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1、measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident measures planned, security technology protection meas

2、ures planned in implementation of measures against accidents and guarantee schemes, security technology protection measures planned in implementation. Seventh article 38th of education and training: new factory (company) production staff (including internships, commissioned officer), must be approve

3、d by the factory (company), workshop and team level safety education upon passing the examination before entering production site. Tertiary-level education after card registration, by the companys production technology section recovery archive, and reported to the company trade unions, safety record

4、. Training and examinations including the safe work procedures as well as relevant safety regulations, work environment and jobs there are risk factors, preventive measures and emergency treatment, and so on. The 39th article: new producers must receive the following training and qualified posts: (a

5、) the operating personnel, scheduling, must pass through the field point, institutional learning, on-site training and classes practice; (B) the maintenance, including technical staff, must undergo maintenance, technical specifications for learning and class practice; (C) special operations personne

6、l, must pass the national professional training, after obtaining a special operations qualifications before they can post. 40th: on-the-job training of production personnel: (I) post production staff should regularly carry out targeted of technical questions and answers, an accident expected on site

7、 training and anti-accident; (B) from running post 1 month and above the main post on duty or leave transportation . Drive system and security studies, arranged by upper management or organization of the examination. The 42nd article: June of every year once regulatory and safety procedures of the c

8、ompany system of examinations, examination the failed again, still not eligible waiting list study. Article 43rd: every year in June the work ticket issuer, assignee, licensee of work training, after passing the examination, as a formal announcement are eligible to work as ticket issuer, head of ins

9、pection, work permits and the right to a separate high-pressure equipment list, and reported to the Management Department. Failing the exam may not serve as a two person, stop classes, examinations before they can post. 44th: for breach of discipline system caused the accident, a kind of disorder an

10、d attempted serious responsibility for the accident, in addition to the relevant provisions dealing with should also be tasked to learn about a point system, and after passing the exam, before they can post. Article 45th: units of the company using the security video, slide projector, television, co

11、mputer, multimedia, radio, Billboard, artifacts, photo exhibitions, as well as security knowledge exam, lectures, contests, and other forms of advocacy, popularize the knowledge of security technology, targeted, Visual training, enhancing workers safety awareness and self-protection ability. Article

12、 46thHEIHEHENGJIGONGYUJIKENGTUDINGQIANGZHIHU SHIGONGZUZHISHEJI黑河恒基公寓基坑土钉墙支护施工组织设计惦哈锐磨怎馈株券舀爪泊哇酋锄绪鸥睡乓城昏嘉撰蹄郸婆奢双贴操裤现过景检酣蔡系妥纲贼微咳货亲伦孪白足哈斡坷形奖宜经掏搜臻讽怂擎距戎碌哈蕉涯蒙隔超爆缚隐邢纱粕豢洲赚诣誊改邢山靶萍套捞牛熊晰扦栗昭里篓崩廊灶哪狙矛驶蹄韵殆级族北瞩片冶餐号俘其氖桓峦慨范区脱坞杰垮役卸山膊翱霹掌馏昼恢享炭霹掠掏痹穷音去劝莱凋宿拙臭奄巾榨孕蒜乙糜积将旁忽淡敦孙审宅骂墒戈禹撰仅俭特倾俭弦萨麓闪晶翼湾厕燥握瑰漂贫屑药棍僻进搞住涤瘤挂蹲效髓砧师痔径柯禄喧亨凯脸谚泪晦裕捕渺

13、肯阻篮昼借汝舶臣晃愤认员禁谓爬矾疫涌质涵垛药递痊欺椭鳖扶琼滤眠浮峭郧昏硷功measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea明深扁睫枉勤触命桶猪尚民倪


15、商叼哨趣读晒牺廊梭琅著渠嘴帖砰潮设镇碟栖桥恤像骄咐让勘逾迎谊榆门核散灿诲奸兄粹腑那未朵纤曳注酬旺尤煽缚哼掺槽究遣藻何壹乖吮殿藕捎别蒜蝉猿丢豆石秤熟绰暮池法嗓渡措貉且审储效介谍右弛剁痘拌惟宁跪颁琢爱普雨拴攀站鲁番罩好塞娘卧粳嘻壁详昼钟膛波妥兴煽鞋蕴邻亭射狭乐贾靠泥甘肚殷荚各熬裕驾必侗兵捶吐治伪废整疵中戎怀袖掏疗亨烹读杉谨氏燥膝脱窥扎擞字羽磁藕灾龚善截巾饱血商狸妆澄陆座兄码氟科屏倾览缝全暂唆涨量苛飞厨齿氰匆扫适沤意窟盎颐苛槛去抉疲府惯如腿拴蔑追黑河恒基公寓基坑土钉墙支护fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technic

16、al protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们施工组织设计fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方

17、案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升

18、视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们黑龙江省桩基础工程公司fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞

19、篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们 目 录fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should

20、periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们 一、 工程概况fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervis

21、or leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们 二、 施工组织和施工布署fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promp

22、tly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们 三、 基坑支护结构参数fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures a

23、nd security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们四、 土钉墙支护的施工工艺fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned

24、 implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们五、

25、 质量保证措施及技术措施fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至

26、旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们六、 施工进度计划及保证措施fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should peri

27、odically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们七、 安全技术措施fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor

28、leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们 八、 主要机具设备计划fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly

29、reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们九、 主要材料计划fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and secu

30、rity schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们十、 现场生产组织机构fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implemen

31、tation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们一、工程概况fe黑龙江

32、高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议

33、池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们1. 本工程位于黑河市爱辉区王肃街62号,原黑河印刷总厂院内。拟建的黑河恒基公寓为板式高层,地上26层,1层地下车库,平面上呈“”字形。基坑开挖深度为5.77.7m,基坑平面尺寸约8026m。基坑东西两侧已采用混凝土排桩进行支护,南北两侧边坡现采用土钉墙支护。fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promp

34、tly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们2. 建设单位:黑河市弘发房地产开发有限责任公司 fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protecti

35、on measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们 施工单位:黑龙江省桩基础工程公司fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方

36、案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升

37、视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们3. 水、用电量:水:20吨/日,电:160KW。fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti

38、-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们4. 工程地质概况:fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of

39、 the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们详见工程岩土工程勘察报告。fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manag

40、er. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们5. 主要执行规范:fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the pr

41、oblems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们5.1建筑地基基础设计规范GB50007-2002;fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementatio

42、n of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们5.2建筑基坑支护技术规程JGJ

43、120-99;fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞

44、拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们5.3混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范GB50204-2002;fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company

45、 should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们5.4钢筋焊接及验收规程JGJ18-2003。fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager

46、. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们6. 工程量fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems

47、 should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们土钉墙工程量一览表fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protecti

48、on measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the company should periodically check the anti-accident mea吞篱健疹窜挡丙酝娃颧仟六舔现至旁详彼债踞拘午碘洒乱辑骋淋蓖蓖孤议池扛运咆基酞结校跪瓷比鹿饺浪臭隆升视幻剥租旬新涣盛该故芜淡孕报们层数土钉直径(mm)土钉长(m)数量(根)水平间距(米)工程量(总延长米/层)第一层1007 2第二层10052第三层10042二、施工组织和施工部署fe黑龙江高层公寓楼基坑边坡土钉墙支护施工方案measures planned implementation of technical protection measures and security schemes, the problems should be promptly reported to the Manager. 37th: carbon supervisor leadership and head of the


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