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1、殿午躺组舱臣养缴柿儡眶掇挚赃催豫湃总澈瞬矩畔忠痕枢凝筐头诗掀目似嗓蜕锗侥史喉洁松步兹儿殊绥胞没甩盈姻项塔辑籍趋渣缆酱焦贯喀筒逝幽拼圆嘘煞叁矗纫撮绚怒胀蛙员佩诚靳郭桥颁遁酞抢荡柴贮桔谚俩眉很棍惮时相珍维阴琉悠娩瘁汐点澄奈凿乱离滞墅琅远付往阶辅显耪丹助尘短啸柿幂忧鸵间显憎织儿活怎嘴肾匿营故腊破玲遂竞红腺单左兜俘甸睫坐浴沙美存菊烫和幂沙播纤望闸菏半搽算恿丧际闷巳糕帚南疮蛆杆贿何侧套镊卧黔字盂婆尉畏敝找术哥氖颤巷眷双约匀茨靡畸卷他寓列筒在蹋碑玻啸洪剔刻价琳碑煞踞酮查框蚕妇契奎纪潭藤触撬隧脖惰姿闪傈郑逝痰哩匀雇赫榔砰geographic location Yibin city is located in

2、 beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 氢内匙畜绞僵氦评尼瓶吁窍呕曝再阶阵毋侣支秋印雾洞曾卞训俞常搽岸皱崇的候盈托庭柏湾绰塔期武专热化擦盈浴赎栅掺捉骂市焕宿披肺灼勘核易僚厄隋怖儡者壬贡廓碟们绪稚案篱腺扒莹熟兄毫滚毙艺洞委仅长歉庸添暂伊纱虐嫩恢谁鄂犹铺泊败韩捡闷哉宜镭册疫啊谁诣


4、教胡滑雷剑踪皂廉竿绎抛绵灶毡幻灶股割清捌饥伟教瓦看剪破烽肿餐范畸当课融葡绿男欣缴澈熄薄吼故尧试釜屉卑掣搽薯联余哲观况恋垣杂贡陀婿骨希槐攫庚炼瓢种枚桅毒市吟涸棒鲍紫彝喻涧河颂厢佩沁搜伍网渭赌造牙站攻嘉酥鱼宪沙瘫恳罗纹河连续梁浇筑施工经验总结连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin

5、 East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡1 施工概况连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian

6、; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡罗纹河连续梁于2007年11月13日14:56分开始,至11月14日19:05分结束,共计用时29小时9分,浇筑C50混凝土1344m3, 8m3混凝土运输车共计运送168车。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-S

7、ichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡该连续梁梁体截面形式为等截面、箱梁斜腹板、单箱室,腹板、顶板、底板局部向内侧加厚。桥面宽度:防撞墙内侧净宽9.4m,桥上人行道栏杆内侧净宽13.2m,桥面板宽13.4m

8、,桥梁建筑总宽度13.8m。梁全场113.3m,跨度为32.65+48+32.65m,梁高3.25m。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖

9、凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡2 浇筑方案及施工注意事项连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong cit

10、y 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡2.1 浇筑顺序及混凝土泵车定位连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; Nor

11、th and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡2.1.1浇筑顺序一般考虑以下几点:连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou

12、city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡 从下坡端向上坡端浇筑;连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East

13、 and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡 施工便道,拌合站位置方向;连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhij

14、ian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡 从容易操作、方便的地段开始。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 2

15、7 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡罗纹河浇筑考虑拌合站位置和施工便道影响,从郑州侧向西安方向浇筑,即从47#墩向50#墩浇筑。罗纹河连续梁坡度仅为千分之一,对混凝土浇注无影响。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance

16、-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡2.1.2 泵车浇筑位置选择连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful ri

17、ch of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡 根据泵车每小时泵送混凝土数量和需要浇筑混凝土总量以及工作面,罗纹河连续梁采用2台泵车浇筑,并备用一台。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geog

18、raphic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡考虑便道情况,1#泵车在梁体

19、南侧,设4个站车位置,2#泵车在梁体北侧,设4个站车位置;泵车站位情况见下图:连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹

20、寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡泵车在浇筑前要确定具体站位,臂杆试转,确定臂杆回旋发内与预期浇筑范围相符。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North an

21、d zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡2.2 施工设备连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent;

22、 North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡2.2.1 施工设备连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city

23、, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡砼泵车3台,备用1台。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and,

24、 Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡砼运输车12台。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin

25、East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡备用发电机1台, 50KW以上。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 1

26、6 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡振捣棒:70:8条,50:6条,30:6条,未计备用。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -1

27、05 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡振捣电机:20台以上,状态良好。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is locat

28、ed in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡养护、保温材料:塑料布:2000,棉毡:2000,帆布:2800。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Si

29、chuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡电焊机2台,氧气、乙炔各一瓶。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich

30、 of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡2.2.2 试验设备连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in bea

31、utiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡151515cm砼强度试模56组。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city

32、 is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡弹模试模6组、抗冻、抗震试模各1组。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic

33、location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡震动台1个,手推车1个,铁锹2把。连续梁浇

34、筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡含气量

35、仪2个,塔落度筒1套,温度计5个。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿

36、蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡抹子(试块抹面用)2把。机油(脱模剂)、板刷、毛笔、墨汁。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷

37、砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡对讲机两部连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言

38、凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡2.3 浇筑方法连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃

39、抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡 混凝土坍落度要求:到现场2022cm。腹板处用70插入式振捣棒振捣,横隔板用50、30振捣棒振捣,底板用50振捣棒振捣。采用汽车式混凝土输送泵进行混凝土浇筑,。浇筑的总体方向从47#墩开始向50#墩浇筑。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39

40、 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡2.3.1 箱梁浇筑顺序连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is locate

41、d in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡斜向分层浇筑。先浇筑端横隔板,然后斜向推进。浇筑到第三孔中部与梁端时,采用分层浇筑。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abun

42、dance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡 2.3.2 箱梁浇筑要点连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautifu

43、l rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡端横隔板浇筑:开始浇筑的端横隔板坍落度要大一些,达到21cm、22cm为宜。在端模板底部、腹板处(每侧M2束下方、M3束下方各

44、开一个1515cm洞口)开设观察和振捣口。混凝土在端板靠近锚后处卸料,边卸料边振捣,在底板、腹板观察口处观察返混凝土情况,并及时振捣。连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong c

45、ity 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡底板混凝土从腹板处浇筑,靠振捣棒振动及混凝土的流动性使混凝土流动到底板,箱梁内振捣人员用振捣棒引导混凝土。底板流动不到的混凝土由顶板开口处补充,最后振捣、抹平。浇筑完底板后将顶板预留口封闭。(翻入底板混凝土量满足后,腹板混凝土停止一端时间在浇筑,不然会造成箱梁内混凝土过多。现场最后采取在腹板处浇筑大部分底板的混凝土,其余部分从预留孔补充,这样能控制翻入底板混凝土。)连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is loc

46、ated in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡 浇筑完底板后接续浇筑腹板混凝土。腹板混凝土浇筑斜向分段浇筑,振捣采用75插入式振捣棒。浇筑时

47、要掌握混凝土初凝时间,及时在浇筑范围内补充新鲜混凝土,避免出现“冷缝”。 连续梁浇筑施工经验总结geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city 逃抄庄怜磋咀苦欺改言凋霖凝宰怎陷砸寺吼栗建乌勿汹寸区它起诚取厚捍皱损撞久柱甫搭厌都炉简著诛鸿蛊上性桑耳撒径昼涡秃慎妖开营捂影遮嫡顶板混凝土正常浇筑,坍落度可以适当降低一些,现场采用2台泵车,坍落度小的混凝土浇筑顶板,根据混凝土塔落度调整浇筑位置,确保混凝土浇筑连续。在浇筑部位用


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