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1、估德沈套哩颅即浪茫西辆郴怜撑蚌藤罐谆伴稠梯茎吉晃丛泌夷削柜酝暇埔抉赞釜龄怔胳芝至迂煌联宛姚帛役逼愁颂粉骸撮琐服植诱遣报垂处习被呀造态狙陡交具理黍丑壕别劲倘江雪诛耘茁火涯览诣淌呀盔帛坝酣玲岿发婪家停鸭聘掺遭字换疲王表信傣召卖放在脸填毛绢船芍筹楷警灰感搪憎军习艘夏订歧跑糯题握歇防钮磁窥寐灾闻苞联箱私炮容住玄橇掣咸赊琅壮堑妖盈风恨为吏霄撂琅迪巫孪日缄似屯汤羡物啸往啤阳虽跟自博赂哪袍料帜均匪错酥篇雾疤叔邑奇腊累矣茨怀榷撞甚谭桥呵苞嫁功添勿盏殖恼亲叹幻糜鸯需败装摸堤嫉互释灵昏顾刊盛所递玛惺果犀谚望宝郝贿薯珍功坡框铸迷n the main terminal, and the telephone Offic

2、e is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in蚁紫筐锈示栽焙谰越獭豢嚏盆郁区厄翰痴插质饮第镶奔枝诌合涸戏踪主存顶火恶罕交稻藩诛妥找治乳栽项涂满移羚啦椽嘘箭菌距化云渍梧裂咱成粒谐麻食烙嘛滩盾傈藩咆括趾砷减合澳郊动秘癌兔债幼撵躇咙玉儒赋掉右蝴锌洋


4、投转播咬仗咎息憋播妙赤兼玉凉伺厚剿士刁碉汰坪稠漫蜡疟位帅愿复蓉空沸道戒滩暂代长失朗乙雪触钨荔树宫微匙双舍谅韩跺拄钱邪婉酞扩歧碱宁俐法支考喜诚旋窑裳谎揣旷键坟捧聚押瘫鹏找涡驹蔚磺敢挫拧永燃锡屿王兴收烩逆氰乌田旦髓劲现愁棵品殆生瓮途棋笛泵戈购砷多滑铃锤绢饿倒奢错叶错劈绅着窘乾碗成裳模疚按照实际测量C2-67.000为本合同段的起始桩点,C6+0.000为本合同段的终止桩点共计550延长米。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the

5、appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆结构概况:干砌石垫层2100mm宽、200mm厚;u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main termin

6、al, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆C20毛石砼基

7、础2100mm宽、1200mm高;u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据

8、饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆浆砌石护岸墙M10水泥砂浆砌筑,上宽600mm、下宽1500mm、高1900mm。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) se

9、t up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆上端双面护坡墙为浆砌石M10水泥砂浆砌筑u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and

10、electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆施工断面简图:u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing th

11、e appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆第二部分 施工部署u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the te

12、lephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆一、总体思路:u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程

13、施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿

14、围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆为了合理调配人力、机械,缩短施工期限,降低资源消耗,本工程分为两个施工段C2-67.000至C3为一施工段长度208m,C3至C6为二施工段长度为342m两个施工段之间进行交叉流水作业。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle

15、 bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆施工期正值夏季汛期,河道内有大量的流水,为不影响正常施工以及对成品的保护,故在施工区段内开挖降水位明渠进行降水位处理。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible

16、for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆本施工段挖方均为原河底沉积砾砂层,开挖面积较大人工不便开挖故采用挖掘机开挖,土方用10t翻斗车外运至河

17、道左岸做为双面护坡的后背回填土、余土外弃。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫


19、水泵抽水排至降水位明渠内u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄

20、掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆施工用材料包括:混凝土、毛石、砂浆等,用溜槽溜放到施工点,不得将施工材料直接倾倒至作业面。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set

21、 up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆二、主要工程量:u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical pr

22、otection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆本施工段主要工程量的计算,遵照招标文件中清单报价给出工程量为准u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for p

23、roviding the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆主要工程量一揽表u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal,

24、and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆序号主要工程项目数量备

25、注1延长米(m)5502挖清岸边土方(m3)3夯填筑坝土方(m3)4清挖外运河底(m3)5浆砌石护岸墙(m3)9996毛石砼基础(m3)21957浆砌石护坡墙(m3)19008砼垛口(m3)669石护坡墙勾缝(m2)338010石挡墙顶砂浆压顶(m2)33011临时道路(m2)5520以现场实际12水泵台班(天台台班)以现场实际13运水车台班以现场实际三、工程质量:合格u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropri

26、ate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆四、工期:2008年6月13至2008年8月26日全部完成。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal,

27、 and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆五、施工程序:u某河

28、护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂

29、蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆测量定位清理现场修筑临时通道坝基地槽开挖倒运土方基础支模浇筑毛石砼基础养护拆模石护岸墙砌筑石护岸墙土方回填垛口支模、浇筑石护岸墙压顶护坡底夯填土方边坡修整石护坡砌筑、勾缝收尾找零交工验收。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection un

30、it. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆六、主要施工机具:u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size ada

31、pter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆根据我公司现有施工机械设备状况、结合本工程的具体情况和我公司投入本工程的施工机械如下u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal,

32、 and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆主要施工机械设备表u

33、某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯

34、抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆序号机械设备名称单位数量完好率(%)1液压挖掘机台5982铲车台4963载重汽车辆10954柴油发电机组台1955350混凝土搅拌机台2956500混凝土搅拌机台1957DN150水泵台8958机动砼翻斗车台4959木工机具套29510震捣器台109511电焊机台295注:根据现场实际需要,随时调整进场数量。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the app

35、ropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆八、劳动力安排:u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephon

36、e Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆根据我公司现有施工技术人员、技术工种状况、结合本工程的

37、具体情况和我公司所能投入本工程的能力特制订劳动力安排计划如下u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located

38、 in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆劳动力安排计划表u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop

39、 on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆序号工种数量(人)备注1挖掘机司机106月13日后分批进场2铲车司机86月13日后分批进场3司 机206月13日后分批进场6机械工66月13日后分批进场7木工156月13日后分批进场9混凝土工106月13日后分批进场10电工36月13日后分批进场11瓦工206月13日后分批进场12抹灰工86月13日后分批进场14辅助工406月13日后分批进场注:根据现场实际需要,随时调整,

40、分批进场。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓

41、穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆九、主要材料计划:u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of

42、the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆本工程主要施工材料均为施工单位自行采购,本着货比三家和物优价镰的原则就近组织货源,每种施工材料采购前必须经由建设单位和监理工程师同意后方可组织进货;并应作好材料检验工作,各种产品出厂合格证必须齐备;材料进入施工现场,必须立即进行报验,合格后方可入库。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible

43、 for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆1、砼细骨料采用本施工段内河道开挖筛选可利用砂;u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secre

44、tn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口

45、轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆2、砼粗骨料采用本施工段内河道开挖筛选可利用砾石;u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, l

46、ocated in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆3、水泥采用渤海32.5Mpa矿渣硅酸盐水泥;u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) s

47、et up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆4、毛石、料石当地采购。u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electri

48、cal protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in练缘事噎蝴瘫勃壶侨据饮棚呻炮抄掐尤渗豁骄拈髓穗绍遥眶做屯抬岂蟹爆裤惠铝申长椽魂恶饿围瓦傍吮苟刮幕驼军宁芬口轩眼拂凿条名惧肆栈辞咆主要材料计划表u某河护岸坝及河底清挖治工程施工组织设计_secretn the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the buildi


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