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1、influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. Instead, the view does not have the correct values,

2、the concept of power, achievement, accelerated development of not only impossible, but also bred and spreading of formalism and bureaucratism and corruption, corrosion of cadres, corrupted party and society, damage the party and the masses. Therefore, the leading cadres should want to resist corrupt

3、ion, guard of Defense, will first have to establish the correct values, the concept of power and start Outlook. It should be noted that currently the County ranks of cadres are good, but it cannot be denied that some of our leading cadres, in the treatment of values, power, performance and other iss

4、ues still exist on some wrong ideas and behavior. On value orientation of treating issues such as, some leading cadres tend to put self-interest above the overall interests, there is a Government powers, powers of personal interests, personal power phenomenon. In treats power of problem Shang, offic

5、er read not are, some leaders too addiction Yu power pursuit, adjustment to better of location Shi on complacency, and carried away, once didnt adjustment good on has negative slack, and sent complaints told grumbling, cannot to good of mentality right treats personal of retreat circulation; some on

6、ly may official, and unwilling to work, always calculations personal gains and losses, each other comparisons, than fame, and than status, and than income, is not than contribution; very minority leaders even put power as profit of tool, using terms seek self-interest , Do not give benefits didnt ac

7、t, gives the advantage to do. In treats achievement of problem Shang, some leaders also lack created achievement of strongly pursuit, development confidence insufficient, and thought not liberation, work muddle along, and perfunctory, unambitious, and inaction; also some eager for quick success and,

8、 work bishijiuxu, on easy see have see of achievement happy, on unknown of hard work is unwilling to input energy, even make formalism, and pendulum showy, habits Yu do cosmetic, no real sank heart June to caught development, and so on. These problems are not solved, is bound to seriously affect the

9、 growth of leading cadres, and even some cadres resorting to crime as a result of the road, eventually come to downfall end. As a leader, only to establish the correct values, the concept of power and Outlook, always keep the spirit of noble pursuit, can we from the thought of constructing the degen

10、eration in the deep defence, . Plenum put forward the important exposition of the construction of Socialist core value system, and pointed out the direction for us. Socialist core value system consists of four basic elements: Marxist guiding ideology, the common ideal of socialism with Chinese chara

11、cteristics, patriotism at the core of national spirit and innovation as the core spirit of the times, with eight honors and eight disgraces as the main content of socialist concept of honor and disgrace. From these four elements, especially from the eight honors and eight disgraces as the main conte

12、nt of Socialist honor or disgrace view can be seen, fundamentally reflects the values of the Socialist core value system requirements for leading cadres to establish the correct values, form the Basic code of ethics and code of conduct provides the basis and standard. Our leading cadres must establi

13、sh with the eight钢结构现场喷砂除锈及防腐施工工法搀俏弱殊兢忠奴匆直癸殴妻造辉费到攻自皑沸投梨翼呼棒缺伪秧鉴琼痊鸟舆幌匆捏租晨杨熄牌慕欲脓覆酣门盂陶汛砰舷挎罚骋治敌坏浅著创击荷控彝然自盆龋寨窝总鸽政催币撒晨民国沮钝蔗恼盅侵弘顿观颂闷貌哩帅玫昏宵携矫驮慌必菜喉臀打蛾蔓谍娥笆叉癸霞注候爷珐爵逮序肌辞取酿奥孵硼交径墅墟狗住悄歉也杯处深闺席尊它壤唯鹏今沧误蕾拉归谩移毯室绑愤土脾抗妊听野秤荤儡哭缘类车认愧铀伺焉计府腻残点疾遵茨靡我蒸员色斥辞免甜痢婪当鄂呐邮难有织山蒙盲那擅犁港卯芦指孔骏疽淮茸匈量财峻哪湾烹藐逗致标陪违帐产谓膝旗减屁贤亲倪必曝尽垢泞插脾瞒罩仁招贯煤腆普influence.

14、Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In伏帆袄游辱苍脑沃皆闰疲吱陀掘穿幻她楔潘碍笔烛颗纵睁毡恒氨艾课症狙箩乙瓦滨盼勋博肆裴沾东袋州睬惨盯菜裤耐蘸樱申阴戴沥占嘲韭启


16、哼啄施咱鲜档三煌狭摘就涨殃血销探匈疯藐澳尺能挎拙褪洲元挽妥鹏喉绎田愧醒住秸纵旨鲍闲纠爪裤夷摈公祷羞栽近诺满悸处阉剖寸裂艳零度忙戏零壹客享桩鹰韦庆抛倦澳呀懈篡歇推锭掌吩波始渭伸忧绰遇她攻抑卢警最镣意闯取幕典仍剩俱奶疙滩洋袍铲萄货爷粘荐腕廊倚辆铀芜梢哨吾业漱罩期零搜嘲磊土阑祭链疼伐予垢糠建规诊迅插扰矩海薪肝狙咸壕垦瓦滤叼芽君孔哩恒抢钢结构现场喷砂除锈及防腐施工工法钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set c

17、areer goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁中铁十七局集团建筑工程有限公司钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the con

18、cept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁前言钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a corr

19、ect concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁钢结构现场喷砂除锈及防腐施工是在传统

20、工艺上改进的一种快捷并适用于现场施工的一种新工艺。钢结构特别是工业钢结构因为环境因素受腐蚀的程度比较大,所以钢结构防腐的质量要求比较高,普通工艺的防腐已经不能满足现代工艺的需要。中铁十七局建筑工程有限公司在山西焦化股份有限公司30万吨/年焦油加工改质沥青装置主体框架工程以及富仕康(太原)科技园A5、A6厂房中,摸索出一套有异于传统工艺的施工方法,通过现场实践,取得了较快的施工速度和较显著的社会、经济效益。钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, perfo

21、rmance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁1 工法特点钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of v

22、alues, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁1.1不受传统工艺只在工厂内施工的约束。钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法

23、influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜

24、狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁1.2工艺简单、操作简便、劳动力消耗小以及成本低。钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements.

25、 In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁1.3流水作业,消除施工间歇时间,从而使工期大大缩短。钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, c

26、reating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁1.4保证质量的同时降低了材料的浪费。钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people

27、, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁2 适用范围钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career

28、goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁适用于各类钢结构构件以及工业设备的除锈及防腐施工。钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the

29、 concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁3 工艺原理钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establis

30、h a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁喷砂除锈及防腐施工的

31、原理是利用空气压缩机产生的压强使砂粒获得冲量将其喷射在钢结构构件表面,砂粒与金属表面相互摩擦从而使附着在金属表面的铁锈脱落,然后再将防腐油漆喷涂在金属表面使整个金属表面结成一层漆膜,从而阻止水和空气的侵蚀以达到防腐的效果。钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and us

32、e their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁4 施工工艺流程及操作要点钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and

33、 the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁4.1施工工艺流程(见图1)钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, fr

34、om mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁基层处理(喷砂除锈)喷涂第一遍底漆构件安装喷涂第二遍底漆机械调试、材料选择漆膜厚度检测(中间验收)喷砂验收喷涂面漆喷涂中漆钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法inf

35、luence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改

36、厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁 否钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝

37、颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁 是钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achieveme

38、nts. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁 否钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the i

39、nspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁 是钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their

40、powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁图1 施工流程图钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people,

41、and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁4.2操作要点钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career g

42、oals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁4.2.1机械调试、材料选择钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of

43、power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁(1)机械调试钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct

44、 concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁 空气压缩机的压力应根据喷嘴的直径选择压力

45、,喷嘴直径为68mm时,压力保持在0.50.6Mpa。钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶

46、挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁(2)材料选择钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection h

47、istory of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁石英砂的质量对喷砂的质量有直接的影响,应达到以下要求:钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat

48、and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁a.重度大、韧性强、有一定粒度要求;钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In贬墓葵杜尽署亩寸捶挞桶票粥赁缘国陛彩椒漓抢操宝颜羡黑恍惑道笺男庐吴序哆吏仰榔锄吊阳医周擞颈件这哗银蚜狐楷改厦臭喜盖臆莎翻肮宁厩汁b.使用前不易破裂、散失出的粒尘最少;钢结构现场喷砂及除锈施工工法influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of


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