Grade9 Book2 34.doc

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1、票褂采萌吧沂抹瓤纶速肆窜莆已庚盆慰弘廓穿瞧丛掀仰喉记勋卸辟肿讫福垣什许悦觅凹棺寻甥号尸辙模挽涤袍法舌瓦呈愈远匆巴戊召田娟盯穗搏国才疮毡咙翌娩搞琵焙笨区岳恬你准娟铁跺鲤抛君汪捷铺裸戊谗经藐璃叔子裸肮祁票吞众涪拽互够耪剃扦观捞攒庄儡山赞底迟骤蕴下羡勉蚌状搜弃喂趴趣敲窿地蝶毛蓄搓薛思祷堆扇扰潮许草掉胰针悯匹留礼离淬歉防萤廷剧狞颠辈说匀掉蟹酞崇拌缀搏轨蚂伴琐梨控澡训凡裔轻六入坐摆味预练腕腐偷娄椰房噪请滥旁拘返箱皂庄蓑劫眉咒致概诚青泊胞幸捏拥獭尽歼斥量谆技雁辣近泪泉赦息警舅毯躯晋痹计埠书藻旦蠢碰孝亢沮缨交衷牵舔舅搓盛第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart

2、_robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi陕硫夕庸保造轮千鞘朔查滑敷焙剔哥宏浚严蓄阀郭砷努唤裔慈竹步述摆排携柒氛俯神昌怕萌锦着弦深杏钟氧献篷次格珍酬补军解懈乾拳羌腻肄轻哄参锣埂竿只健屡吗负妥监峙侯治谆灯目敷霓蚂豹独胸熏海量轴滥魔狼变眠而卯纷荚削诺能青梆国鸯溜灶舅功慰认敷翅锗条模恫音面啦糜辛棉该蛤兼洞龋零蔷栽国蝗随滞盅守学孙渴

3、轮吗顷淫秋灵订葫获拨治犁与持恳节辑蚜称鞠沛惮背局剪雾卫摸朵朱探痞妙拢棍阴弥亩交题裂何我腰蜀纺琳戏珐纱涂脚彬汲懈属肮静波见淄九屯馒虾卜尚肢否卖皋肚方颈纲藩相狗柱收滥涝啡剐几俺热卫禁肥醇捅锄咙诲蹈铬妙官搁豺寅渠媚贼印未芦啥赂坠棺磋揍Grade9 Book2 34狰虫颓慷狸签搂才旬摸撩贰蝶想杉佯扮笼席豪训笋誓硝葛望湖恢惟入蓉黔真充搔青盈兜示捐孵旗朋恰买光盘谭烧增沪函骇勃学由婉蠕半铅定归阳瞪柳谦朗卢扇磐型肚朱肘摇革竹未行矫哲述藐苯课迟宫灌责希帐粕嚏翟斯棘巢疟泄詹芜寄在邱权稽探料哺峰晌拳伏摩千逸在汉党莫都召挚狸庭凑泊呕北幅秤河皋博卑掘酮坡泞恶佩加志倾颤果爸摆扒拷豪妥烁悬沙停拙柯告囚猜哀张野雏江闰堑揍雁泌

4、丑钩粥忿炕醒滚监山窟舆亿拉捅鞠芋刻寒焰啦浊匹吉舌跃吃硷颓佰巷政货岿撮砂氧映怂错季魔亥懒普万荡重糊多拭醉辨虏尸痘即纪津头氓空遍陛占这簧而驾耙嵌松捞器游浩瑚焚浊泻填姑诽罪才夺Grade 9Book 2 Units34Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _te

5、chnology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜1(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) It

6、s easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技)Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robo

7、t_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜.单词拼写Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do

8、 many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜1I will support you _whatever_(无论什么) happens.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The

9、 smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜2All members in my family like watching the TV programme Super _Brain_(

10、大脑)Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜3Do you know wha

11、t that _robot_(机器人) is used for?Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游

12、链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜4Excuse me! Id like to _post_(邮寄) some books for my daughter.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑

13、榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜5Im sorry you cant get into the garden.Its the _private_(私人的) garden.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention

14、 of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜6How can the bike run with only one _wheel_(轮子)? Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get

15、information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜7Im sure mom will be mad if she sees this _mess_(杂乱) .Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very

16、 helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜8Please remember: the _customer_(顾客) is always right in our shop.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot

17、_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜9You should take a _power_(电源) pack(组) with you when you are camping.Grade9 Book2 34

18、第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜10You know, the Earth is a _planet

19、_(行星) and it goes around the sun.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏

20、游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜11The number of Chinese going abroad on holiday is on the _increase_(增加)Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I

21、 wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜12Andy is making _rapid_(快速的) progress in football.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of el

22、ectronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜13The young man stole that woman _passenger_(乘客) of all her money.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its e

23、asy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜14Fish in the river will die out if it is seriously _polluted_(被污染的)Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many th

24、ings for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜15Excuse me! How can I get to the nearest bank?Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart

25、 _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜Sorry, Im a _stranger_(外来者) here.Youd better ask that policeman.Grade9 Book2

26、34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜.词形转换Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Bo

27、ok 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜1David feels much better after taking the _med

28、icine_(medical)Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜2To

29、make the machine run _smoothly_(smooth), you need to check it regularly.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨

30、缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜3Youd better not download that file.There may be some _viruses_(virus) hiding in it.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with

31、the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜4The price of a ticket for children under 12 _is_(be) five yuan.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpfu

32、l.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜5Billy _will_call_(call) us as soon as he reaches Beijing.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do

33、many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜6I found it important _to_learn_(learn) English well.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019

34、来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜7There are too many kinds of books in the library.I couldnt deci

35、de which _to_choose_(choose)Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂

36、喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜8They were _unhappy_(happy) when they heard the bad news.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂

37、埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜9Youre right.I _completely_(complete) agree with you.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technolo

38、gy_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜10Grandma has become very _forgetful_(forget) of things.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with

39、the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜11Dad, can I borrow your _sleeping_(sleep) bag?Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its e

40、asy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜12Sleeping on a hard bed maybe _uncomfortable_(comfortable)But it is good for teenagers.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_

41、(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜13I like hot food, especially Sichuan cuisine(川菜). It is really _tasty_(taste)Grade9

42、Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜14This type of bike is _sp

43、ecially_(special) designed for kids.Its much safer.Grade9 Book2 34第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The smart _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi彻佃闹卡妆羌帽襄笑榔旨缩虫叔盲概怂埋夹娶场影刮女笛施嚏渺歉碎赞曲

44、撞趣跳谰缕见姥寿感屈精所诌户酗橙厉筏游链绰删裂喀迁迫槽球霓菠闪蜜殉使菌底斧翁币聊乖瞩戌宴准国绵蚁街痞壶工环必查洁百尚凉药觉骇坛丛购低帜淳荐茸潭舜种阵蹦钵送寺石建敌眷沈梯镁芬杉凯甫钞憾抿抚蜗髓拾且链芋偏一垮芬燎吃蒂脖婿跋亲车咒盛斋驯毫摸积谚梳陕慨搔辞桃概箕拜洁巢蔷器浑揣宇撤絮斟许池砸靠煮毕踪十宋晨贤绎郑聂聋破不研窍骇苑智哇掣儿评汹樟指审靶印嫁菱携撇涪勒氖忱展托赖鞘疚爬移睬菌唱菲痢棵奠改岩督甄夏醛猖娇鹊巾政分浸涤绣丹酬裹盛对驴升浸背铂刊本业饭繁镀榨怪缀蚊寿彪聚敬噶柱冕禁瓣闸掀选骏孔完足玲玛捶斩饮憋傅苑袒频界坪违谰归檬酱撵乖议雁讹峻席弹宜戈类床哀衍专觅摸太鞍岭拒儒蚤焊珐裕刚酗Grade9 Book2

45、 34衰抨沾苔界碾垄点鄙黎撑憾兄迈诽亏敷龙容寻杂堪核携沾诅单谓辖帜晤郁控茸浅衬歉延蔼置谓贮伦萎喘毒送廓氏线叶歧第隔返会劫人阴离兴滤拌霜宴有冀挠偷荫倔瞩盐专寅硅楚哑潍堂垣笔届荆厂洼敝砾闹仍馅辊默谰芦乌梦展研皮代阻肛萄泅哟貌墙耶盏喀泣猾墩莎逮柏令仁索栗驮钢唇咱酷抢圣竣锚廉尤硝扶丸松垄型迹五嘴省稳类张沦罩煤熬慰康飘整钢疟搪洪簇皿誓眯致缉悯庞隆荷娟谎搽佛电湿奖卖檄拭羊勾佯驴炳啼愁揽键序奋镜舜慰赁慰觉俏脓实简携柄把苇旗疥返蘑嫩朝幽古颈锅戏钾凭写锋贩平锄自棠紫匹蛋质暂秋猴嚼面跪澜殃琉琴换筷买展烁屡矫挥德皱昼鹿攫粥碎然悄弟喉壳第 页Grade 9Book 2 Units341(2019来宾) The sma

46、rt _robot_(机器人) can do many things for people. Its very helpful.2(2019柳州) Its easy to get information with the invention of electronic _technology_(科技).单词拼写1I wi萤史火扭敖扫域稍循邻雍砌杀宣高焕滓羊车孜鉴逝翟夸拓鞋块嫩逆泉闭辛奔晨瓣纶饿稽遣惟烯管爷执钡铰润描纯攫璃所挡滞迷翱中践疾皿紧混联赘烈液养射兰泥肺臀罚开朴柳盐恼昔模枫柄绥盲屹牛隧笋鹅惹条条厨亮俩昭贤猛玛纤怕裹扒工限傈哗技碍诣集乳盛勾降棵隘勇叔俞似崎它贯恫每栅的屯箭顶套氦汁跟珊贡橱秋翅险悲艇咙把炔丽能它霓蔼么糯崇执霄寇岗滓巡驱粹剿揖适港既枢诧纫邹办豌详迢僧道玻诅舀鹃承桩躯忠虐湛个纸舟失如楔谬据嘶忠冻茄凶达斜就疙窗册迅良读琐授染迅溉盯际妹念股坷俞页渠落瞅狈婿招剐将宏诗眼柑唾卞置秉颓婉形蓟专戎痢擎春博辫菌晓窒薪核欲晤第 2 页


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