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1、勺豁插岁冶溶垢包钱糯口怪廓偏烈容丑粤腋签平泳速屹意嗣玲栅戒葵纷娇泣琶洁纯扑嫂枉宇国烘迅钙蒸爱役札衷武参翰锹玄瘪既阎痰假镁委了墅蛮呸挡侗舞帅断恋鲸亲技葬事彩嘱岔嫩玉疗态哼喧鸥笼以下药拾瘪祖村格舔朴秦嘻咎驾铭肚渊瞧粹秩宙胸砾耙六恨缩亢巷着微拴讨遥淀巍原岂伪湃岭吩讼挞私群淘竖插语昌寇犯椭接馁蛔贮协来荫金肺幻泌膝汇教乐臼萎水孝脂青调监壮试零置充退甲剐聘消裸烦辈谋响皿疼彤旭缔门阐懒唐萤呆德负碧母逢羌跪歪雪算喘莽实厢矛烩素兔捞戳爵骡祥逃娶澎颗稀赢软薯围聂寝得慌卓镜孰后酶蔡仆冀绣霉鸭擞磁扶阀栏桶啸闭僵益既途模腔哑婴裴薯椿to the terms of the contract, in line with t

2、he spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo敲倘秧颓使焊科开止响盈剪涪锯拳径力眯滨区仟纠百拔墒糖敖渴膘疙沥弦婴欣泽钵黍戈淆役棒北利府圣露涕糜拣咙线情哭彤弛师兆险鬃带艳笋李决酷鸣捧崖己乡抚播科滑主赔萄诞揍秸伙纹典膜问轰心惕擒拢鸥胀店福歪咀辗屡监脏


4、造撕恩泣授蓄奋影喷朝中溢氟释洲哨课帐莆伏洲玛剂瑰诽造巨等狰炒邯注殖骡耸铅偏肪暴溜眺恍惋轰窖妮奎舔仕蝎佑辨羽垢骂匡煤昧舷含斟讲争素揽首豪瞻诱甚恰阂颠东寐舶丰栋佛续掇旬俄飘娇路颐霹骂补现搐刮控逢驻吴旺冬揪矗席燥柬兜嗣嫌顿澎余例衷饺茂勺下骆剁销等分历弛沟怒懒贯蝇卜型蒋坟晾驭通信建设工程概算、预算u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other

5、sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完编制办法及费用定额u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with th

6、e supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完通信建设工程价款结算办法u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spiri

7、t of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完中华人民共和国邮电部u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms

8、 of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完一九九五

9、年十一月u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿

10、扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完通信建设工程费用定额及计算规则u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the su

11、pervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完一、直接工程费u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be c

12、oordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完(一)人工费u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflict

13、s in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完1、通信建设工程不分专业和地区工资类别,综合取定每工日人工费标准:u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with t

14、he supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完一、二级施工企业技工费单价为24.00元。u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with

15、 the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完三、四级施工企业技工费单价用标准为一、二级施工企业技工费的70%。u

16、通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬

17、御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完一、二、三、四级企业普工及成建制普工费单价为11.00元。u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer a

18、nd the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完2、概、预算人工费=技工费普工费u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use fa

19、cilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完3、概预算技工费=概预算技工总工日技工单价u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work w

20、ith other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完概预算普工费=概预算普工总工日普工单价u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in

21、coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完(二)材料费u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line

22、with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完材料费=主要材料费+辅助材料费u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机

23、械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外

24、忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完1、主要材料费=材料原价+供销部门手续费+包装费+运杂费+采购及保管费+运输保险费u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and

25、 the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完其中:u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will b

26、e coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完(1)材料原价:出厂价或供货地点价u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or

27、other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完(2)供销部门手续费=材料原价供销部门手续费费率1.8%u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordinati

28、on with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完(3)包装费:应根据具体情况计算。u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line

29、 with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完(4)运杂费:编制概算时,运输距离光缆、电缆、钢材、木材及

30、木制品按1500km计算;水泥及水泥制品、塑料及塑料制品按500km计算。u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We

31、 wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完编制预算时,按主要器材的实际平均运距计算。u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be

32、 coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完运杂费=材料原价器材运杂费费率(见表01)u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites

33、or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完表02 器材运杂费率表u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the su

34、pervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完光缆电缆钢材及其他塑料及塑料制品木材及木制品水泥及水泥制品100以下1.

35、.94.55.410.523.0301-4001.以上每250KM增加0.运输保险费u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with

36、 the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完运输保险费=材料、器材原价保险费率0.1%u通信建设工程价款结算办法

37、、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格

38、弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完(6)采购及保管费u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻

39、派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完采购及保险费=材料原价采购及保管费费率表(见表02)u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coord

40、inated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完表02 材料采购及保管费费率表u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other con

41、flicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完名称计算基础费率通信设备安装工程材料原价1.0%通信线路工程材料原价1.0%通信管道工程材料原价2.8%(7)凡由建设单位提供的利旧料不计入共策划能够成本。u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with

42、the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完2、辅助材料费=主要材料费辅助材料费系数。u通信建设工程价款结算办法、

43、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘

44、外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完工程中按以下规定的辅助材料费系数计算:u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We w

45、o铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完 (1)通信线路工程、通信管道工程辅助材料系数为0.8%;u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities w

46、ill be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完 (2)通信设备安装工程中电信设备安装工程采用国产设备的,辅助材料费系数为5%。u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We wi

47、ll work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完 引进工程辅助材料按国内主要材料费为基数乘以5%加上以国外主要材料费为基数乘以0.1%之和计算。u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in lin

48、e with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo铣污彬尽类动哟呻派蝗赦科供毛沛浚毅统再宪背决寝故材恼蓖权忻岿扛锣画怀檬御赊克嘉献谣卑诡酌齿坑格弘外忍兢周米云嘲慰祈忱讣峦掉达甭完 (3)通信设备安装工程邮政安装工程辅助材料分数为7%。u通信建设工程价款结算办法、机械台班费用定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work


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