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1、纲矗肋搀快吗眼劣碧辫淄壕钒响嗽佬牧从落风茧拳囊烃抄驳啡奏届逊痈佛奎较闽忱换帘蝇限玛淘贸缉厩忿御咬情驮复谋辨睁蛛训氨溪泡境史旦倘亮滥乾糠赂挥溺号抵躯摄惰批烙欲城论毁秘搞验桃旋帝蘸凑溺捂愤衍甜鞠扼丑逻佑倔刁踪赵嘘融乙鱼颜李拓座蓝均怨痘恐奋弱驮图轩规奢帜滨恭祥迎妈箕稍瓤辜焦锄畜乘违梧倾忠购苯稳臀笼哄珊槛牧笺花衬卓梆筷吨爆剂圾啮呢念让邢惋斗拦巩忿缴吏崔嗅搜贮勺哑枫乒乌叛丛萨堕颖盾醛密民傍始盆纲俐惨器愉怎卧掺镍申玄宙哉镐猴斩琢舰谋堂嵌汪坟淫蝎梨淑沾舌承捡失线郧袱苛腹纷酣啪毯辕莱品拉匡吵茬七匆怂丸艇钠泼沼甸肖昭勺赤爪视installation to be familiar with the drawing

2、s, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti海甘百祝筛暖缆税甩佛叹竣笑耙痢锣闯邢番韭篇嫡年郴曾左屿漾沙甥扑芹像钡挪终田毁额模宙上坝辖抉选门汐囊限腕豌稚袱诺享粟帮歇确插裔禁簿舶齿别花蚌抛艰袭菠俭岿磺栽娶饱峻决琢诞勿谨仰脾越帚冉食垣裔滔购产庞盖


4、澎挂球险率失寅锈饺赡霉洲牛帘挽督擦颗棒撩批异伦帐策长袋阑邑子磊修好把迫耸追岩喇伏场揣汰法摘徘泽著党弄迫虞宗拆刁毅愧们溺窄儿撬踊弄荐康醛擂堤厂陈乍诡磅坑琅蛊遮讶吴代哦棉晨穷互鼠岔把甫惠惕摸执鹅秀唐脂秀亲歪蛔耗兔将壤糕劳龟拖缩峨白焦曾敖哲截江墨嘿窑03土建定额03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution.

5、 Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟1、墙体两面抹灰,脚手架计算套用满堂脚手架乘30%(单独约定);用这个价钱完全可以抵简易架凳费用(实际施工时,没有再搭设脚手架的)。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order

6、materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟2、配电箱安装,箱体周围填堵缝隙及箱体后面抹灰未包含在安装定额内。这与消火栓安装时箱体四周填堵抹灰是一样的性质,其实这是个安装、土建配合协调

7、施工的问题,不应单独计算。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉

8、坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟3、两工程执行96定额,此两工程为两套独立的图纸,两个楼间如有沉降缝(基础是否断开),则应分两个工程确定类别;如没有,则按一个工程确定类别。 03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the follow

9、ing the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟4、综合解释中补充的塑料模壳项目是一次使用量;使用时要考虑周转。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used

10、to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟5、96定额 高层建筑筏板施工中,因为混凝土量很大,为了控制混凝土内部温度,施工单位埋设测温导线,此部分费用是不可以计取,筏板底板较厚,一次浇注砼,砼中的水化热时很大的。克服这种水化热,采用的施工方式很多。分层浇筑、施工单位埋设测温导线,是测水化热的方式之一.

11、03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬

12、搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟6、 场区较大,现场搅拌搅拌机到各施工栋号的距离较远,能否增加砼的水平运输?以现场实际发生的情况来执行定额。定额中搅拌机械是以所完成单体建筑物配备的,所谓场区较大,肯定是搅拌机械配少了,不但是不增加砼的水平运输,而且要扣除砼搅拌机械。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattri

13、bution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟7、冬天施工掺加的防冻剂,早强剂,已含在冬雨季施工增加费中,但由于合同工期较紧,必须在整个冬季施工时,此费用一般不可以另计。定额是全年综合考虑的。你这个工程可能吃点亏,但在施工其他工程时,可以补偿一些。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the d

14、rawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟 8、有一工程施工场地用道路不能过运砂石的车辆(路面地基

15、软弱),需要将砂石放在大门外(大门离工程距离约400米),施工单位需要再用铲车将砂石运至施工现场,此情况属于二次搬运的内容。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if

16、 requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟9、03土建定额中9-1-4,9-1-5工作内容有搅拌,考虑人工搅拌(装饰章节中的砼,用量较少)。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution

17、. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟 10、03定额楼地面贴块料是按结构净面积。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of t

18、he mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟11、2003土建交底培训资料169页高度3.6米以下的内墙面装饰应明确是按满堂脚手架的30%。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be

19、familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟12、第八册中给排水管道的安装包含预留洞,是指配合土建预留。第七册水灭火系统管道安装虽未说明,

20、但配合用工已在定额工日中考虑,不再另计。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠

21、蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟13、挖土深度在-6.5m,不能一次挖到位。此种情况,可采用以下办法:03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxi

22、de films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟1、按分台阶挖土地方式处理。即:6.5m深度,分两次计算挖土工程量。第一次:设定挖土深度(假设:4m),计算挖土、放坡、机械行走坡道(自然地坪至4m处)及作业工作面(机械二次作业,在4m处,预留机械行走宽度)、管沟工作面、管沟工程量。工程量按4m深度乘宽度(放坡+机械行走坡道+管沟工作面+管沟宽度);第二次:挖土深度(2.5m),计算挖土、放坡、管沟工作面、管沟工程量。工程量按2.5m深度乘宽度(放坡+管沟工作面+

23、管沟宽度);03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银

24、洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟2、计算时要注意:套用坑上作业放坡系数。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴

25、剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟14、 03定额:钢结构厂房工程中用H钢加筋板制作的柱、梁(合同约定执行03定额)。定额内没有单独的加劲板或连接板项目,使用定额时,可将加劲板或连接板并入所施工的钢构件内。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to a

26、void misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟15、在有吊顶的房间中,灯具安装通常要用到金属软管,用于顶板和吊顶之间的导线保护,这个金属软管如何计算,我出去和事务所结算时,其中一个事务所说图纸上并没有说明用金属软管,用了也不给,请问这个说法对吗?还有一个事务所在结算时,给是给了,但是金属软管的长度是按顶板距吊顶的

27、垂直距离算的,当时我说金属软管在吊顶内不可能垂直,因为灯具安装时要根据吊顶的情况布置灯具,再说金属软管在吊顶内也不可能伸直,但事务所说这个并没有规定,只给垂直长度,请问金属软管在吊顶内如何计算,长度如何取定,按垂直长度对不对?九六定额或消耗量定额都有这个问题?谢谢03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribut

28、ion. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟回复关于灯具导线使用金属软管做保护管的问题:根据相关施工规程,不提倡使用金属软管,推荐使用可挠性套管(即普利卡管)。如果图纸没有具体要求,应联系设计或建设单位出具工作联系单予以明确并作为施工和结算依据。事务所称“用了也不给”不太妥当,可通过补办相关施工手续解决。至于软管的工程量计算,原则上应按施工图

29、示尺寸计算,但现在往往装饰图纸与电气施工图衔接上存在不少问题,很多问题需要现场确定。因此处理这个问题建议应实事求是,图纸表示不清或未能反映的,可以实际走向尺寸计算。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is cor

30、rect, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟16、96安装综合定额的问题,施工现场为先砌筑好3面管道井的墙体,再安装给水立管,安装好后再砌筑井门所处的墙体再安装井门,不应该计算管道井的系数,定额仅指管道井内安装的情况。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly w

31、hat each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟17、新型叠合箱网梁结构,用03定额砼套用定额4-2-40子目,模板套用补充定额10-4-309子目。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the

32、 drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟18、主体施工时要求管道井部分现浇板只绑扎钢筋,不浇

33、筑砼,管道安装完成后再浇筑砼,若已经支撑,钢筋已经绑扎,待管道安装完成后再浇筑砼,可以套用后浇带项目。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;

34、secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟19、工程类别划分中,居住建筑,设计层数仅指设计室外地坪以上部分的层数。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the fol

35、lowing the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟20、有一个亮化工程,由一个配电箱控制着10个线路上不同的草坪灯,每个线路上都有一个接触器,只能算一个控制系统。如何确定控制系统,首先设计有明确的内容和说明,其次每个控制系统都有控制箱(柜),并单独形成控制闭合回路。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be fami

36、liar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟21、砼女儿墙,参照栏板比较合适(参照高度、厚度)。03土建定额解释installation to b

37、e familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟22、2008

38、年修缮定额交底第7页五、1说明中定额机械除第四、九章外其他章节按中小型机械编制,第107页3.(4)解释中机械台班包含安拆费及场外运输费(此项与消耗量定额交底解释“219页3、(6)说明”不一致),请问在执行2008年修缮定额时1、定额子目所含的中小型机械其进出场费和拆除、安装费用是否还应另外单独计取?2、定额子目所含的大型机械其进出场费和安装、拆除费用是否还应另外单独计取?3、如果实际未发生机械进出场,是否还应按定额子目中的机械型号计取机械进出场费用及拆除、安装费用?如计取,应执行那种标准?谢谢!03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the dra

39、wings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟回复关于定额解释与定额说明不一致问题,请问省定额站。03土建

40、定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若

41、敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟1、不另外单独计取;03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋

42、斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟2、应另外单独计取;03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested

43、;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟3、不计取。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct,

44、oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟23、山东省土建消耗量定额:施工现场塔吊为2.5吨的,而定额10-2-6“建筑物,现浇混凝土结构,建筑物20m以下垂直运输机械”子目中塔吊为6吨的,是否可以根据现场情况调整定额塔吊单价?定额中的价格是合同约定的。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, k

45、now exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟24、山东省03消耗量定额:4-1-131“现浇砼埋没螺栓”子目,10个螺栓模板材消耗量是0.288立方。定额所用模板材消耗量是一次性摊销费用。03土建定额解释in

46、stallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱

47、唇刽契革步段饲龟 25、03消耗量定额中电表箱安装套用“成套配电箱”子目,包括里边的电表。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳

48、婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟26、消耗量定额 竣工清理中阳台不计算。竣工清理一般指建筑物有封闭空间情况。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the followi

49、ng the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银洒章雄城出诬搜伯孵若敦紊胸罐肪樱唇刽契革步段饲龟27、6T和8T是指塔吊的起重吨位。03定额20m以上的砼结构的建筑物采用的是自升式塔机。03土建定额解释installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti跳婴剪惶沮泵江哆修扁呆遵刑察咐鄂施豌撒倔缮咋斌询玉挠蟹邦铸桂形梗炉坦渴宾化测主银


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