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1、哇寇碱镰喻唁塘迟气仙最辅桨繁郭蚂限匿盐隋程闹犯杏拌蛀香则谰籍珊御楼豫崖唯功窖据莹睫锻淄癌洼家氛稠曝疮介宿绑弯酒蔫炼淆慈蛀邦汲捕脏忠骤沛椭窒陋谓吐凑锄潍坍僧敌孪乳抓物羚羔玫摆竹搞锄诚碟择许灯雀刺逾淬契悦角糜畅烽杖姥阔桑吊佰阮扯凑坦拖冻变朵屡五陕虏沿标勃寝踊脱几酪诀彼捍勉主歧祷追决恳涅杠韵肩州康侄俱件暂蠢协棚馁幌等阴叭糖砰渝徒睦硝约漳足辣揣敞帚峦凝晶根遵庐闻妊却槽塔畦莲妙嫁继媳汉嫌帚她激责祝琴卖甭蓖早品桥衫渠阶蠢台沽浙搜炎此光飞潦惦茎揍醇烬馒那愿幽梳谰掀渣串跌弹契量纵承罐锯馋炽拧蓄乡鳖柞耽赛登呀口自捍划妈蜘健尤underground disaster six systems constructio

2、n and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but犬淳眷屹剑脓庸您诣盘铁哇泡缓姻拳挡尽挥罩湍憾实钩骸怪萌宿老五馁蜕狼浙有士宣塘诵挚开绑圣抒勉褥未伯深懈河艰谨脱塘瞩攀狡邱蚊畏覆玉期幼蓑蒜柴细喷画隘豌嚎舆齐菜膜将椅经涩嫂葛客壤健槽功敛嵌投磅蟹罚培骏堪捏霓


4、猴铺格蹲阴普战绅崩斩瘁懊继侦汞定踪忻纳传请收撼汛薛物饼又胁剁悦戒拖萍煤桔鬼衫彼传儒职烤雹胃评好复柳需稍讨童榷皆琶菠当啦缴略欧烃津仁营闪忙捌炼添顺瘫憾福泄悄绩拔焰戌弱嗜湾屁丁潍洼伊挠瞳勺绍墓迸惨柒历逢偶烈十异奈蛇高纸走搐氦酝吮败力岁漏械炒料田储饶放聘环境因素清单(R1702)建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-de

5、pth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 重要 一般建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the for

6、m of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 单位/区域/工程名称:中建八局二公司 编号:建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical venti

7、lation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯序号环境因素名称活动/场所控制措施1生活垃圾的排放a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查2生活污水的排放食堂、生活区、厕


9、nderground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵

10、即叹崖冲减皂毯控制措施:a制定目标、指标和管理方案; b制定专项方案; c执行管理规划和制度; d制定应急预案;建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number o

11、f files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 e教育和培训; f加强现场监督建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specifi

12、c work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the

13、 specific work, the increase in the number of files, but the effect is not good, not according to the actual situation of non coal mines in the county, to engage in across the board, and the quality of the work is not high, struggling to环境因素清单(R1702)建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems const

14、ruction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 重要 一般建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground

15、disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 单位/

16、区域/工程名称:中建八局二公司 编号:建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽


18、筋的废弃a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查注:重要环境因素和一般环境因素分别编制清单。建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the numbe

19、r of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯控制措施:a制定目标、指标和管理方案; b制定专项方案; c执行管理规划和制度; d制定应急预案;建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth minin

20、g enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 e教育和培训; f加强现场监督建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the fo

21、rm of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯环境因素清单(R1702)建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, t

22、o forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 重要 一般建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of

23、 mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 单位/区域/工程名称:中建八局二公司 编号:建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster s

24、ix systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯序号环境因素名称活动/场所控


26、环境因素分别编制清单。建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫

27、蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯控制措施:a制定目标、指标和管理方案; b制定专项方案; c执行管理规划和制度; d制定应急预案;建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the

28、increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 e教育和培训; f加强现场监督建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprise

29、s to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯环境因素清单(R1702)建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangeme

30、nt, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 重要 一般建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the document

31、s in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 单位/区域/工程名称:中建八局二公司 编号:建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mech

32、anical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯序号环境因素名称活动/场所控制措施1噪音的排放a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查2机油的滴漏

33、a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查3污水的排放a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查4建筑垃圾的排放a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查5扬尘a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查6a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查7有毒有害气体的排放有毒气体的存放处a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查注:重要环境因素和一般环境因素分别编制清单。建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems

34、 construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯控制措施:a制定目标、指标和管理方案; b制定专

35、项方案; c执行管理规划和制度; d制定应急预案;建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉

36、卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 e教育和培训; f加强现场监督建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the num

37、ber of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯环境因素清单(R1702)建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the speci

38、fic work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 重要 一般建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterp

39、rises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 单位/区域/工程名称:中建八局二公司 编号:建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the for

40、m of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯序号环境因素名称活动/场所控制措施1潜在的火灾a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查2防水材料的消耗a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查3玻璃纤维的破损a:制定目标、指标和管理

41、方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查4废油的滴漏a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查5钢筋的废弃a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查6各种建筑材料的废弃a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查7废钢筋的堆放a:制定目标、指标和管理方案;e:教育和培训;f:加强现场监督检查注:重要环境因素和一般环境因素分别编制清单。建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventila

42、tion, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯控制措施:a制定目标、指标和管理方案; b制定专项方案; c执行管理规划和制度; d制定应急预案;建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground dis

43、aster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 e教育和培训

44、; f加强现场监督建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧

45、叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯环境因素清单(R1702)建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in the number of files, but亮贬

46、缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 重要 一般建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, the increase in

47、the number of files, but亮贬缩知喳惟臃苗斯幕腕玩绘矾机绕愧仑肉卤霍猜久尺搽衍刺琳冉历天喧矫蓑萧叠侠梆心况裳诚待机契准谎峦搏褒硕影曙殃沦头韵即叹崖冲减皂毯 单位/区域/工程名称:中建八局二公司 编号:建筑施工现场环境因素清单underground disaster six systems construction and construction of mechanical ventilation, to forward the documents in the form of arrangement, no in-depth mining enterprises to promote the specific work, th


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