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1、up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual target task, ensure social overall harmony stable. T

2、hree, compacting the main responsibilities and strengthen the two leadership of educational organizations do a good job two education without a strong organization and leadership. Party construction of party organizations at all levels should firmly establish the main consciousness, grasping party b

3、uilding as the first responsibility, strengthen leadership, demonstrable, scientific to ensure solid education effectively. First, the layers of responsibility. Party committees (leading party group) to study education as a major political task, primary responsibility for effective implementation, s

4、trengthen leadership, carefully guiding the Steering, do a good job overall, study and solve problems in a timely manner. Progress evaluation by the grass-roots party building this year, to study education as the primary evaluation organizations, poor organization, the problems are many, to criticiz

5、e, to accountability. Main is responsible for comrade to consciously bear up first responsibility people duties, not only to tube good cadres, and with good team, also to tube good members, and with good team, both first examples, lead participate in learning education, and by Qian command, input en

6、ough of time and energy, strengthened Guide and checks role, on work programme personally validation, on important task personally deployment, on exists problem timely solution, throughout put responsibility carry in shoulder Shang, improper shuaishouzhanggui. The County party Committee and municipa

7、l party Committee municipal workers, Various enterprises and institutions, Commission, party committees and departments in charge of industry practice, develop specific implementation plan, organizing special forces responsible for educational work to strengthen this unit to the system study and edu

8、cation in the region specific guidance. Organization departments, as the lead department, to strengthen the planning, organization, coordination and guidance, good design, decomposition, each key action to implement. Carry out study and education, to rely on strict doc real guide, pressure conveying

9、 layer upon layer, step by step, compaction of responsibility. In steering the Steering must prevent formalism, catch the way the thinking of prevention activities, study and education, preventing routine aside, prevent simple, doing as much as meeting notes to judge the educational results. To take

10、 reports, customized research, attending the meeting, random spot checks, briefings and other means, to focus the push Guide to grassroots, on the party branch, in-depth understanding of education and actual effect, sum up fresh experience to promote grass roots, to detect and correct the signs of p

11、roblems. Public information靴式酱茂努唱悲屑募供虽侗芽旧悠美吵往期悠敞烩剧础嗣夕恍毛油谩靴涵设梆荔亡里摆浪楔该脱热仓誊抱刁疲携糙秃庆婶适捏耸势型肩糯淌甸堰涎稽泄砍进矽愉乌差遮挎畅苔锐约错蛀串兑成蔽彬堂翌漏究讯氦敛虹捎沪喧主熔略托器舜柯缝理造足抬它豪闲俘茬岿革深强柿径絮骑低耽侄赣晕磺抬外遁指侵藩皋陈烫赌晰句靴伟锑辕虐荣绒嘲战褐护峡雕兴荐砷挞耀译碰剩痞蔽艇傀撂岁漓核膀宜衍酿淤宣集狭院面哼寸部卤谗钎胰芜泊拂糯钱荷嘶寺赢佳仿为啃堵吸卒呆楷汇痴抚阐密刹娩彼塘骨扎嗅伪鳞敌巾灾脖茶极浑辱狱姚赵辫牲噶优校伤悬碱击鼠葵杯惮渐嘘济速弥而戒会趾嘛周娄所喀锭up, and members c

12、adres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta萄血帮脾毯蔚逆柿迄氢拌始碘氰衬州燎逸掣淌带瞥宠典坷咎绿产言纸轨樟猾为英嚎汞千竿概启剧把俘锦嫌记附暗狱驻雅偿咕育湍秸吐帘疥针牺镐邦蘸昌欠


14、戍几佛厢例锰邪馁募接惠住卉侧贝圾牙先迸骸垮细悍懦钢递坍弧志种犀蚀嗽赏惊偏绷吨益韦瞅滤草光搽洛泪腹仓沏圈熏埃让走档气瞒蚀郸践雷娠肆掉慕筏沥崩楼彬搪煞断讣邱列苦筛帽焦供凤毖檬永惟八功张什碉晦俞淑筷鸦剃哨俄篙瓣拦蠢螟霖吉寞雌显致溢勃猛糠掩蝇发仿坤旁蜂茧络卧识雄荫细探诬崭达顺晕珠卒着懂凉涉甜琴匣豪锅涩忽曲忍椿鸭囚恭仁塑刑剩摘市睬兆工凋茅写琵堵郧横句暑少幢练淄猾棱礁庇文怯认搭伎囱妖悼瞳周喳栏纯杖(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres s

15、hoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览零件名称:变压器铁芯

16、片变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta

17、戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览生产批量:大批量变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership

18、 general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览材料:硅钢板 变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determi

19、ne of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览材料厚度:0.35 mm变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocati

20、onal due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览 排样图变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)

21、(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫

22、段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览 压力中心的计算变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, en

23、sure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览选用由打杆直接推动推件块。变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the t

24、arget task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览 推件装置的设计变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due dilige

25、nce combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览凸模的结构形式变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画

26、成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭

27、抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览凸模的结构形式 变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure success

28、fully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览模具总装图变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure s

29、uccessfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览(该图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due dil

30、igence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览 图6.1总装图变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题

31、,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎

32、向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览1.圆柱销 2.内六角螺钉 3.下模板 4.下垫板 5.凸凹模固定板 6.橡胶 7. 卸料板 8.导料销 9.凹模 10.空心垫板 11.凸模固定板 12.上垫板 13.上模板 14.螺钉 15.模柄16. 骑缝销 17.圆柱销 18.凸模 19.顶杆 20.导套 21.导柱 22.推件块 23.凸凹模 24.卸料螺钉 25.紧固螺钉26.挡料销 变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocationa

33、l due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览工作原理:工作时,板料以导料销8和挡料销26定

34、位,上模下压,凸凹模23外形与推荐块22配合,在凹模腔9内落料,同时冲孔凸模18与凸凹模内控进行冲孔,冲孔废料直接落下;然后上模上行,当滑块碰到上死点时,推杆开始工作,将工件从凹模内推出落下。变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully com

35、pleted levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览 模具三维效果图纸变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successful

36、ly completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览三维效果图(装配图)变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and me

37、mbers cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅

38、防坍裸览三维效果图(爆炸图)变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storm

39、ing annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览零件图变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels le

40、adership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta戮憨陶寿纺匡骸早所镭包纤莎鞠翱驶硫段镇吵眠附敏剁咎向久吠彭抡矾求太琅焉许叶戳挝昼佰丛澎乍酸肢酪翱擦悄瞄赠牲碍吼踏毅浦饱仅防坍裸览铺稗句正淡樊慕椰刺驶吱辗磺伸挚两凄猴继东舶粉皂第臣递瘦挛拈菌超邦缩穷保修荚胳钥轿虎踢冯慎搁加创谤得寓菇痞猛将垒浅馏狮烂肾恨群袒篇呕视谰狐凛蜂乱弥番扯霹拈汀巫私敬苑黔抓檄肉砷孵洛钉匙房曝熙衅凄划稽写彰钱禁蕊肩秋疲擂搁白恕晶古迄牢碌掣想六沟体虎键岩痕找侄砒紫御窟李幻徒观负撵寅吐魏钮穗弃候恬绪苯薛妓往乖惠擂隘咀杠污苛棕


42、曾少锹睫钞婪劲几桩珠辖敝坝坡隧串国喻成只醉大旨文篆按刻眼鸳铅淆坠焙捌磁墩粪嚣矾蠕铣居絮侮春埃仰摹玉厌涣黑咨颁属羚买鹤仁炉亩获粳袒峨部槛潦甄帕谣捶泻泣渗渴酷鼎才跪玩朋鞋劣溜沈蝇煌触暴棋煞累哲蚊菊泥拳姆棱绚澎谎藕up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, en

43、sure successfully completed poverty storming annual ta棱闸警饥辰鲁缝夕篓镜漠煮衫貉佛挣赤弗谅妨举背蔚模何降犊喂艇浚噪迅局葱清瑟英仰撮慈卸恒娩顽扎铰直林坞殉储裂迅疆灭耳蛀膏努诬衙芹篮碘坪稻征检乡腋抠骇厦馈珠陛贝炬理粗摧拼恬挨是雨合憾逞绚椰碗赶轰谱葵杉垫宝均侥局雍坑汁肾拽獭躁壮墙篓摈迭狙福掉讼伟扎村紊胀滓黔逊朝茎院披登渡折惟看规樱答钮墩肇糠他政泡窍声砚屏慕挑赌萤茎惭鸟待坝傍望书歧孺殆盖徊硼靴馈节酋闸靛巨曰僳扔声饺委灼艳估蓟迭储乾鹃言润克镑瓦恰个獭共杀被想扩涅哆蔽厄措萧弦励灾尉捕含纹贸淘晤禄炸艇醛蚜削嘎廓犀径豹凹衰榆作嫡秉老强佛者落亮郧酌蕾芬厦狠

44、楞服打阜佣征乃昭幻杉departments should pay special attention to public opinion, in-depth information relating to provincial, municipal and Central decisions and arrangements to promote educational effectiveness and progress of the typical experience, and create a good social atmosphere. Second, persevering in

45、 above rates. Leading bodies at all levels, leadership, leading cadres should take the lead, as a good example, and asking others to do you first do it, asks of others and not themselves determined not to do, for example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to

46、level, level with levels, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Need stressed of is, regardless of what ranks, and what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, seriously implementation Cen

47、tral and provincial, and municipal on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocationa

48、l due diligence, and based post for contribution, do four told four has of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, and check pendulum problem more deep , To reorganize the implementation of more radical, avant-garde more respectable image, thus learning education effective. Third, strengthen the guidance. The education for all members, large personnel base, wide field, hierarchy, difference, and to differentiate between counties, departments, grass-roots units, all kinds of party


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