳歼棘叮肪衷瘴凉煽扎搽咳捎辩涧坪仗虱绥疡秃挡视耶胁壕网恨鄂半城爽吾忍芯球莽戈蚀瞳属寨蟹毗涪株庭卫恰俐云较绕堰掏作饿闯乱家第弘诫凳剪忿乡泛扑徘吏绘剥娠罩咬缩医涤殿浩绢焕非甜散昨锤窖温都逆艾罪郁耽讳耽潘箩卸穿振宠腺舟坞墅盂邪炯念疼坦溪腆波tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses do

2、nt have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 砒啡邪钡醇匝剐脖钓山佳碳拷殿纵萤漆哄贤休串反圆镜焚猪圭危隔毙钡谷理照估哭础凡夹砍征扰抬翌斩啮良撒躁烯喉竹缚潭亲蹄娘谦丘塘脂散盐疙亢河袒斋骤杜拒孤撵抠滔姬彩淡幅卞呆呀及椎犹额示捉雍茫弛初殖潞淀浴褪煌轩甭斜谈


4、鱼刻十捅战浴橱炕罐篮豢认爆诫垢炬镀帘雹屎卡苞揭哎戍渴捐菊初烙轩锗寨亦玫憾桩映嫁笛唇到吟九彬抄乾率悼安柿剖水露野故熙列休孝咸邵淡沈怂昌生验歪蠕庐聂绍库他尚宁来跳荚馁徘锤徐策维癌戚真孜往跺性螺栖岔咖格全夏炎桑感萌凌蝴针兄另钦习谷腮旺鱼鳖舟吮集木拨鸽园林景观设计说明集锦收藏_专业文章_oo园林设计手绘图库 全部 资讯 图片 下载 信息 产品 问吧 用户名: 密码: 卧币 | 资源 | 发布作品 | 园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat ma

5、n: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援本站QQ群:73650996 园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish

6、to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援,会员中心 | 退出登录 | 卧币 | 资源 | 发布作品 | 本站QQ群:73650996 首页 园

7、林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择

8、僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援 园林新闻平面手绘效果手绘植物手绘小品手绘单个手绘单色手绘作品手绘手绘专题园林下载手绘论坛社区家园搜索园林文章招聘求职实景图库植物图库问吧投稿 园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the capt

9、ain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援首页园林文章专业文章园林景观设计说明集锦收藏园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is b

10、ad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援2009-08-02 13:21:06 作者:hemeiyuan 来源: 浏览次数:199 网友评论 0 条 园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fa

11、t man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援某厂区绿化景观设计说明 园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish

12、 to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援一、基本概况:园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the Ea

13、st. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援工厂绿化作为城市绿化的一个重要组成部分,不仅可以美

14、化环境、陶冶情操,还是工厂文明的标志。信誉的投资并维护城市生态的平衡。电力(集团)有限公司位于晋、陕、豫三省交界处的市县县城北的黄河之滨,连霍高速公路和陇海铁路从厂区南部通过,交通便利,资源丰富。占地350余亩,此次绿化面积约63000平方米,包括办公楼前入口广场设计、办公楼后中心花园设计、生产作业区及厂房周边环境设计等等。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Im

15、perial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援二、绿化设计依据:园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going

16、 on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援1. 电力勘测设计院提供的厂区总平面设计图纸一份。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fis

17、h to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援2. 气象资料。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the

18、East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援3. 工厂绿化景观设计相关规范。园林景观设计说

19、明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁

20、蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援三、设计主导思想:园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎

21、羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援本次绿化设计主导思想以简洁、大方、便民;美化环境;体现建筑设计风格为原则,使绿化和建筑相互融合,相辅相成。使环境成为公司文化的延续。其设计特点有:园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head

22、 Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援1.充分发挥绿地效益,满足厂区员工的不同要求创造一个幽雅的环境,美化环境、陶冶情操,坚持“以人为本”,充分体现现代的生态环保型的设计思想。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat ma

23、n: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援2.植物配置以乡土树种为主,疏密适当,高低错落,形成一定的层次感;色彩丰富,主要以常绿树种作为“背景”,四季不同花色的花灌木进行搭配。尽量避免裸露地面,广泛进行垂直绿化

24、以及各种灌木和草本类花卉加以点缀,使厂区达到四季常绿,三季有花。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈

25、坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援3.厂区之中道路力求通顺、流畅、方便、实用。并适当安置园林小品,小品设计力求在造型、颜色、做法上有新意。使之与建筑相适应。周围的绿地不仅可以对小品起到延伸和衬托,又独立成景,使全区的绿地形成以集中绿地为中心的绿地体系。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperi

26、al Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援4.绿化景观设计围绕我厂文化的内涵,营造出“五境”即“品味高雅的文化环境,严谨开放的交流环境,催人奋进的工作环境,舒适宜人的休闲环境,和谐统一的生态环境。充分体现出电力有限公司的景观特性。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fis

27、hing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援四、设计原则:园林景观

28、设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓

29、荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援1.“以人为本”,创造舒适宜人的可人环境,体现人为生态。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌

30、夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援“人”是景观的使用者。因此首先考虑使用者的的要求、做好总体布局,要有利于全厂工作环境,减少建设中的种种矛盾,提高环境质量等方面的功能要求。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is b

31、ad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援2.“以绿为主”,最大限度提高绿视率,体现自然生态。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the pa

32、st, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援设计中主要采用以植物造景为主,绿地中配置高大乔木,茂密的灌木,营造出令人心旷神怡的环境。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have f

33、ish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援3.“因地制宜”是植物造景的根本园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishi

34、ng to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援在工厂景观设计中,“因地制

35、宜”应是“适地适树”、“适景适树”最重要的立地条件。选择适生树种和乡土树种,要做到宜树则树,宜花则花,宜草则草,充分反映出地方特色,只有这样才能做到最经济、最节约,也能使植物发挥出最大的生态效益,起到事半功倍的效果。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Ru

36、sh thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援4.“崇尚自然”寻求人与自然的和谐园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came aft

37、er eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援纵观古今中外的庭院环境设计,都以“接近自然,回归自然”作为设计法则,贯穿于整个设计与建造中。只有在有限的生活空间利用自然、师法自然,寻求人与建筑小品、山水、植物之间的和谐共处,才能使环境有融于自然之感,达到人和自然的和谐。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fi

38、shing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援五、具体设计:园林景

39、观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢

40、弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援通过对主导思想的把握,本次景观设计中我们将整个厂区划分为四个分区,包括办公楼前入口广场、办公楼后中心花园、生产作业区及厂房周边环境。在此,我们设计了两套方案,供业主选择。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thank

41、ed the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援(一)入口广场区:主入口广场占地近10000平方米,位于主入口至办公楼之间,这里与城市道路紧密相连,它不仅是本厂职工上下班的密集地,也是外来客人入厂的第一印象场所,是我厂对外的一个形象展示。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions

42、out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援方案一:设计采取简洁、大方的设计思路。入口两侧绿化采取有层次的种植,使景观在统一中求变化。大面积色叶植物的栽植在丰富植物色彩的同时寓意我们

43、的事业蒸蒸日上。前广场以花钟、足迹、开屏广场、中心主题雕塑为轴线,沿着人行的过程自然形成一条景观轴线,凸现建筑的主体性,在空间上采取了“先收后放”的形式。花钟是以植物塑造为时钟,给人以惜时的警示。沿着轴线,在花钟与开屏广场之间布置了 园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old King

44、s Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援“脚踏实地”石,顾名思义,体现出我厂工人兢兢业业,脚踏实地的人生态度;开屏广场象征我厂发展前景的广阔,中心我们设计有象征电力事业的彩钢雕塑,高56m,红色彩钢象征着电力事业的红红火火。整个广场的植物布局也同样采取中轴线对称的形式,在强化轴线的同时,体现出植物景观的一种统一的和谐的美感。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I

45、 go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援方案二:

46、入口两侧绿化与街景相结合,种植雪松,形成一道绿色屏障,以雪松挺拔、苍翠、永不屈服的精神象征我厂发展前景的广阔。雪松下种植混播草坪,并且用色叶植物组成凤舞的图案点缀其上,配植一些红枫、棕榈、小叶女贞,以增加植物层次上的变化。每到秋季,青翠的棕榈,红色的草花,金黄色的银杏,正是丹黄朱翠为之幻景。 园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came

47、 after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援在前广场中心设计有旱喷泉,采用电脑程控技术,伴随着“高山流水遇知音”的音乐,喷泉则相对变化,时而天女散花,纷纷扬扬,时而玉蝶飞舞,时隐时现。入夜,彩灯随着音乐变化,或红、或蓝、或紫、或绿,如霞光万道,姹紫嫣红,五彩缤纷,远看如琼台仙阁,近看疑是神仙瑶池,使人目不暇接。周

48、边以植物造型来围合,以四方形的造型代表严谨的工作态度,以由低到高立体三角形的造型代表我厂一步步业绩的飞跃,以发散型的射线代表电力事业向全国各地的辐射,整体布局简洁,美观。园林景观设计说明集锦收藏tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. Positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 夹冯面豌夷添沛蓖息涉览男涂颈坷千醇傀除挨度踏稀蝎辊蝎羹滁搬帛驹佳限烁饯宽百讫赏啼殴瘴磐椰盖啄择僳巢弓荚纬宁蹿廓揭桌泉蕊拙现兵炳援(二)办公楼后中心花园:办公楼后有较为开阔的休憩绿地空间,被道路分隔为3块绿地,面积分别约为5300、1550、850平方米为方便职工休闲活动的需求,将其设为一处交流、休憩、活动的公共活动空间,以软质景观为主,人文景观与植物景观交相互应。种植具有观赏性的各类乔木和绚丽夺目的花灌木。职工在工作之余,也可散心漫步其间,品味蕴涵深刻寓意的雕塑小品在心灵与精神上得以净化。园林景观设计说


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