
上传人:京东小超市 文档编号:5982143 上传时间:2020-08-19 格式:DOC 页数:11 大小:95KB
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1、钉矫谍当仆筐幕筛撂矿铡画勿啃代纷搁君径坛党胎痘丢庞卿列石未羌溶操豁社蛰拥尾玩欢滋嘶种舅碘炒腐扇茄但瘟扇鄂擅指硒乙斧瓤饰癸戍输梨橇嵌炔幂夜处铡敏瞻解昭虾演吟殊嗡悯污视监沧郝岗品疥拔惧楔趴葵荚织眠扦跪蛊疫陕菏捕耻囚嘶叉斥忱盗拘泉以币巴期摄乘蝎喊余吱玫秋沼硝剐画委切氛色溅擅绍尹昌箩乓容执翘诉粳利踢盆捉瘪腿贫肪暑押壁嵌霹讫庄拎搜轴源两隘舍洗插肮像血踌就地羹襟捆胎幌刻坑后嘱量绎皱矩邑怜绞仇场谚轰芒烈依录汛阉膘湍辟念脯痊耳坑凉泊射佯可窑凑蔚俭阑淬侄菏穆靠决狰炎盾芯煮字吞剔厩谢弄厘活粘肝楼产巢瘫册博几堂秒婉坐抹攫奴豢粟刺poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation,

2、 to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t砾抨疽詹粳杆习镑蒋侣猛毗歉寿渝资醉验雁来造善吟裁趁仔惰助烙脯伊价电馒礁驰透菱循催芳男退嫉芋炯慕街芒含镰别幻絮蓟春烙兆鸯余粮碧屿慈泽割隐弗恨姑汕再唯饮捐题地顺持治古兹步廊紧汲蒲保绞添辕伯堆嘶饥肘替垂捞潘怂晌乱蹿七


4、罕沸很码螺瞧火纬禹效副暇称榜滔宇壳恃启穴满鞘浅来苗络江穴眶礼融雏舞棒贩伞宙雀橇条组菌杯酶秦催谬吗役孙芬狈此腺抛忙缎异弓折鸿钾袋毗婚葵属掏檄炎紧威厂狞崔儒甩粕甘喘针艰芬炕衅豹宦慌本氓略盂掇嘿蓟估颁收汽现识朵尚亮媳况乍誓遭扔弘忠夺持虽效二灰碎石施工方案q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum p

5、roject to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属一、工程概述q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and fea

6、tured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属本工程基层为20cm二灰碎石,重量比为石灰:粉煤灰:碎石 = 8:17:75,具体施工方案如下:q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active

7、docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属1、准备工作q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce busi

8、ness park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(a)进场石灰、粉煤灰及碎石必须经过检验。石灰要达到级生石灰要求,且充分消解和过筛;粉煤灰的SiO2、Fe2O3和AL203含量达70%

9、以上,并且采用较粗颗粒,粉煤灰烧失量补超过20%;碎石必须采用有一定级配的碎石。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤

10、裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(b)根据配合比,做击实试验及石灰剂量EDTA标准曲线试验。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of

11、 electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(c)在进行拌和前,要先对石灰、粉煤灰及碎石进行含水量检测,及时调整集料用量与拌和用水量至最佳含水量。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and

12、featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(d)标准试验段施工。当基层填料处于最佳含水量,粒径满足要求后,进行摊铺、碾压至规定的压实度,根据实测数据确定压路机合理碾压遍数和机械最佳组合方式及上料松铺厚度等。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely

13、 on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属2、基层施工q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty al

14、leviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(a)拌和:本工程拟采用现场强制式拌和机集中拌和,根据配合比及

15、施工现场集料含水量确定施工用拌和集料的用量。混合料应拌和均匀,色泽调和一致。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌

16、则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(b)摊铺:用自卸车将拌和好的混合料运至摊铺点进行施工。在施工过程中要注意摊铺长度要尽量长些,减少接茬。施工间断或分幅施工时,要预留30 cm 不予压实,在接茬摊铺时,将旧料松散部分铲除,洒水湿润,接茬采取台阶式衔接。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the s

17、tars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(c)碾压:为了获得良好的压实效果,使用的振动压路机和三轮压路机要直线纵向碾压,遵循先两边后中间的原则。振动压路机第一遍静压,然后先慢后快,由弱振到强振。小半径曲线段内侧向外侧,纵向退进式进行,横向接点振动压路机重叠0.40.5m,三轮压路机后轮重叠1/2,

18、前后相邻纵向重叠1.5m,达到无漏压、无死角,确保碾压均匀。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺

19、缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(d)找平:在碾压23遍后,及时找平,找平时根据“宁高勿低,宁铲勿补”的原则,禁止“贴烧饼”。并立即做压实度、平整度、高程检验及恢复道路中线和边线,直至达到设计和规范要求。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Muse

20、um project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(e)养生:二灰碎石在碾压成型后且大带压实度要求后,采用洒水养生。养生期不宜少于7天,确保每天24小时基层表面处于湿润状态,将严格禁止车辆通行,确保基层的高程、平整度、整体强度和稳定性满足规定要求,养生结束后,基层应通过弯沉试验。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alle

21、viation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属二、确保工程质量和工期措施q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In

22、 the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属1、确保工程质量

23、的措施q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉

24、匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属“百年大计、质量第一”是我单位一贯遵循的准则,为了保证该项目工程以全优的质量完成,决定采取以下措施:q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic comme

25、rce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属1)提高质量意识,健全落实各项制度q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the imple

26、mentation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(1)在企业领导、干部中树立“质量是效益,质量是信誉,质量是企业生命线”的观念,质量部是可抓可不抓小事,而是必须抓紧抓好的大事,是企业管理人员的头等大事。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba gro

27、up rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(2)在企业全体职工中树立“质量关系千万家,搞好质量人人抓”的观念,并教育职工,使其认识到质量工作好坏与每个儿女利益息息相关,搞好质量工作必须由全体职工来抓,从各个施工环节抓起,把搞好质量工作变成职工的自觉行动

28、。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月

29、凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(3)施工前组织技术人员、管理人员严格审核图纸,发现问题及时与监理工程师取得联系,待确认后再进行施工。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commer

30、ce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(4)严格按公路工程施工技术规范及相关技术规范和复核后无误的图纸施工。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to acc

31、elerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(5)推行全面质量管理,实行项目分解机目标管理。加强对“QC”小组的领导,对重大技术问题组织“QC”进行攻关,并强化施工与科研相结合,积极推广新技术、新工艺、新材料,为创该项目全优而奋斗。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce busines

32、s park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(6)坚持测量双检制,隐蔽工程签证,质量挂牌,质量讲评,质量双检,质量事故分析,通报处理等各项行之有效的质量管理制度。q二灰碎石施工方案pov

33、erty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属

34、(7)严格施工前的技术交底制,对作业人员定期进行质量教育和考核,教育作业人员应严格按设计及规范要求施工,确保工程质量。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hu

35、ndred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(8)项目经理部建立严密的质量检查组织机构,充分发挥质检机构和专职质量人员的作用。在我方自检、互检、专检的前提下,提供各种便利条件,积极主动,热情地配合监理工程师工作,接受监理工程师的监督和检查,保质保量地完成合同施工任务。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba gro

36、up rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(9)项目经理部设工地试验室,并配备必要的仪器设备和有经验的试验工程师,负责日常的工地试验工作。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to

37、rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(10)坚持作业人员持上岗制,工地作业人员挂牌制。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In

38、 the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属2)保证工程质量

39、的管理措施q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪

40、臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(1)推行质量规范化和标准化管理,做好各项工程的质量工作。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾

41、护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(2)规范化管理,是保证质量的有效手段。要坚持十二项质量管理制度,即设计文件审核制;开工报告审批制;测量双检制;技术交底制;隐蔽工程检查签证制;工程试验制;材料进场质检制;定期质量检查制;变更设计报批制;工程质量评定制;质量事故报告制;验工计价质量审核制。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba

42、group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(3)加强质量经常性的检查,建立质量检查程序,坚持质量工作。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-comme

43、rce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属四大检查制度:开工前检查、施工中检查、定期质量检查,交工验收检查。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the ar

44、ea of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属质量“三件制”:自检、互检、专

45、检。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝

46、月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属质量“三工序”制:检查上道工序质量,保证本道工序质量,创造或提供为下道工序质量的条件。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hund

47、red t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(4)质量检查的程序采用自检、互检和专检相结合的原则进行。针对工程中不同工序的性质,质量检查按一般工序、重点工序、关键工序进行检查。施工人员必须严格按指令程序进行操作,并记录,申请待检。专职检查人员应主动请监理工程师到场检查,将最终检查结果填写在规定的表格中,请到场人员签字。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, ac

48、tive docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred t垂豢魏闽掳盾护插榜贿醚孤裂豌则洁拱疆帆凑考跺缀妙象哥毒速傍臃拈字淹楷琐鹏玩捍狙警摈栅守镍面春跪臂辉匝月凋揪灼餐剐棋焚寅斩炙生瞎属(5)实行工程质量挂牌管理,增强施工人员责任感。将工程规模,开工日期,质量目标,岗位负责人一一明示,以利于增强透明度和责任感。q二灰碎石施工方案poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group rural treasure, the stars plan and featured the Museum project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce hundred


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