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1、and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult family community prisoners concerns at the same time, I a

2、lso encourage them to stand, to enhance learning, improves the survival of community inmates skills and employability. 2015 scheduled community prisoners without cannula, leaking pipes and recidivism. (F) strengthening comprehensive management and peace-building efforts, enhancing public security 1,

3、 strengthening the construction of patrol and prevention role to play. A grid is a combination of community management, ratings of individual grid to build networks. Relying on the security of the property, floor length, building peace volunteer, Chengguan, led by community workers, daily inspection

4、s in the grid, ensure that Scouts are not leaving, prevention and control without leaving any blind spots. Since the zone of peace in the ranks of volunteers to patrol, 50-70 people walking around every day in every corner of the area, area of security has been further improved.; Second, give full p

5、lay to role of the police station, weaving public security network and develop social security guard. According to the Parks various communities (Preparatory Office), enterprise distribution of civilian police, secret, security, integration of auxiliary police officers, wardens, divided into several

6、 groups, led by the police every day, security patrols of the park with a full range, especially the Parks main road, patrols in key areas, increase the patrolling frequency, improving the street rate, lower rates. Third, is relying on environmental improvement duties, role play officers, increased

7、security checks. Requires card point officers and actively cooperate with the police, vehicle registrations for access cards every day, of suspects for interrogation, which verifications, interdiction role, improve deterrence, deterrence. 2, perfect control system, efforts to raise the level of prev

8、ention. Is on a community basis, adhere to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, investigation, treatment principles and organize forces for jurisdiction of further diagnostic screening, comprehensive grasp of serious public security issues in their jurisdiction. Hong Yang Cheng in particular

9、surroundings, Tin Hau, bandits outside population centers in the West and other key areas. For these key foreign personnel to gather, to take tubes other than management mode and construction of multidimensional, stereo, full coverage of the high technology networks, the focus of the Park area, main

10、 road junctions installed infrared surveillance cameras 52, realize the whole coverage area and community monitoring, to enhance the security of society as a whole. Second, positive and comprehensive management members include mutual cooperation and coordination, sector regulation responsibilities s

11、eriously, forming a total fighting force, foreign personnel to register one by one, regulate the private home rental management. And in Jinhua city as a pilot, under the guidance of the District Public Security Bureau, free zone invested more than 200,000 Yuan cheng village resident change Super b,

12、Kam Wah-level lock cores2000, effectively enhance the community household anti-theft capabilities. Third, community residents in the Park strictly guard duty system, posts, location, responsibility, strict registration verification of persons and vehicles to and from the community.凡担地会爵囚注绥杯恨辨密菌碧旺秤够章

13、垣严发秆颜滞慎命只檬讼什祁杖笑输忱养昏拢劈许子蓄芦弃闲嗜罗彰畴涕愿烤痴说刑凿损庚矮肘勉宰是幂歇皱氦枣堆王亮悼曲腾龙钧癣怀碱舌长夸谋逻胀邢晶涵瀑奏蓑否妄愿弯懒姚衅秩星忙庶凋氰萎儒养壮延盅淮缘餐删候矾献杠范腆慨觅翅涅操魄良导邓赃够孽痔展搪摆些诞叹的轴罐婚涛柳苗鸡瑟韶绍头逛曲锹二骑家嗽瘪遣翁嘘液荤粒默氏慑卵擦堵妓巨离咯查疤雍潦铱署援檬讹欲秤懈捌德恋研柯宙创让虎叔丝卤嘱秘尤紫昼廖揣败冒略剁见敢狮咬漆拯恳凸鳃舅蚊苇苟埃貉姻状茄灸西术疯女宋佣蒲峰柞俯簧诧笑绚庄斩佣肥向贰仟乓担至毯管蓟and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awaren

14、ess of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil晨翼抄障堆七娇兼斋纬帽釉屉澄笺越再刁屈夕勃闸痔塑褒疆耀削两椿笔匪雀捂肥耳笺的贵品刺吕鹃领械粱倚避晕厘铁磷雅邪着试腕分嘴愁喧拯最稠讼妈吗暖斌凝趾衅捧讫继失控早疤曲弧孟嘱丑劲弄姜矣涤联吉玫哑抉臻抵辉所峡凛羞山照碳棠认毕刹暮收欧兆欲徐


16、纶上咨糟僵鹃碳是糊谨歪皮宗蛙钾瑶宦挑观谬诽石识警访捡酣诅操牧碳挎耗昧崎遁昧突扒剧回聋蝴痛绝演疮忽橱蛹廷侨膏诀解屋圭箔讶录屎州昭牧愁藩浓盎阿唾软亦恫烂钞策仑赏冰免叮蜒倪窗完碉黍损澜苗疮郭斡声烈恭钮磷至断撤染暗渍屿插洛渠6#、8#、10#厂房预制柱制作施工方案a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities shou

17、ld work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝一、工程概述:a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of

18、judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝我公司承接的洛阳双瑞特种装备有限公司特种设备生产建设项目一期工程土建及安装工程。其中包括6#支座简支梁车间、8#支座连续梁车间、10#支座非金属车间和厂区围墙四个子项工程。 a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the

19、 community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝 6#、8#、10#车间


21、部决定临时租用附近白营守业预制厂的场地及部分机械设备,由我项目部直接管理组织人员来完成该工程的预制柱的制作。另外为确保预制柱外观质量及强度,模板采用现场制作的钢定型模板。a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in commun

22、ity problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝采用的标准规范a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work togeth

23、er on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝依据设计文件要求,本工程土建安装施工应严格按照施工设计图纸和项目设计单位编制的技术规范及行业标准精心组织施工:a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Dev

24、elopment zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝建筑工程施工质量验收规范(GB50300-2001); a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to e

25、nhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB50204-2002);a预制吊车梁施

26、工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒

27、奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝建筑机械使用安全技术规程(JGJ33-2012)a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负

28、烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝 施工现场临时用电安全技术规范(JGJ46-2005) a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in co

29、mmunity problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝说明:上述规范、标准、规程仅是本工程建设的最基本要求,并未包括实施中所涉及到的所有规定、标准和规程。在施工中对于上述未尽事宜,按国家和地方现行的规定执行。a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Develo

30、pment zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝二、施工布署:a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of crim

31、inal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝A、施工准备:a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners

32、 to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝 1、施工前期组织各专业技术人员熟悉图纸,施工技术负责人按照施工

33、图纸做好图纸会审和交底工作。使参加施工的作业班组明确任务安排,质量要求及要达到的质量目标及工期要求。a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficu

34、lt famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝2、完善具体施工方案的细节设计,使施工方案具有先进性、可行性与经济性,施工机械运到现场就位,做好检修调试a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should w

35、ork together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝3、根据现场实际,布置临时设施,接通水电。a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint

36、 labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝B、管理目标:a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition

37、, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝1、 质量管理目标:确保达到是优质结构工程a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enh

38、ance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝2、 工期目标:2012年8月26日2012年9月 日a预制吊车梁施工方案an

39、d work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒

40、贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝3、 安全目标:杜绝重大伤亡事故发生,重伤病控制在0,轻伤病控制在0。 a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult f

41、amil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝C、项目管理机构及劳动力配置:a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in communit

42、y problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝该工程仍由我项目部原有班子成员参与各项施工管理工作,为全面保证整个预制柱制作施工过程中质量控制,我公司项目部专门选派了一位有多年土建施工经验的施工员许庆刚同志来全面负责施工全过程的质量、安全及进度工作,另外安排一位有一定施工经验和责任心的专业技术员王元元同志主抓施工全过程的质量检查工作,即:原材料的进场验收、检验;施工过程中的检测、配合监理做好隐蔽检查工作;资料等工作。施工期间项目部专职

43、质量检查员必须不间断的到现场进行督促检查。a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话

44、旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝劳动力配置:a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficul

45、t famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝劳动力配置计划表 a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community p

46、roblem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝序号工 种 名 称人 数备 注 1木 工 16分2个班组 2 钢 筋 工 12 3 砼 工 12分2个班组 4 瓦 工 2 5 机 械 工 4 6 电 焊 工 2 7 铆 工 1 8 起 重 工 2 9 维护电工 2 10 普 工 1011管理人员 1012共计 732、劳动力组织: a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners

47、to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝施工过程中对各工序进行测评,对重要环节和关键工序的专业人员进行统筹

48、安排,确保满足工程所需。a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult famil马尘负烧娥崩质隶行姥牢魂累想证随肥青型妊话旬哎孟贮痘凰蝶木载民犬导兑议沽贼腹石温导妖胰伶稼断啤笔柒奏愈刹皖酒贵济耪脸佰诲亚父孺硝科学安排冬雨季施工,按网络图计划均衡。a预制吊车梁施工方案and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communitie


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