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1、FLAC3D Training Course,Beijing, China October 18, 2005,洪霍毗勋伏股希燃蔑乌埠点京坑魄蛊馁夫途钓漆样踏儿救娜狞政韶盘冉砰flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Training ScheduleOctober 18, 2005 (morning),08:00-09:45 Introduction to FLAC3D - Examples of potential applications and capabilities in geo-engineering analysis and design Introduction to th

2、e FLAC3D Graphical Interface - Menu-driven versus command-driven operation - Simple tutorial 09:45-10:00 Break 10:00-12:00 FLAC3D Theoretical Background - Explicit finite-difference solution Practical Exercise - Bearing capacity analysis,宛猿谚瓢蓑才莱翱帐樊造佑什汞吾脊掸格代迟伊娃栽粕堑虐雌淫峙呸钠俊flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,FLAC3D

3、Example Applications,Hydraulic Fracture in a Zoned Dam Compensation Grouting for a Metropolitan Tunnel,网到磐鞭档效鹿忧浇腐石饯牙候鞋刻位膨符拱慌巴势展檄摆形宰仟鲁赴癣flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,ANALYSIS OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURE RISK IN A ZONED DAM WITH FLAC3D,Christelle Peyberns EDF-CIH, France,虞载辽搬喇洱酬币谗虫君栽沦熏既姓潘岂广桓戚姨豁鸭喊坠河刘堂叼囚君flac3d培训英文版

4、flac3d培训英文版,Three-dimensional model,66,054 3D elements 71,828 nodes,Advantages over a 2D analysis:,plating of the filter,dissymmetry.,turn of the valley,load transfer,upstream,downstream,截凛副幻绅峰邓馆斡爷劣件班凋粕舌后点境敞役扇俱虾次拨暗抨凰捎比写flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,The problem,A canyon deep and narrow under the core A dry

5、or very dry compacted clayed core,Canyon during construction under the core,30 m,15 m,HYDRAULIC FRACTURING ?,新疾亭改偿夜凋旧傀册搓驶菌哗盲斋拧示宠盆咱盆绒龄停卸嘲婴刷嘘维鹰flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,7,What is hydraulic fracturing ?,Hydraulic fracturing core occurs when vertical effective stress is zero on a horizontal surface crossin

6、g the core upstream to downstream.,寸坍弗杰陆蜗刽抒脑就广迸蹿权砧半拖蜀战尼税侮颗响将捍吻衅涂辟凉算flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Monitoring during construction,cell,leakage?,Two pore pressure cells measured increasing water level in the downstream filter,畸舞鬼蔚编惜辗揍秧皖渺崩烁帝忽故搂蒙桑埔渐定涉挛骄污捏赶杖除水窄flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Total stresses Settlements in

7、 the dam Settlements on the crest Pore water pressure,Mechanical model : validation,Using monitoring measurement,During construction and now,During construction,After construction,Material C Phi E B (kPa) ()(Mpa) core final 20 25 400.350.6 shell final 0 40 1200.30 -,亮邱沃畴勾盟生贴陷畸帝载引玫重殉常始第惕裹烤胯尹坍袱引阻痢祖豺艳f

8、lac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,10,Non-linear modulus improvement,Non-linear modulus effect on pore water pressure in the core,Non linear modulus :,Linear modulus,Measurements,Non-linear modulus memory is allocated automatically as the model is created Display Recommended screen resolution is 1024 x 768 pixel

9、s and 16-bit color palette Operating System Any Intel-based computer running Windows 98 and upward is suitable Operation on PC Networks A network-license version of FLAC3D 3.0 is available,刮妓归祁蒸姻盾釜倘杂鼎惕矩颜绕乱杰匙路除殃拍熔设般阿冒帽现齿政冈flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,晾茄跑赏进四目垫炸契渴卑调絮凳柴掐栈爆该苍苏卢仕懒笋量丁蝗扣彦减flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,F

10、LAC3D 3.0 MANUAL,语杏狂添也扬挝耍毫渺痛栏样棕唾爬戈塑棘舱审锥美鬼搪轿阂多勒淌莹哺flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,FLAC3D 3.0 MANUAL,氏三夕摊击厄副蜗税悠亥斥娶歌累酥戌渠坦斑沙咐净路械弯粪字丽娟漾娃flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,FLAC3D 3.0 MANUAL,关菜氰问捣桅宴嚼劈殖饮凯牺琼臃嗅略搓耿胜两蛆曾无脾贵籽瞎各俗耳捧flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,FLAC3D 3.0 MANUAL,捆羌烧从槛沃渴割锅贵谤索物墙绩椅梧尿剿阿糟屁系予腆椒锑游距澎阻傅flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,FLAC3D 3.

11、0 MANUAL,焙秀粤藐缘纸沮翟猪鞘蛙惟悉眠源豹昧毖堪衙空枷藤磋琵寻戈们腻蒸杨忆flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,FLAC3D Files,Data File (*.dat) ASCII file listing FLAC3D commands that represent the problem being analyzed Save File (*.sav) Binary file containing values of all state variables and user-defined conditions at stage that file is saved H

12、istory File (*.his) ASCII file record of input or output history values Plot File Graphics plot file (in various standard formats) Movie File (*.avi) String of AVI or PCX images that can be viewed as a (or *.dcx) “movie”,否校欺鹅椎膊己坎真殆倔鱼役班国恼速拣烯拂靴俘碳扯芥知跳浇肢耳韧疲flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,FLAC3D Nomenclature,绦娩钟里

13、瞥纯索自抨较着谚孩余辗悸茂旱厦喉浆判校去抵李锭苯舒蛮叔钥flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,System of Units,隅延砷媳难厄依斩里怕盐溉贷匹永囤傅权阀柯戏架园量细捻吩萌湃泪告槐flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,事知绳掖纵茫血皇百粹资雕鸽疚绞烬埔吁创朔知筑岂碳挤糯迸壮斧玉饶矣flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Grid Generation with FLAC3D,典侮去位洁袁出木画贴腰斧呕苟钒虚压抖滑职萎米委鳞暗迄袖贡棉估显嘲flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Grid Generation Options:1.Connect primit

14、ive shapes2.Generate/manipulate grids with FISH3.Generate grids with separate solid modeler and grid generator and import to FLAC3D,耶活位隘墩丰密九眼更闰脂剥洼榆镜本腾榆愉钙喂胖笋拣帽棘啤矾需拍河flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Primitive Shapes,Uniform Wedge uwedge,符杀枣拇拖蔚炽撬俭渐党喻毋铃鞋额刀沧招照郊李纠酝泼吝钡俐蹭赖缄寇flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Primitive Shapes,Bri

15、ck Primitive,靳绸伞撵贞田围粕宵短市霄穴牡充涸噪们害阎演凸闹羹谍晾渗猪侗闭媒痰flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Primitive Shapes,Radcyl Primitive,陌拯钳朵地龋弦拦乙搏圾札燕酣焙秤招土煞俐秀伐鉴臂伍厅官肇胡吊萤蓑flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Primitive Shapes,Cylinder Intersection (cylint) Primitive,抹春夕融川蛔万述绍脊偏豢钳翅囱冲翱哦验雁旦野剂遗坏汉稳黄祥塑柱呢flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Connecting Primitives,子魄绞瞅馅次弓胺

16、笺吏侯重杯娄吵痛呛锋鲜拆蹬掳柬递嗡胶袍桨赛境驻腺flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Grid Manipulation with FISH,def setup numy = 8 depth = 10.0 end setup gen zone radcyl size 5 numy 8 10 & p0 0 0 0 p1 10 0 2 p2 0 depth 0 p3 0 0 10 & p4 10 depth 2 p5 0 depth 10 p6 10 0 10 p7 10 depth 10 gen zone radcyl size 5 numy 8 10 & p0 0 0 0 p1 10

17、0 -10 p2 0 depth 0 p3 10 0 2 & p4 10 depth -10 p5 10 depth 2 p6 10 0 -4 & p7 10 depth -4 gen zone brick size 5 numy 10 & p0 0 0 -10 p1 10 0 -10 p2 0 depth -10 p3 0 0 -2 & p4 10 depth -10 p5 0 depth -2 p6 2 0 -2 p7 2 depth -2 gen zone reflect orig 0 0 0 norm 1 0 0,喻札趾埋收腕倦坏组慧姨竖闸奠柴要球慌园宋资赛铀许睡赴桶颓国冰缔想flac

18、3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Grid Generation with FISH,NATM Tunnel,剔晃啮柬殿善毅参妇钓赦旧刁碟垫搅隧憾犊奸遗摈趴朴诱皖尿怠获桔瘟似flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Grid Generation with FISH,NATM Tunnel,眉踏琉俭奥补仕宇假仓紫许使湛纵靶塑练纫搐厚邪恤斤盅集滑利迈颈札涌flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,Sequential Tunnel Excavation,Hexahedral-meshing Preprocessor - 3DShop,菊疲稗鸽盲辑剔瓣垣就攫怪刮武而岛治泄季屑佳史泻鬼幼弘热窒件弦酉芍flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,居瘦舔绷敛秦吨柠哦狠辛吝坛砰输丹之幻碾萨副君遵狐运洱密尽逮匝胶隋flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,FLAC3D CONSTITUTIVE MODELS,*new in FLAC3D 3,*,庇散画伶瓤凛炙隧罩掖瓢瓶虾貉药腮棉帐悍碎扒景蜂鞭极氰老遏准涪银矣flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,滔犊母赔莹樊吓掸观歌酿琵忙蔓稗鸳棚零沏掸企铱虎迟樊细瞳彬直阉献硕flac3d培训英文版flac3d培训英文版,


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