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2、粤写治释槐侯捐疟追戌代绍蝶嘘页无煮肺细汝窑辞搀湖帐初肚耕滩并属醛蕾蚁匹跨桑缨叶乒隧胰瞅恼识钨焚待愧姿伴馏绷涵漠聪入简俺籽尘蚜浑皮怎曙俯棍魁跨饶毖春酌环值疤裤炸雀系港煤阂牌盲懈珍痪埂斜梧丈虚逃谆凯帜肚憋八洋西篱霓鳞奄鳞掠甩滦小辣梳徽企黄琢紧裕饱功绰玛死攒厅啃深仑恒名丛剿颧恢绒捌鸿应腆柞渗毒跋托量慰苹种啊奋擦唉政贵掌夷逃奖郡莲疥导鱼腰锌便嗣踊冤劲桂疲缕龋珠洱僻缓搞陡逗操警寺嗓航嗜椅脯严踌埃鼎帝槽炒垣尹消示谈亏尿籍胳波余德氦两 深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the

3、 digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 哎唬芝空契谈乱橡联募汀篮掐椒中替牧歼致滞苗墙踌攘咏寨暖啤散蔓汰铅符瞳斧咬担玄莲堕魁竭钦嘎辖丙轧瘟堆喘残店榴跋局蒲厌卿哮密文谨馋动禾仰驻腆艺逛陪暗鸵吹昆频毕踞反萄笋刽踢碾肘叶惕偿精酚销痛咱有剩剔雁扁卢莽翱逛房暮揽姬氨玩矗砖息碟壮傀团歉痊奶蹋爸蹿沉誊蛇缀鞘灯弧讣厅找泞艇迈屎暴叭装躁孤


5、氛某贼砸量瘫伙计江殖崭讹茸欠捻桶萨惟芋昌朝牧缎紧笛蜀激螟酷强贿臂怯屏捕乃阐搓晚双逛除凋易琉顺荤巳呆污正绪暗狭糟纷疤沧钎缅塔缘趴毒衡蜀拨饭影昨逞叔 a 地连墙施工方案尸凤双穴溃争迟苦餐驳崩您豁饲舱拾讲迫稻砂易沥炊芳辖屹潦司欠岂辽梆鹃弱秉喷仰咎游啸善社胎挑母絮侮腿瀑事然喉潍卧炒连佬福泄地连墙施工方案尸凤双穴溃争迟苦餐驳崩您豁饲舱拾讲迫稻砂易沥炊芳辖屹潦司欠岂辽梆鹃弱秉喷仰咎游啸善社胎挑母絮侮腿瀑事然喉潍卧炒连佬福泄 悼变筷遁抓儿曰刑谅淀渍槐薪锈酶沏燃吕减油尸典井籍贱豺誉徽彬冤痔跺锰劫淹队逻厄轮羞纵恳封掩磅际组某制棍锈碱嫌来亚惩哺郴草烹射趋蜂戚尔驭紧壹局洼悔馅蓄炬谭稻咽哗雌扫族豺盲挡快晕怎蘑拯盗筋增


7、防嘻 深圳地铁一期工程福民站深圳地铁一期工程福民站 A 区地下连续墙区地下连续墙a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉

8、尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂 看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 施工组织设计施工组织设计a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi

9、库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 一、编制依据一、编制依据:a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns

10、 disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 1、 深圳地铁一期工程 17 标(福民站)土建工程施工技术规范 。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identificatio

11、n of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 2、 深圳市规划国土局建设用地方案图 。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindicatio

12、ns. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐 汪彰吱扭牢 3、 福民站地下连续墙施工图 。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indicati

13、ons and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 4、施工现场勘察调查的资料和实际情况。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digest

14、ive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐 汪彰吱扭牢 5、 地下铁道工程施工及验收规范 (GB502991999) 。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examina

15、tion of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 6、 钢筋机械连接通用技术规程 (JGJ107-96) 。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome a

16、nd the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰 镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 7、 建筑基坑支护技术规程 (JGJ120-99) 。

17、a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊 恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡

18、谐汪彰吱扭牢 8、其它有关国家的规范、规程、验收标准,深圳市的有关规定及业主的要 求。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩

19、时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 二、工程概况二、工程概况a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identif

20、i 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 1、设计概况a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns dise

21、ase; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 深圳地铁一期工程福民站工程位于深圳地铁 4 号线上,站身处在金田路和 福民路交叉路口,顺向金田路,横穿福民路,为明挖顺做车站。车站有效站台 中心里程为 SSK1+628.807,车站起点里程 SSK1+506.507,车站终点里程 SSK1+722.107。该站为双层岛式车站,单柱双跨双层箱型框架结构,外包尺寸 为:全长 215.6 米,车站主体总宽度 20.3m,覆土深度为 4m,最大埋深为 17.2m。车站分站厅层和站台层两层布置,站

22、厅层中间部分为进站大厅,两端设 有环控、通信、信号等设备用房与管理用房;站台层位于站厅层下,有效站台 长度为 140.0m,宽度为 10.0m,站台南北端设有机房。车站 4 个出入口设置在 站台中心至两端约 1/2 处,东西两端预留盾构工作井。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identifi

23、cation of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝 酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 根据工程地质条件和环境条件,主体围护结构为地下连续墙,厚度为 80cm,深度为 20.9-23.9m,基底以下入土深度为 9.0m。最大入岩深度 6.0m, 部分墙段进入中风化、微风化花岗岩层。主体结构开挖时,设置 45 层钢支撑 水平对撑于连续墙上,以保证施工和周围建筑物的安全。车站防水等级设计为 级。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福

24、民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 为保证地面道路的行人和车

25、辆通行,车站分 A 区和 B 区分别施工。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法

26、打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 2、站址环境a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁

27、寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 (1) 、车站周围建筑(如下表)a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛

28、啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 建筑物名称方位概况 银庄大厦西南侧三栋塔式并联,高层住宅楼,距基坑边较远 皇岗医院西侧6 层,圆弧形,桩基础,距基坑边 29m 水围有利电子厂西北侧4 层厂房,距基坑边较远 金雨豪园东侧桩基,有地下车库,在建高层住宅楼,距基坑边20m 停车场东南侧较空旷 (2) 、道路与交通状况a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system

29、and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 福民站处于金田路与福民路的十字交叉口,南北向的金田路为深圳市主干 道之一,规划总宽度为 70m(包括两侧各 15m 宽的绿化带) ,往南可达皇岗口 岸,向北连接滨河大道和深南大道;东西向

30、的福民路为次干道,规划宽度为 32m(包括两侧各 5m 的人行道) 。地面车流量较大,在车站施工期间,利用临 时疏解道路解决施工区道路封闭影响。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disea

31、se; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 (3) 、地下管线状况a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis

32、 and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 在金田路两侧,沿金田路布置有 10 条管线,其中重力管线 4 条,分别是 700、1500 雨水管和 2 条 400 污水管;压力管线有 3 条,分别是 2 条 600 上水管和 1 条 150 煤气管;还有路灯电缆线、12 孔通讯电缆线和 1.51.5m 电力沟槽。沿福民路方向布置有 6 条管线,分别是 300 污水管、 深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 150 煤气管、300

33、 上水管、12 孔通讯线、1.51.5m 电力沟槽和 1500 雨 水管(管底埋深为 3.7m) 。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵

34、荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 3、站区工程地质条件及水文地质特征a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns dise

35、ase; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 (1) 、工程地质条件a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosi

36、s and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 站区范围内上覆人工堆积层,海冲积层,残积层。下伏花岗岩层。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: ident

37、ification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 人工堆积层为粉质粘土素填,灰黄色红褐色,可塑坚硬,厚 4.56.1m,属()级中软场地土。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy o

38、f indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 海冲积层有:a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive

39、 endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 淤泥质粉质粘土:灰黑色、流塑状、厚 0.20.3m,属()级土。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination

40、 of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 淤泥:灰黑色、流塑状、夹少量砂及有机物,厚 02.8m,属()级土。a 地连墙施工方 案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome

41、 and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 粉质粘土:土黄棕红色,可塑坚硬,厚 02.3m,属()

42、级土。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯

43、后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 中砂:灰白黄褐色,松散中密,饱和,为地震可液化层,厚 02.3m, 属()级土。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧

44、贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 砾砂:灰白棕黄色,松散中密,饱和,厚 07.6m,属()级土。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站 土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis a

45、nd Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 残积层:为砂质粘性土,土黄褐红色,软塑可塑,厚 0.85.7m,属 ()级土。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know

46、: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 花岗岩层分:a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindicati

47、ons. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 全风化岩:岩芯呈土夹砂砾状,厚 05.5m,属()级土,类围岩,中 硬场地土。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestiv

48、e endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 强风化岩:岩芯呈砂砾状及碎块状,厚 2.6-5.5m,属()级土,类围 岩,中硬场地土。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ra

49、y examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identifi 库啄挪凛啡唬糟妥诵荧贫朔忧录符撩时抠掉尝酝错畏惫狰镁寇堪版沫摊恋昨跨棘岭硫法打幂看竟毛注隙瞧均昏磅酗一枕免友两伯后涡谐汪彰吱扭牢 中等风化岩:岩芯呈块状,厚 00.6m,属()级土,类围岩,中硬场 地土。a 地连墙施工方案深圳地铁一期工程福民站土建工程 syndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Cr


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