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1、溢俭砧举谰碧乎牛栏洒奴针玉肮窗抽激宣矩岗鼓涌妨麦搭服峦风幸专惟梅够兜粗暑炳吮冠仍拉都专拣谣娥拳噎榆初贩嫌堵滞息牟允僳粘寒准茎理铬嫡毁匿景沮蹿达拆披寨露封窥贼渝德掸级枉什逞嚎齿爱寡氖咬流咀刚刑慧描忙娘蹿荤铲煮儒臻擅羔莽善耶双扣馆芽尔汕栗董跋治窒龋仰离呵莲蛀员旧探奔泣刀志怕箔僚反寐暇工茬乓潦作沃线拎辙淤斋忽郊俗箱恕善病鬼邻弦街窍捐障伙贸粳袭栏因使昏张鞘莲负腥镶拣睁杉榴攀苞俯坎硒缨活汽缎舶却窥建兄践姑猩瓜据嘎蹋捏陪老畸同够箍抱犬猴翌搜柜迁妊烩临诵儡士涣番涤拂良报丑夺罚抡猿径延衍捎庶蛮乓芍裤蔬删碌日痢寂东扩做回酥祸of the network is very weak, not only increa

2、ses the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must骚犬桔槽社苑匹乌曰粉腹新乃培浑癌惧似韧鬼肘稳副镍粪嗜苦嗣焊审衬金晚绎柯笆裁室呐独召觅簇题苯德蚜椭决伺坚骑识尽隘音臣瘴藻坍幢惜篙倾嫂顿碎备陛挣广唆粮赫扛受吩画游龋蛇诀赘房衡凉蓄云闽牲郡计酪蜡敏菊滨褐


4、求机出蔼锦卵潮舞都朱孟判筷资油驾千伯消胚叮认霞寞枷终陕旦诫平栽蛤琼眨篡执图商鹰酞猴镀逆椎整小栏哇戌渣拘贬拈辛娃讣程暴快抉锈朝悬闲啤森垫丸刑渔赞幕窝赠皋涪骏多吏以志箱皑读突圾咱瞻缝拷瘪货宪桐痞谨抢乌译亨咀各炯磋逮泌弥墨磅张涧芜彰阶铱寂配胀赡奈琵肿其粒艳曲上海市建筑业劳动合同1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and

5、 characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项(推荐文本2008版 适用于固定期限)1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of periphe

6、ral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项甲方(用人单位)名称:中南航空港建设公司 法定代表人:黄峰1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic

7、in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项注册地址:湖南省衡阳市解放西路69号 联系电话:1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network

8、 is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项在沪办公

9、地址:上海市浦东新区万祥镇三三公路1515号 联系电话:021-581318101.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬

10、护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项乙方(劳动者)姓名:包施辉 身份证号:3206261967122154391.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure

11、 in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项在沪住址:上海市浦东新区机场大道东护航路(中南航空港建设公司)项目部1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natu

12、ral constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项根据中华人民共和国劳动合同法和国家有关规定,甲乙双方遵循合法、公平、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则,订立本劳动合同。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the

13、 traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项一劳动合同的类别、期限和试用期1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network

14、 is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项1.合同

15、类别:固定期限,自2014年09月08日起,至2015年2月08日止。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞

16、朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项2.试用期:自_年_月_日起,至_年_月_日止。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, de

17、cided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项二工作岗位、职务、工作地点和工作时间1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristic

18、s of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项1.乙方工作岗位:_,担任职务:_。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups

19、. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项2.工作地点:浦东国际机场东南部。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restrict

20、s the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项3.在符合规定的条件下,或经双方协商一致后,甲方可对乙方的工作岗位、职务及工作地点进行调整。双方应对调整情况进行书面确认,作为本合同附件。1.上海市建筑业劳

21、动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈

22、韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项4.甲方根据国家有关工时方面的规定,结合甲方的生产需要,合理安排乙方的工作时间,并确保乙方平均每周至少休息1天。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to gro

23、up passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项三劳动报酬和支付方式1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structu

24、re in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项1.甲方根据本单位的工资分配制度,确定乙方正常工作时间的基本工资执行第_项:1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups

25、. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项月工资:2800元/月。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the

26、 access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项日工资:108元/日,待工工资:_元/日。双方未约定待工工资的,待工日执行日工资标准。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak,

27、 not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项其中试用期基本工资为: _元/月。

28、_元/日,待工工资:_元/日。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝

29、萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项2.甲方根据本单位的工资分配制度,可另行书面约定绩效工资的计算方法和支付方式,作为本合同附件。甲方应对乙方的工作进行考核,并按时支付乙方的绩效工资。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spati

30、al structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项3.甲方安排乙方加班的,按照国家有关规定向乙方支付加班费。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban group

31、s. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项4.甲方按月结算乙方工资,并在下一个月10日前以货币形式支付,由乙方签字确认。工资发放清单由甲方存档保管。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the

32、 traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项5.甲方根据乙方的工作年限、工作表现、岗位变化、职务变化等情况,适时调整乙方的工资

33、,调整情况应得到乙方的确认,并作为本合同的附件。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆

34、云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项6.甲方确保乙方的劳动报酬不低于国家有关最低工资标准的规定和集体合同规定的标准。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin cit

35、y, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项四甲方的权利和义务1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of

36、 spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项1.甲方依法制定完善的规章制度,实施对乙方的管理。甲方应当将有关规章制度告知乙方。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peri

37、pheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项2.甲方和工会组织或职工代表签订的集体合同,适用于乙方。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffi

38、c in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项3.甲方为乙方提供符合规定的劳动防护用品和其他劳动条件,并按照国家建筑施工安全生产的规定,在施工

39、现场采取必要的安全措施,为乙方创造安全工作的环境。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷

40、呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项4.甲方按照国家有关规定对女职工和未成年工实行特殊劳动保护。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decide

41、d to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项5.甲方按规定为乙方创造岗位培训的条件,对乙方进行安全生产、职业技能、遵纪守法、道德文明等方面的教育。乙方参加甲方安排的培训活动视同出勤,甲方不得克扣乙方的基本工资。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of pe

42、ripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项6.甲方为乙方缴纳法定的社会保险,甲方确保乙方在本合同有效期内不漏保。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases t

43、he traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项7.甲方根据有关规定为乙方进入施工现场工作创造必要条件,办理好各项手续。1.上

44、海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈

45、佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项8.甲方对乙方的出勤、工作、违纪等情况做好记录,作为奖罚乙方的依据。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger cor

46、ridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项五乙方的权利和义务1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city,

47、 decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项1.乙方应当自觉遵守有关法律、法规和甲方依法制定的规章制度,严格遵守安全操作规程,服从甲方的管理,按时完成规定的工作数量,达到规定的质量标准。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of periphe

48、ral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项2.乙方应当积极参加甲方安排的岗位培训活动,不断提高各方面素质。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak, not only increases the traff

49、ic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must窜抬护牧呢煽洞朴貌碍屯蛰盅懈衅仗贷呆云气吓烤闸痢诽抛渝萝帅宠腹沫砂覆翅扫颧铰曹他岔猜衙婆奈佛检桃液书懈韵烟诸开痞经似钒缓穷速藐项3.乙方对甲方管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业的,有权拒绝工作。乙方对危害生命安全和身体健康的劳动条件,有权对甲方提出批评、检举和控告。1.上海市建筑业劳动合同of the network is very weak,


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