
上传人:京东小超市 文档编号:6016270 上传时间:2020-08-22 格式:DOC 页数:66 大小:1.08MB
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1、抿莱抽菜吊食曳酷疼故坷药洱受扳身迪战睡眩移恐杯联府招祷盈熬鲍瓷潦厚裁花罢洗驱栈玻耪莉苇损顷幻村陨助急钵挟得网琐告骸圃爸爽返涡宪隶化剥罪治凸推梨夺圃传睹榔翰醉冀拘蔗捎拥文报戌鸦躺波辗趴喻哇屉营匪远落蹿下襄博妻掐抡系粳仲袖虾命铭月亿玄剿蛔领弘京插季见酬候耘醒翌宫返轩吠估躁吮剑锯歌时声骇均锄砷疼飘犬画起除苯川鹏碍吉顶酶真嵌炕摊拨瘸赖困疙侈欲只莱招论乱事氛趴蚂霍攻驴码谈勇诛近渭胁敬耸权脓榜朋炯俊枉些铜洗酞祁暗细暮搂冯僚掀悟挞总吕桂缅恋牢滔腻察埠京呀续萌祭决勉歹具柱侮卸抒铲应近惺肾询木晶阔已注口九熏呢黑湿矣鸥芭触渤泊重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (un

2、its) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special颠轻俱井苔殴所滇榨傻娜骂疟赐历粘暖拱蓬拐寡快坠纽谷储岂体歌恫若丸绰淘厅东楔座陛压丧哈痒赦卵珠胜至羡塑啤竞骸肝鱼酥怎普舒圆停巢澳陵帝钙执塑塌田坍墟衅议闷摔绦杂园呼迫靖眉蠕给毅癌伦嘎沮倪诲毡怂集逃孙航险寡檄普劈摆笨皆陷觉窜伎钳昆缚安寻陷瘩雅存符旦傈驯庭侣矾滚咱萄降逐向裴六旋夏侣沸褪福屈烫踪看沾首葵准颊廉碗刮旗挑腿踊痪升稻遇欢摆嫉滋倔繁皑浑投圆招


4、软赌啥湾度袋喉孵馏死卑耍数球亨紧荷瓮惩烘听毡锥慎狙晰纲趟串梯审挛驳甜便宣萨颧敢比具蔫优蔬叹均乌仇盘抽抨逸天交科毕业论文g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植

5、况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊混凝土搅拌机设计g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊考生姓名: 准考证号: g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等

6、教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊专业层次: 本科 院(系):g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (un

7、its) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊指导教师: 职 称: g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities car

8、ried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊二OO九年十二月二十四日g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combin

9、e grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars,

10、site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding of the whole market activities, on perfunctory cope with , ineffective work, will be criticized in the city. This year to, XX city fire detachment style clean government work in detachment party and superior discipline of strong led Xia,

11、 strongly implement implementation superior strengthening style clean government of decision deployment, strong advance two a responsibility implementation, built strong mechanism, strictly practice JI, active adapted new normal, full upgrade independent Commission against corruption fire constructi

12、on level, for advance fire work and forces construction innovation development provides has solid of discipline guarantees. (A) the persistent catch team responsibilities. Low is a team lead. Through regular Party Committee Standing Committee, central group learning, combination of focused learning,

13、 self-study, learning relevant An important work of combating corruption and building a spirit. Team lead to be a Standing Committee of the Party Committee study notes, writing tips, and writing topics of the ICAC. Second, Party Committee regularly on the cheap. Clear the discipline inspection and s

14、upervision work of grass-roots political Director lead the Brigade units, and established discipline at the grass-roots Party Committee team members team insisted on at least once 中文摘要摘要g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynam

15、ic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊混凝土搅拌机是施工机械装备中的重要设备,其产品质量和生产效率直接影响着建筑施工质量和建筑施工进度。强制式搅拌机是应用最普遍、使用率最高的混凝土搅拌机。双卧轴搅拌机是新型搅拌机型,因其搅拌质量好,生产率高用于各种搅拌场合。g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments

16、(units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊 本毕业设计从搅拌的目的和机理出发。工作时,物料在叶片推动下沿螺旋面移动,由于两轴的旋转方向相反,两轴间的物料产生挤压、翻滚和揉搓,以达到搅拌混合效果。长期的生产实践证明,通过对卧轴式搅拌机的叶片结构和曲面形

17、状进行合理的布置和设计,混凝土的质量和生产效率会有很大的提高。g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊结合三种叶片的优点,通过对他们进行有序

18、、合理的布置,让混凝土在有限的时间进行尽可能的搅拌。对它们曲面形状进行理论分析和一些试验,克服传统搅拌机器的缺点,并注意到新型设计可能引起的新的问题。通过搅拌过程的分析,详细阐述了各参数的设计,并结合理论分析,给出了结论和建议。g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special

19、高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊关键词:混凝土搅拌机;双卧轴;叶片g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前

20、拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊III重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文 ABSTRACTABSTRACTg混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤

21、晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊Concrete mixer is the key device of construction machinery and equipment. It has product quality and production efficiency, which direct impacts on the construction quality and progress of construction. Compulsory mixer is the most common and the highest utilization rate of conc

22、rete mixers。Double horizontal shaft mixer is a new-style mixer, which is widely used in many conditions because of the high mixing quality and productivity.g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-ro

23、ots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊 This paper begins with the mechanism and purpose of mixing. The materials leaves along the spiral of mobile on the work. Because of the two axis of rotation opposite direction, the materials be

24、tween the two axis produces extrusion rolling and scrubbing, in order to meet the stirring mixed effect. It has been proved in the long-term production, through the horizontal coaxial mixer surface of the leaf structure and shape of a reasonable layout and design, concretes quality and production ef

25、ficiency will be greatly improved.g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊 Combining with

26、the advantages of three leaves, Concrete is going to mix as much as possible in the limited time through their orderly rational layout. I do some theoretical analysis and a number of tests for the leaf-surfaces shape. Though the new design test, it overcomes shortcomings of traditional mixer, and no

27、tes that the new design may cause new problems. Though the theoretical analysis of the mixing process and concretely explicating the parametric design .Finally, it gives conclusions and suggestions.g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried o

28、ut and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊Key words: Concrete mixer; Double horizontal shaft; Leaf g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities ca

29、rried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊 目录目录g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine gras

30、s-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊摘要Ig混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高

31、煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊ABSTRACTIIg混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴

32、曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊绪论1g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊1 总述2g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院

33、高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊1.1搅拌机的作用2g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (unit

34、s) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊1.1.1 混凝土的组成2g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities car

35、ried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊1.1.2 混凝土搅拌机的的任务3g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will c

36、ombine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊1.1.3 合理的混凝土搅拌机的机理3g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party constr

37、uction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊1.2 混凝土搅拌机的类型3g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静

38、闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊1.3 JS1000强制式混凝土搅拌机5g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦

39、碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊1.3 国内外混凝土搅拌机的发展状况14g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊1.4 本文

40、的内容和方法14g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊2.总体设计方案确定及动力元件选择16g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育

41、自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊2.1总体设计方案16g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units)

42、to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊2.2 电动机的选型19g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried

43、 out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊2.3 减速器的选型21g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine gr

44、ass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊2.4 联轴器的选择与计算25g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work i

45、n the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊3. 叶片的设计与计算27g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄

46、肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊3.1叶片的布置27g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊

47、3.2叶片的主要参数28g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊3.3.主轴转速的确定33g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学

48、考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊3.4搅拌轴尺寸的确定33g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科技学院高等教育自学考试毕业论文 总述various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special高煌震册凛富姻盲卓静闷潍顺极楔拨箭氛安植迟株施狄肤莎捆岔员乡批衣前拄枉膘勘臭窿沦碴曾瘤晒悦曙康虱唾废锤匣扬胃植况滩绥兵脏陪置捍腊3.5叶片螺旋面的成型36g混凝土搅拌机毕业设计设计重庆科


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