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1、Lesson 4 The Boy and the Bank Officer Philip Ross 肖釜 辱吗 掷帕 匆寻 魔疵 咏翌 绦享 勉销 电溉 缉妓 捷枪 炳味 罗瘦 穴倚 杜开 洲竟 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Warm-up: Bank Vocabulary (1/2) A.T.M .(automatic teller machine amount in figures amount in words annual int

2、erest rate apply for/grant a loan Bank/pass/account book bill blank check/cheque by installment cash change check/cheque account chquebook/checkbook clerk coin collateral commercial/merchant bank 自动取款机 小写金额 大写金额 年利率 申请/批准贷款 存折 钞票 空白支票 分期付款 现金 找零 支票帐户 支票簿 柜台职员 硬币 担保物 商业银行 counter credit card current

3、account daily interest account debt denomination/face value deposit account dime draw/withdraw earn interest exchange rate expense account extension fill out/in a form full refund money in fives/tens joint account 柜台 信用卡 活期存款帐户 按天计息帐户 债务 面额 定期存款帐户 (美加)十分硬币 提款 赚取利息 汇率 公款支付帐户 延期 填写 全额偿还 五元/十元面额 联名帐户 H

4、ow many of the following bank-related words do you recognize? 弓亢 浸宵 歉焚 庭搐 丰煽 坊及 奴侯 块镍 耻恩 窿岩 秤咙 祭茂 物啪 抗赠 卸偷 望庆 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Warm-up: Bank Vocabulary (2/2) loan money order monthly savings account mortgage mutual fund nic

5、kel open an account order check/cheque ounce overdraw/overdraft password/code pay slip/envelop payday 贷款 汇票 按月计息帐户 抵押 基金 (美加)五分硬币 开户 记名支票 盎司1/16 磅 透支 密码 薪水单 发薪日 penny quarter rebate rubber check/cheque savings account service charge signature card statement teller balance of account travelers check/

6、cheque World Bank IMF 分币 (美加)25分 回扣 空头支票 储蓄存款帐户 服务费/手续费 签名卡 对帐单 出纳 帐户余额 旅行支票 世界银行 国际货币基金组织 Chase Bank Citi Bank Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation Federal Reserve Bank 大通银行 花旗银行 汇丰银行 (美国)联邦储备银行 咆该 既疑 无胺 腾香 椭攫 帛触 鱼瑚 顺冕 豢趟 掀豫 隙冶 槽险 柔九 佳纺 冒觅 儿椭 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th e

7、B oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Warm-up: vListen to the following dialogue and pay attention to the related words and expressions. 沙必 读卡 攀甩 感镐 猜汛 罚拾 贱嗣 惮迎 装勃 儒拈 鸭馏 踢砾 淳认 侥盂 膨旱 剩杖 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Warm-up: My Experie

8、nce with banks v In groups of four (just people around you), take turns to share stories of your own experience with banks. Try to think of an unusual experience to report to your group. 读制 涌绽 山憋 基赘 这肌 勋块 道鬃 钥玉 镁颁 伺驶 危汀 旅秤 返侍 孺胎 植赫 骄谰 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt

9、he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Check on Preview Why did the author think about his friend when he walked into the bank? What was the authors view of banks? What trouble did the boy have withdrawing money from his own account? How did he argue with the officer? How did the author interfere on behalf of

10、 the boy? What was the true story? 莱近 院怯 保鬼 灸艰 故零 嗜圭 驱蜗 椽账 壬呛 艾撒 森霖 闽素 友减 鱼漱 重岿 末励 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Further discussion How do you understand the authors friends attitude toward banks? What can banks do for us? And what abou

11、t churches? Are there any differences and similarities between banks and churches? What do you think of the ending of the story? What effect may it bring to the story? 隶锣 诸赫 扩葫 曾猴 杏疾 泽伦 王涉 痪贝 歌钵 死糠 洲耙 谱忍 酣淖 烈酥 求榨 芬猾 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r

12、 自学 辅导 课件 Background information About the history of the banking business: Your report 酬给 悉同 幸骋 踪亨 槐荣 悉契 钨忌 歪坑 绦匿 髓酗 纬猜 森袄 戒衫 马单 妇侗 徒慨 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Text Analysis (1/3) Plot: a mans interference in a boys frustrated att

13、empt to withdraw money form a bank. Setting: in a bank of the West Side of New York at noon one day. Protagonists: a boy, a bank officer, and “I”. Language style: informal, colloquial, short sentences, simple words, exaggerated language, use of slang (shake sb. down), lots of dialogues. Writing tech

14、nique(s): for later. Text structure: next page. Theme(s): for later. 从形 涤仔 娟炎 值很 塞尝 宝掺 咎呐 擒刺 续供 佳胳 瞳肘 滓楚 币崎 该处 螟催 必真 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Text Analysis (2/3) Part 1 paragraph (s) Part 2 paragraph (s) Part 3 paragraph (s) The au

15、thors preconception about banks. The failure of the boys attempt to withdraw money from the bank and the authors fruitless interference. The bank officers clarification of the situation. 1: 223: 2432: Text Structure 嗣韦 装绩 位圾 衬造 垦涧 怖顾 寻扰 坑萎 范佰 膝最 肝谤 潮知 笨灰 跪肆 淳割 器说 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce

16、r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Writing TechniquesWriting Techniques Hyperbole A figure of speech in which conscious exaggeration is used without the intent of literal persuasion. It may be used to heighten effect, or to produce comic effect. A 利用数词 B 利用极端概念 C 利用形容词和副词 D 利用

17、形容词和副词的最高级 E 利用介词短语 F 利用名词 拨坍 页低 掸构 银卑 徊贸 兴厢 诚庙 坷踩 决孪 彝千 眨谅 蝗剔 验巍 报悔 护材 汤稠 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Writing TechniquesWriting Techniques Hyperbole: more examples 燕山雪花大如席 李白北风行 小小大同县,三爿豆腐店,城里打屁股,城外听得见。 徐孝鱼盗墓者的足迹 绊御 乱检 侨宏 鼻哭 项舟 痞炯 瑞疙

18、 赖劫 众轿 砰肪 蔓儡 幸球 扇囚 舅果 霖桔 枷棵 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Writing TechniquesWriting Techniques Hyperbole: more examples 1) His eyes fell on the page, but his mind was a million miles away. 2) I am thirsty to death for the book. 3) Shake

19、speare is universally well known. 侧亚 蝉储 奢顿 涉茅 毫服 伤赶 九铲 琳作 匹飘 吮墟 贾轰 惠尖 捶军 记挖 量编 野迁 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Text Analysis (3/3) Theme(s) Traditionally in the West, some people, especially poor people, and people who sympathize with

20、them have regarded banks as evil enemies of the poor. Such suspicions and misgivings obviously still linger on. This article seems to prove that such prejudices of people like the author against banks are ungrounded. Or simply that people hold prejudices and tend to embarrasses themselves when they

21、jump to conclusions too readily. Assignment Suppose the story does end here. The author was just getting out of the bank after apologizing to the bank officer when the boy took his parent here. The boy introduces everybody to each other. What would happen now? In groups of four, design a mini-play t

22、o end the story. Three groups will be asked to perform your groups version of ending in front of the class. 漠务 净翱 耐抑 冀具 沸晶 垢泳 胚耐 驯患 须六 阔顽 见伴 艾鳖 沼搔 期止 故坚 斡美 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 The only difference is that a banks goods happen t

23、o be money, which is yours in the first place. (P1L2) happen to do/be: to do/be sth. by chance 翻译:The man that knocked you out just now actually “happens to be” the husband of the woman you were flirting with. 刚才把你打晕的人实际上“碰巧”就是跟你调情的那个女 人的丈夫。 翻译:当时我碰巧就在附近钓鱼,所以亲眼看到了那人 如何跳入水中去救人但却最终成为被救的人的过程。 I happene

24、d to be fishing nearby and so saw how the man jumped into the water to save the other one and how he turned out to be the one that had to be saved. Part 1: Words In the manner of, like: foolish, childish, girlish, boyish, womanish, snobbish; Of a country: Irish, Polish, Finnish, Spanish. 翻译:Their gi

25、rlish giggles make him quite self- conscious. 那些女孩咯咯咯的笑声让他很不自在。 翻译:那些桃花看起来似粉非粉,漂亮极了。 Those peach flowers look beautifully pinkish. Part 2: Words and expressions 升姓 硼抄 汀啊 臻疆 敦仰 棒谓 虞乳 谢希 官襟 姨墙 绪峻 蛾唉 乖沫 僚随 感唆 附绞 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导

26、课件 Everything about him suggested a carefully dressed authority. (P3L2) Part 2: Words focus on sb./sth. Example: 1) Artillery (火炮) and mortars (迫击炮) were zeroed in on all avenues of approach. 2) We should zero in on the key issues for discussion. Part 2: Words Im shattered. Part 3: Words & Expressio

27、ns 厦馋 瑚兔 佳冈 阮丹 乃粥 桔嘉 瓮港 荒汪 淮弦 痉比 丙懒 电玉 怜舆 疾伪 敝峨 态橱 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 damn well: used to emphasize how determined or sure you are about sth. Example: I damn well will go, and Id like to see anyone try and stop me! n. (spoken)

28、 not give a damn: used to show that you do not care about sth. Example: I dont give a damn about her. not worth a damn: used to say that sth. has no value at all Example: Her promise isnt worth a damn. v. damn you/them/it, etc.: used to show how you are extremely angry with sth. or sb. Example: Damn

29、 you! If you think you can do this to me, you are wrong! to state that sth. is very bad Example: The critics damned the play on the first night. 侠浩 辟撕 烙赡 更舰 锹懂 魔仟 临秒 撤眺 酉祈 梦叙 沦归 婆支 府妨 著冷 委帐 大繁 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 1) Look, were

30、 just wasting each others time. (P29L1) Look, lets stop talking about this because it is a waste of time./You are just talking nonsense. I dont want to listen to you any more. 2) has been shaking this boy down (P30L2) has been getting money from the boy by using threats 3) Anyway, the police are on

31、the case (P30L5) Anyway, the police are working on the case “Anyway” is often used in spoken English when you want to change the subject or return to the previous subject, to give additional information, to finish saying something, or to continue without all the details. Part 3: Difficult Sentences

32、秀勉 酪奴 爬术 许纽 扇迄 泵柱 拆部 琶特 困震 庸殊 权雄 阂御 若秀 挤堤 驮芍 鲁潜 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 Do you think what was described in the text may happen in a Bank in China? Retell the story from the boys or the authors or the bank officers point of view. A

33、cting. Suppose the story does end here. The author was just getting out of the bank after apologizing to the bank officer when the boy took his parent here. The boy introduces everybody to each other. What would happen now? In groups of four, design a mini-play to end the story. Three groups will be asked to perform your groups version of ending in front of the class. Activities: In-class Discussion 机墨 歪勘 腥叠 痴猎 娄嗡 解圭 鹤人 则酌 胞百 途守 援官 池弛 嚣斌 挤凶 涕寻 躇葫 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件 恒心 Th eB oy an dt he Ba nk Of fi ce r 自学 辅导 课件


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