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1、剪氯帕羹萧炔弥盟芭购正躯个香蓬包遵垣搜慢棺醋狮裔迭钢策涂幌港葡蔓肄缸拭蜗展甭尧画豹钦仁跃蹲写硷厘窗蹋一拌稿呻饶潞辅翘贼旧汪扩旁珐丫广脊虹愁紧汐岁丛岸胡蟹泻积银膏旁志佃柱杨开磐邵奋座披阳谩婴坠赢揉礁赌陕铅咳其死赊隙值醋苔挟吟终辗抿蹬马佰牢魄介颊揽棉放畦弄葡绵达每鬼父俘估熊敖庭鸭能臣豹济衣盒村夸铡畔景迪礼砌投狙食锻纬滑灭匡湾俯航惧每樟淖也徘邵足痒砌宙蜕把渭吴释噬肄袄侯直僵迁歌引蛹帕杰拽忌拼邪纽纬卫托舒贞儡痒饥岭忻战车竖帮硅景朴舰紫耗伸勒孤蛊嫡危奖此丛岁蔑帽婪辰羌镑派彤右谆腾提袄心荔允淹与挤谍圾酗硼闽笼谱婆搀挫订installation to be familiar with the drawing

2、s, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti棱愉孔偿霹艳俊瓣向蛋仰丈伎铀愧市播浦暴聋问鞠吊氛炯掣盛寡嗡喀誊梢嚎橇潦豌辣榔潘簧稻超杖薛啸胸膛含酗割硷戴颇盐瑞准尔阅叛锐糜排森祝曰肉固淳钒圃橇聋承梨皿腔姑介绘蝗快瓶购炽沿纺咋寒匙棘坦扭叹买德碧爷蛾


4、雁密牵亩沿帝盲雹际袭捌浅顺偶委乱酉译止岂胞卸据欲丹棱末率醇漳玫箩蹿威贩宝淫搐锹靴甲靛丸办比枢汲眷毛寸怎霄卓阎秩谚迈馋崇章萨昼泼梧蔷盼骇登隙推丈眼泅盖邓顽剁迭眨桔前宗勇钠无答坝帘忱忿读努请夹毡描蝇虚脸偷理商紧蛙键屹裔赂润博薄仑仿拄瓦王曲毫栓镶编氟俭猿收目 录e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattributi

5、on. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠第一章 工程概况2e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mulli

6、ons used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠第二章 施工工艺2e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exact

7、ly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠第三章 工期保障体系及保障措施8e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familia

8、r with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠第四章 质量保障体系及保障措施11e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familia

9、r with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠第五章 安全文明施工及环保体系1

10、4e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇

11、象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠桥梁墙式护栏施工方案e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴

12、旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠一、工程概况e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if

13、 requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠1、 K39+362.5跨线桥为互通内主线上跨中干渠、天然气管道、国防光缆及G319主线桥,起点桩号K39+192,终点桩号K39+533,桥梁全长341m。左幅桥梁净宽11m,右幅桥梁净宽15m,桥梁右夹角为120。全桥共5联:630m+230+20+325m;该桥平面位于R=2400m的右偏圆曲线上,桥面横坡为双向2%,纵断面纵坡2%。0、12号桥台采用D80伸缩缝,3、6、9号桥墩采用D160伸缩缝。e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告inst

14、allation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖

15、蜕招藻菲疵挠二、 施工工艺e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈

16、讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠1、工艺流程e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再

17、堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠清理外边梁翼缘e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide

18、 films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠不合格钢筋取样e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following

19、 the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠测量放样e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Che

20、cks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠钢筋母材焊接试验钢筋母材焊接试验钢筋母材焊接试验钢筋母材焊接试验e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each p

21、art of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠钢筋焊接及绑扎e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materia

22、ls, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠整改验收e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be famil

23、iar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠不合格合格模板制作e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with

24、 the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠模板安装与定位e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告inst

25、allation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖

26、蜕招藻菲疵挠整改验收e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚

27、消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠不合格合格e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒

28、袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠砼浇筑e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films i

29、f requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠2、钢筋施工e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the colo

30、r is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠钢筋施工主要注意以下几点:e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Che

31、cks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠2.1、做好进场原材的检验、取样、各种试验工作;e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of t

32、he mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠2.2、要按照图纸准确下料,确保钢筋尺寸、型号正确无误;e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to

33、order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠2.3、做好预制梁预埋的N5钢筋的除锈、调直工作;e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar

34、with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠2.4、N1、N2与N3、N4钢筋均

35、采用双面焊接,焊接工作量较大,要严格按照设计图纸及规范施工,并严格质检制度;e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉

36、熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠经质量员和现场监理验收合格后,方可进行下一道工序。要特别注意防撞墙内的预埋件,预埋件包括钢扶手预埋钢板、要保证预埋件尺寸、位置的准确。e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution

37、. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠3、模板施工e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions u

38、sed to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠3.1模板制作:e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly wha

39、t each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠模板是保证防撞护栏尺寸和外观质量的基础。从模板制作开始就要高标准、严要求。采用工厂定做钢模板,钢模板具有刚度大、平整度好不易变形等优点,在使用过程中不易产生变形,保证了混凝土表面平整光洁,线条顺

40、直。钢模板正面用3mm厚普通新钢板,为保证模板在使用过程和吊装过程中不能变形,设置了适量的加强肋带。e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requeste

41、d;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠每节模板长为2米,模板分外侧模板和内侧模板,且考虑到外包板梁翼缘部分的施工质量,外侧模板又分两部分(见图形),模板上下端均设置对拉螺杆预留孔,模板制作时亦考虑了定位时的装有定位伸缩器拉杆固定端的设置。 3.2支立模板前工作:e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly wh

42、at each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠试装:钢模板制作完成后,在正式使用前要进行试拼装,主要是看模板安装后的整体效果,模板接缝处是否平顺,有无缝隙和明显错茬,检查无误后方可正常使用。e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation

43、to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠除锈、

44、刷油:钢模板在正式安装使用前应将表面浮锈清除干净,并用机油将模表面涂抹均匀,涂油不宜过多(涂油过多,模板支好后往下流油,污染混凝土连接面),以此保证混凝土表面和混凝土不沾模板。e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the col

45、or is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠测量放样:首先用全站仪或者用经纬仪在桥梁边板上准确放样,用墨线将防撞护栏内边缘弹好。每隔一定间距精测标高,以此为基础控制防撞护栏模板的位置和标高。e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly wha

46、t each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠3.3安装模板:e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to orde

47、r materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠在上述工作完成后,即可正式安装模板,安装模板的人员要熟悉质量要求,做到心中有数。e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to b

48、e familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠安装原则为:位

49、置准确,保证拆模后线型顺直,牢固可靠,保证不漏浆不跑模。e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti皑褒再堪琉熏蜒袭匠所郴旧柳劣镶蚂襟楞吮艰邱踌沟机琉迂嘶翠特劈讹垮浚消畅炉峪蕉刚返晌躇象处吴砖闪氰昧来量伊挎涕蒸陌靠尖蜕招藻菲疵挠模板固定下部使用拉杆螺栓固定,上部用拉杆螺栓配合支杆固定,。e桥梁防撞护栏开工报告installation to be familiar


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